So many whiners
Is FFXIV any good?
Actually it would probably be good for you. Because I can’t stand it. lol
People whining about whiners….How original.
Guess I’ll give my opinion and whine too, in the form of a game to game comparison, even though white knights really, really, really hate it when people do that.
Final Fantasy XIV is like Guild Wars 2 in almost every way. We get regular free updates that adds so much stuff, it makes other MMO’s absolutely pathetic by comparison. The Difference is that one of these games has a confirmed Expansion, confirmed new Classes, confirmed updates to existing classes (not including balance), as well as originally Confirmed(and already implemented) housing. The other game has almost no confirmed future content, and has a unique nature that makes people feel like the Devs are chasing us around a bush with a really big stick until we pass out and forget what questions we were asking.
You mean it has no trinity and it’s got no raids?
That’s another difference, yeah….Though GW2 does have a different sort of Raid in the form of Tequatl. It requires a lot of preparation and almost perfect execution, just like a raid. Raids are not defined as private instances (though a lot of people that complain about the lack of raids in this game define it as such)
And also, The Lack of a Trinity is probably GW2’s strongest aspect…but it does take away a lot of gameplay options, because even if other choices exist, all that matters in a game like this is damage, damage, killing, and more damage. Nothing will ever change that either because of how the game is designed.
OP, have all my internets.
This complaint circlejerk on this forum is ridiculous. I hate it with a burning passion.
I won’t deny that the game has problems, but it also has a lot of good things to offer. These threads don’t reflect the real state of the game or what the majority thinks.
Don’t take them seriously.
I think it’s fine if people express criticism with the game. However, it shouldn’t be used as an excuse to behave badly. If you act like a jerk here, it’s not because the game is bad, it’s because you’re a jerk. People need should learn how to express themselves properly.
If you truly care about this game, you can accomplish more with a positive attitude that shares your opinions. Being a jerk just turns people away from you. It makes the game less pleasant without accomplishing anything worthwhile.
Looking back at them, they overshadow posts that are areas for improvement for the game, which makes me think that they are just hindering the game itself. But then again, I should know by now that the forum users represent a small, yet vocal fraction of the gamerbase.
»Everyone has the right to voice opinion«
Yet you spend most of the rest of your post informing others how their opinions should be kept to themselves.
This is by far the best MMO I’ve played, and I’ve tried tons. Anet, you’re doing a smashing job! Thank you!
In many ways I agree, Arena Net have done a good job with Guild Wars II and it is a fine MMO. But do not expect everyone to feel the same, to some it is a decent game that has not reached it’s potential.
there is a difference between improvement suggestions and str8 up whining.
I agree, but this topic is straight up whining. It does not solve any issues or help relive anyone’s fears or eloquently change opinions. All your appalling advice says is that if you do not like something then you should stay quiet about it or do something else.
I do not mind people with genuine complaints with the game, they have a right to be upset. But what does annoy me are those that get up in arms, not because of an opinion on how the game should be but rather an opinion on how other players should be. Let others complain, unless you bought the game for them then you have no right to tell them what to do or think.
It’s a great game engine with poor post-launch development.
GW2 is an awesome platform – now if they’d only do something fun with it!!!
Do you really want to know why people whine? Because it has the best chance of working. Think about all the posts that have been well-written and thoughtfully conveyed an issue that is hindering this game. How many of those were answered by devs?
Now think about how many changes were made because of players effectively throwing internet tantrums. Here’s a few from a mesmer main’s perspective. Confusion is a joke. I can’t think of any skill that has been nerfed more than portal. Into the Void’s 1-second delay makes it too obvious to work as a proper interrupt. By far the worst is when Pyro had his account banned for inciting mesmer forum-goers to whine incessantly about a particular change that I won’t get into. I will say, however, that the change he instigated was made and rather quickly at that.
That’s the sad state of communication between the devs and players. If they responded to the more intellectual posts and ignored all the whining, people would be more inclined to make intellectual posts simply on the basis that it works. In all honestly, they wouldn’t even have to do much but enter the discussion. It doesn’t even have to be a dev. Just have a mod whose job is to interact with forum goers and consolidate concerns. Even if said person had one thread on every subforum that he (or she) actively engaged in, I guarantee you that thread would ALWAYS be the longest and most popular!
tl;dr – More communication would lead to less whining.
Oh, and I want my mounts.
It’s a great game engine with poor post-launch development.
GW2 is an awesome platform – now if they’d only do something fun with it!!!
I don’t know. I’m having fun.
All of my hasty written examples aren’t the best thing I could’ve written, true. But still, this forum is flooded with “opinions” like “I’m bored here, nothing to do, I’ll leave; worst decisions ever; make this or that or I’ll leave; I want this easier”, where arguments/reasons in most cases are pretty pathetic – selfish and based on laziness.
Excuse me but I don’t see rants like “Give me that or I’m leaving” good for anyone, just because it would take you a bit more time to obtain it. Or “opinions” where you are jealous when you can’t get something, just because you don’t particularly like to play that exact content, and than demand another way to get it or just burst into rude comments etc etc
I do agree they are keeping development plans from us a bit too much, but if game would be as awful as many ppl are making it look up here, they wouldn’t be playing it.
And yes, this topic is a whine, but who cares when 70%+ of this forums content is whining anyway?
Just… let them.
I mean most of them complainants can’t even suggest something that the entire community (including ANet) would benefit or something that is balanced..
Hypocrites.. hypocrites everywhere!
constructive criticism along with suggestions isn’t the same as whining for Drama Queen title.
with the rest, i can pretty sure agree with OP.