Sometimes I just want to farm...
What’s the difference between farming and grinding? (serious question by the way)
“Grinding” usually meant “killing stuff for XP” whereas “farming” usually just means "killing a type of mob for a specific loot drop ",
People talk about getting the stuff for a legendary as grinding, not farming.
Well, grinding in the sense of legendaries is an apt term, seeing that there are so many different things needed to be done repeatedly, not just killing one type of monster over and over again.
Still, both farming and grinding are “doing the same thing over and over and over again”.
Which leaves me the question: why is farming considered “fun” and grinding a chore? (tbh, I really hate farming myself, but that is my opinion )
I have to agree Jammy, this is the ONLY mmo i’ve ever played where my maxed lvl crafter cannot gather the mats in time to make a guildmate armor b4 they outlevel it 10 levels.
Another competing b2p forever game is benefitting from Anet’s DR here atm as that’s where this households per month on gems is going.
…mats to make/level my own crafting stuff. DR is an insulting mechanic. An hour of trying to get enough mats to finish a tier of crafting and then “sorry please call back at a later time”. So as a customer who has spent real money in their gem store to get doodly-doots and support an otherwise excellent game experience I will say only this:
Love the game, folks – but not another dime from me until you dump DR.
Unfortunately that’s not an option here, it’s a very controlled very “gated” environment… everything is guided and on rails and carefully balanced to remove any chance of emergent behavior.
But most of all, the decisions they make can all be traced back to a path leading to the cash shop, including DR.
Still, both farming and grinding are “doing the same thing over and over and over again”.
Which leaves me the question: why is farming considered “fun” and grinding a chore? (tbh, I really hate farming myself, but that is my opinion
in my mind:
grinding means you’re forced to do something over and over to make progress in the story etc
farming means you are willingly going out of your way to do something repetitive for something that you want that isn’t necessary to win the game
An hour of trying to get enough mats to finish a tier of crafting and then …
… you change zone and continue to farm without a care in the world.
Northern Shiverpeaks
Still, both farming and grinding are “doing the same thing over and over and over again”.
Which leaves me the question: why is farming considered “fun” and grinding a chore? (tbh, I really hate farming myself, but that is my opinion
in my mind:
grinding means you’re forced to do something over and over to make progress in the story etc
farming means you are willingly going out of your way to do something repetitive for something that you want that isn’t necessary to win the game
Grinding: repetition to make progress
Farming: actions to get a thing
Still, both farming and grinding are “doing the same thing over and over and over again”.
Which leaves me the question: why is farming considered “fun” and grinding a chore? (tbh, I really hate farming myself, but that is my opinion
in my mind:
grinding means you’re forced to do something over and over to make progress in the story etc
farming means you are willingly going out of your way to do something repetitive for something that you want that isn’t necessary to win the game
Sure, but legendaries are not necessary in the game. Are they a grindin or farm?
Still, both farming and grinding are “doing the same thing over and over and over again”.
Which leaves me the question: why is farming considered “fun” and grinding a chore? (tbh, I really hate farming myself, but that is my opinion
in my mind:
grinding means you’re forced to do something over and over to make progress in the story etc
farming means you are willingly going out of your way to do something repetitive for something that you want that isn’t necessary to win the game
Sure, but legendaries are not necessary in the game. Are they a grindin or farm?
farm, you don’t need them you just want them
Still, both farming and grinding are “doing the same thing over and over and over again”.
Which leaves me the question: why is farming considered “fun” and grinding a chore? (tbh, I really hate farming myself, but that is my opinion
in my mind:
grinding means you’re forced to do something over and over to make progress in the story etc
farming means you are willingly going out of your way to do something repetitive for something that you want that isn’t necessary to win the game
Sure, but legendaries are not necessary in the game. Are they a grindin or farm?
They are grinding due to the repetition. You don’t need 1 or 2 components, you need hundreds of the same things... × 4 etc.
Still, both farming and grinding are “doing the same thing over and over and over again”.
Which leaves me the question: why is farming considered “fun” and grinding a chore? (tbh, I really hate farming myself, but that is my opinion
in my mind:
grinding means you’re forced to do something over and over to make progress in the story etc
farming means you are willingly going out of your way to do something repetitive for something that you want that isn’t necessary to win the game
Sure, but legendaries are not necessary in the game. Are they a grindin or farm?
farm, you don’t need them you just want them
Grinding/farming has nothing to do with need vs. want.
I enjoy mindlessly killing mobs for drops also, anet dosent care they only want us to buy gold.
Unfortunately that’s not an option here, it’s a very controlled very “gated” environment… everything is guided and on rails and carefully balanced to remove any chance of emergent behavior.
But most of all, the decisions they make can all be traced back to a path leading to the cash shop, including DR.
You, good sir/madam, have just won today’s over-sized Cupcake of Ultimate Frosting Overload.
Very well said indeed.
For anyone still needing a helping of cynicism, I suggest watching the “Manifesto” video a few times more. Oh, the irony.
On a positive note, I hereby put it to the developers that there should be instituted a punching bag somewhere handy in Lion’s Arch, that we may use freely after returning to town.
It’s small wonder the gods left Tyria – perhaps they sensed the approach of Nexon?
Now there’s an end-game boss.
in my mind:
grinding means you’re forced to do something over and over to make progress in the story etcfarming means you are willingly going out of your way to do something repetitive for something that you want that isn’t necessary to win the game
Exactly, farming is the players choice.
Hang on… didnt Anet say we could play the game anyway we liked ? Nah they couldnt have.. otherwise DR would contradict that !
Here’s a novel suggestion.. let people play the game their way (like you said) ! ! !
Money can’t buy happiness, But it allows you to search in more places to find it !
Sometimes I like to farm, or grind, whatever you want to call it.
Sometimes I just like to do mind numbing things, and I can enjoy it.
Sometimes I like to just stay in an area and kill stuff over and over.
Sometimes I just want to play how I want to play.
And we get this…….
“Hang on… didnt Anet say we could play the game anyway we liked ?”
And sometimes I can’t do what I really want to do.
I gave up on crafting mid wool tier tailoring on my first class and haven’t bothered with it on any alts. And I don’t even think DR existed then. Crafting needs to be seriously casuallized so you can level it with just what you find leveling up or it needs to be given something that makes it worth being the hardcore gold/timesink that it is.
I have to agree Jammy, this is the ONLY mmo i’ve ever played where my maxed lvl crafter cannot gather the mats in time to make a guildmate armor b4 they outlevel it 10 levels.
Another competing b2p forever game is benefitting from Anet’s DR here atm as that’s where this households per month on gems is going.
Keep in mind this may also be the only MMO you’ve ever played where it takes about the same time to go from one level to the next instead of an increasing amount of time per level. You level faster in this game, so no, you won’t have nearly as much time to gather mats before you out-level an intended mid-level armor for example.
Just normalize everyones drops down to DR level… maybe mid-way because everyone would kill themselves if they only got greys
That way I don’t feel like a loser for wanting to kill 500 mobs as recreation
Everybody wins!
There is no grinding in gw2.
Imagine this: an item on the Gem Store that is used to remove DR, I believe it would sell very well.
Cost: 500 Gems
“Use this item to remove DR from your character”
I am like the OP, sometimes i like to just kill stuff and see what i get, or kill stuff that drops what i need/want.
DR was implemented under the guise of a bot deterrent, as we the players all know, bots were quite rampant in the past and Anet has gotten a pretty good handle on it now with their dedicated team of bot detectors and some new code. DR will and has never stopped botting, bots will just add a line to their code to switch areas every hour. DR will and has only ever hurt the legitimate players.
Ask yourself this. Now that bots are fairly rare and there is new code and a dedicated team assigned to banning them, why is DR still in effect? The amount of mats required for the best infusions and some other high end gear is ridiculous, 250 of this 100 of that, but you can’t farm for it. They want you to need gold, and they limit your ability to make gold or farm the mats directly. It makes the fastest and easiest option the Gem Store. It’s not an accident.
crickits 80 ranger
crickets 80 warrior – current main
I have to agree Jammy, this is the ONLY mmo i’ve ever played where my maxed lvl crafter cannot gather the mats in time to make a guildmate armor b4 they outlevel it 10 levels.
Another competing b2p forever game is benefitting from Anet’s DR here atm as that’s where this households per month on gems is going.
Keep in mind this may also be the only MMO you’ve ever played where it takes about the same time to go from one level to the next instead of an increasing amount of time per level. You level faster in this game, so no, you won’t have nearly as much time to gather mats before you out-level an intended mid-level armor for example.
So a lvl 80 400 crafter can’t make a lvl 30 guildmate some armor. Tell me do you think this is a crafting system that’s working ?
I have to agree Jammy, this is the ONLY mmo i’ve ever played where my maxed lvl crafter cannot gather the mats in time to make a guildmate armor b4 they outlevel it 10 levels.
Another competing b2p forever game is benefitting from Anet’s DR here atm as that’s where this households per month on gems is going.
Keep in mind this may also be the only MMO you’ve ever played where it takes about the same time to go from one level to the next instead of an increasing amount of time per level. You level faster in this game, so no, you won’t have nearly as much time to gather mats before you out-level an intended mid-level armor for example.
So a lvl 80 400 crafter can’t make a lvl 30 guildmate some armor. Tell me do you think this is a crafting system that’s working ?
Why can’t you? If you’re a 400 crafter you can make anyone practically anything, just need the mats. There’s the AH, you can buy them, or better yet… have your friend gather the bits and pieces he needs for you.
I am like the OP, sometimes i like to just kill stuff and see what i get, or kill stuff that drops what i need/want.
DR was implemented under the guise of a bot deterrent, as we the players all know, bots were quite rampant in the past and Anet has gotten a pretty good handle on it now with their dedicated team of bot detectors and some new code. DR will and has never stopped botting, bots will just add a line to their code to switch areas every hour. DR will and has only ever hurt the legitimate players.
Ask yourself this. Now that bots are fairly rare and there is new code and a dedicated team assigned to banning them, why is DR still in effect? The amount of mats required for the best infusions and some other high end gear is ridiculous, 250 of this 100 of that, but you can’t farm for it. They want you to need gold, and they limit your ability to make gold or farm the mats directly. It makes the fastest and easiest option the Gem Store. It’s not an accident.
Bots are far from rare
What’s the difference between farming and grinding? (serious question by the way)
Farming implies doing something which may or not be repetitive that you may or not necessarily love but is bearable, in order to achieve rewards/loot/gold.
Grinding usually implies a repetitive task which is most often not enjoyed, but mostly effective in achieving rewards/loot/gold.
GM of Crew of Misfits (CoM)
Piken Square, EU
I’m with you.
Sometimes I just want to buy some seeds, go to my home instance, plant them there and…
Eh? Not that kind of farm? What kind of farm?
Meh. That’s boring.
I have to agree Jammy, this is the ONLY mmo i’ve ever played where my maxed lvl crafter cannot gather the mats in time to make a guildmate armor b4 they outlevel it 10 levels.
Another competing b2p forever game is benefitting from Anet’s DR here atm as that’s where this households per month on gems is going.
Keep in mind this may also be the only MMO you’ve ever played where it takes about the same time to go from one level to the next instead of an increasing amount of time per level. You level faster in this game, so no, you won’t have nearly as much time to gather mats before you out-level an intended mid-level armor for example.
So a lvl 80 400 crafter can’t make a lvl 30 guildmate some armor. Tell me do you think this is a crafting system that’s working ?
Why can’t you? If you’re a 400 crafter you can make anyone practically anything, just need the mats. There’s the AH, you can buy them, or better yet… have your friend gather the bits and pieces he needs for you.
You supplied the reason why my guildie can’t gather them remember ….. he’ll level fast
DR will and has never stopped botting, bots will just add a line to their code to switch areas every hour. DR will and has only ever hurt the legitimate players.
Because legitimate players are prevented from switching areas every hour by…?
To those that have never had DR follow them around; it doesn’t matter where you go (zones), what you do (DE’s, kill multiple types of mobs), or who you do it to/with(play WvW for a bit or switch to alt). The DR can and will stalk you if you happen to be one of the unlucky.
I agree with OP. I go to Southsun for the Powerful blood and Karka shells 1 day of the week for about an hour. I start on one side and run to the other gathering nodes, killing karka, killing skelks, breeze riders etc. But after that first hour… ‘forget about it’.
Even if I go all the way to Frostgorge I am not getting anything that I can craft with or so little of it, it won’t do me any good. Oh and don’t even think about logging onto an alt to escape it… DR knows… it knows
Don’t forget some people like the mind numbing repetition of farming. Some don’t. Either way the DR will punish them.
Devs: Trait Challenge Issued
I tend to get crafting materials more then trash when I happen to kill monsters that give bonus. When I circle and kill the same mobs It seems i get less. Prolly just RNG if they are gonna have a DR they ought to just put a debuff on ya that says ur getting pooped on.
There is no grinding in gw2.
I’m going to assume you’re being ironic, as the alternative is rather silly. :p
How’d that work out for us so far?
Now let’s try some ideas that will really work.
Yeah, some drops are insane. I tried to farm crystal lodestone. Farmed for 30 minutes not a single drop, I gave up after that,.. what’s the point then.
They keep promoting how you can play the way you want to play.
But they don’t allow people to farm, it’s very clear.
Same goes for the mobs that run away if you drag them too “far”.
I am like the OP, sometimes i like to just kill stuff and see what i get, or kill stuff that drops what i need/want.
DR was implemented under the guise of a bot deterrent, as we the players all know, bots were quite rampant in the past and Anet has gotten a pretty good handle on it now with their dedicated team of bot detectors and some new code. DR will and has never stopped botting, bots will just add a line to their code to switch areas every hour. DR will and has only ever hurt the legitimate players.
Ask yourself this. Now that bots are fairly rare and there is new code and a dedicated team assigned to banning them, why is DR still in effect? The amount of mats required for the best infusions and some other high end gear is ridiculous, 250 of this 100 of that, but you can’t farm for it. They want you to need gold, and they limit your ability to make gold or farm the mats directly. It makes the fastest and easiest option the Gem Store. It’s not an accident.
Bots are far from rare
Yes bots are still rampant within the game especially in Orr. They only seem rare due to the fact that they travel beneath the map!
I have to agree Jammy, this is the ONLY mmo i’ve ever played where my maxed lvl crafter cannot gather the mats in time to make a guildmate armor b4 they outlevel it 10 levels.
Another competing b2p forever game is benefitting from Anet’s DR here atm as that’s where this households per month on gems is going.
Keep in mind this may also be the only MMO you’ve ever played where it takes about the same time to go from one level to the next instead of an increasing amount of time per level. You level faster in this game, so no, you won’t have nearly as much time to gather mats before you out-level an intended mid-level armor for example.
So a lvl 80 400 crafter can’t make a lvl 30 guildmate some armor. Tell me do you think this is a crafting system that’s working ?
Why can’t you? If you’re a 400 crafter you can make anyone practically anything, just need the mats. There’s the AH, you can buy them, or better yet… have your friend gather the bits and pieces he needs for you.
The problem with that is, by the time that player gathers the mats to have someone make it, his/her level will be way past its effective use.
The entire game is designed around the basis of consuming gems, so DR will never ever be fixed. Live with it.
I wish there was a flag/visible cue that let us know DR was in effect. That would make the whole ‘perceived’ issue a little easier to evaluate… Oops wrong thread.
I really do wish we had a visual cue though. Unfortunately that is something that won’t happen because then there would be teams of people trying to figure out how to shake it so they could program their bots accordingly.
I don’t like farming but there are times when I need mats to craft armor or weapons. It shouldn’t take weeks to get those mats because DR hits and hangs around. I understand if you stay in one spot, in one zone, on one type of mob; but what about the DR hanging on even when you switch?
Devs: Trait Challenge Issued
DR will and has never stopped botting, bots will just add a line to their code to switch areas every hour. DR will and has only ever hurt the legitimate players.
Because legitimate players are prevented from switching areas every hour by…?
Nothing, really. Except they said that DR shouldn’t have any impact on legitimate farmers. But clearly that isn’t true.
How clearly?
During the Wintersday event, you know those Mystical Cogs that everyone get 100 of each day from the Tixx instance? Well, that most people got 100 of each day, some people get less than that….
DR cut into what was supposed to be a guaranteed drop
If they have so little control over their vaunted bot prevention system what makes you think they can keep it from screwing around with drops in general. They may say it’s not the DR, but they clearly have no idea what they’re talking about.
DR is a rabid bull in a china shop that needs to be put down, and especially after they made a big MISSION ACCOMPLISHED post crowing about their success against the bots (If I wasn’t so lazy I’d find a picture of the guy who posted it and photoshop his face over Bush with his Mission Accomplished banner)
The point, is that I shouldn’t have to work around a system that they said isn’t supposed to affect me in the first place. That’s what you do while they fix the freaking problem, not the solution.
So, if DR is designed to fight bots, and if they’re telling the truth when they say they’ve largely impacted the bots, then the DR largely needs to go away until such time as the bots become really bad again. Anything else is a tacit admission that it wasn’t just the bots the DR was implemented to hobble, i.e. “legitimate” farmers.
There is absolutely no evidence to support that it would.” -AnthonyOrdon
You like farming? Unfortunately you’re playing the wrong game.
I still have no idea why DR exists. At first I thought it was to combat bots, okay fair enough. But now bots are pretty much under control, but we still have DR…
So now legitimate players are being punished for reasons not specified. My only conclusion is it keeps people playing for longer and also encourages people to purchase gems.
Pretty lame tactic if you ask me.
Feel free to correct me ANet!
You like farming? Unfortunately you’re playing the wrong game.
I still have no idea why DR exists. At first I thought it was to combat bots, okay fair enough. But now bots are pretty much under control, but we still have DR…
So now legitimate players are being punished for reasons not specified. My only conclusion is it keeps people playing for longer and also encourages people to purchase gems.
Pretty lame tactic if you ask me.
Feel free to correct me ANet!
If this is the wrong game for farming can you explain the staggering amount of items need to get a legendary?
My 2c.
Grinding and Farming are two similar descriptions, however, vary with respect to the context you use them in.
Grinding – Relentless, tedius, repetitive and often unenjoyable gameplay towards an achievement/goal.
Farming – Repetitive and less inclined to be unenjoyable/tedious gameplay towards an achievement/goal.
Overall, in terms of repetive gameplay that is unenjoyable to the player, ‘grinding’ would be higher up on the scale than ‘farming’.
Do not click this link!
…mats to make/level my own crafting stuff. DR is an insulting mechanic. An hour of trying to get enough mats to finish a tier of crafting and then “sorry please call back at a later time”. So as a customer who has spent real money in their gem store to get doodly-doots and support an otherwise excellent game experience I will say only this:
Love the game, folks – but not another dime from me until you dump DR.
I have no issues farming.
The trick is not to stay in one spot too long. If you do you will incur the wrath of the bot buster.
if you want lowbie mats run through all the starter zones and you will not encounter DR
Farming is fine unless it becomes overwhelmingly tedious, didn’t a dev state gw2 farming would be “creative” or something back then?
So, if DR is designed to fight bots, and if they’re telling the truth when they say they’ve largely impacted the bots, then the DR largely needs to go away until such time as the bots become really bad again. Anything else is a tacit admission that it wasn’t just the bots the DR was implemented to hobble, i.e. “legitimate” farmers.
Unfortunately, the bot ‘problem’, and the DR ‘solution’, were a manufactured event right from the beginning, and the coming patches will neither relinquish the monetisation crew’s hold on the loot system, nor address in any way the DR system.
The implementation of laurels is a diversion – a placation to those who are still furious at having their capacity to accrue through gameplay the items or materials they desire.
I don’t want to do either i just want to go out kill a few mobs and get whats needed for my crafting, i do not give a kitten about Legendaries…
I cannot even craft myself a nice set of 80 gear because the insane prices on TP and drops are so ruined its pointless to try to farm.. This is what the January fixes needed to be not some Quaggan Backpack…
The problem with making valuable things farmable is that bots will farm them 24/7 and screw up the economy and sell illegal gold.
Since there is no way to make both things farmable and bots unable to farm them, it’s best to have DR.
Also, when an item/task requires a lot of materials it means said item/task is not meant to be rushed.
High amounts of mats means they mean for it to be a longer term goal.
Allowing you to make it a short term goal by farming would go against the whole point of it.
I still have no idea why DR exists. At first I thought it was to combat bots, okay fair enough. But now bots are pretty much under control, but we still have DR…
Is it not logical though?
Let’s assume that DR was implemented to hinder bots and it was successful. Why would Anet then remove DR considering it has become a defense against the resurgence of bots?
Officially bots are under control because of DR. You remove it and that control has gone to pre-DR days.
Of course, whether or not this is the purpose of DR is another matter. I’m not foolish enough to believe what some business says.
Spent most of my time farming in gw1 was a nice way to relax and earn some plat the joy of finding a rare was also very fun :P mini diablo hehe but i dont get that feeling in gw2 iv even stoped killing mobs and just running for nodes/chests its not worth the time/effort to kill mobs atm