Still worth getting into?

Still worth getting into?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Almar.9786


Is this game still worth getting into? I’m thinking if I missed alot of living story/stuff like that.
Thanks for replies

Still worth getting into?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Flissy.4093


Absolutely. While the ship has sailed on living story, there is more than enough content existing (dungeons, WvW, exploration) to make the game enjoyable, even if you barely partake in them and only experience them once.

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Still worth getting into?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SkyFallsInThunder.8257


The current living story installment is almost over and a new chapter will begin in March-April or so. And even with this one, the best is still to come; most LS updates so far have been rather dissapointing.

Still worth getting into?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Garambola.2461


Living story Season 1 is ending. New stuff will come later in the Spring. This game will be here for years. Don’t believe those who say it is dead. See for yourself, it costs nothing.

Still worth getting into?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: epborden.7492


Well I’ve heard some things are happening. Lion’s Arch might be destroyed. A new world boss might be coming. Two-handed weapons are getting double sigils and sigils are getting a rework. They just added a new WvW map that plays different, and the terrain is all over the place plus it is in the sky. More players have had the time to play so you’ll meet a lot of good people to play against in PvP and WvW.

Still worth getting into?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Palador.2170


(Warning: Incoming Opinion)


Right now, you’ll be coming in at the end of the story, the parts you’ve missed are pretty much gone forever.


In March they’re supposed to release details of upcoming changes to the game. One would hope this also includes the stuff that was supposed to be in the game LAST year, but nobody’s promising anything. Or talking about those things. Or even making eye contact with them. So… yeah.

Basically, in a month or so, we find out if the Devs are going to try to make this game what it could be, or continue the slide into being WoW Clone #27.

Instead of jumping in during the last two chapters of the current story, I’d suggest that you wait for their statements in March to see what’s really coming, and decide then. You can jump in now if you want, but people are going to be chasing after the Living Story stuff, and you may feel a bit left out. If that won’t bother you, then go for it.

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delicate, brick-like subtlety.

Still worth getting into?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Almar.9786


I don’t have a max level character yet so maybe it is a good time to spend this month getting one incase they release new story stuff. So that I am ready if/when it does. Is that a good idea?

Still worth getting into?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cush.4063


Heck ya it is. Need to level up. Get some gear. Get some moneys. All takes time. And by the time you’re all readied up, the huge update their supposed to give will hopefully be about ready. This year is supposed to be a big year for guild wars 2, especially with all the competition coming g this year they have to do something big to stay in it/on top.

Still worth getting into?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Palador.2170


Heck ya it is. Need to level up. Get some gear. Get some moneys. All takes time. And by the time you’re all readied up, the huge update their supposed to give will hopefully be about ready. This year is supposed to be a big year for guild wars 2, especially with all the competition coming g this year they have to do something big to stay in it/on top.

Did… did you just suggest that they start now, so they can spend a month or two just getting ready to have fun?


But still, good point. The Devs like sticking story stuff at level 80. (Level 1-15 zone? Let’s put a level 80 instance there! An upleveled 12 can handle that, right? And let’s stick our toughest world bosses in mid-ranged zones!) I don’t see them changing that now.

So, yeah. Might want to jump in and start grinding. I’d avoid any ascended gear, though. The big update may change builds and gear enough that you’d regret the time and effort spent on getting it.

Sarcasm, delivered with a
delicate, brick-like subtlety.

Still worth getting into?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gibson.4036


Is this game still worth getting into?

I’d say no. ArenaNet still seems to be at a crisis point where they are figuring out what the game is supposed to be. I’d wait three to six months, and see what happens after the game weathers the launch of several competitors, finishes the first living story season, and gets into its next stage of development.

By then, it should be clearer where GW2 is headed, and what kind of player it wants as its audience.

Still worth getting into?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cush.4063


Heck ya it is. Need to level up. Get some gear. Get some moneys. All takes time. And by the time you’re all readied up, the huge update their supposed to give will hopefully be about ready. This year is supposed to be a big year for guild wars 2, especially with all the competition coming g this year they have to do something big to stay in it/on top.

Did… did you just suggest that they start now, so they can spend a month or two just getting ready to have fun?


But still, good point. The Devs like sticking story stuff at level 80. (Level 1-15 zone? Let’s put a level 80 instance there! An upleveled 12 can handle that, right? And let’s stick our toughest world bosses in mid-ranged zones!) I don’t see them changing that now.

So, yeah. Might want to jump in and start grinding. I’d avoid any ascended gear, though. The big update may change builds and gear enough that you’d regret the time and effort spent on getting it.

Lol no I didn’t. Leveling and achieving that gear is fun to me. Playing the game gets you what you want. If you want to do it fast and grind that’s different.

Is this game still worth getting into?

I’d say no. ArenaNet still seems to be at a crisis point where they are figuring out what the game is supposed to be. I’d wait three to six months, and see what happens after the game weathers the launch of several competitors, finishes the first living story season, and gets into its next stage of development.

By then, it should be clearer where GW2 is headed, and what kind of player it wants as its audience.

If he has the game why not play it instead of waiting forever for a competitor to come out. That makes no sense lol. The game is extremely fun and I’d recommend playing it to have fun and by the time all the new big stuff comes out you’ll have extra fun for being leveled up to play that content.

Still worth getting into?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nury.3062


You are in my friend list now.If you need help,have questions don’t hesitate to whisper me in game.

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Still worth getting into?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Taygus.4571


I missed the entire LS cept this months, …
It’s grand, you can join in, and have a blast, you ain’t missing much in “story” terms. This game is less role play and more “achievements”/missions. Some people find the story interesting, most seem to ignore it.

Many enjoy the game and totally ignore the Living story.

Still worth getting into?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dark Catalyst.1028

Dark Catalyst.1028

(Warning: Incoming Opinion)


Right now, you’ll be coming in at the end of the story, the parts you’ve missed are pretty much gone forever.


In March they’re supposed to release details of upcoming changes to the game. One would hope this also includes the stuff that was supposed to be in the game LAST year, but nobody’s promising anything. Or talking about those things. Or even making eye contact with them. So… yeah.

Basically, in a month or so, we find out if the Devs are going to try to make this game what it could be, or continue the slide into being WoW Clone #27.

Instead of jumping in during the last two chapters of the current story, I’d suggest that you wait for their statements in March to see what’s really coming, and decide then. You can jump in now if you want, but people are going to be chasing after the Living Story stuff, and you may feel a bit left out. If that won’t bother you, then go for it.

WoW clone, eh? WoW holds closer to the GW2 manifesto than GW2 itself at the moment.

Still worth getting into?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: xXxOrcaxXx.9328


While the game is far from beeing dead, you can see the progressions in this game in three different ways:

Content-Progression (temporary): Huge progressions. The devs try to release every 2 weeks new content.
Content-Progression (permanent): Small progressions. 1 new PvE map, 1 new WvW map, some new PvP maps, 2 new healing skills, some new minigames. That’s it.
Gameplay-Progression: Nearly non-exsistant. Balancewise, this game is still terrible.

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Still worth getting into?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Khisanth.2948


Yes – if you aren’t playing anything else and need something to fill in some time
No – if you are already playing something else and it isn’t terrible

Missing the LS is pretty much irrelevant. IF it was awesome it would be disappointing to have missed but so far it hasn’t been and I find it very unlikely it can be salvaged with just the last two releases. IF it had some complex plot where you might be lost unless you were there from the beginning then there might be a problem but it doesn’t have that either.

There are supposedly great things coming but they said similar things for the first year. Personally I care more for the present than all those maybes. While they have added things none of it seems to have much replay value.

This is a great time to be asking this question though. After Tuesday’s patch you’ll be able to see if they can actually bring something with lasting value or if it is just another flash in the pan.

There might be new content every 2 weeks (apparently they are taking a break after the next two) but most of that content is about 2 or 3 days of stuff. A few of it was good. Most of it was basically kill 10 rats.

Bugs are still plentiful.

Still worth getting into?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Judge Banks.9018

Judge Banks.9018

Yes – if you aren’t playing anything else and need something to fill in some time
No – if you are already playing something else and it isn’t terrible

Missing the LS is pretty much irrelevant. IF it was awesome it would be disappointing to have missed but so far it hasn’t been and I find it very unlikely it can be salvaged with just the last two releases. IF it had some complex plot where you might be lost unless you were there from the beginning then there might be a problem but it doesn’t have that either.

There are supposedly great things coming but they said similar things for the first year. Personally I care more for the present than all those maybes. While they have added things none of it seems to have much replay value.

This is a great time to be asking this question though. After Tuesday’s patch you’ll be able to see if they can actually bring something with lasting value or if it is just another flash in the pan.

There might be new content every 2 weeks (apparently they are taking a break after the next two) but most of that content is about 2 or 3 days of stuff. A few of it was good. Most of it was basically kill 10 rats.

Bugs are still plentiful.

Mmmm, they did hand out a bunch of precursors after the Karka event. I mean missing out on free unique/named exotic hand outs, that’s kind of a big deal.

Still worth getting into?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cush.4063


I really don’t get why people make these threads if you’ve already purchased it tbh. Use Google to find the new updates and jump into the game and play it to see if you like it. Its only 2 clicks away.

Still worth getting into?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Khisanth.2948


Yes – if you aren’t playing anything else and need something to fill in some time
No – if you are already playing something else and it isn’t terrible

Missing the LS is pretty much irrelevant. IF it was awesome it would be disappointing to have missed but so far it hasn’t been and I find it very unlikely it can be salvaged with just the last two releases. IF it had some complex plot where you might be lost unless you were there from the beginning then there might be a problem but it doesn’t have that either.

There are supposedly great things coming but they said similar things for the first year. Personally I care more for the present than all those maybes. While they have added things none of it seems to have much replay value.

This is a great time to be asking this question though. After Tuesday’s patch you’ll be able to see if they can actually bring something with lasting value or if it is just another flash in the pan.

There might be new content every 2 weeks (apparently they are taking a break after the next two) but most of that content is about 2 or 3 days of stuff. A few of it was good. Most of it was basically kill 10 rats.

Bugs are still plentiful.

Mmmm, they did hand out a bunch of precursors after the Karka event. I mean missing out on free unique/named exotic hand outs, that’s kind of a big deal.

One of many screw ups. I am still not sure what to think of that one. Sure you missed a chance at a precursor but it’s not like it was guaranteed in theory you have a chance at that for every kill as well. Does it happen for most people? No.

Still worth getting into?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Majic.4801


Try it. If it’s fun, keep playing.

If it’s not, play something else.

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