Sound Updates
Yeah the Dreamer/Quip sounds are more of a personal preference thing. The idea sounds alright but it depends on how rare the current sound will be. You could also try making the sound client-side or as an option in the menu if thats possible. But the problem I see with the sound is that it can be spammed and overlapped,perhaps thats worth looking into instead of removing the neighing outright?
I also like Kudzu the most out of the bows personally since while it has the bird sounds they’re pretty tame while still sounding nice.
(edited by Zalani.9827)
Lots of people get weapons and other items specifically for the sound they make. I personally can’t stand the Dreamer and Quip, but I got the Job-o-tron backpack because I found it hilarious.
That’s why I think sliders like the Player instrument volume one would be the best solution: People who acquired those items for the sound itself can still enjoy it, and the rest of us don’t have to endure that noise.
I think a win-win situation is to have these sliders:
-Player instruments volume
-Weapon effects volume
-Backpacks & gathering tools volume
Please no changes. The sounds are a big part of why many people – myself included – chose to make these weapons. If anything, add an option/slider to adjust weapon sounds? I mean, everyone could nit pick and find some sound thats irritating in game. Repeated “I could outrun a centaur” etc…
Really… I’d leave these alone. Removing the sounds kind of negates the amusing qualities of both the weapons, and I personally can’t think of any time I’ve been annoyed by something as minor as a weapon sound.
I don’t think it’s minor nor amusing, and there are a lot of people who agree with me. We already have the option to disable “I can outrun a centaur” and other player shouts, and the option to mute people mindlessly spamming their instruments, and I think we should be able to mute weapons as well.
I found myself in many, many situations where I’d end up with a person (or people!) wielding Quip or Dreamer in a dungeon or fractal, and they wouldn’t swap weapons to literally save their life. The worst part is that we’re in a limited space and I can’t exactly get far enough to not hear the sound anymore. So I either have to sit there and listen to the NEIGH NEIGH NEIGH being spammed for literally 20 min or more, or mute the game sound, which then mutes all the important attacks and ambient sounds which I rely on in combat as much as I do on visual cues.
You might think it’s entertaining and not annoying (why, I don’t know, it’s beyond me) but you shouldn’t dismiss it just because it doesn’t bother YOU.
It ruins the experience and quality of life for a lot of players and it definitely needs to be addressed.
Why do you think we’re at this point where ANET is about to make changes to it, if it ISN’T a problem?
Either way, I know a lot of people agree with you, and a lot agree with me as well, so we should just get to some middle ground where everyone can be happy. You guys should be able to hear the sound, and we should be able to mute you guys, client side, and everybody will be happy.
I’m a engi main so unless the change is to make them work with kits I don’t really care
Please Gaile talk to Keenan about the asuran portal of the Royal Terrace. That permanent sound is really annoying
We also need silent technology there! It’s impossible to relax there.
Huh! I must stand somewhere different because I don’t hear that. Let me hop into the game and take note of what you’re hearing. Thanks for the input.
EDIT: I’m standing in the RT, practically in the gate, and I don’t hear a thing. I checked my sound settings, and everything is on, so … I can’t figure out what the issue is. Could you explain? Thanks.
If you can’t hear it, it’s possible it’s out of your frequency range or there is something different with your client. It’s an extremely high pitched magical twinkle/tingly/jingly sound. And when you are standing at the trading post NPC, it’s almost as loud as dialog.
For those of us that can hear it, it’s bad. Like aggravating headaches bad. It’s only a problem in Royal Terrace AFAIK despite the fact that asura gates all have the same sound. This is the only one with a popular NPC standing near it. Though I feel bad for the Asura Gate Technicians who stand near those things all day with those big ears.
(edited by DarkWasp.7291)
The dreamer has always been my favorite Legendary, it’s the only really “girly” one out there… but I never made it because of the annoying sound.
Same reason I never made Quip, altho it’s not one of my favorites. I also really love Predator, for my Scarlet Briar engi….but I hate it’s sound too.
I am ALL IN FAVOR of a change. Currently I’m addicted to the sound HOPE makes. I love the soft, subtle sounds of a Legendary. I (personally) make them for the pretty looks, I don’t like the sound taking away from it’s beauty, but adding to it. Loud, obnoxious noises don’t add anything positive to them.
Don’t change the sounds to Dreamer or Quip .. I had made Quip for the soul purpose for the popping sound using pistol/pistol thief. Also isn’t the sounds like 60% of the reason to make those 2 in the first place? So if you give people the option to nerf the sounds.. that Legendary becomes not fun anymore, and would be parked in my bank…
The easiest fix to this issue is to change the volume for The Dreamer and Quip to use the same channel as the instruments. We already have a separate slider for the musical instruments and if they changed the two weapons to using the same channel as instruments everyone could change the volume to their desired preference. No other changes to the weapons would be needed. While I don’t have these weapons currently I do want to get them in the future and wouldn’t want the sound changed.
In the same vein could we get the hobo-tron backpack to use the instrument channel as well? Gathering in farms is annoying when you constantly have to hear the comments from the backpack. Putting the comments in the instrument channel would allow us to set our own volume for it.
While we’re looking at sounds can we get a fix to the constant noise after you do something at a leather working station? There is a constant noise that persists even after you leave the station. The only way to stop it is to change characters. It’s gotten to the point where I only use a leather crafter to craft armor as everything else can be done by a tailor or armor smith which don’t have the annoying sound.
Thanks for fixing the airship. That hiss was headache inducing.
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events
Sounds like a great idea.
I was always annoyed when in a party with a dreamer user and have to tune down the volume.
takes out both of his Quips
Touch it. I dare you.
I love my Quips. Keep the sound. Nothing is as funny to me as defeating some poor soul with a Flaming Sword of Flaming Flameness and Flaming Flame armor with a pop gun and confetti.
(edited by harveyaddams.4951)
Personally I find the sound from the Dreamer annoying, and whenever I’m in a group battle alongside someone with it I give a sigh of relief when that event is over and we go our separate ways. That said, it’s clear from a lot of people’s posts here that some people love it and got the bow mainly for the sound. I think making a programmatic change isn’t the way to go, but rather give people options. Some of the sliders mentioned above sound like a good idea. Or if the sliders won’t work, maybe just make the Dreamer sound for the wielder only and not for other players.
On the topic of sound changes, could you also please consider adding an option or toggle for the Herald active facet sound? That “organ” music gets old quickly when a facet is active. Again, some people really like it so I don’t want to remove it from the game – just give us an option to turn it off without also needing to turn off the other player instrumentation that I do want to hear (such as my harvesting/logging flute.)
You guys should be able to hear the sound, and we should be able to mute you guys, client side, and everybody will be happy.
I have to agree with this. A lot of this back-and-forth could be solved with a “mute other players’ legendary weapon sounds” ticky box.
Ticky boxes are always the answer.
Sigh, I wish y’all would stop horsing around. I try to take these posts with some equinemity, but I feel sometimes like taking the high road results in being trampled underfoot. Maybe I’ve just herd too many Pun-o-Trons today.
If there are other sound-related issues that you believe we should address, you may add them to this thread.
Yay, I get to express a minor issue with another Legendary that many may not be aware of (I promise, just a minor issue)
Chuka and Champawat, the tiger shortbow, sounds like a low-pitch pig and a high-pitch dog. Yea…
My proof! (Warning: Owners of Chuka, you won’t be able to unhear it past this point; you’ve been warned!)
(edited by AngelArchangel.2106)
I’m definitely in favor of a toggle that allows people to mute or change the sounds client side, similar to hearing PC voice clips. It’s the solution that should leave the most people happy. Perhaps a “use generic weapon sounds” that replaces them with the sound effects normal weapons use? If not, a mute works just as well.
I’ll be honest.. Dreamer and Quip never bothered me. Mostly because I got used to playing the game muted. I would spend alot of time crafting.. in the Captain’s Airship. That airship has given me so many headaches that I have to mute the game every single day. I got used to it tho. I’d watch tv while crafting. But for a while I liked to spread my misery of annoying sounds. So I purchased the the SAB mini super trio world 2 pack with cash last year, forged a Mini Super Assassin and took it with me all over the place, mostly guild events and world bosses. I would swap to a different mini in fractal pugs, except for twice on a quick molten boss fractal. lol. I’m sorry for everyone I annoyed, I mostly used it in the airship where nobody would hear it over the endless HISSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS.
My Mini Super Assassin was stealth nerfed to almost muted levels many months ago. It annoyed me to all hell that a mini I paid money for would get muted but not the airship I also paid money to access and complained about repeatedly and even made a youtube video about. I was a bit salty because of that and refused to buy gems anymore until this last shared inventory slot sale.
Today you fixed the airship. I never thought it would happen. I can finally play the game in full volume now. I’ll never have to mute the game again.
listens to a player using dreamer
mutes game again x_x
Dreamer and Quip users, just be glad they’re asking for feedback. They could have stealth muted it like the Mini Super Assassin and you’d just have to deal with it. :\
My recommendation is to change the audio of both of the weapons, but give them some new effects to compensate for it. Maybe give them both an annoying audio for sheathing / unsheathing. That way they can still annoy people constantly if they wanted to but it would be their choice to as opposed to every single attack driving people crazy. Or maybe give them some updated footfalls to be noticeable like Frostfang. I have Frostfang and it’s footfalls are amazing and makes up for the fact that it has no noticeable audio effects or scaling damage effects relative to the size of the enemy. Speaking of hit effects, for Quip you could make a mini explosion of confetti burst on enemies when they’re critically hit.
Thats my suggestion. I know if I had one of these 2 legendary weapons and I was going to lose a feature, I would like to gain a feature to make up for it. Sure it won’t please everyone, but I bet it’ll make more people happy.
I would absolutely hate this change
I purposely crafted Quip solely for the sounds it makes because I thought I was amazingly fun to run around with. I understand some players don’t care for the audio, but wouldn’t it be easier to create a toggle option that mutes other players weapon sounds?
I’d hate for all my work to be shut down like this, even with that ‘rare’ chance of hearing the wonderfully silly sounds I’ve grown to adore. I am so hopeful that pistol is usable by more classes with the elite specs just so I can run around with Quip more often.. Please consider a toggle option or some other fix of that nature
I love my quip! please don’t dull my sparkle!
Cool that someone at anet actually still cares about legendarys. (not like maly sylvaris still only leave footprints on legy greatswords on every second step when weapon drawn but hey) EDIT: didnt want to sound “i dont know the word” here
I like the sounds of those legendarys. no need to change those. Maybe some kind of variating harp sound when the string of the bow is released instead of the normal bow sound
(edited by iCore.7812)
On the subject of legendary weapons and their sounds, why not make it so unlocking the legendary skin unlocks multiple skins for the legendary. One with the sound as it is now and one without, and just transmute it if one wants a quieter version.
Everyone wins, people who like it keep it, those who don’t have an out while still using the otherwise full skin.
I’d say the best option (since it keeps getting repeated) is keeping the sounds for the user, if so desired, but having an audio slider for them and everyone else. That way both sides of the aisle are contented with the options of choice.
Nooo! the only reason I made Quip is for the sounds and currently working on making a second one I will be so upset if the funny sounds were taken away.
I fixed the Dreamer sound right after I heard it. Game sound off and B.B. King, Carlos Santana, Eric Clapton & Stevie Ray Vaughn on.
Crystal Desert: 1/13/2017
You ALL have to consider: The Dreamer not always had these annoying sounds, they were added. So it did really annoy players who originally had The Dreamer, and it’s just unfair you can’t shut down the annoying sounds it now does.
I love them both the way they are.
The way I see it (And I said it earlier) – being loud and obnoxious is part of Quip’s identity. It’s a party razzer, after all. Everyone getting annoyed by it is the weapon Working As Intended.
The dreamer, on the other hand… “Aural Assault” isn’t as much a part of its identity, so changing it to be less violently offensive to the ear wouldn’t be as much of a problem. (Its primary purpose is to be annoying by having rainbows, unicorns, and glitter everywhere). Changing its sound to a softer ‘glittery’ sound would probably work well.
I have dreamer and love the effects since I’m a horse person myself.
It does get a bit annoying when I have quickness and it’s a constant loop if unfinished whinnies. I like the idea of a new sound, but I think just reducing the frequency that the sound plays would be perfect.
I’ve never really seen anyone have any major issues with Quip noises, they fit with the silly over-the-top joke weapon style so I mean really? It’s exactly what you’d expect and I don’t think it needs to be touched at all.
The Dreamer, however…
Literally every time I’ve been near someone using it, I see people complaining about it. Personally I find the noise amusing more than annoying (though it IS very shrill and grating after a while). However, when you look in LFG and see something along the lines of this, you start to realize that maybe there’s a problem somewhere:
I really like the idea of a slider or tick box or something for people to adjust weapon volumes, either their own or other players’ or both together. Or as some other people suggested, the idea of only playing the weapon’s sound for the owner of the weapon. Restricting the special sounds to a rare chance seems unfair to the people who made those weapons specifically for the sounds. :c
I haven’t read through all the comments/feedback so far and I feel terribly sorry for whoever has to. But I want to clear something out for those two legendaries : They’re not just obnoxious per player, or the one wielding it if you made it and hate the noise, but EVERYONE surrounding you. So stop whining about others to just deal with it, or not make the legendary. Anyway, here’s the point I’d like to see being changed, or just clarify some stuff I’ve seen in the comments :
1- Don’t makes sliders for legendary sounds. I’ve made 5 legendaries that I’m really proud of and I made them for a reason. I love them as they are and if I were to have to use a sliders because there’s someone being obnoxious in a corner with something that sounds way over the top loud, I’d be clearly annoyed.
2- Tune down the noises. I made Chuka and I love the fact that the sound effect of it isn’t too obnoxious. I can barely hear it myself when using it(Unless I wield/unwield it a couple of thousands of time in the matter of 1m, that’s annoying), so I believe someone using a longbow at max range of me would barely hear the sound of it as well. The problem with Dreamer and Quip is that the noises they produce are not just obnoxious, but they’re obnoxiously loud. But there again, the fact that the noise are obnoxious is just my opinion, but the fact that they are just way too loud for a legendary shouldn’t even be a thing.
3- I personally fancy more deep noises, and my guildies and friends does too for the majority. So I think that at least for the Dreamer, having a deeper horse noise would actually be more tolerable. By a lot. As for quip…I really don’t mind it that much. Like said previously, just tune the noise down by a bit to be more of like the new generation are like and we’re in business.
TL;DR – Tune down the noise effect by a bit to resemble the second gen of legendaries, and/or make The Dreamer’s noise a bit more deep while keeping its diversity, to just make it tolerable to everyone surrounding you.
Re: the person who said something about thiefs spamming unload with quip “just to annoy everybody”. I really don’t think it was just to annoy everybody I think it’s because the purple aura is only active when you’re in combat hence making it necessary to spam combat skill incessantly to see the pretty purple we built the weapon for. A possible fix to this would to make it non combat active. Also my vote is to not change the sounds.
Please don’t ’’fix’’ what’s not broken. the people that got those items were aware of the sounds they made. but add a slider for the ppl that don’t want to hear the sound, but do not remove the fun some ppl have with those Legendaries.
I really can’t understand the purpose of this thread. Of course the people that actually made these legendaries will want nothing to change, that’s why they made them in the first place! There is, imho, only one-way solution. Add a slide-bar for the noise and everyone will be happy.
Personally, I have many times wished death by drowning on unicorn feces to Dreamer’s users, so this will help me and my psychiatrist a lot
I would prefer a separate volume slider for the annoying sound effects, but if that is not a viable solution I’d go with changing the sound effects for the dreamer and quip.
I think it’s the wrong fix to the right problem.
The problem usually comes up in regards to “spam skills”, such as Thief Unload. OTOH, consider a Mesmer with Quip: One skill on a fairly long CD uses the special effect.
In other words, just add an ICD to the sound effect if it is a problem, so that it can play at most every 3-5 seconds. Then it can no longer be spammed, but will still fire for classes who already have very limited access to legendary effects to begin with.
I think it’s the wrong fix to the right problem.
The problem usually comes up in regards to “spam skills”, such as Thief Unload. OTOH, consider a Mesmer with Quip: One skill on a fairly long CD uses the special effect.
In other words, just add an ICD to the sound effect if it is a problem, so that it can play at most every 3-5 seconds. Then it can no longer be spammed, but will still fire for classes who already have very limited access to legendary effects to begin with.
Or, just hear us out here.
Personalized Sound Effect Sliders, for a more personal touch.
Makes tons more sense then the homogeneous solution approach that will just end up annoying everyone anyway.
Let people make the choices of what they hear, how often and from what sources.
I absolutely despise The Dreamer sound effects – that constant horse emulator is irritating to no end.
Quip is ok as is IMHO, the sounds are short aand not that obnoxious and not loud.
I have both. and can actually say, ive never had anyone say anything that made me want to put my weapon away. ok, maybe a couple times about Dreamer, but it wasnt nasty. now, quip? ive had more ppl say they thought it sounded cool than complain about it.
in short, dont mess with my quip!!!! ppl like it!!!
The change proposed to give them new sounds with a chance to play the old annoying sound is a good idea. I’d like to make The Dreamer but the sounds put me off. Also some players think it’s hilarious to stand around in the Royal Terrace and repeatedly spam it for long periods of time, which is extremely annoying when you’re trying to craft. Having it play only for the wielder or having it less obvious would also be fine. I think it would be nice to be able to address it without having to disable player sounds or turn your volume off.
There’s only one solution to keep almost all people happy, and that’s a slider. The proposed ‘rare’ effect will kitten off owners. And people hating the soudns will still complain.
It’s also one of the most subjective things in gw2. One player loves Quip and makes it, and now feels better. Another player next to him hates the game more, because he has to hear Quip now. One thing remains: Heavy opinions, that are not able to collaborate.
A slider is best option. Everyone can finetune his game to his likings, without destroying experience for someone else (aka someone who made legendary and likes it’s sounds).
No excuse anymore for not giving ‘hide mounts’-option
No thanks to unidentified weapons.
I love my Dreamer and the sound is a big part of it.
If you go about accommodating people that don’t want to hear it, could we also get a slider to turn the ink-spilling visual cancer GS legendaries into thin plain iron swords?
Save the Bell Choir activity!
Hi all,
Im one of those guys who HATES these sounds (Dreamer, mini super banana) really, REALLY annoying. Whenever somebody joins my party/squad with such annoying things, I give them 10 seconds to change them, or I kick them. If I cant kick them, then I leave. I have never understood, why such annoying things exist in the game without being able to mute them. In openworld Im forced to turn off the game sounds completely, otherwise I go crazy.
In my opinion there should be two options related to this in sound settings:
- A volume slider where you can adjust the volume level of legendaries and/or minipets
- A checkbox something like: "I want to hear other player’s legendary weapon / minipet sound effects
With these two settings, the problem is solved.
Bytheway, its not just those 2 legendaries, which are really annoying. As mentioned some, minipets are even more annoying, some examples:
-Super Mini Banana and other SAB related minipets
-Mini Toxic Híbrid (I think, this is the one)
Thanks in advance for these changes.
As someone that doesn’t even own the weapons, the Dreamer does sound incredibly annoying. I actually don’t mind the sound that Quip makes. I’d be in favour of changing the sound of the Dreamer or being able to mute it (instead perhaps let it use generic bow sounds if you ‘mute’ it). Thankfully I don’t encounter the Dreamer often so perhaps my opinion is not as important as those who actually use them all the time.
I personally dislike Legendary sound (and visual) effects but many people enjoy them so I think the best solution would be to make them optional and let us turn the effects on/off at the game settings.
SO… you’re considering kittening off one portion of your player-base to appease another portion?
That’s not really a good idea…
Please do not change the iconic nature of those legendarilies. The effect they have is a big reason why people make them in the first place. That said, based on the vision of the original artist, an update to the sound quality would be nice.
For those complaining or worse, kicking players from parties, this no different than other items in the game that is designed to cause sound in the game environment. We have a “Player instrument volume” setting for a reason, and a more correct solution to those complains is to add a similar slider. Similar problem should have similar solution.