[Spoilers] LGBT Relationships
Actually in the Sylvari story with the Green knight there is a male x male sylvari couple. One is trying to protect the one he loves from the Green Knight.
Wow … I really feel u guys would be really offended if there will be more “reality” in the game.
SJW : why is this that bad? Promote equality … diversity… well i don’t know why it’s that horrible
The only thing i meant .was (as u said) it doesn’t have an impact on the story … but why have made this with faolain/caithe and marjory/kasmeer? and why not with guys? just that . ^^
And i think I have the right to be upset about kid’s argument on “homosexuality”
Btw sorry for turning your post in something completely wrong Jesseii (but ppl are kittens somehow)
Beacause Faolin/Caithe and Marjory/Kasmeer weren’t forced down our throats like tumblr crap. They had cool storylines that flowed well with the game and actually contributed to their personalities and characters.
did i say something about trumbl ? i’m not even using this crap >-<
I just feel sad that’s is always female relationships
did i say something about trumbl ? i’m not even using this crap >-<
I just feel sad that’s is always female relationships
It’s somehow more acceptable since female/female relationships don’t count apparently and there are weirdos who even like that sort of thing. If I see two girls kiss my first thought is, “Well there are a couple of ladies who wouldn’t be into me” not “that’s hot.”
Whenever I write I always avoid relationships on purpose unless it’s absolutely critical because the reader typically wants to see himself as a certain character’s significant other. Problem with putting them into a relationship is you’ll create a lot of, “That guy is nothing like me! She likes a guy who is nothing like me so what would my chances be?” And if they’re a lesbian then that adds a whole biological dimension to it, meaning biologically predispositioned not to be into you.
did i say something about trumbl ? i’m not even using this crap >-<
I just feel sad that’s is always female relationships
Sorry to bring up tumblr, it’s just with the current generation a lot of their views in terms of “lets just shove a token character in so I feel validated” ruin quite a lot of stories.
Don’t get me wrong, a male-male relationship in GW is not something Im opposed to, but if it’s JUST for the sake of “Oh we need 2 gays to make the gays happy” then no thanks.
On top of that, you could switch Logan to a female, or Jennah to a male. It’d still play out the same. And with the whole dynamic of Logan sometimes prioritising Jennah over his comrades it then makes his relationships and sexual orientation relevant and not just senseless pandering.
Another good example if you want more LGBT characters in games that aren’t just put in for the usual “Daddy doesnt love me cause I do butt stuff” storyline that writers think us gays love to hear over and over again is Dragon Age: Inquisition. Dorian is brilliantly written, I won’t spoil it just incase ya do have a gander.
It’s somehow more acceptable since female/female relationships don’t count apparently and there are weirdos who even like that sort of thing. If I see two girls kiss my first thought is, “Well there are a couple of ladies who wouldn’t be into me” not “that’s hot.”
Lol, calling people who don’t have the same sexual preferences as you “weirdos”.
It’s somehow more acceptable since female/female relationships don’t count apparently and there are weirdos who even like that sort of thing. If I see two girls kiss my first thought is, “Well there are a couple of ladies who wouldn’t be into me” not “that’s hot.”
Lol, calling people who don’t have the same sexual preferences as you “weirdos”.
No, I’m talking about straight guys who think lesbianism is hot.
Yeah, me too. If it turns you on to watch two girls kiss, then I’d call that a sexual preference of some sort.
I just feel sad that’s is always female relationships
Probably because men are bulgey, hairy, and just plain gross.
| Claara
Your skin will wrinkle and your youth will fade, but your soul is endless.
plot twist
one of the npc is a gay and will fall in love with the player character if is a male
Henge of Denravi Server
gosh’ sky !!!! u read in my minds
The next thing you suggest is revealing Lord Faren is actually gay!
no way … huehuehue (but he’s so into girls…like Don Juan)
plot twist
one of the npc is a gay and will fall in love with the player character if is a male
Already happens if you’re a Sylvari. Cool idea anyways, so long as it isn’t a forced relationship. Both me and my GW char don’t need no man, we’re strong independant…plant-people.
plot twist
one of the npc is a gay and will fall in love with the player character if is a male
Scruffy. Imagine the emotions they could have played on.
Come on OP, Laranthir deserves way better than Canach XD
More sylvari same sex relationships would be nice to see though (that aren’t the travesty that was Caithe/Faolain).
The major problem with having too many lesbian characters though is the story beats you over the head with, “This character would not be into you if they were real.” and makes us care about those characters less. I’m obviously not homophobic or sexist but seeing Faolin die was satisfying because she was an extremely rotten betrayer and not due to gender or even race.
So much facepalm.
More sylvari same sex relationships would be nice to see though (that aren’t the travesty that was Caithe/Faolain).
Why do people keep calling it same sex relationsship?
If I plant a lily next to a daffodil in the same flower pot I’m not going to call it a same sex relationship.
Come on, for all intents and purposes, sylvari are just green humans. Green elves, at best. They really could have done more to make them more unique.
More sylvari same sex relationships would be nice to see though (that aren’t the travesty that was Caithe/Faolain).
Why do people keep calling it same sex relationsship?
If I plant a lily next to a daffodil in the same flower pot I’m not going to call it a same sex relationship.
Because they’re human yet not quite human enough. It’s what I don’t like about the race really. They are so close to human but…just aren’t. Norn simply look like really big humans so they get a pass while Asura and Charr are far enough from human to also get a pass.
Wow … I really feel u guys would be really offended if there will be more “reality” in the game.
SJW : why is this that bad? Promote equality … diversity… well i don’t know why it’s that horrible
The only thing i meant .was (as u said) it doesn’t have an impact on the story … but why have made this with faolain/caithe and marjory/kasmeer? and why not with guys? just that . ^^
And i think I have the right to be upset about kid’s argument on “homosexuality”
Btw sorry for turning your post in something completely wrong Jesseii (but ppl are kittens somehow)
Beacause Faolin/Caithe and Marjory/Kasmeer weren’t forced down our throats like tumblr crap. They had cool storylines that flowed well with the game and actually contributed to their personalities and characters.
I’d disagree about Marjory/Kasmeer not being forced, during LS1 anyway. Same with Taimi being a cripple.
It was thankfully pushed back during LS2, but it was right in our faces during LS1.
No. Just no. Rytlock and Logan what the hell are you smoking?
Personally the biggest complaint I had for LS2 was the forced in-your-face-lesbian-relationship part of the story. I love GW2 for the story, the lore, the gameplay and all that and I applaud the creators for including gay story lines and all that (I really don’t care for it at all but I’m a live & let live kinda guy).
However, they should refrain from forcing it into our faces. Yay for you that you accept and support gay relationships and whatnot, but no reason to force us all to play through it. The transgender thing in Lion’s arch is a good example…it’s there, but not in our faces.
And this is not just my view on gay relationships, I would also not like it to be forced to play through a straight relationship with all the loveydovey speak that marjory/kasmeer were puking on me during LS2.
They did it a lot better in HoT story luckily.
If you want more…as already pointed out, look for the fanfiction and leave the rest of us out of it. The game is a game. Not supposed to have an agenda of forcing acceptance on us.
I just feel sad that’s is always female relationships
Probably because men are bulgey, hairy, and just plain gross. :)
I shower everyday, can’t grow hair if my life depended on it (I wanna cool mustache and manly chest hair :( ) and need to lift more to get some good bulk.
Yes, lets disregard story and character development for the sake of inclusion and furthering agendas. Hell, lets put in a straight relationship (of all things!) in while we’re at it.
I’d like to know what agenda you’re referring to.
Excuse me? Look I don’t know what is wrong with this community lately… Everyone in my guild was so supportive of me so I decided to just voice my opinion… okay?
I didn’t mean any harm I just thought that because so many others were supportive that some people on the forums would have the same thoughts… :c
I don’t think anyone has an issue with adding a couple of gay guys into GW (well some do, and there was actually a massive thread a while back but I’ll take a positive view of humanity for now at least) but the issues come in with the why? You see the neo-progressives authoritarians have been… well they’ve been rather authoritarian in their attempts to impose progressive-ideas within gaming. One such avenue of attack has been the call to include minorities into every and all games regardless of how it fits, or the creative desires of the game developers.
How about there was finally some heterosexual relationship?
You might want to rephrase that, there are heterosexual relationships, just not any prominent ones.
Sylvari don’t really count however, as they have no concept of it.
Which always made sense to me. Majory and Kasmeer not so much, but that’s just because I keep relating Krytan culture to a late dark-age/early Renaissance-esque Europe, you know a time when you couldn’t really be openly homosexual. Then again Kryta also lacks any sort of central religious authority that can impose moral norms, so maybe that’s why.
Good lord, people…
Jesseii floated an idea, the idea should be criticized on its merits (or lack thereof), not perceived motivation for voicing said idea.
In that case if we strip motivation, no it’s arbitrary. It’s including gay people for the sake of having more gay people.
What about Braham x Taimi? I feel that point wasn’t explored enough.
Taimi is a child you sick kitten!
Now yes Broham might be operating at a mental level of a child, but that doesn’t make it better.
Could the game use more and more focal male homosexual and/or other non-traditional romantic pairings in it? I mean, sure. It’s not hurting anyone, and increasing visibility is a fine goal (albeit one that will make some people upset).
Visibility of what? That gay folk exist? Why is increased visibility a fine goal? Are gay people not visible? My personal demographics are rarely ever shown and when they are it’s almost exclusively in a negative light. So what?
SJW : why is this that bad? Promote equality … diversity… well i don’t know why it’s that horrible
It’s more the tactics than the goals. SJWs are rather authoritarian, not liberal. They push a progressive agenda by force. Instituting quotas, banning words and free-speech, compaigns such as ‘teach men not to kitten ’, hashtags like ‘kill all men’ or mansplaining and forcing ‘approved’ representations into media (for example pushing homosexual relationships into televisions, movies and video games) because they believe media influences culture and society (so basically they want to engineer a culture more to their liking).
It’s somehow more acceptable since female/female relationships don’t count apparently and there are weirdos who even like that sort of thing. If I see two girls kiss my first thought is, “Well there are a couple of ladies who wouldn’t be into me” not “that’s hot.”
Lol, calling people who don’t have the same sexual preferences as you “weirdos”.
No, I’m talking about straight guys who think lesbianism is hot.
Which is exactly what Pakkazull is talking about!
Come on, for all intents and purposes, sylvari are just green humans. Green elves, at best.
I’ll have to disagree, I’ve got 3 Sylvari the one is blue, another red and the other black. No green Sylvari at all… Although not that you mention it…
Yes, lets disregard story and character development for the sake of inclusion and furthering agendas. Hell, lets put in a straight relationship (of all things!) in while we’re at it.
I’d like to know what agenda you’re referring to.
Probably an SJW / Authoritarian-Progress / Regressive-left agenda.
Well I didn’t mean they’re all literally green, but you get the gist of what I’m saying. There are some cool faces and “hairstyles”, but the majority of sylvari are just oddly-colored humans with leaves for hair (in terms of how they look and act). I just feel like ArenaNet could have put more emphasis on the whole “plants posing as humanoids” theme than they did.
I feel like they more resemble humans trying to pose as plants, than plants trying to pose as humans, if that makes any sense at all.
(edited by Pakkazull.6894)
This thread must be a trolling campaign. This “progressive” crap is getting out of hand.
Two male characters, sure why not. But human and charr?? Neverrrr! I mean, even in the kinda far fetched case if it would make sense for those two to become romantically involved, they’re a different species. I mean…how would they even kiss? Rytlock would bite half of Logan’s face off! :P
Completely agree with some people saying they should not rewrite Logan just for the sole purpose of forcing an interracial male same-sex relationship into the story.
I think there is room for a lot of charr living within blood legion/ash legion homelands and crossing over into flame legion homelands to be written as primarily homosexual and bisexual in the future (if we ever visit those areas).
Far away from their cities and invading flame legion territory, soldiers on the frontline begin to create bonds through hot gay charr sex, keeping an eye on each other’s backs and protecting their lovers and comrades from the evil flame legion spies.
The major problem with having too many lesbian characters though is the story beats you over the head with, “This character would not be into you if they were real.” and makes us care about those characters less. I’m obviously not homophobic or sexist but seeing Faolin die was satisfying because she was an extremely rotten betrayer and not due to gender or even race.
this would mean that you define yourself as part of the male gender.
there are tons of female gamers playing GW2.
And we are actually a demographic in the game the devs should not forget. A lot of the females, including myself, like spending time and and gold and often also gems on the appearance of our characters, which brings in money for A.net.
It doesn’t matter what sexuality the character has, as long as a character, that is meant to be seen in a positive light, doesn’t sexually abuse a character or does it with people that can’t consent.
but I can tell you even with the male and presumably hetero characters I wouldn’t be more likely to safe or protect them just because they’re into women.
I feel attached to a character if the design is cool, if the voice acting is not annoying, if the personality and actions are relatable and if it makes the story more interesting. the gender doesn’t matter.
i personally was also not a big fan of Faolain, because of her character and actions, that are kind of unrelatable to me, but it has for sure not to do with her being in a romatical relationship with a person of the same gender.
If caith and faolain were guys and ut the personalities were the same, Faolain would have been “available” to you. Would you have like “him” more than her?
(edited by Oreithyia.3064)
I’m strongly in favor of portraying a wide variety of characters, and you’re right that GW2 could stand to include a prominent gay male couple or two (IIRC, there’s a gay male couple in the Sylvari personal story but that’s hardly high-profile).
That said, I’m strongly against ret-conning a characters’ sexuality. It’s a disservice to the character to alter them from their previous state, it injures the verisimilitude of the world by reminding us that these are characters in a story without independent identities of their own, and it rarely results in good storytelling. It would be far better for ANet to simply work in a character like this when it makes sense for the story. Logan and Rytlock is a terrible idea. Their relationship is firmly established and there’s no indications of a romantic subtext there at all. Canach and Laranthir… maybe. As far as I know, their sexuality hasn’t even really been hinted at much so it might be interesting to have one or both be gay or bi. Remember: gay characters don’t have to be part of a duo. Lord Faren’s been single for the whole run of the game so far yet his heterosexuality is still pretty well established.
How to Condi Reaper on a budget
Everything I say is only in reference to PvE and WvW.
(edited by Blaine Tog.8304)
did u know that albus Dumbledore was gay … (the character i mean … not the actor)
It was one of the most important character =D but well … nobody said it in any films or book … but he was …
So why not a character like that in that game? Would it be that offensive that u couldn’t handle it?
The problem is probably that gamers are not that open-minded (maybe cause they are still kids)
Which is perfectly fine. Personally, I’m of the opinion that “coming out” shouldn’t even be a thing, and I’m a gay male. It’s highlighting perceived abnormality. But that’s neither here nor there.
When you go out of the way to highlight relationships and break canon for the sake of fan service, you’re officially an awful writer. No ifs, ands, or buts. OP is proposing both of those, which is why it’s a terrible idea.
Maybe Destiny’s edge could introduce a male love interest for Rhytlock as Eir’s replacement.
The major problem with having too many lesbian characters though is the story beats you over the head with, “This character would not be into you if they were real.” and makes us care about those characters less. I’m obviously not homophobic or sexist but seeing Faolin die was satisfying because she was an extremely rotten betrayer and not due to gender or even race.
this would mean that you define yourself as part of the male gender. :)
there are tons of female gamers playing GW2.
And we are actually a demographic in the game the devs should not forget. A lot of the females, including myself, like spending time and and gold and often also gems on the appearance of our characters, which brings in money for A.net.It doesn’t matter what sexuality the character has, as long as a character, that is meant to be seen in a positive light, doesn’t sexually abuse a character or does it with people that can’t consent.
but I can tell you even with the male and presumably hetero characters I wouldn’t be more likely to safe or protect them just because they’re into women.
I feel attached to a character if the design is cool, if the voice acting is not annoying, if the personality and actions are relatable and if it makes the story more interesting. the gender doesn’t matter.i personally was also not a big fan of Faolain, because of her character and actions, that are kind of unrelatable to me, but it has for sure not to do with her being in a romatical relationship with a person of the same gender.
If caith and faolain were guys and ut the personalities were the same, Faolain would have been “available” to you. Would you have like “him” more than her?
I’m not saying no to lesbian characters, just go light with the relationships, male and female. Faolin was terrible, her gender had nothing to do with it and Caithe is a much nicer character who made some tough moral decisions in LS 2. Faolin betrayed and murdered “someone” who just saved her life, she’s obviously meant to be hated as she’s unambiguously evil.
The gender does matter to an extent because we like to project ourselves as the character’s boyfriend, can’t do that with a pre-existing canon relationship, especially if the partner is radically different from you to the point of even including gender difference. So yes to some relationships, but no to pretty much everyone being in them whether male or female.
I just want more stories that aren’t politically or socially loaded. Simply having a gay couple doesn’t make it loaded, but real world analogues and preaching certain messages are. Kasmir and Marjory are flat as characters and unmemorable anyway. I played LS 2 5-8 getting all the achievements and I didn’t even know they were a couple or even really remember them apart from Kasmir being kinda cute. I didn’t hate the characters, just kinda neutral towards them. Rox was cool though and Taimi’s my personal favorite out of Destiny’s Edge 2.0 since she’s so bright and cheery. The way she annoyed that charr Engineer in chapter 8 was priceless ^_^
ArenaNet, I’ve been a player of Guild Wars 2 for over three years now. I have played through the story multiple times and loved every moment of it! I have enjoyed the fact that Caithe, Faoline, Marjory, and Kasmeer are all developing main characters with homosexual relationships.
See, I love the fact that such endearing relationships can be forged between members of the same sex. I find it incredibly empowering and noble of you to put these forms of relationships in game. The only problem I have at the moment is that there are no male relationships that mimic this kind of bond.
I believe that it would be appropriate to have a homosexual relationship between some of the male characters – for instance – we all know that there is some tension between Logan and Rytlock. Now, I believe that the best way to come to a conclusion of their hatred of each other is to actually reveal (perhaps with a future living story) that they actually share very strong feelings for each other. This could explain why Rytlock was so upset when Logan went to save Queen Jennah.
Another relationship that I believe could be established is between Canach and Laranthir. These two characters are always so frivolous when within the same radius of each other. You can sense it. The atmosphere changes and there is so much tension, it’s beautiful.
ArenaNet please consider developing homosexual relationships between at least one pair of male characters within Guld Wars 2’s story. It would add a sense of true love to the game that I feel is lacking. I am sure that others share the same ideas and passions.
The game does not need more homosexual relationships because the game does not need more relationships of any kind – there are plenty already.
Story time should be focused on lore, on things that are actually relevant instead of “oh Marjory i love you so much – no I love you more Kas” like LS season 2 was.
This is not a dating sim – it’s a game that’s supposed to tell the story of how the Elder Dragons got defeated. I would appreciate more lore and relevant story in that direction.
And before people tell me – but wait – character development and stuff – I’d rather go about the story it without destiny’s edge 2.0.
And to the person above who used Dumbledore as an example, that is the EXACT kind of thing I’m not ok with, turning a popular character into something that was never mentioned/hinted at and isn’t even necessary to the story or brought up ever again just to sell more books. It’s dumb. And J.K. Rowling was as transparent as ever for doing it.
Actually, I knew that bit about Dumbledore before reading the last two books, and I DID see where it entered the story. It was in the background, and easy to miss, but it answered a question of “why did it happen this way?” for some of the background events.
Two male characters, sure why not. But human and charr?? Neverrrr! I mean, even in the kinda far fetched case if it would make sense for those two to become romantically involved, they’re a different species. I mean…how would they even kiss? Rytlock would bite half of Logan’s face off! :P
Actually, this touches on what I think they need to address next.
There needs to be a cross-race couple in the game. An actual human/charr couple would be facing a lot of racism on both sides still, and it could make for an interesting story. Sylvari now have some racism to deal with too, so a sylvari/non-sylvari paring could create some interesting interactions. However, it must be done to move the game forward in interesting ways, not simply to do it for the sake of doing it.
Imagine if one of the female charr guards at the cease fire talks has fallen for one of the young human nobles there. When an attack results in the noble being captured, we get to help her try to rescue him. When the rescue’s completed, their little romance is exposed, and his family recalls him back home, forbidding contact with her because it’s “bad for the family name”. The charr gets reassigned as well, to avoid a disruption in the talks. Thus begins an ongoing story where we (along with a few meddlesome elders on both sides) slowly work to get the two lovers to a point where they can decide their own futures and be together once more. Make it an ongoing sub-plot, running along side the main plots, and it can build slowly over time.
delicate, brick-like subtlety.
You cant rewrite Logans character at this point . He was completely enthralled with Queen Jenna before the game even came out . In fact him going back to defend Jenna is the whole reason Destiny’s Edge broke up . To all of a sudden make him homosexual would be pandering and forced to the extreme.
But this is fine and actually should happen because it’s happening for the benefit of acceptance, progressiveness and fairness.
I mean – let’s derail the whole game and make it into something like that – who cares about the actual story right? I mean – why would you care about the story when you could turn it to serve such a noble purpose.
Good lord, people…
Jesseii floated an idea, the idea should be criticized on its merits (or lack thereof), not perceived motivation for voicing said idea.
His idea is bad because it derails the game’s story in order to promote a subculture that exists in the real world. Most players don’t care about it in game as we came here to slay dragons not fight for political correctness.
Good lord, people…
Jesseii floated an idea, the idea should be criticized on its merits (or lack thereof), not perceived motivation for voicing said idea.
His idea is bad because it derails the game’s story in order to promote a subculture that exists in the real world. Most players don’t care about it in game as we came here to slay dragons not fight for political correctness.
Thank you!
[We appreciate all opinions and viewpoints shared in this thread, but it appears to have run its course. This thread is now locked. Thank you.]