Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]
There is a difference between making personal info public on forums and adding a new tier set of gear that quite frankly is a minor upgrade. Not only that but only two pieces are even available.
-Signed, Ex-WoW Player that’s actually completed most of WoW’s content.
Im starting to miss the wow crowd /sad days.
Then go back. You should have never bought this game because it wasn’t made for you. But because of illiterate dungeon trolls like you who can’t be bothered to read about a game before buying it DEMANDED that ArenaNet give them a hamster-wheel to run on, they ruined the game for the people that they originally pitched the game to.
Its because of you content locusts that the MMO genre just got pushed back into the dark ages after only 3 months in the sun. You’re a piece of scum. Enjoy the rest of high school.
I second this. Sad, really sad. It turned out to be that Hamster-wheel gear hunting became a “must-have” for MMORPG as standard and i blame people like these maybe even more than Arenanet
I don’t. These guys like that play-style and that’s fine with me. I personally don’t like it but I can’t blame them for enjoying it. I solely blame Anet for not sticking with their teachings.
Well, if Anet keeps ignoring player concerns, then it would be different: Blizzard did address that issue, while Anet hasn’t so far.
The math is wrong. Add up the stats. the differences and the combinations thereof generate at least 20% higher stats with the new tier. they are a must have, and this is only the beginning of the grind.
There is very little value in comparing the 2 tiers of items; instead we should compare the effects that these items can have on an entire character. This is nowhere near the 20% you claim, and there is no way my character that has 2 of 3 available asc. is near 20% stronger than yours.
20%+ per PIECE without the infusion in the new gear and WITH upgrades to the old gear. let’s not forget that the infusion also have base stats, another lie that has been revealed.
But you cannot have all 18 pieces of ascended gear, only 3. Therefore, 20% per piece means nothing. We must compare the effect to the entire character. Infusion slots are so minor anyway. +5 healing power? +5 vitality? Even in “principle” that someone has an advantage, in real terms they do not. 50 health will never save you, it will never push a loss into a victory for you.
They are adding armor and weapons in the near future! yes it will be mandatory. add to that that they will constantly increase the quality of the gear. they’ve said so.
Let’s not forget that in post on Ascended gear, the developers also stated they would introduce rarer infusions in future updates. The grind is two-part: first you need Ascended gear, and then you need infusions.
What about the people who farmed Orr for karma so they could get the temple armour (for looks, stats, whatever) for 252,000 karma. Can you imagine how much of a slap to the face Linsey’s announcement of Ascended gear was? Their grind was finally over, and now it begins anew.
Wasn’t comparing the real id information on the forums. I was comparing the outcry on the forums, Both to me are just plain wrong. (I don’t work for them anymore I can say they were just Wrong !) How ever the major fire storm of their forums turning from raging cluster *@#$ is very similar and Blizzard drew back and corrected that problem. The question is, what will Anet do to correct the problem.
Blizzard tends to say something about concerns raised by a large number of players on their forums. I’m not sure why Anet has been silent; after all, they are a company started by previous blizzard employees.
Honestly after seeing all these negative posts over this; I really hope they blow the gates wide open and go full ascended gear! So many friends I made in 7 years of wow would come over and have a blast! If you’re leaving over this; send me your stuff and thanks for buying the game!
Keep up the great work Anet!!!
How much are you planning to spend in the Cash Shop to show your support for vertical gear progression?
I have been a good customer and still plan to be
If the angle your aiming for is how much would I need to spend to offset the loss of people leaving over this…my answer would be the new customers brought on.
I just want to reiterate that I can see why some people are upset looking at it from the surface.
But let’s be honest. You can run every fractal and the boss in game w/o ascended gear. I’m going out on a limb here but I bet future fractals will have the same accessibility. If they make it so you can only get a sweet looking set from running these, I am fine with that. I’m still building my 2nd dungeon set for my main in the original dungeons.
WvW stats that people are upset about don’t make sense to me when some groups use feasts or run with characters under 80 (it’s true!) WvW is so much fun, but honestly a 10 v 10 fight with people that got ascended gear and just wvw a little vs 10 level 60s that live off WvW are going to mop the ascended group to the ground. Another view point of skill vs gear.
The manifesto that everyone is so hot about was a marketing piece with best intentions. You still have to grind….if you choose….to level, gain gold/ karma, get your legendary, etc.
I tried to meet in the middle with my idea for ascended gear. I would like to see everyone happy, but I just don’t get why this has become such a hot topic with people claiming to quit or else.
Yak’s Bend
Anet should do nothing… The forum whining is whining. People think their opinion matter and it doesn’t.
If every single person opinion mattered, nothing would get done in this world.
Anet should do nothing… The forum whining is whining. People think their opinion matter and it doesn’t.
If every single person opinion mattered, nothing would get done in this world.
Corrected that for you.
Anet should not have changed their product design/vision by adding “gear stat progression”… The forum whining is whining. People think their opinion matter and it doesn’t.
If every single person opinion mattered, nothing would get done in this world.
Wow…my post had nothing really to do about ascended gear, it was on the topic of the forums and the silence by Anet..and they go merge it into this thread so it becomes buried. yea…Anet..good bye, I won’t be missing you at all. I went from upset to disgruntled and angry.
I don’t. These guys like that play-style and that’s fine with me. I personally don’t like it but I can’t blame them for enjoying it. I solely blame Anet for not sticking with their teachings.
I get what you are saying. Yes, Arenanet stabbed many of us in the back. They were telling one piece of kitten for 5 years and denied everything they was stood for, the moment they got our money. From now on, i will never ever consider them as a serious company. They reminded me on those greedy russians that made that other joke of f2p MMORPG.
Those people could as well stayed to play WoW, there was even MoP ready to be released, so i failed to see them why would they play GW2 in the first place. They wanted to farm Gear over and over and over again? Yes. And they bought GW2? Why? I fail to understand that they just went “Hurr durr, lets just buy dis, it haz kool looking Red dragon on box” without any other proper research that requires 2 pair of brain cells to use (well, you had to type “guild wars 2” on, so i dont know how is that hard to someone). After that they hit level 80, got mad because of lack of progression (which was by no means true)/raids/endgame and came to QQ on forum :P could do nothing more than “Oh look, those guys are complaining, well obviously we should do something about those complaints”. They are in business here afterall, not to give us cookies and cool looking books on our backs. So you got ascended gear/endgame, all because they felt the need to reduce the QQing, well, because they were customers like we was.
Bottom line
- Players fault: they bought the game which wasnt even made for them at the first place. (if i am bying FIFA expecting to play Basketball game, i will deffinatelly feel dissapointed if i am that dumb)
-’s fault: they listened waaay to much complaints on forum and should just stick to their kittening story/philosophy/thing and not give a kitten about anything else.
(edited by Dzoni.1082)
Im starting to miss the wow crowd /sad days.
Then go back. You should have never bought this game because it wasn’t made for you. But because of illiterate dungeon trolls like you who can’t be bothered to read about a game before buying it DEMANDED that ArenaNet give them a hamster-wheel to run on, they ruined the game for the people that they originally pitched the game to.
Its because of you content locusts that the MMO genre just got pushed back into the dark ages after only 3 months in the sun. You’re a piece of scum. Enjoy the rest of high school.
Please don’t take this as me telling you what to do. But there is no reason to call people names. However, I understand your anger and frustration. For some of us that hate “gear stat progression,” it does create strong emotions.
It’s not the mechanic itself but its the negative experiences we had as a result of it. I came to GW2 to get away from a toxic MMO environment. I had hoped that the things they were putting in place would make it a fun MMO for me. Then I played and to my surprise, it truly was different than other MMOs and fun. For 3 months, I have been enjoying the game and community. Now, I am already seeing the same negative behaviors that I left the toxic MMOs for.
(edited by dalendria.3762)
As most of us are WoW/Ex WoW players…I’m sure you guys remember the fiasco of the real ID that was to be implemented on their forums. I worked for Blizzard at the time and the community teams couldn’t keep up with the posts, it was gaining at time 5 pages a minute in posts The “thoughts on Ascended gear” now looking at 10844 replies with 134949 views. It took a letter from Mike Morhaim himself to kill the fire at blizzard and a retraction of realID on the forums
Now, we have ascended gear in game and frankly only way I see this fire being put out, is either reascending the new gear or nerfing them to exotic stats. With a letter from Anet design team saying. “Yes, this did seem like a good idea in theory, but it did go against the Manifesto and we will be adjusting the stats of Ascended items to only include Agony slots, and all exotics now will be formatted to include Agony.”
But watching these forums is exactly like the fiasco of Forum RealID…what do you guys think?
I stopped playing WOW 4 years ago so this does not sound familiar. How long did it take before Blizzard reversed its change? If you can shared, what the internal mood and discussion when they saw the furor over it?
Im starting to miss the wow crowd /sad days.
Then go back. You should have never bought this game because it wasn’t made for you. But because of illiterate dungeon trolls like you who can’t be bothered to read about a game before buying it DEMANDED that ArenaNet give them a hamster-wheel to run on, they ruined the game for the people that they originally pitched the game to.
Its because of you content locusts that the MMO genre just got pushed back into the dark ages after only 3 months in the sun. You’re a piece of scum. Enjoy the rest of high school.
Please don’t take this as me telling you what to do. But there is no reason to call people names. However, I understand your anger and frustration. For some of us that hate “gear stat progression,” it does create strong emotions.
It’s not the mechanic itself but its the negative experiences we had as a result of it. I came to GW2 to get away from a toxic MMO environment. I had hoped that the things they were putting in place would make it a fun MMO for me. Then I played and to my surprise, it truly was different than other MMOs and fun. For 3 months, I have been enjoying the game and community. Now, I am already seeing the same negative behaviors that I left the toxic MMOs for.
…and no offence taken . I am sorry if i offended anyone, on other hand. But i have reasons to be frustrated and angry. This was first MMORPG that i gave money for in years (which on other hand delayed my purchase of “Pathfinder Rulebook”) only because i sold on the story “but we dont want to make the same MMORPG everyone else is making”. Good marketing for them, they screwed up one more fool.
Also, speaking on guilt, i blame myself most of all people… i fell for marketing, which was against my principles… oh well If i make to refund, i will get Pathfinder Rulebook afterall (at least it will not magically turn into magazine after 3 months :P )
First few difficulties of FotM are Kitten Easy. it is not gated content at all.
They already said they will be adding new ways to get this gear including WvWvW.
That is Not speculation, it came from the horse’s mouth.Over time? When is that exactly, and why isn’t it available in wvwvw Now? Why are the wvwvw players pushed to the back of the bus?
Because that’s what every other mmo does.
I have been a good customer and still plan to be
If the angle your aiming for is how much would I need to spend to offset the loss of people leaving over this…my answer would be the new customers brought on.
I just want to reiterate that I can see why some people are upset looking at it from the surface.
But let’s be honest. You can run every fractal and the boss in game w/o ascended gear. I’m going out on a limb here but I bet future fractals will have the same accessibility. If they make it so you can only get a sweet looking set from running these, I am fine with that. I’m still building my 2nd dungeon set for my main in the original dungeons.
WvW stats that people are upset about don’t make sense to me when some groups use feasts or run with characters under 80 (it’s true!) WvW is so much fun, but honestly a 10 v 10 fight with people that got ascended gear and just wvw a little vs 10 level 60s that live off WvW are going to mop the ascended group to the ground. Another view point of skill vs gear.
The manifesto that everyone is so hot about was a marketing piece with best intentions. You still have to grind….if you choose….to level, gain gold/ karma, get your legendary, etc.
I tried to meet in the middle with my idea for ascended gear. I would like to see everyone happy, but I just don’t get why this has become such a hot topic with people claiming to quit or else.
It’s quite sad that most of people like you just don’t get it.
I’ll try and explain it to you. There are players that don’t have a lot of free time but they still enjoy playing a good game. ArenaNet was speaking directly to those players while developing GW2.
If it takes you 1 week, 1 month, 1 day or whatever arbitrary time you want to throw at us to get the gear, some people will need more time. Let’s say that it will take me 6 months to get the gear I want but there will be new gear available in 4? I’m speculating here just for the sake of an argument but we all know what statistical gear progression means. Why would I even bother with current gear if I know there will be a new set before I will be able to complete the current one?
Am I getting through to you? There is a reason why so many of us stopped playing WoW. Most of my friends from vanilla stopped playing. We just don’t have the time to grind the gear.
Guild Wars 2 was supposed to change all this nonsense, boy were we wrong. Try to think outside of the box for once.
I haven’t logged in since the announcement except to check a few things out. I highly recommend if you hate this move by Arena Net don’t log-in take a break and consider if this if the game you want to continue supporting.
I will not play this game in its current state and I’m not login-in again until I see what Arena Net’s nest move is.
Right now Arena Net is not going to say a word until they have a chance to compile the numbers and ascertain if they took a step ahead or a step back in revenue generation. Until Arena Net figures out what side of the pile of money they’re on we won’t hear anything official.
Your non-participation is the loudest statement you can make and the only thing we can hope for is that there are enough of us to effect change.
If the numbers are not in our favour we’ll just be scraped off like a scab.
“this is the MMO for the rest of us” ……ya right! ….played suk,eR
Don’t know if it’s been mentioned before, but putting in ascended items also made the following page superfluousness;
Why craft an extremely expensive weapon when it will become obsolete in a few months.
Why even learn any of the weapon and armor crafting skills now?
I haven’t logged in since the announcement except to check a few things out. I highly recommend if you hate this move by Arena Net don’t log-in take a break and consider if this if the game you want to continue supporting.
I will not play this game in its current state and I’m not login-in again until I see what Arena Net’s nest move is.
Right now Arena Net is not going to say a word until they have a chance to compile the numbers and ascertain if they took a step ahead or a step back in revenue generation. Until Arena Net figures out what side of the pile of money they’re on we won’t hear anything official.Your non-participation is the loudest statement you can make and the only thing we can hope for is that there are enough of us to effect change.
If the numbers are not in our favour we’ll just be scraped off like a scab.“this is the MMO for the rest of us” ……ya right! ….played suk,eR
same still waiting for some real explanation and what they are going to do about the player’s complain, until then I will hang out on the forum and enjoy some good debate going on here. Then again I just have this deep down feeling that, something like this is going to happen from time to time. Just like in GW1 when a farm build gets too efficient, expect a nerf in the next patch. Remember when you can do DoA brainlessly with Ursan? that was just plain fun!
I haven’t logged in since the announcement except to check a few things out. I highly recommend if you hate this move by Arena Net don’t log-in take a break and consider if this if the game you want to continue supporting.
That´s exactly what I have done. I also deinstalled it.
I’ll just be playing Skyrim until they do something about Ascended. I’m giving them a couple weeks to respond and revert the stats, after that I’ll get my money back.
This was bound to happen anyways. Think about it. It every society there are always different levels of income, ie rich, middle class, poor. Problem is this game becomes pointless and so does any economy if there is a “cap” on how good your gear is (in game) or much money and possessions you can amass (in real life). The elite players of this game, the people who spend all their time playing this game, want to be rewarded with an advantage. The rest of us with less time don’t spend nearly as long playing the game, so I’m not sure how I can justify someone else being forced to be equal with me. Not every kid gets an A. The whole point is there’s stuff we can get if we work hard and make good choices. Both in the game and in real life there will and should always be outliers. Arena net should apologize or at least explain why they changed their mind on the gear grind, but I bet I can spell it out for you: a large part of the gaming population is asking, “Dude, what else is there to do, we already got all the best gear in a few weeks?”
I mean does anyone seriously plan on keeping the same gear forever and just unlocking new textures? Every RPG I’ve ever owned I stopped playing once I hit the max level because , meh, what’s the point. The whole fun for me is getting the next greatest thing. The one’s I played over and over (morrowind, oblivion, skyrim, two worlds 2) generally let me do what I want as high as I want it.
For all you haters talking about “pay to win”….I work and am married to a non-gamer, so I don’t have a bunch of time to play. I would have loved when I played wow to spend a few extra real bucks to catch up to the rest of you who have more time. I never got to do one raid in wow because by the time I got to the right level the next expansion came out and boom, 10 more levels to gind out before I can raid…..wish I could just pay to get quick xp so I can play with the rest of the population….
Now, WOW had an “impossible” treadmill that sucked because if you were lvl 68 you HAD to buy the next expansion because the green gear from the next expansion was BETTER than the legendary stuff from previous one.
First few difficulties of FotM are Kitten Easy. it is not gated content at all.
They already said they will be adding new ways to get this gear including WvWvW.
That is Not speculation, it came from the horse’s mouth.Over time? When is that exactly, and why isn’t it available in wvwvw Now? Why are the wvwvw players pushed to the back of the bus?
Because that’s what every other mmo does.
How is that a reasonable justification? Lol
This was bound to happen anyways. Think about it. It every society there are always different levels of income, ie rich, middle class, poor. Problem is this game becomes pointless and so does any economy if there is a “cap” on how good your gear is (in game) or much money and possessions you can amass (in real life). The elite players of this game, the people who spend all their time playing this game, want to be rewarded with an advantage. The rest of us with less time don’t spend nearly as long playing the game, so I’m not sure how I can justify someone else being forced to be equal with me. Not every kid gets an A. The whole point is there’s stuff we can get if we work hard and make good choices. Both in the game and in real life there will and should always be outliers. Arena net should apologize or at least explain why they changed their mind on the gear grind, but I bet I can spell it out for you: a large part of the gaming population is asking, “Dude, what else is there to do, we already got all the best gear in a few weeks?”
I mean does anyone seriously plan on keeping the same gear forever and just unlocking new textures? Every RPG I’ve ever owned I stopped playing once I hit the max level because , meh, what’s the point. The whole fun for me is getting the next greatest thing. The one’s I played over and over (morrowind, oblivion, skyrim, two worlds 2) generally let me do what I want as high as I want it.
For all you haters talking about “pay to win”….I work and am married to a non-gamer, so I don’t have a bunch of time to play. I would have loved when I played wow to spend a few extra real bucks to catch up to the rest of you who have more time. I never got to do one raid in wow because by the time I got to the right level the next expansion came out and boom, 10 more levels to gind out before I can raid…..wish I could just pay to get quick xp so I can play with the rest of the population….Now, WOW had an “impossible” treadmill that sucked because if you were lvl 68 you HAD to buy the next expansion because the green gear from the next expansion was BETTER than the legendary stuff from previous one.
You wrote a whole lot but you just missed the key point. Ascended gear was introduce as a bridge between exotic and legendary (invisble gap) as well as prepare the player for new future content. They are going to release each piece slowly to give people time to acquire them. Having that being said does it not force the player to eventually do what they don’t like in order to enjoy this new future content?
it seems i cant create topic… its insta infracted so i try it here
any remember this?
in 1:40 i feel like somebody close to me just died :/
I’ll just be playing Skyrim until they do something about Ascended. I’m giving them a couple weeks to respond and revert the stats, after that I’ll get my money back.
hehehe me too. Love Skyrim. I started my 3rd playthrough last week. Also, trying to finish Assassin’s Creed over the holiday.
Have not logged in since late Sunday. May avoid this weekend as well.
I see devs responding to all kind of issues around forum last days (just check Dev Tracker and see yourself) yet, the biggest concern of players- changing game course/policy and game designers lies and broken promises about non-stat progression in game didnt get any statment, respond, official clarification, explanation- nothing for us. Big part of your community is angry, want to talk with devs about it, yet this is ignored. The biggest community concern from the game start- and they are ignored- Nice of you, guys, very nice. Like you dont see more and more threads about the same concern.
I am sure they just want to wait when everything will turn quiet and pretend this didnt happen. Players will play and pay eventually, so just wait for storm to go away, right?
I know some things need courage to do, so I hope they can find some and try to explain themself. Really, in all MMO, I have never seen such ingorance, rudeness and disrespect for important issue and players themselfs. Yet they have time for threads like tickets, jumping puzzles etc.
I can live with new gear. Just explain yourself, like normal people do. Show us why you were right, and we are wrong. You can be at least that fair. Worst thing is lack of dialogue. You can get far like this.
Even if this is only- we wanted more money, data showed more people wanted it- say it. Be a men.
I for one like to keep my current gear and enjoy all the new future content without having to do what I don’t in order to survive it. GW1 you can be wearing your tyria armor and still enjoy all of nightfall’s content. As for new armor it was all cosmetic and you have the option to pursue it should you chose to. And yes I agree this is not GW1 its GW2, but why screw with what work. I’m sure if the mass majority of play who are bored of the horizontal progress with will request for something new and exciting, why try to shove it down their throat?
it seems i cant create topic… its insta infracted so i try it here
any remember this?
in 1:40 i feel like somebody close to me just died :/
I never paid close attention to the manifesto at the time, I was too amazed by the game graphic. Today when I watch it again and compare everything they said against my personal experience in game, feels entirely different, especially “You swung a sword, you swung the sword again wow” and that was exactly all I did in game LOL
I’ll just be playing Skyrim until they do something about Ascended. I’m giving them a couple weeks to respond and revert the stats, after that I’ll get my money back.
hehehe me too. Love Skyrim. I started my 3rd playthrough last week. Also, trying to finish Assassin’s Creed over the holiday.
Have not logged in since late Sunday. May avoid this weekend as well.
Just bought Dawnguard and Hearthfire with money I otherwise would have spent on GW2 stuff. Interested to see what’s coming with the Dragonborn expansion Dec 5!
This was bound to happen anyways. Think about it. It every society there are always different levels of income, ie rich, middle class, poor. Problem is this game becomes pointless and so does any economy if there is a “cap” on how good your gear is (in game) or much money and possessions you can amass (in real life). The elite players of this game, the people who spend all their time playing this game, want to be rewarded with an advantage. The rest of us with less time don’t spend nearly as long playing the game, so I’m not sure how I can justify someone else being forced to be equal with me. Not every kid gets an A. The whole point is there’s stuff we can get if we work hard and make good choices. Both in the game and in real life there will and should always be outliers. Arena net should apologize or at least explain why they changed their mind on the gear grind, but I bet I can spell it out for you: a large part of the gaming population is asking, “Dude, what else is there to do, we already got all the best gear in a few weeks?”
I mean does anyone seriously plan on keeping the same gear forever and just unlocking new textures? Every RPG I’ve ever owned I stopped playing once I hit the max level because , meh, what’s the point. The whole fun for me is getting the next greatest thing. The one’s I played over and over (morrowind, oblivion, skyrim, two worlds 2) generally let me do what I want as high as I want it.
For all you haters talking about “pay to win”….I work and am married to a non-gamer, so I don’t have a bunch of time to play. I would have loved when I played wow to spend a few extra real bucks to catch up to the rest of you who have more time. I never got to do one raid in wow because by the time I got to the right level the next expansion came out and boom, 10 more levels to gind out before I can raid…..wish I could just pay to get quick xp so I can play with the rest of the population….Now, WOW had an “impossible” treadmill that sucked because if you were lvl 68 you HAD to buy the next expansion because the green gear from the next expansion was BETTER than the legendary stuff from previous one.
MMOs are about the only popular multiplayer genre where power equality is not the norm. Your argument is pretty baseless with regards to gaming as a whole. In real life you can actually be rewarded for messing up someone’s life so thoroughly that they can never recover. Should video games promote that as well?
who actually wants that? Do we really want to be playing those same game mechanics for
another 5 or 10 years? -Mike O’Brien
This was bound to happen anyways. Think about it. It every society there are always different levels of income, ie rich, middle class, poor. Problem is this game becomes pointless and so does any economy if there is a “cap” on how good your gear is (in game) or much money and possessions you can amass (in real life). The elite players of this game, the people who spend all their time playing this game, want to be rewarded with an advantage. The rest of us with less time don’t spend nearly as long playing the game, so I’m not sure how I can justify someone else being forced to be equal with me. Not every kid gets an A. The whole point is there’s stuff we can get if we work hard and make good choices. Both in the game and in real life there will and should always be outliers. Arena net should apologize or at least explain why they changed their mind on the gear grind, but I bet I can spell it out for you: a large part of the gaming population is asking, “Dude, what else is there to do, we already got all the best gear in a few weeks?”
I mean does anyone seriously plan on keeping the same gear forever and just unlocking new textures? Every RPG I’ve ever owned I stopped playing once I hit the max level because , meh, what’s the point. The whole fun for me is getting the next greatest thing. The one’s I played over and over (morrowind, oblivion, skyrim, two worlds 2) generally let me do what I want as high as I want it.
For all you haters talking about “pay to win”….I work and am married to a non-gamer, so I don’t have a bunch of time to play. I would have loved when I played wow to spend a few extra real bucks to catch up to the rest of you who have more time. I never got to do one raid in wow because by the time I got to the right level the next expansion came out and boom, 10 more levels to gind out before I can raid…..wish I could just pay to get quick xp so I can play with the rest of the population….Now, WOW had an “impossible” treadmill that sucked because if you were lvl 68 you HAD to buy the next expansion because the green gear from the next expansion was BETTER than the legendary stuff from previous one.
You wrote a whole lot but you just missed the key point. Ascended gear was introduce as a bridge between exotic and legendary (invisble gap) as well as prepare the player for new future content. They are going to release each piece slowly to give people time to acquire them. Having that being said does it not force the player to eventually do what they don’t like in order to enjoy this new future content?
Yes I do see your point. Having watched the manifesto again I do see what the major compaints are and that they are valid. So I guess my response is I’m not one of those players that doesn’t care and is excited to try to get the new gear regardless. I don’t find the game to be a grind and often group up with strangers to accomplish the events and quests that pop up everywhere. I never played GW1 as it was old by the time I got into MMO’s, so I didn’t realize that there was no gear necessary to keep going into other areas of the game. Still don’t see how that would be fun…but that’s just me.
This was bound to happen anyways. Think about it. It every society there are always different levels of income, ie rich, middle class, poor. Problem is this game becomes pointless and so does any economy if there is a “cap” on how good your gear is (in game) or much money and possessions you can amass (in real life). The elite players of this game, the people who spend all their time playing this game, want to be rewarded with an advantage.
I’ve seen this argument posted a lot; “Always gonna be rich and poor” “If you want the good stuff you have to work for it” “Life isn’t fair”.
I don’t care. That fact that real life is hard and unfair does not mean my game should be hard and unfair. I can think of all sorts of ways to better simulate real life. How about if some accounts have a lower level cap then others due to genetic disease? Or some accounts could just start with a 100g trust fund in the bank while others have to send off 10g every month to support their ailing mother? Every once in a while random characters on your account will just be deleted and you’ll get a message saying they were hit by a yak and killed.
(No personal offense meant Puff. You’re just the most recent one to bring up this argument.)
(edited by Steely Phil.3952)
This was bound to happen anyways. Think about it. It every society there are always different levels of income, ie rich, middle class, poor. Problem is this game becomes pointless and so does any economy if there is a “cap” on how good your gear is (in game) or much money and possessions you can amass (in real life). The elite players of this game, the people who spend all their time playing this game, want to be rewarded with an advantage.
I’ve seen this argument posted a lot; “Always gonna be rich and poor” “If you want the good stuff you have to work for it” “Life isn’t fair”.
I don’t care. That fact that real life is hard and unfair does not mean my game should be hard and unfair. I can think of all sorts of ways to better simulate real life. How about if some accounts have a lower level cap then others due to genetic disease? Or some accounts could just start with a 100g trust fund in the bank while others have to send off 10g every month to support their ailing mother? Every once in a while random characters on your account will just be deleted and you’ll get a message saying they were hit by a yak and killed.
(No personal offense meant Puff. You’re just the most recent one to bring up this argument.)
Hit by a yak XD
+1 internets to you sir
I don’t mind “working” for rewards. I hate being forced to do content that I find repulsive, such as dungeons.
The elite players of this game, the people who spend all their time playing this game, want to be rewarded with an advantage. The rest of us with less time don’t spend nearly as long playing the game, so I’m not sure how I can justify someone else being forced to be equal with me. Not every kid gets an A. The whole point is there’s stuff we can get if we work hard and make good choices. Both in the game and in real life there will and should always be outliers. .
You might want to stop tugging your forelock so hard mate, you will do yourself an injury.
This issue you speak of doesnt exist.There is no issue to respond to for Anet – there is a discussion thread with ideas from the players but that is nothing. A few complainers online but alas there is no issue and it doesnt exist.
Only for a few players who believe in principles and have made a stand, for that they are ignored. See there is no issue.
I hope you understand now.
(edited by Narkosys.5173)
This was bound to happen anyways. Think about it. It every society there are always different levels of income, ie rich, middle class, poor. Problem is this game becomes pointless and so does any economy if there is a “cap” on how good your gear is (in game) or much money and possessions you can amass (in real life). The elite players of this game, the people who spend all their time playing this game, want to be rewarded with an advantage.
I’ve seen this argument posted a lot; “Always gonna be rich and poor” “If you want the good stuff you have to work for it” “Life isn’t fair”.
I don’t care. That fact that real life is hard and unfair does not mean my game should be hard and unfair. I can think of all sorts of ways to better simulate real life. How about if some accounts have a lower level cap then others due to genetic disease? Or some accounts could just start with a 100g trust fund in the bank while others have to send off 10g every month to support their ailing mother? Every once in a while random characters on your account will just be deleted and you’ll get a message saying they were hit by a yak and killed.
(No personal offense meant Puff. You’re just the most recent one to bring up this argument.)
No offense taken. I understand your counter argument (don’t speak too loudly, Arena net might make your idea a game feature).
First, I would say that the things you mentioned as real life examples are things that someone would have no control over. The argument I was making was that in the game you have control over whether or not you want to be in the elite. There is nothing stopping you from achieving whatever you want in the game. Now there would just be more to achieve. I’m not trying to make the game more “realistic”, I just don’t personally see the fun if there’s no payoff for trying.
Second, when you say you don’t want the game to be hard and unfair, I think its unfair to hold the other gamers back from moving on to bigger and better things. I think its more unfair that the hardcore players don’t get access cooler stuff. I’m not even a hardcore gamer so I’ll never have to make the choice, but I certainly don’t mind them being able to. Good for them.
Either way I’m gonna keep playing so whatever.
Yeh big brother already got our money so it doesn’t matter since we eventually not going to chase that carrot so why bother waste time to give an explanation. We have become unimportant and not priority. Do prove otherwise.
This was bound to happen anyways. Think about it. It every society there are always different levels of income, ie rich, middle class, poor. Problem is this game becomes pointless and so does any economy if there is a “cap” on how good your gear is (in game) or much money and possessions you can amass (in real life). The elite players of this game, the people who spend all their time playing this game, want to be rewarded with an advantage.
I’ve seen this argument posted a lot; “Always gonna be rich and poor” “If you want the good stuff you have to work for it” “Life isn’t fair”.
I don’t care. That fact that real life is hard and unfair does not mean my game should be hard and unfair. I can think of all sorts of ways to better simulate real life. How about if some accounts have a lower level cap then others due to genetic disease? Or some accounts could just start with a 100g trust fund in the bank while others have to send off 10g every month to support their ailing mother? Every once in a while random characters on your account will just be deleted and you’ll get a message saying they were hit by a yak and killed.
(No personal offense meant Puff. You’re just the most recent one to bring up this argument.)
No offense taken. I understand your counter argument (don’t speak too loudly, Arena net might make your idea a game feature)
First, I would say that the things you mentioned as real life examples are things that someone would have no control over. The argument I was making was that in the game you have control over whether or not you want to be in the elite. There is nothing stopping you from achieving whatever you want in the game. Now there would just be more to achieve. I’m not trying to make the game more “realistic”, I just don’t personally see the fun if there’s no payoff for trying.
Second, when you say you don’t want the game to be hard and unfair, I think its unfair to hold the other gamers back from moving on to bigger and better things. I think its more unfair that the hardcore players don’t get access cooler stuff. I’m not even a hardcore gamer so I’ll never have to make the choice, but I certainly don’t mind them being able to. Good for them.Either way I’m gonna keep playing so whatever.
They’ve always had access to cooler stuff, just in a cosmetic form and not a stat form. There’s no point to making their rewards statistically superior, because content becomes balanced to that making it meaningless in the end. As someone who does a lot of playing and could reasonably achieve this Ascended stuff if I wanted to, I don’t see why I should be working my kitten off for meaningless numbers rather than cool looking gear, and be punished until I have it by stat disparity. I was planning on grinding and working for Legendaries for most of my characters (if not all, depending on whether the new Legendaries match the aesthetic I’m going for on some), but I don’t see the point in playing a game wherein I HAVE to work and grind for things I don’t want just to be statistically complete.
Just arrived this mail, so feel free to wrote what u think about
I have express my trouble like all of us here, the gear-farming.
-Mike Obrien
Also vocal minority issue.
As much as you see people whining here about the stuff. Everyone who doesn’t dislike it doesn’t come here to say anything about it.
I’ve seen more people enjoying the content than whining about it. The only place I see QQ about ascended gear is here on the forums and occasionally someone who wants a refund will log into the game to QQ in so much irony.
Why would I even bother with current gear if I know there will be a new set before I will be able to complete the current one?
The point I was trying to make was reaching a middle ground so that Ascended Gear is more of a choice for those that want to pursue higher levels of the fractals and get new sets…not like how you implied.
I understand where you are coming from for how you like to play; by taking your time to get gear. Which you can do still, but why would the current batch of exotics from dungeon runs not work for you? You act like you are a super casual, but want all the benefits of playing on a regular basis.
You are still able to do everything else in game with Ascended Gear in the mix, and you aren’t being penalized for not playing. The thing that is getting under my skin is that your side of the fence is saying your way or the highway….I’m just trying to find some middle ground that works for everyone.
And to answer your question that I quoted: Why not? The sets in game right now are awesome! And you can use those skins to reskin other gear if you want.
Yak’s Bend
This was bound to happen anyways. Think about it. It every society there are always different levels of income, ie rich, middle class, poor. Problem is this game becomes pointless and so does any economy if there is a “cap” on how good your gear is (in game) or much money and possessions you can amass (in real life). The elite players of this game, the people who spend all their time playing this game, want to be rewarded with an advantage.
I’ve seen this argument posted a lot; “Always gonna be rich and poor” “If you want the good stuff you have to work for it” “Life isn’t fair”.
I don’t care. That fact that real life is hard and unfair does not mean my game should be hard and unfair. I can think of all sorts of ways to better simulate real life. How about if some accounts have a lower level cap then others due to genetic disease? Or some accounts could just start with a 100g trust fund in the bank while others have to send off 10g every month to support their ailing mother? Every once in a while random characters on your account will just be deleted and you’ll get a message saying they were hit by a yak and killed.
(No personal offense meant Puff. You’re just the most recent one to bring up this argument.)
No offense taken. I understand your counter argument (don’t speak too loudly, Arena net might make your idea a game feature)
First, I would say that the things you mentioned as real life examples are things that someone would have no control over. The argument I was making was that in the game you have control over whether or not you want to be in the elite. There is nothing stopping you from achieving whatever you want in the game. Now there would just be more to achieve. I’m not trying to make the game more “realistic”, I just don’t personally see the fun if there’s no payoff for trying.
Second, when you say you don’t want the game to be hard and unfair, I think its unfair to hold the other gamers back from moving on to bigger and better things. I think its more unfair that the hardcore players don’t get access cooler stuff. I’m not even a hardcore gamer so I’ll never have to make the choice, but I certainly don’t mind them being able to. Good for them.Either way I’m gonna keep playing so whatever.
They’ve always had access to cooler stuff, just in a cosmetic form and not a stat form. There’s no point to making their rewards statistically superior, because content becomes balanced to that making it meaningless in the end. As someone who does a lot of playing and could reasonably achieve this Ascended stuff if I wanted to, I don’t see why I should be working my kitten off for meaningless numbers rather than cool looking gear, and be punished until I have it by stat disparity. I was planning on grinding and working for Legendaries for most of my characters (if not all, depending on whether the new Legendaries match the aesthetic I’m going for on some), but I don’t see the point in playing a game wherein I HAVE to work and grind for things I don’t want just to be statistically complete.
Makes sense to me. I disagree on a “I find something fun different than what you find fun” level, but that’s just a difference of opinion.
For example, my necromancer is finished cosmetically (for now; again, I’ve got a wait-and-see approach to newer Legendaries, but none of the current ones really work for his look). I’ve got him geared out with a mixture of dungeon, orders, Halloween, and crafted armor that I think looks very nice, and he’s a Staff + Dagger/Focus necro, so I went with Deathwish, Tear of Grenth, and Gaze. All told, I’d have to check gw2spidy for current prices on the weapons, but his gear is worth somewhere around 50g. That’s not including whatever gold value you want to assign to the work I put in for the dungeon skins. What’s my reward for that work? Every time I play my necro, I get rewarded by thinking: “ kitten I look pretty bad kitten ” I feel that there was plenty of progression for him in getting those items, and I am pleased with the reward that stays with me every time I play. Stat progression on the other hand will not reward me every time I play, it will be a one-time relief of “Finally done grinding for stats, now I can play how I want”, followed by content adjusting itself in difficulty and eventually a new tier outdating the stats I just got. There is no real progression, there’s merely forced invalidation; there’s no achievement, no sense of pride, merely a rest period between periods of required work. Relating cosmetic progression to vertical progression is like relating FINALLY getting that dream car you’ve always wanted to the 15-minute break you get at work.
Normalize the basic stats of Ascended and Legendary gear to the same as the basic stats of current Exotic gear. Increase the bonuses of Infusions by the amount removed from the basic stats of Ascended and Legendary items. Make all bonuses gained through infusions active only in dungeons (or PvE in general) to avoid unbalancing WvW.
Those fixes would appease most people, I think.
For example, my necromancer is finished cosmetically (for now; again, I’ve got a wait-and-see approach to newer Legendaries, but none of the current ones really work for his look). I’ve got him geared out with a mixture of dungeon, orders, Halloween, and crafted armor that I think looks very nice, and he’s a Staff + Dagger/Focus necro, so I went with Deathwish, Tear of Grenth, and Gaze. All told, I’d have to check gw2spidy for current prices on the weapons, but his gear is worth somewhere around 50g. That’s not including whatever gold value you want to assign to the work I put in for the dungeon skins. What’s my reward for that work? Every time I play my necro, I get rewarded by thinking: kitten I look pretty bad kitten " I feel that there was plenty of progression for him in getting those items, and I am pleased with the reward that stays with me every time I play. Stat progression on the other hand will not reward me every time I play, it will be a one-time relief of “Finally done grinding for stats, now I can play how I want”, followed by content adjusting itself in difficulty and eventually a new tier outdating the stats I just got. There is no real progression, there’s merely forced invalidation; there’s no achievement, no sense of pride, merely a rest period between periods of required work. Relating cosmetic progression to vertical progression is like relating FINALLY getting that dream car you’ve always wanted to the 15-minute break you get at work.
Gotcha. Like I said, I’ve never played to get a certain style of gear for a character, so I can’t really relate. I usually just play for stats. To me this whole idea of cosmetic upgrades sounds more like putting a ferarri body on a fiero and calling it a dream car.
Ascended is hard to get. Make new stuff to fill the gap between exotic and ascended. And make new stuff for the gap between ascended and legendary.
Oh and make stuff to fill the gaps between those gaps. Oh and make stuff for after legendaries cuz I’m bored.
For example, my necromancer is finished cosmetically (for now; again, I’ve got a wait-and-see approach to newer Legendaries, but none of the current ones really work for his look). I’ve got him geared out with a mixture of dungeon, orders, Halloween, and crafted armor that I think looks very nice, and he’s a Staff + Dagger/Focus necro, so I went with Deathwish, Tear of Grenth, and Gaze. All told, I’d have to check gw2spidy for current prices on the weapons, but his gear is worth somewhere around 50g. That’s not including whatever gold value you want to assign to the work I put in for the dungeon skins. What’s my reward for that work? Every time I play my necro, I get rewarded by thinking: kitten I look pretty bad kitten " I feel that there was plenty of progression for him in getting those items, and I am pleased with the reward that stays with me every time I play. Stat progression on the other hand will not reward me every time I play, it will be a one-time relief of “Finally done grinding for stats, now I can play how I want”, followed by content adjusting itself in difficulty and eventually a new tier outdating the stats I just got. There is no real progression, there’s merely forced invalidation; there’s no achievement, no sense of pride, merely a rest period between periods of required work. Relating cosmetic progression to vertical progression is like relating FINALLY getting that dream car you’ve always wanted to the 15-minute break you get at work.
Gotcha. Like I said, I’ve never played to get a certain style of gear for a character, so I can’t really relate. I usually just play for stats. To me this whole idea of cosmetic upgrades sounds more like putting a ferarri body on a fiero and calling it a dream car.
That analogy doesn’t make much sense, because the stats on the item would be the same as the “top tier stats” you want to chase after. More like the difference between a Ferrari with a really jacked up body that still runs and a Ferrari in pristine condition. Mechanically the same, cosmetically different. Whereas pursuing a stat treadmill with content that gets balanced to maintain the same ratio of effective power would be like Ferrari announcing that their new lineup of vehicles is exactly the same as their old lineup, but that everyone with old Ferrari’s is now required to bring them in to have the engines downgraded.