Soulbound vs Account Bound; Why both?

Soulbound vs Account Bound; Why both?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pure Heart.1456

Pure Heart.1456

If the ‘Soulbound/Account Bound’ mechanic is merely to reduce item saturation in the game and game markets, why not remove Soulbind entirely, and keep only Account Bound?

If however, Soulbind exists for the purpose of forcibly requiring players to spend more time in game in order to equip all their characters (alts) with the gear they like, then that’s another issue.

Please enlighten me.

Soulbound vs Account Bound; Why both?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fortus.6175


One word;


[GoM] Gate of Madness Server Elementalist|Guardian
Legendary SoloQ

Soulbound vs Account Bound; Why both?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astral Projections.7320

Astral Projections.7320

Might be to increase value for items in the TP. I have 8 characters. if there was account bound only, I could have bought one complete set of weapons and 3 sets of armor. Instead I bought 8 sets of armor and multiple sets of weapons as each character has all or most of the weapons available to it.

While some people only have one character they play, a fair number of people have multiples. And all these alts across all these accounts need to be outfitted.

Soulbound vs Account Bound; Why both?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Faowri.4159


I can’t honestly see a single compelling reason to make anything soulbound in this game. Accountbound does the job for restricting stuff to a player’s inventory, but soulbound is just plain inconvenience, and the devs are far too heavy handed with it.

Even the fireworks from Dragon Bash were soulbound – what’s the logic? They were something I might have stored in the bank for guild events and social gatherings, but then I’d have to take one particular character to those things, so instead I deleted them all.

Soulbound vs Account Bound; Why both?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Funset.7893


One word;



Soulbound vs Account Bound; Why both?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LadyRhonwyn.2501


I can understand things like mastercrafted and above items being soulbound (weapons, armour and jewels), but not consumables…