

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: cesmode.4257


So do any of you run around Southsun at all anymore? Are there any attemps to hold the 4 points for the queen? Or has this zone once again been forgotten due to living story?

Karma is as abundant as air, and as useless as the Kardashians.


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Magnus Steelgrave.6580

Magnus Steelgrave.6580

Fort Aspenwood does karka queen at least once each day after reset sometimes twice on the weekends… but from what I hear there are many servers who pretty much have abandoned trying to coordinate doing this.


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: cesmode.4257


And how sad that is. Surprised arenanet did not see this coming and had a tweak in a patch some where to reduce the amount of mobs at the 4 camps , or shrink the requirement to two or three. Its as abandoned as ever, again.

I have a feeling all zones will be this way with living story. Lion’s arch will be a populated laggy mess, like always. And a few specific zones with the content will have ppl. Thats about it. Orr is looking semi deserted these days too. The once heavily populated areas of shelt/pent/plinx…maybe two or three other players. So sad.

Karma is as abundant as air, and as useless as the Kardashians.


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Erasculio.2914


So sad.

This is not sad – this is as it should be. Orr is terrible – we fight the same enemies over and over and over again, with environmental effects that are just annoying instead of being interesting, in a landscape that looks the same everywhere, and with next to no interesting dynamic event around. It should be left to rot with next to no player in sight so ArenaNet understands how badly designed the area is.

Same with Southsun. There is a bit more variety there, but almost always you will fight either the karka (of which all are the same), or the same Wind Rider enemy, or the same lizard enemy; and all of those have at least one annoying trait. The dynamic events are very poor and don’t tell a story other than “a lot of frenzied animals are attacking this place”. It’s one more place that deserves to be left to rot with no player around.

Heh, even the Zephyr Sanctum is more interesting than those areas. It has next to no enemies or dynamic events, but still the zone manages to tell a story and add a lot of lore to the world, not to mention the huge exploration angle there.

“I think that players are starting to mature past the point of wanting to be on that
treadmill, of being in that obvious pattern of every time I catch up you are going to
put another carrot in front of me” – Mike O’Brien right before Ascended weapons


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Malleus Maleficarum.2603

Malleus Maleficarum.2603

When I go there on crystal desert to get a few blood or scale, I ask in map chat “is anybody here?”…. I’ve yet to get a reply


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vol.5241


The sole reason people don’t go to this zone is because the mobs are a kitten to kill. The only mob I hate other than karka are Dredge.

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Magic find works.


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rennoko.5731


The sole reason people don’t go to this zone is because the mobs are a kitten to kill. The only mob I hate other than karka are Dredge.

That isn’t the only reason. The primary reason is because there is no increased reward for fighting the increased difficulty. I for one would kill harder mobs if they had better loot tables. They don’t.


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: bri.2359


So sad.

This is not sad – this is as it should be. Orr is terrible


No. This is definitely not how it should be. Orr is far from terrible, and one of my favorite zones.

You don’t like it, fine. Then stay out.
There are some who do like it and want to see the area lively again.

Lvl 80’s: Ranger; Guardian; Mesmer; Necromancer; Thief
Gandara Megaserver


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Draknar.5748


Biggest problem with Southsun is that it is, on average, a much harder place to play than any other zone with no real increased rewards. Why spend the time killing a Veteran Karka when you can kill 5 veterans in the same amount of time somewhere else with better rewards?

If they made the rewards more in line with the difficulty there, I feel more would go there, because right now it’s just a zone that takes longer to kill things than any other zone. Why would anyone choose that option?

I won’t stop because I can’t stop.

It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tiger Ashante.1792

Tiger Ashante.1792

@ Erasculio.2914:

You kidding right? GW2 has more variety of enemies than most games I’ve played. Try playing Lotro for eg.which is a massive game with zillion maps, but from lvl 15 onwards, you fight Orcs and Goblins in almost every map all the way to lvl 85. And they’re so darn ugly and make horrible grunts and noises, I can’t stand them.

In GW2 on the other hand, just about every map has something different and a decent variety within them. Granted, Orr does have a mass concentration of undead, but I guess that’s how it’s supposed to be and how it was intended. At first I really hated the undead (and still do lol) until i got used to them somewhat.

However, I do hate the enviro effects there, we got enough to deal with without them, but I can see how it adds to the despair of the place. I sort of got used to that kind of thing in the end zones of ‘Nightfall’ in GW1, where every maps had a different enviro effect but thru the entire map not just here and there like in Orr. The art in Orr is awesome though, it really portrays the devastation that happened there but its hard to find a safe spot to appreciate it.

In GW1, I heard so much about Orr in Prophecies, especially in the Rings of Fire. But it always seemed like some imaginary place that only existed in Tyrian’s minds, although Scepter of Orr gave it some tangibility. So to see it for real, even destroyed as it is, was an epic moment for me. Then I met the undead hehe.

But like some 1 suggested in another thread recently, I would actually like to see an alternate Orr….cleansed Orr only available to those players who defeated Zhaitan. It would be like going to a resort zone where you went to recuperate after the long battle(s). However it’s done, I would love to see Orr in its former glory, for I can tell form what’s there now, it was once a magnificent place.

I also love the art in Southsun, i think its amazing. All the soft pastels, the gorgeous blooming passiflore on the cliffs and bubbling waterfalls belie the danger of the place. Before the living story i used to go there on daily basis and still do most days. It was just me, Karka and the Reef Riders. Shame they’re so annoying and dangerous if they mob you. Oh, and the drakes, I hate them more than anything. They’re soooo OP on Southsun and I generally avoid them.. But for most part, I always feel like I’m visiting a deserted island, unspoilt and wild.

The reason I go less now, is that most of the outposts have become inaccessible due to masses of enemies camping them as well as more Vets all over the map making the island hard to traverse. I guess the island belongs to Karka after all, but i must admit, I enjoy occasionally aggroing Vet Karkas onto Reef Riders and watch them fight it out lol.
Edit: corrections

(edited by Tiger Ashante.1792)


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Raine.1394


Judging from the timer on the Karka Queen, there isn’t a lot of activity in Southsun on my server. But, I haven’t been there so don’t have first hand knowledge. For me, it’s not a fun zone to play in and I don’t even think of going there. Orr has been fine periodically, but every time they have tried to make it more interesting they empty it. The current timing of events in Orr is problem enough to avoid it. In 90 minutes there I can get a full workout in, but I’m hard pressed to get in 30 minutes of play.


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BabylonX.8745


On SoR, our guild runs the queen event every night shortly after reset. We frequently have 50+ guildies there plus a lot more players out of guild that are told we are about to run it. We get many thanks in map chat for helping them to run the event because other wise they would not be able to. Our pleasure.


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Galtrix.7369


The sole reason people don’t go to this zone is because the mobs are a kitten to kill. The only mob I hate other than karka are Dredge.

That isn’t the only reason. The primary reason is because there is no increased reward for fighting the increased difficulty. I for one would kill harder mobs if they had better loot tables. They don’t.

^ That is exactly the reason people don’t go to difficult places anymore. The rewards in this game drastically need to be increased, I mean, come on, 2 silver for completing a level 80 event? I don’t know what others think about this, but I don’t do events anymore because they just aren’t worth the effort. I’d definitely come back to GW2 if they added better rewards. 15/20 silver per event would bring me back for sure. And exotics…. oh my gosh… one per 2500 hours played is NOT ENOUGH. And no, Anet, I do not want to collect rares and gamble with the Mystic Forge to get an exotic.

Tl:dr – better rewards means I’ll come back to gw2.

[~Galtrix~] [~Level 80 Elementalist~] [~GoM~]


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Khisanth.2948


The sole reason people don’t go to this zone is because the mobs are a kitten to kill. The only mob I hate other than karka are Dredge.

That isn’t the only reason. The primary reason is because there is no increased reward for fighting the increased difficulty. I for one would kill harder mobs if they had better loot tables. They don’t.

^ That is exactly the reason people don’t go to difficult places anymore. The rewards in this game drastically need to be increased, I mean, come on, 2 silver for completing a level 80 event? I don’t know what others think about this, but I don’t do events anymore because they just aren’t worth the effort. I’d definitely come back to GW2 if they added better rewards. 15/20 silver per event would bring me back for sure. And exotics…. oh my gosh… one per 2500 hours played is NOT ENOUGH. And no, Anet, I do not want to collect rares and gamble with the Mystic Forge to get an exotic.

Tl:dr – better rewards means I’ll come back to gw2.

Well I am mostly fine with that reward but for the southsun ones I am not sure if I care even if they increased it to 5 or 10(any higher and the risk vs reward thing probably goes away because there will be massive blobs steamrolling things and risk drops to 0). The failure of these events is also partially due to the scaling system’s inability to scale back down.

I feel like I am beating a dead horse but I feel that is they had actually scaled events horizontally(like they said event would pre-launch) instead of just vertically(what they said will not happening pre-launch) then we wouldn’t be haven’t these problems.


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rennoko.5731


Well I think at the end of the day, this is the kind of problem you run into static loot tables that are basically shared among any and all things around the same level. You really have no reason to go to southsun, because anything that drops there, drops faster and easier somewhere else. MMO’s normally put certain drops in certain locations to encourage people to “farm” that location, but GW2 doesn’t really do that, aside from some crafting materials. (See Karka shells for instance).

I guess what really surprises me is that you cannot farm these locations either for rare drops that have unique zone related skins, or possibly unique zone related items you could collect XX of to trade in for zone specific skins.

This game is suppose to focus on the visuals for characters, and yet there seems to be so few “rare” options for armor, while continuously releasing new weapons skins. I honestly think instead of a new mini-game, people would love new full armor sets… although I guess that requires a lot of work on the graphics side of things for clipping and such. Backpacks, and weapons don’t really suffer from clipping issues.


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Celtic Lady.3729

Celtic Lady.3729

I really don’t spend any time out at Southsun any longer. It had a very brief life for me and basically everyone I know in the game. If they added some soloable hearts and such to the map, I’d go play there again, but that’s just me.


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Julie Yann.5379

Julie Yann.5379

The only time I go to SS cove is when I feel like farming sharks or barracudas for some scales. Every other mob in that place is kittening annoying to fight and not worth the time to spit at.

Be careful what you wish for, Anet might just give it to you “HoT”
“…let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we shall die;.”


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Infernia.9847


Quoted: "I guess what really surprises me is that you cannot farm these locations either for rare drops that have unique zone related skins, or possibly unique zone related items you could collect XX of to trade in for zone specific skins.

This game is suppose to focus on the visuals for characters, and yet there seems to be so few “rare” options for armor, while continuously releasing new weapons skins. I honestly think instead of a new mini-game, people would love new full armor sets… although I guess that requires a lot of work on the graphics side of things for clipping and such. Backpacks, and weapons don’t really suffer from clipping issues." – Rennoko

I’ve made this kind of suggestion in multiple threads.
The sclerite skins weren’t the most popular but if Anet wanted to add incentive for players to return to Southsun, they could make the sclerite skins a rare drop for the island. That is only one example.
Mid-level maps have large and intense event chains that you are loathe to find anyone doing. If Anet added rare skins as a part of loot drops for specific areas and/or event chains, people would start doing them again. I could think of a few events and bosses that adding Tribal armor skins to as rare drops, would make me farm forever until I got them.
Region specific, boss specific, event specific rare armor/weapon skins would bring out the treasure hunters.
I have tried to go to Southsun and at least clear a couple of the events but it is an exercise in futility without manpower.

Blackgate : Level 80 Ranger, Necro, Guardian, Warrior
Devs: Trait Challenge Issued