“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
Sound Updates
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
Dont change them, the sounds are amazing! the purple glow for Quip is amazing!
Oh… the only thing I would even think about changing is Make the Dreamer shoot “Stars” SO you can “Shooting Stars”
I would like Minstrel should come with a musical option to play a minstrel …… just saying.
The Dreamer is amazing, keep it as it is.
Also people who don’t like the sound effects of Quip and Dreamer now have alternatives in the form of Hope and Chuka and Champawat.
Yup, recommend a bow that its creators have panned by saying it’s not worth making, because the bow effects and footfalls are too unnoticeable.
I’d like to see, after Dreamer/Quip sound adjustments, a few legendaries get some other adjustments.
Howler’s actual howl can barely be heard over the original horn noise. The wolf head doesn’t move with the horn, either.
Judging by other feedback I’ve seen C&C needs some more noticeable effects, especially the visuals.
I know, off topic a bit, but since this thread’s getting dev attention, I’m aiming a little high.
“I’m finding companies should sell access to forums,
it seems many like them better than the games they comment on.” -Horrorscope.7632
I don’t know about Quip, but I like Dreamer’s sounds. That said, I would be totally fine if instead of horse noises we had “sparkly rainbow” noises instead.
I believe the best solution would be to create a “mute legendary sounds” option or create a “legendary sounds” volume slider in the client. That way people who hate the sounds can eliminate them without negatively impacting those who like them.
love the effekt of the dreamer but yeah sound is bit annoying maybe put i into own sound like player instruments so everyone who gets annoyed can turn it off.
If there gonna look into the sound effects of The Dreamer, can they do something about the bug with it where, if your frames are below around 45, u will never hear its sound effects, same goes for chuka and champawat i believe. I don’t know if its tied to the frame rate, or if it can be fixed, but i would love to see it looked into
For the people suggesting a weapon/legendary weapon effects slider or mute button: Have you considered that this would affect all weapons, or all legendary weapons equally? Including your own?
Yes. Especially if it’s an adjustable slider so the volume of all weapons can be at a volume to each persons’ preferences.
If someone likes their Legendary sound but is annoyed by another, then lower the volume, even if it lowers yours. You’ll still be able to hear it and crank it up whenever you want to get your jollies.
I think a mute check-box is not the way to go. An adjustable slider is.
Will update once Path of Fire releases.
I think the Dreamer’s Auto-Attack should be changed to a quieter, less obnoxious sound, with the whinny reserved for attacks 2-5.
I’m pretty sure the entire purpose of Quip is to be loud and obnoxious.
The Dreamer is amazing, keep it as it is.
Also people who don’t like the sound effects of Quip and Dreamer now have alternatives in the form of Hope and Chuka and Champawat.
There isn’t an alternative to someone standing next to me spamming their incredibly annoying sound effects.
The Dreamer and Quip sound update sounds like a fantastic idea.
I dont know much about how important those flying mules sounds are, as, like any wvw player, we tend to a have an efficient selective hear to filter the noise made by our commanders shouting their love, but you guys sure have been sounded out like Gaile predicted it
i never got the whining, limit the framerate to 30 in the options menu and you won’t hear the sound again.
And for the purist, 30 frames per second is the standard movie speed and nobody is complaining. Cartoons are at 24, even lower.
I own a dreamer and the change would upset me.
At the very least please allow for other people to get rid of the noise. I can’t stand it when someone is right next to me firing horses in every direction. Enjoy your legendary, but please don’t ruin my experience for it.
That sort of sums up some of the “choice words” that have been directed at me. I feel when my bow negatively impacts someone else’s experience — even to the point of a party member asking me to drop out of the party because they “can’t stand another minute of that bow!” — then a solution is worth investigating.
It’s good to get this feedback. I’m really happy that we’re talking about this, and that one of our team members is willing to look at possible changes. But by no means is such a change a given, and other suggestions are appreciated, as well!
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events
The proposed change would be absolutely awesome – the dreamer especially and its high pitched chick cheeping sound is so annoying, I usually try to change map when I find someone using it (seriously, who ever thought having it cheep without pause was a good idea?) – only, sometimes you’re on a meta map and can’t really change so you’re stuck with your ears being tortured. I’ll definitely welcome new, less trolly sounds!
Can we “cull” sound effects from other players gear? Similar to being able to set character models to a base quality that hides all skins, a setting to mute/ignore sounds from other players.
I think the idea proposed by Keenan is a good one. However, I will also add that I, personally, I have no problems with the sounds The Dreamer and Quip make. They don’t bother me at all, honestly. But if the decision is made to change them, then I think the idea described in the first post is a good one.
The sound on Quip was the ONLY reason I crafted it.
It’s obvious that many players crafted one or the other purely for their sound effects.
Because these items take so much effort to make; if you guys were to change the sound effects, it’s only fair you offer some sort of refund or compensation to their owners.
I agree with the proposed audio changes to the Dreamer.
Quip I’m indifferent to.
More classes need access to shortbow and dual pistols.
I really like Keenan’s idea too and think it is the best of both worlds. I LOVE the dreamer, but with the current sound effects it’s a bit over the top and takes the fun out of it for me. I like annoying other people with the sounds, but I don’t like to be annoyed myself too when I use it lol.
Can you maybe look at the fire auto-attack for Elementalist using Incinerator too? That one is a bit much, maybe just lowering the volume would help.
I have the dreamer and love it but I do get annoyed by the neighing often. Quip is worse imo. It’d be great if the sound could be more subtle or turned down a bit but I’m open for them changing completely. I did craft C&C also for when I get annoyed or for when I’m around people but I’d prefer being able to always use the dreamer without it being annoying to me and/or others.
I would honestly say do the same thing for Chuka. I love the tiger sound effect, but as a shortbow with rapid/quick fire on some of the skills, it ends up sounding less like a tiger and more like a snorting pig. Would be awesome to have more of a RAWR every once in awhile instead of what it’s doing now.
Don’t change my gag legendaries gag sound effects, ’kay thanks.
Just add in an other players sound effect slider.
For The Dreamer, just change the sound for skill 1 to something innocuous like a horse snort. (for example, as seen here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qb1o43aJIEc )
Personally, I don’t want the Dreamer sound deleted, I just want it so I never have to hear that kittening sound again without have to mute the entire game.
| Claara
Your skin will wrinkle and your youth will fade, but your soul is endless.
…we wanted to share that idea to get your feedback: “I’m thinking about trying out an implementation where both of the weapons have new, unique sounds (that are not annoying) while still giving them a very small chance to play the original sounds. It seems to me that would give everyone the same experience, remove the annoyance, and keep the original goofiness that some owners may like about the weapons.”
Nope. The problem is that “not annoying” is completely subjective, especially (in this case) for those who never chose to have the sounds in the first place.
Being subjected to another player’s repeated noises—whether it’s legendary weapons or talkative backpacks—with no way to mute them is incredibly irritating, no matter how “oh that’s so goofy!” it is.
If we’re truly talking about a fix and not just a band-aid, the only acceptable first step (to me) is introducing an option to mute other player’s weapon/backpack sounds. THEN we can talk about adjusting the sounds themselves, for those who made the choice to have them in the first place.
(edited by MorganOneNine.1025)
One of our sound designers, Keenan, was kind enough to look into sounds effects related to a few items or areas about which players have reported concerns.
The first thing Keenan examined was the Captain’s Airship. Players said they felt that area had a rather intrusive “hissing” effect. Keenan was able to eliminate the hiss, and while he was at it, he adjusted a few other effects in that same general area. These changes went live today, and we believe you’ll enjoy your visits to the airship even more in the future.
Keenan also is looking at possible changes to two weapons that players have reported as having problematic sound effects: The Dreamer and Quip. He has an interesting idea about how to address your concerns, and we wanted to share that idea to get your feedback: “I’m thinking about trying out an implementation where both of the weapons have new, unique sounds (that are not annoying) while still giving them a very small chance to play the original sounds. It seems to me that would give everyone the same experience, remove the annoyance, and keep the original goofiness that some owners may like about the weapons.”
So we want to sound you outabout something:
What do you think of the potential changes for Quip and The Dreamer?
Please note: Each of these changes was or will be a one-off change, and each change takes time of team members who are very busy with upcoming projects. If there are other sound-related issues that you believe we should address, you may add them to this thread. However, please keep in mind that the main purposes of this thread are to tell you about today’s change to the Captain’s Airship and to gather your feedback on possible changes to The Dreamer and Quip. We appreciate everyone’s efforts in keeping this thread on the topic at hand.
Gaile can the team remove the level up animation/sound from knowledge tomes for the rest of the world except the owner or put an option to disable all the similar animations/sounds from the client ?
I just had those few guys in Royal Terrace that spammed their way to 80 on multiple characters which ended up created never-ending flashed for 30-40 minutes for reset of the people in RT.
I’ve made a list of those “annoying” animations/sounds in the past and many people shared same concerns as i do.
WvW – Structure Upgrade Re-Work idea!
WvW – Art of War Guild Buffs & Keep Claiming Re-Work idea!
(edited by Luna.9640)
“I’m thinking about trying out an implementation where both of the weapons have new, unique sounds (that are not annoying) while still giving them a very small chance to play the original sounds. It seems to me that would give everyone the same experience, remove the annoyance, and keep the original goofiness that some owners may like about the weapons.”
I like this idea, especially as it can be applied to all sorts of other sound-from-item issues.
For example, the -Tron sounds are wearing me down. Oh, sure, many of them were funny or cute the first 673 times I heard them. But at this point, I don’t really think that many are amused still by “grawl imitation” or “target confirmed: not syvari”
Have both of them. I’m indifferent to quip as I enjoy the confetti and the noise doesn’t bother me but I don’t love it.
The dreamer is fine on my thief as I just use #5 to port around although other thieves that spam 1 make it very annoying. Condi ranger is super annoying with constant 1 spam and I swap to a different skin in raids even though I want to keep the look. Rather than make it a small chance, could you give skills 2-5 the noises. Just like the proposed change, it’ll decrease how common the noise is but remove the random chance.
This isn’t a “vote” situation, per se, but input is appreciated and we’ll be reading!
Upon re-reading this: Why do I get the feeling this thread is another ruse? You guys (Anet) have a track record for asking for player feedback on a suggestion, when in truth, the proposed “solution” is already in-the-works and will be implemented anyway – regardless of feedback.
Will update once Path of Fire releases.
I think the best coarse of action would be to implement a toggle on the sound options where each person(client) could choose which weapon sound they would prefer to hear. Could have options like Default(all weapons sound as is), Serious(Quip and Dreamer have the new updated sound), and Minimal(all weapons only use default sounds, such as legendaries, super adventure weapons, pop gun, ect.)
As they both have such unique and identifiable sounds, they stand out and get noticed much more. Also due to the rate of fire on these weapons, the noises are very repetitive. Both of these things are great if you enjoy the sounds and a bit of an annoyance if you do not.
To some ears, it’s like a little songbird rising above the cacophony of chirps to sing a lovely solo.
Or, to others, listening to an orchestra and hearing a vuvuzela tooting one unpleasant note over and over again.
Keeping the sounds that some love while reducing their frequency seems like a nice middle ground so the proposed change sounds good to me (no pun intended!).
Is it possible to keep the sounds the same for the wielder, while toning them down for bystanders?
I was just thinking about the same. Seems like the best compromise. On the other hand it might require additional coding. It should be similar to how certain skill effects are toned down when you are looking at other people using it versus your own. For example engi flamethrower autoattack.
I would hate to see the sound removed/changed from The Dreamer. I can not speak to Quip as I do not own it. I feel an option to turn the sound off would be the best option for those of us who has spent the time and gold making it. Removing or changing part of The Dreamer at this stage in the game would be disheartening. To me it would feel like part of the bow was now missing. I have never posted on the forums before but I felt that I needed to share my opinion for this. Personally I love the sound effects of The Dreamer and I have never received a complaint about it.
But the annoying sounds were like 80% of the reason I made both of those obnoxious weapons. :< I guess some people just can’t handle the stampede of my dashing rainbow stallions and confetti parties.
Thief | Mesmer | Elementalist
Make it a toggle to turn off Legendary Weapon sounds. I hate the sound of the Dreamer.
I own neither Legendary and although I understand why the whining Unicorn is annoying to some, as an owner of other Legendaries, I’d be rather protective of any changes made.
The change to Moot a couple of years back for example, was something against what I wanted and actually diminished it for me for quite some time. Many of us aim for these weapons knowing what we get. A change to that, can feel a blow to all the hard work put in in the first place.
However, it is great to see a proposal being discussed with the community rather than just going ahead with it and is an great example of the sort of communication we have been crying out for a long time. It’s also an interesting proposal.
This isn’t a “vote” situation, per se, but input is appreciated and we’ll be reading!
Upon re-reading this: Why do I get the feeling this thread is another ruse? You guys (Anet) have a track record for asking for player feedback on a suggestion, when in truth, the proposed “solution” is already in-the-works and will be implemented anyway – regardless of feedback.
Can you give some examples of times when Anet asked for feedback on a change, most players said they did not want it and Anet did it anyway?
I like to try and (very informally) keep track of how they respond to player feedback so it’d be helpful to know but I’m drawing a blank on any examples (maybe because I’m pretty tired today).
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
IMO, more sound controls are the answer. A slider for Legendaries, a slider for Minipets, a slider for “item use” or some such (like Tomes of Knowledge), etc. Or at least a slider for all “non-combat sound effects”.
I would like to be able to opt-out of the sounds. Changing the sounds themselves could lower the value of the legendary for the people who owns them since you have to assume they like the sounds, therefore they went for the legendary. I however, do not and would like to not hear them on my side, if possible.
This isn’t a “vote” situation, per se, but input is appreciated and we’ll be reading!
Upon re-reading this: Why do I get the feeling this thread is another ruse? You guys (Anet) have a track record for asking for player feedback on a suggestion, when in truth, the proposed “solution” is already in-the-works and will be implemented anyway – regardless of feedback.
Rest assured that the proposed solution is not in the works, and this thread, and the idea of gathering feedback, is not a “ruse.” I have been forwarding player concerns on this subject for years, then following up every several months in response to players who ask about it. This thread is a genuine feedback-gathering initiative for a legitimate attempt to address what many players have pointed to as a quality of life situation, be they users or whose who plays besides the users of certain legendaries.
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events
I have absolutely enjoyed every moment of having The Dreamer, and finding out that it whinnied like that only made it more delightful to me. I understand that people find it annoying, though, and if there could be a way for them to turn off the legendary sounds of other people on their end that would seem to solve the issue. I for one can’t stand the sound of The Super Adventure Box minis , but you can’t have everything.
Eternal Clarity [Ankh] /Archivists Sanctum [Lore]
A quaint dye collector with a lore problem.
The sound on Quip was the ONLY reason I crafted it.
It’s obvious that many players crafted one or the other purely for their sound effects.
Because these items take so much effort to make; if you guys were to change the sound effects, it’s only fair you offer some sort of refund or compensation to their owners.
Unfortunately , There are players whose only goal is harass and annoy the others :
- The quip and dreamer user constantly shooting for no reason in the middle of a players group at the bank or at a Crafting station.
- Players with the Annoy-O-Tron backpack. If you have the misfortune to show your impatience , they will notice it , then follow you everywhere while jumping to annoy you even more.
the list can be long but Designers should think a little more before creating stuff like this . I mean .. it can be cool but in any case they should not becomes tools for harassment. Personally , i think the Chuka Bow is perfect , not too intrusive , Not annoying.
This is one of the rare times I wish GW2 allowed 3rd party add-ons.
My other MMO has numerous add-ons which mute one or more things players find annoying, and then it’s simple – if it annoys you then you install the add-on and never hear it again, if not you don’t install it. And it doesn’t take up any of the developers time or add a bloated menu with check boxes/sliders for every effect anyone might ever have been annoyed with.
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
I don’t have any problems with any legendary sound or visual effect, even for those wielded by other players.
One sound problem I would love to have addressed, however, is this:
“There’s one to remember me by”
“Hurts, doesn’t it?”
“Take that”
Which is happening when you are being critically hit, instead of when the enemy is.
The only problem I had with the Dreamer was that the sound is spammed too much. If it didn’t occur so frequently it wouldn’t bother me.
Rest assured that the proposed solution is not in the works, and this thread, and the idea of gathering feedback, is not a “ruse.” I have been forwarding player concerns on this subject for years, then following up every several months in response to players who ask about it. This thread is a genuine feedback-gathering initiative for a legitimate attempt to address what many players have pointed to as a quality of life situation, be they users or whose who plays besides the users of certain legendaries.
Fair enough. Thanks for the response, and I hope you can understand my skepticism.
Will update once Path of Fire releases.
Please Gaile talk to Keenan about the asuran portal of the Royal Terrace. That permanent sound is really annoying
We also need silent technology there! It’s impossible to relax there.
I made Quip for it’s current sound. I really enjoy it as is.
I’d be incredibily disappointed if a change was too drastic, let me RP being a Party Pirate on my thief in peace!. Why not create legendary sound profiles so people can just reduce that volume?
Please Gaile talk to Keenan about the asuran portal of the Royal Terrace. That permanent sound is really annoying
We also need silent technology there! It’s impossible to relax there.
Huh! I must stand somewhere different because I don’t hear that. Let me hop into the game and take note of what you’re hearing. Thanks for the input.
EDIT: I’m standing in the RT, practically in the gate, and I don’t hear a thing. I checked my sound settings, and everything is on, so … I can’t figure out what the issue is. Could you explain? Thanks.
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events
(edited by Gaile Gray.6029)