Sound Updates
Having the Dreamer play the original sounds at random, with a reasonable interval is the most acceptable solution I have seen yet.
The Dreamer is my favorite legendary, and I don’t mind the sound the way that it is, but if it has to be changed, this is the best way to deal with it.
Give the classic whinny sound a chance to fire off once every 10 to 15 seconds with a guaranteed trigger when Opening Strike is active
I will be happy to give you some feedback.
Quip was my very first legendary. And I made it because of that sound. DO NOT take that sound away, DO NOT make it rare.
If you decide to make these changes then please allow me to unbind it from my account so I can get rid of it and get another weapon that I like.
I DO NOT want you to change the sound, it’s the reason I made it. You CAN make the glow on it better as it’s not overly strong. Neither are the footsteps.
My wife made the Dreamer as her first and ONLY legendary weapon. She made it after a very long decision, the sound is a HUGE part of that decision, I’ll let her post here on her own to provide that feedback but she doesn’t want it changed or made more rare. It’s part of it’s charm.
IF you want to give others a way to mute them then that is cool. But I want to hear those sounds. It’s why I made it.
Please Gaile talk to Keenan about the asuran portal of the Royal Terrace. That permanent sound is really annoying
We also need silent technology there! It’s impossible to relax there.
Huh! I must stand somewhere different because I don’t hear that. Let me hop into the game and take note of what you’re hearing. Thanks for the input.
Thanks Gaile! Once you notice about that sound it will never disappear from your attention! :’(
Also, if you do end up changing theses, for the love of the Gods, take the batteries out of all Job-o-Tron back packs. That may compensate for removing the sounds I love.
I’d prefer just being able to uniquely turn off the Dreamer and Quip sound effects from user preferences (ie. have a slider specifically for gear sounds), but if that’s too much effort then replacing them with something less intrusive would be great. They are hugely bothersome for me, and having to constantly battle my sound volumes based on who is playing nearby me at any given time is very frustrating.
This! The thing annoying me most about The Dreamer’s sound is its shrillness and repetitiveness. Wouldn’t mind it every half minute or so, but every couple of seconds is way too much. (And I don’t think I’ve ever heard the Quip ingame.)
On the tangent note of annoying sounds I would love the above quoted “equipment/mini” sound volume or toggle implemented. I find the Job-o-Tron backpack and the SAB minis’ sounds extremely annoying. Another annoying sound is the Birthday Blaster. Someone the other day kept shooting it when waiting for Tarir, and the constant sound effect was annoying af.
Another thing you could look into if you’re fixing sounds is the frequency of certain NPC’s lines. There are some ridiculous examples where they say the same line every 5 seconds, which makes me avoid certain locations like the plague. As an example see the “You there, you look useful.” spamming at Valance Tutory WP in Timberline Falls. Something tangentially related, it would be a good idea to reduce the very popular bank/TP NPCs’ greeting frequency. It’s kinda annoying to do TP business for a few minutes in the PvP lobby, and hear the same Norn greeting lines over and over and over again. (Same with the Sylvari banker in LA.)
(PS. I know I could mute the sound effects/dialogue volumes, but I love the rest of the game’s sounds.)
Make that I can’t hear the dreamer sounds if I don’t have the weapon. If people made it and they enjoy the sound effect, that’s fine, but if I play with someone who has the dreamer, the auto attack sound is rather annoying in my opinion. Only the weapon owner should hear the sounds.
This is another good idea. Whoever likes the sound of these can consider the sounds an extra reward for actually acquiring the weapons themselves.
Dreamer I wish would be toned down a bit, though Quip has never really bothered me.
While we’re looking at one legendary pistol, can we take a look at HOPE and make it a bit louder? I was a bit disappointed when I crafted it to find out how hard it is to actually notice the very cool sound effects it actually has.
Keep it as it is. I don’t think it’s fair to change it because a bunch of players who don’t even own the weapon don’t like it. If anything changes regarding the weapons should prioritize the opinion of people who actually use these weapons, and a lot of players including me got the Dreamer (or Quip) because of the sound.
Pleeeeeeeeease make the changes.
My problem is with the Dreamer. And the issue is simple enough. Even in a zerg of a 100 people, the single sound that will cut across even that noise even with the client not being able to play every sound together will be the constant neighing. It’s like the sound of that kitten horse has priority over everything else. Makes me want to leave the general area instantly or to disable all sounds to preserve my sanity.
Please. Pretty please. Make. It. Stop.
I have always found The Dreamer to be very annoying. I realize that a lot of the people who make it love the sound though. So perhaps a solution is to make the sound client-side for the weapon owner, so they can still hear it but it doesn’t bother everyone else around them? Maybe that’s going too far, but it could possibly be a compromise. I guess I’m working under the assumption that people who actually make the weapon love the noise.
Don’t touch them. The sound is part of the package people spent hours working towards. If you want to do something make a user option for them to turn the unique gear sound effects off, or they can you know use the existing sliders to turn game sounds off.
This is pure crab mentality. I don’t like something/can’t have something/etc. so I’m going to pull the others down with me and ruin it for everyone. Same as the human female animations.
really into the idea the dev has for quip an the dreamer i say makeit happen
Please don’t change any of them T_T They’re hilarious!
I don’t want to take away the fun others have with their legendaries but as others have said please let me turn off other players weaponsounds. This is one of the reasons I mute the game.
While we’re on the subject of sounds can we maybe move footsteps and and similliar sounds away from the effect slider? These sounds are great for immersion but they are so quiet compared to the skillsounds. Because skillsounds are everywhere and quite loud I have to turn down the effect slider which means I never hear footsteps which is a shame since someone did a great job with them. So please move them to environment sounds or make a new one for skillsounds.
An option to turn off other players’ weapons/minis and backpacks sounds is the solution. Or one option for our own stuff and a another option for other ppl’s sounds.
So everybody is happy ^^
The Dreamer is amazing, keep it as it is.
Also people who don’t like the sound effects of Quip and Dreamer now have alternatives in the form of Hope and Chuka and Champawat.
I will leave others to comment on Quip, but as a player who uses The Dreamer ever day, I want to share some thoughts:
Saying “Get another bow” seems akin to saying, “Let them eat cake.”
I would love to own C&C, and perhaps someday I will. But at this time, I am not able to undertake that legendary journey. So I will continue to use the bows that I have: Kudzu and The Dreamer. At the end of the day, I love the bows I have and I don’t know that I ever intend to change. But as a user, I am delighted wtih the prospect of a modest improvement, such as the one Keenan proposed.
Now, I don’t mind the whinnying, personally. I tune it out, no biggie. However, some other users of The Dreamer object to the sound and they tell us they are disturbed by it and that it negatively impacts their pleasure in using an item they spent a lot of time to acquire. And as a user of The Dreamer, I’ve experienced other players sharing… err… a few choice words with me about the sounds.
Given the amount of feedback about the “noisiness” of the bow, I am in favor of the proposal at hand. But I’m just one user, and I’m looking forward to what others have to say. This isn’t a “vote” situation, per se, but input is appreciated and we’ll be reading!
I understand that Chuka and Champawat is a long journey (and expensive) but you have to consider that people who do like the sound effects, don’t have any other options. If you like the weapons in their current state then if they were changed then you have no alternatives. If you don’t like the weapons in their current state and they aren’t changed, you still have alternatives.
I guess I am the only one bothered by Incinerator’s projectile sound
Speaking of which. Another idea would be only apply the proposed changed to the autoattack skill but leaving it alone for the rest of the skills since those will be naturally relatively infrequent anyway.
Please Gaile talk to Keenan about the asuran portal of the Royal Terrace. That permanent sound is really annoying
We also need silent technology there! It’s impossible to relax there.
Huh! I must stand somewhere different because I don’t hear that. Let me hop into the game and take note of what you’re hearing. Thanks for the input.
EDIT: I’m standing in the RT, practically in the gate, and I don’t hear a thing. I checked my sound settings, and everything is on, so … I can’t figure out what the issue is. Could you explain? Thanks.
In the gate there are almost no sounds, you have to move where usually everybody stands. The problem is when you go up there, near the bank , mystic forge or crafting place. Asuran gate + mystic forge sounds mix and it’s pretty annoying. Sorry I don’t know explain it better >_<
Or did u mean in the asuran gate? o.O
Edit: Added a screenshot of the place with the sound settings. Your can hear the sound pretty much from there.
(edited by Ana.2415)
If there gonna look into the sound effects of The Dreamer, can they do something about the bug with it where, if your frames are below around 45, u will never hear its sound effects, same goes for chuka and champawat i believe. I don’t know if its tied to the frame rate, or if it can be fixed, but i would love to see it looked into
I only get 30ish fps, and I hear that stupid bow just fine.
Considering the amount of admitted trolling as a reason for getting these weapons made, it makes me increasingly in favor of blunting their noise and nuisance. It’s not kind to the community to let it continue.
While a nuisance-sound slider for other players might help, making it a blanket Legendary Weapon sound slider would tick me off, and probably many others who own not-annoying legendary weapons. Don’t tie a slider like that to instruments, either, because they’re two separate sound sources.
I don’t see many folks with Quip, but I imagine it’s the same level of nuisance as Dreamer, for the same reasons: high-pitched/shrill sounds at a high rate of fire. So, the natural solution there is to add a brief cooldown. Even 2 seconds in between gives enough pause to not be a river of party favors and neighneighneighneighneigh. Two (2) seconds is my concession. That’s maybe every third shot on Dreamer, and it stops the trolling from Pistol/Pistol rapid fire.
Though, didn’t Dreamer have a cooler sound before? I seem to remember it was more horse-like in the past, before it got some irritating update.
“I’m finding companies should sell access to forums,
it seems many like them better than the games they comment on.” -Horrorscope.7632
I wish you would just give us a mute player option, that would mute all their sounds.
I want that tonic transformation sound gone. Sick of these people who think they are original and cool doing that sound every 6 seconds which is louder than a zerg fight.
The problem isn’t the sound, themselves, but how they can be spanned and made to overlap with each other.
- The Dreamer would do fine with wooshing sounds for the horses, as if the horses were dashing by your side when the projectiles go past you. Make the the neighs more rare. Horses don’t neigh that much anyways.
- Quip would be better with a softer sound, like a bubbling hum or ruffling woosh. Keep the high pitch party popper sounds to play only occasionally or only for some skills like Pistol thief 5, Black Powder.
Maybe make the sounds a bit more frequent on critical hits, but not too much.
nooo keep the sound :’(
Long time player here.
Please. PLEASE, leave the sound alone. Dreamer is the second legendary I’ve made and while I understand that some find it annoying, that’s some. I love the sound, it’s part of the reason I made the bow.
Semi-related, the sound is part of the reason Howler was my first legendary, and the tweaks made to that — it is now so quiet I can’t hardly hear it at all. So sad, a major part of the reason for investing all that time in it is gone. PLEASE PLEASE don’t do this to Dreamer too.
I use Quip every day and it puts a smile on my face! Its one of the very few reason I have sound on. I would suggest (as others have) a choice/checkbox to enable/disable weapons and harvest tools and salvage sounds. Please dont remove my fun-gun sound!
I own both Dreamer & Quip. I use Dreamer on a daily basis and love everything about it. I don’t want it changed at all.
Quip is a little grating if you use it a lot, but that is part of it’s character. I rarely use my quip since my main classes can’t wield a pistol….but if they could I would be using it more often.
Please don’t change my death whinny!
But if you can muzzle that job-o-tron backpack (or move it’s sounds to player instrument volume) that’d be great. I appreciate changing the color of the text on the speech bubbles for it that you did already. It is a step in the right direction for the obtrusiveness of it.
If I’m in a squad/group or whatever with someone who has the dreamer I’ll usually leave. It’s annoying as hell.
I guess I am the only one bothered by Incinerator’s projectile sound
You are absolutely NOT the only one :| My husband has that and it’s… I mean it’s ok at first but then it just grows and grows on my nerves like a fungus and oh man.
Almost as bad as those SAB minis XD
Eternal Clarity [Ankh] /Archivists Sanctum [Lore]
A quaint dye collector with a lore problem.
Please Gaile talk to Keenan about the asuran portal of the Royal Terrace. That permanent sound is really annoying
We also need silent technology there! It’s impossible to relax there.
Huh! I must stand somewhere different because I don’t hear that. Let me hop into the game and take note of what you’re hearing. Thanks for the input.
EDIT: I’m standing in the RT, practically in the gate, and I don’t hear a thing. I checked my sound settings, and everything is on, so … I can’t figure out what the issue is. Could you explain? Thanks.
It’s highly audible when standing near the TP on the Terrace. A deep slow throbbing hum. If you go up to the craft stations, then run back towards the gate, you’ll hear it. At least if you have my sound settings, see below.
On Quip/Dreamer — I am one of those that finds the current Dreamer to be nails on chalkboard when it’s spammed, tolerable when it’s intermittent. I don’t hear Quip nearly enough to care, plus Quip is a more musical sound to start with.
I support the idea of a slider specifically for legendary sound effects. While I’d hate to mute my HOPE’s pew pew, and I know a few people have heard me shooting HOPE and told me now they want to make it since they know it has a cool sound, I’d be fine with doing so while around a Dreamer. And I’d be fine with others not hearing my HOPE. (I do wish I got longer lasting footfalls, but that’s another issue).
But I really don’t think the wielders of the weapons should lose any effects. It’s been a pretty big deal any time you’ve changed the cosmetics on something already released in game — remember Flamekissed? — and while I can’t personally understand liking the Dreamer sound, I have a good friend who loves it and I’d hate her to have it removed.
For Dreamer or Quip just make it so it ONLY PLAYS FOR THE OWNER. Problem solved. I can see if someone has The Dreamer, I don’t need to hear it as well.
Please change the sounds of those 2 legs to something tolerable and not distracting. Tyvm
221 hours over 1,581 days of bank space/hot pve/lion’s arch afk and some wvw.
Absolutely do not change Quip and Dreamer.
I would like it if effect volume sliders were split better. splitting effects volume into skill effects, personal weapon/armor effects, other’s weapon/armor effects, and special action proc sound for example would help to avoid this for any future sound effect issues (like air overloads drowning everything out) and allow us to keep the current fun sounds tied to weapons. I realize this would take longer to implement than just fixing 2 weapons, but I feel like it would be better in the long run.
I personally like the dreamer and quip sounds but they could be turned down a tiny bit, maybe a 2 second cd and only sounding on non-auto skill use. just enough to make it not a constant stream of sound or overlapping sound.
the predator has a weird autoattack noise too, so as an owner of a somewhat annoying autoattack i would vote to suppress the audio on just autoattacks. different sound effects are part of the ambience and add character and flavor and i dont think they should be entirely removed, especially cuz the people who have created these weapons have invested significant amounts of effort, but in general it seems like the repeated autoattack audio over and over and over with no variation drives us to wits end.
head here to discuss wvw without fear of infractions
Please give the HMS Divinity more of a thunk when firing.
Is it possible to implement a set of power options inside F11 to choose your own granularity on weapon sounds and possibly other effects? Some of these need not stay as sounds — quite a few people find a giant Charr wearing giant wings equally annoying.
For me personally, would be nice if I could limit the sounds of Dreamer, Quip, and Bolt (sometimes excessive lightning; if it’s the same as ele air dagger, limit that too). If there’d be an option to manually shrink all Charr, that’d be fun too.
Don’t change the Dreamer and Quip, they are good as it is. It wouldn’t be fair to the ones that went into the hard work making them just to get nerfed because of the ones that don’t own the weapons. Maybe adding an option in sounds to turn off the weapon sounds or something.
No. Aside from the fact that I’m currently working on The Dreamer, a lot of other things in this game are annoying to me personally and it’s not fair to target these two legendaries because SOME people find them annoying.
I guess I am the only one bothered by Incinerator’s projectile sound
You are absolutely NOT the only one :| My husband has that and it’s… I mean it’s ok at first but then it just grows and grows on my nerves like a fungus and oh man.
Almost as bad as those SAB minis XD
It’s only a problem if he plays elementalist, core necro that uses shroud frequently or a thief that gets downed a lot.
What would be amazing after literally 4 years if the Whisper’s silenced pistol would get a silenced pistol sound. I mean, seriously. That would be so amazing. But one can dream, right?…
and politically highly incorrect. (#Asuracist)
“We [Asura] are the concentrated magnificence!”
I would appreciate the option to generally mute the legendaries to everyone who don´t use it, or allow players to specificall mute these, according to many (including me in case of shortbow) annoying weapons. Personally I would prefer the second option, as I like the legendary shortbow, but its sounds they make my ear hurt so much.
While on the subject of annoying sounds, how about toning down or killing off that kitten seagull in Lions Arch who has been given the lungs of a dragon. It is many decibels louder than any other background noise and the invisible kitten follows you around no matter where you go ready to screach in your ear.
And while we are at it, is there any way to stop the LA music playing for its full 20minute score and following you into the next zone when you are only there for 5 seconds?
just curious.
As someone who crafted the Dreamer and Quip over a year ago… I vote to change the sound effects.
I love almost everything about the bow (the colors and the theme is right up my alley), except for that grating screaming in distress whinny. When I made mine, I only used it for about half an hour before I transmuted it to another skin for both the sanity of myself, and those around me.
It would be a more suitable sound to me if it was an ‘on draw’ sound that plays occasionally (to avoid trolling with it) rather than every time you fire.
As for a better ‘firing arrow’ sound effect, it needs something subtle. Not remotely sure how to explain what I have in mind, but something in terms of Kudzu with the birds chirping, but perhaps more of a quiet sparkly/tinkly sound effect that matches the rainbows/stars/glitter rather than the unicorn.
As for Quip. This was another I crafted but I ended up selling it before I even used it after getting in a DS squad with 2 thieves that had them. The noise either needs to be toned way way down in volume, made to an occasional sound off, or changed entirely.
If it was to be changed entirely, I don’t know what kind of unique sound would work to compliment the gun rather than overwhelm it.
I literally just crafted the Dreamer last night, because I wanted the sound and everything as is. Please don’t change it. Give the people who don’t like it a slider so that they don’t have to hear it, if you have to? But it’s really super unfair to change it for the people who do want it and have sunk a LOT of gold into making the weapon because of the whole package.
Even though I don’t have either legendary (will hopefully in the future and yes I’m making it for the sounds) I would really hate (would use a stronger word but I don’t curse as that’s the way my mom raised me) the sounds to be removed, changed or Mists forbid made RNG. (I EXTEREMLY hate RNG with loot so making sounds RNG is bad.)
I agree with the idea for a client side legendary sound slider. Because it lets people who love the sound keep it, and the people who hate it to mute it without turning off the sound of the game. (Course I just might be a TAD salty from ranked pvp and just say “This is the internet, its the wild west, get used to it.” I mean, when I ask people to stop talking about sexually explicit conversations or cussing up a storm, that’s the response I get and the only way to stop it, is to turn off chat, so why can’t other people turn off the sound volume? But at the same time I’m a walking oxymoron so I’m on both sides of the fence in regards to being respectful to to others and not giving a flying quaggan what other people think.) Now does that mean that they don’t hear ANY legendary or only other peoples? I mean it won’t bother me at all, but some people want to hear specific legendarys and not other ones, so why should they not have that option? I really dislike it when options are limited, having more options, at least IMO, means more happiness because people can pick and choose and personalize it to what they like, let it be key binds, game rules (within reason), sounds or what content that want to play.
I am glad that you guys/gals added addition legnedarys (even though I ate legnedarys all for one reason and if it was removed I would never complain about legnedarys again but for bugs, but that’s another rant for another time) from the “silly” ones for the people who wanted them, but hated the look/sounds of them.
About people asking other players to leave based on a weapon? Really? How much more petty can people be? I was kicked out of a raid because I didn’t have a tank geared, even though I have cleared quite a few of bosses before as a DD dps, nope kicked. So if people are kicking people because of not having a specific class and gear because its super expensive, and other people are asking people to leave based on a weapon, which is the issue? The weapon? The players? The content? The gear? The sounds? Imo, there are a lot more underlying issues to this then just “annoying weapon sounds”. Now, if its stated as being not a fix, but a band aid to help, then that makes more sense. Just kinda dislike it when people focus on one issue, and not see that there are many other issues connected to it, that just fixing one thing won’t fix.
Keep up the good work guys/gals! May the Force be with you.
There’s no reason to make this a one-size-fits-all adjustment. How about giving an additional “Sound Effects” options tab that allows enabling/disabling the so called “potentially annoying” sound effects. Then everyone can either enjoy them as they are, or mute them and not be bothered. As more sound effects are identified as “potentially annoying” (or whatever you want to call it), they can be added to the list in patches. Even better than enable/disable would be a volume slider. But if it’s a configurable option per user, then the problem is solved once and for all, and works for everyone.
Contacts: Archranis.2375 // Neksis Syxx.6983
I’m in favour, but only because it provides an incentive for the team behind new Legendaries to create new silly weapons. I’ve been waiting years for an electric guitar that I can use as a hammer*, and this is a tiny step towards that goal!
*Yes, I know that it should be an axe, but axes in this game are too small
Please do not change Quip’s sound. I absolutely love it the way it is. I understand how it can be annoying for others, especially I dislike The Dreamer’s sound myself but this would really be something unpleasant for the many who have had those legendaries for years. I see there is a proposal of a compromise but it doesn’t satisfy me, at least.
As others have mentioned, I think it would be a better route to rework some sound sliders to be able to cut out certain things, like people’s character effects sounds (think of backpacks, legendary weapons, and other weapons) and cherry on top would be to be able to separate that from the player’s own sounds so if I want to hear my Quip but I don’t want to hear someone else’s Dreamer, then it’s not an all-in option. Also pushing that idea further, I think it is time there is a revision on certian sliders, particularly the effects slider as it’s one that overshadows everything else and has so much different type of effects included in one. It might not be something easy, but if you truly want to dedicate time into fixing sound related QoL issues then I believe it is worth considering. Separate combat sound effects from other smaller effects? Separate personal and other players character voices? These are just the ideas at the top of my head but there is potential for more that could benefit everyone.
I really do appreciate Anet/Keenan’s initiative in taking the time to ask the community’s feedback on this before going ahead and making a change. I hope this is something that we could see happen more often and in other areas, to improve the communication between the playerbase and the company.
A few months ago, I started thinking about crafting the Dreamer. The more I looked at it, the more I wanted to own it, so I decided to craft one. I absolutely love the effects and the aura; I don’t regret crafting this legy! :)
The first time I did some auto-attacks, I was bummed: I didn’t hear any neighing. While I did see all of its effects, the fact that I couldn’t hear the sound of it (but my friends could), was actually making me kind of sad. It just didn’t feel like I completed the legy… if that makes sense?
I personally only hear it if my FPS is higher than ~50 (which it rarely is) and it makes me a little happier every time I hear neighing.
(it would be awesome if sounds weren’t bound to FPS (if they are now?))
The sound of a weapon is definitely a reason to craft or buy said weapon. And removing something significant like that afterwards doesn’t feel right (or fair) at all.
Now, I do understand if people say they hate the sounds of some weapons. I myself don’t like the sounds of C&C, but it’s a part of that short bow so I’m fine with it if people own it. It’s small things like these that make the world a little more unique.
You can’t make everyone happy, that’s why I believe the following points would be the best solutions for this situation:
1.) A player only hears the weapon sounds of his own weapons.
2.) Everyone gets the option in their settings to disable weapon sounds alltogether.
Please do not change the dreamer and or the quip! I love them as they are and i would suggest you add in a weapon sound slider in there instead.
An option to lower the volume, or disable weapon sounds entirely is a far better option then changing sounds to weapons that have been in the game since forever.
I think it’d be a great option to be able to turn off other people’s legendary or even some aura sound effects off. If that’s not an option, I think having it ney or whine when in combat would do it justice. It’d still retain it’s goofiness, but lower the annoyance to others and to the user. So people can’t just afk auto using those weapons to annoy others around them.