(edited by Paralux.6714)
Stop Putting Everything On TP.
not everyone likes certain parts of the game, yet want certain skins. seems fine to me if it is this way. i do not pvp, ever. yet i do have certain pvp armors due to the fact i can get them without doing pvp. not bad at all.
PvP armor? You mean dungeon armor?
I wouldn’t mind if fractal skins was availabe buy doing something else to get them. For example if they were also obtainable through WvW. I just don’t liek it being about spending gold.
Don’t think of it as spending gold. Think of it as giving gold to other players.
Ok, the fact that you can buy Shards of Glory and Memories of Battle on the TP is annoying already. I thought the thing about Precursor Crafting was that players instead of spending a lot of gold could just put a lot of effort in to the game and still being able to get a precursor. But not only does do you lose gold on finishing the precursor tiers (counting the costs of all materials needed atm it’s cheaper to jsut buy the precursor directly from TP.) it’s also still much easier for people who are willing to spend a lot of gold to get it much faster than people who actually wants to work for it. I can understand that some things which are needed for the precursor is on TP, like elonian leather for example, which is also something you need to craft other things. But to put shards of glory and memories on battle on TP is just totally unnecessary.
And now I’m even more annoyed since even the fractal ACHIEVEMENT chests can be sold/bought on/from the TP. I thought they wanted more people to do fractals, now you can get a skin without even having to enter the gate in LA. :S
And just a note, personally I think that it is much more encouraging to work for something I know everyone else that wants the same thing has to work for aswell, rather than knowing some people can just buy everything they need.
I’m not annoyed at the fractal weapon skins now being available on tp. I’m pretty jazzed acutally. I’m loving my new frac greatsword on my reaper. The irony is I wouldn’t have even known about it unless someone came on to forums with a gripe about it….so ty
Not everyone wants to spend a year trying for a particular weapon they want. Your complaint also seems to be directed at the people who are making money off of selling an item the don’t want or need. gg
I didn’t know about it either till I saw it on the forum
(Runs to wardrobe and tries out different weapons)
Ty OP. You’ve been a great help. ^^
ANet may give it to you.
Do content or spend gold sound like a good middle ground to me, why should you get it in WvW and if so why not open world pve?
Then I would like to get wvw badges doing pve and heck even add in the reward tracks for spvp along side map rewards plox
You can buy those with gold? Awesome! Thanks for the tip!
Hmm, I put “fractal” into the search and only found "Chest of the … " — how does one get a skin? (Note I am not yet Fractal 50 though I’m getting there, so maybe I still can’t get one). The wiki does not say what the Chests contain.
Hmm, I put “fractal” into the search and only found "Chest of the … " — how does one get a skin? (Note I am not yet Fractal 50 though I’m getting there, so maybe I still can’t get one). The wiki does not say what the Chests contain.
If you mouse over the fractal chests on the trading post in game they tell you what is inside.
ANet may give it to you.
Gonna have to agree. It’s taking away any sense of achievements, although I admit, I sold mine lol.
I prefer the sense of achievement, but as it stands now, not gonna turn down 80 gold for something I have no use for.
Hmm, I put “fractal” into the search and only found "Chest of the … " — how does one get a skin? (Note I am not yet Fractal 50 though I’m getting there, so maybe I still can’t get one). The wiki does not say what the Chests contain.
If you mouse over the fractal chests on the trading post in game they tell you what is inside.
So “fractal gold” is a weapon, for example? From the icon it could just be a token like a pristine relic.
I find it lame that exclusive rewards tied to content can be sold for gold on TP. It reduces the replay-ability and means theres less end game content worth doing if theres no unique reward tied to it.
But if most people are happy with the change I wont complain, ill just try and earn my the old fashion way lol
Hmm, I put “fractal” into the search and only found "Chest of the … " — how does one get a skin? (Note I am not yet Fractal 50 though I’m getting there, so maybe I still can’t get one). The wiki does not say what the Chests contain.
If you mouse over the fractal chests on the trading post in game they tell you what is inside.
So “fractal gold” is a weapon, for example? From the icon it could just be a token like a pristine relic.
I’m not in game but I moused over them one time to look them over and some said fractal weapon inside and some didn’t.
ANet may give it to you.
Hmm, I put “fractal” into the search and only found "Chest of the … " — how does one get a skin? (Note I am not yet Fractal 50 though I’m getting there, so maybe I still can’t get one). The wiki does not say what the Chests contain.
If you mouse over the fractal chests on the trading post in game they tell you what is inside.
So “fractal gold” is a weapon, for example? From the icon it could just be a token like a pristine relic.
I’m not in game but I moused over them one time to look them over and some said fractal weapon inside and some didn’t.
So don’t buy the ones that don’t have one, problem solved
[sarcasm]So fractal boxes can be traded now…
Can we make Glorious Armor Boxes tradable next pls? I’d like to have one and I don’t feel like playing pvp. [/sarcasm]
I hate it when rewards that were exclusive to one type of content are handed out like candy. It removes any sense of achievement.
(edited by BunjiKugashira.9754)
I agree mostly. Shards of glory being tradable kinda defeats their purpose. If you need PvP stuff for a legendary then that legendary should say, “I did some PvP for this.” not “Maybe I PvP’d maybe I bought the shards”.
Hmm, I put “fractal” into the search and only found "Chest of the … " — how does one get a skin? (Note I am not yet Fractal 50 though I’m getting there, so maybe I still can’t get one). The wiki does not say what the Chests contain.
If you mouse over the fractal chests on the trading post in game they tell you what is inside.
So “fractal gold” is a weapon, for example? From the icon it could just be a token like a pristine relic.
I’m not in game but I moused over them one time to look them over and some said fractal weapon inside and some didn’t.
So don’t buy the ones that don’t have one, problem solved
Please read the posts before commenting. We were trying to figure out what’s in them by what it says on mouse over.
ANet may give it to you.
The chest of the fractal master gives a golden fractal weapon. Some of the others, which are way less expensive on the tp, drop golden relics that you can forge into either a random golden fractal weapon or an specific one. Here’s the recipes: https://www.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/3r4jio/king_fractal_droprate_research_hot_update/
Realize that those two items are new “currencies” that devoted PvP and WvW players can use get gold because gold and the TP are the great RNG equalizer in this game.
RIP City of Heroes
My bet this is a disguised pump and dump thread…
Anyway on topic this is anet solution to equalize the rewards in all game types minus wvw because reasons.
no, i prefer to be able to sell those useless junk for some silvers.
By this logic, why would anything be tradeable? Why isn’t everything account bound so you have to do the work yourself and prove you played the game? We could simply farm everything we need, no currency necessary.
Since, you know, laziness…
(edited by Celtic Lady.3729)
Have you even seen the “new” fractal skins? I’m glad the achievement boxes that contain them are tradeable and even more glad some shmuck is willing to pay hundreds of gold for them.
Rip prestige
Why does it bother some players so much when other decide to buy items earned by other players with gold? Do they feel less of a person or player because someone else has the same decorations as they do?
If you’re playing the game so you can stand around in LA an look down on players who don’t have the same armor/weapons that you do then maybe you’re playing the wrong game.
In plentyof mmorpgs, people who do elite content usually make their gold from selling the exclusive items they get from that content.
This is either a mistake, or Anet has gone that route rather than rewarding people with pure gold, and causing inflation.
How an you expect anet to make money selling gold if there are no over priced hard to get items on the tp?
Melanessa-Necromancer Cymaniel-Scrapper
Minikata-Guardian Shadyne-Elementalist -FA-
I don’t get what the problem is. So items you get from fractals and WvW are tradable. Why is this a problem? Is the fact that WvWers and fractal runners can sell these items for extra cash an evil thing?
Why does it bother some players so much when other decide to buy items earned by other players with gold? Do they feel less of a person or player because someone else has the same decorations as they do?
If you’re playing the game so you can stand around in LA an look down on players who don’t have the same armor/weapons that you do then maybe you’re playing the wrong game.
It’s a status thing for some folks. Just like having a 3k dollar suit or a Porsche.
I bought all the Fractal Boxes for the achievement to finish the collection because I like finishing collections – does this make me a bad person?
I see it as a way for fractal runners to make money by selling their boxes (skins) they already may have to others to make some income, just as PvPers and WvWers have been yearning for alternate ways to make money in their respective game modes.
Maybe as more people do fractals and get boxes the prices for Gold ones will go down and I can merrily buy those to finish the gold collection (if there is one, can’t remember)… Does that make me doubly bad?
Time = Money
Some people have more of one than the other.
You feel only one group should benefit in the game? Your argument does not compute.
And just a note, personally I think that it is much more encouraging to work for something I know everyone else that wants the same thing has to work for aswell, rather than knowing some people can just buy everything they need.
MY sense of achievement doesn’t depend on how others may get something, why does yours?
But then I don’t consider items in MMOs some sort of status symbol to be flaunted at others. I really couldn’t give a rat’s kitten if I spent months ‘earning’ something others get from using their CC if I gain a PERSONAL sense of achievement doing it.
Many players in MMOs would be far happier if they stopped thinking of the ‘kitten’ value of phat lewt.
The problem I see is that it makes the content less appealing and cheapens aesthetic rewards for completing specific content which I thought this franchise was always about.
I kind of dig the idea certain rewards are exclusive to that area or game type. If I want it I have to get good at it or accept that only those players who are have access to it. In the past this has made me try parts of the game I would have otherwise completely ignored and has also allowed me to actually admire such rewards from afar as I can comprehend the effort put in to attain such items, even if I choose not too.
Now it’s all becoming irrelevant goldsink regardless. Just farm SW or where-ever and buy it.
It’s not just about people wanting to show off, I couldn’t care less about that, but the loss of exclusive reward given for actually completing specific content saddens me. I used to enjoy that and admire players in-game for it.
Now it’s all just a multi-colored migraine based on who broke out their credit card or farmed more and it’s a pity that’s all it really represents.
/2 cents
People shouldn’t be forced to participate in content they have no interest in doing. I enjoy doing SPVP, and world bosses. Why should I have to spend endless hours doing other things in order to achieve a legendary or a skin?
I have gold I earned doing the things I enjoy, other peoples enjoy selling the things they earn, thats good for everyone.
People shouldn’t be forced to participate in content they have no interest in doing. I enjoy doing SPVP, and world bosses. Why should I have to spend endless hours doing other things in order to achieve a legendary or a skin?
I have gold I earned doing the things I enjoy, other peoples enjoy selling the things they earn, thats good for everyone.
I agree in part but I really do think there should be rewards like that. Your not being “forced” to do the content, you just don’t get access to that skin. No biggy and it makes that skin a distinctive representation of what the player enjoys and gets up to.
It actually represents something.
As much as “everything for everyone” is a valid concept personally I prefer mechanics that create distinction and variation among the player base with aesthetic reward. That’s just me though.To each their own.
Ok, the fact that you can buy Shards of Glory and Memories of Battle on the TP is annoying already. I thought the thing about Precursor Crafting was that players instead of spending a lot of gold could just put a lot of effort in to the game and still being able to get a precursor. But not only does do you lose gold on finishing the precursor tiers (counting the costs of all materials needed atm it’s cheaper to jsut buy the precursor directly from TP.) it’s also still much easier for people who are willing to spend a lot of gold to get it much faster than people who actually wants to work for it. I can understand that some things which are needed for the precursor is on TP, like elonian leather for example, which is also something you need to craft other things. But to put shards of glory and memories on battle on TP is just totally unnecessary.
And now I’m even more annoyed since even the fractal ACHIEVEMENT chests can be sold/bought on/from the TP. I thought they wanted more people to do fractals, now you can get a skin without even having to enter the gate in LA. :S
And just a note, personally I think that it is much more encouraging to work for something I know everyone else that wants the same thing has to work for aswell, rather than knowing some people can just buy everything they need.
I can’t support your viewpoint at all, a lot of people in this thread have boosted the buyer’s view on this, but the more effective argument against your position is that of the seller. Whoever put those fractal chest on the market clearly weren’t terribly attached to them, no doubt already having any and all fractal skins they want or desire, they instead seek to trade a thing they DON’T want for a things they want, or at least for currency that can be exchanged for things they want. Take away the ability to trade things just leaves you with a bunch of people lumbers with kittens they don’t want. This game is already completely unrewarding as it is. I am of the view that no random loot should ever be account-bound or soul-bound as it just again leaves people with inventories clogged with stuff that they don’t need or want.
So in conclusion, no it not worth causing massive inconvenience to the playerbase of the game as whole to satisfy your utterly baseless sense of elitism.
Agree, this is part of the gold grind mentality that is so bad for the game. The excuse is always “now people can play the game the way they want” but in reality doing that might punish you as it’s not the most efficient way to get the item. So people will do what is the most rewarding, what usually are completely brainless grinds. (How long will it take before grinding silverwaste is the best way to get that ascended gear?)
HoT did try to address this problem in some parts of the game but not in others. Also the gem-store items getting back to a state you expect in a cash-shop game not in a F2P game. Just a week ago I praised Anet for only having the bad wings in the gem-store and having all the mini’s and other skins in the actual game. A decent way to work for a B2P game (the thing Mike was praising so much at the last major event). Since then they added the backpack + mini and the ghostly quaggan. That adds the total cost of Halloween related gem-sales up to about 1500 gems. Previously it was 500 gems for 3 mini’s and you could combine them for another one resulting in 1000 gems.
And of course, this is only available for gold (not counting money, as that’s irrelevant from a game-play viewpoint), so more grind. If they want to hold the current people playing instead of having a huge leave of players in the coming 3 to 6 months they better change this attitude. Because those will not return for the second expansion. These upcoming months will be very important for Anet.
You would think they had learned by now. Expansions work, the grindy LS not so much. And again it looked like they did. More stuff in-game and more exclusive items behind specific content. And of course less focus on gold.. want to make a 20-slot bag, buy a 10 gold item because omg we don’t want people to craft thins without putting in actual gold. MMORPG’s should allow for a life of the land type of game-play. Luckily you can buy gold for cash :S.
But while you see them implementing this, you also see them still doing things that result in exactly the opposite. As if there are two forces within ArenaNet fighting each other.
So far I have mixed feelings about the grind in HoT. It can still go both ways. Let’s hope they make the right decisions.
People shouldn’t be forced to participate in content they have no interest in doing. I enjoy doing SPVP, and world bosses. Why should I have to spend endless hours doing other things in order to achieve a legendary or a skin?
I have gold I earned doing the things I enjoy, other peoples enjoy selling the things they earn, thats good for everyone.
I agree in part but I really do think there should be rewards like that. Your not being “forced” to do the content, you just don’t get access to that skin. No biggy and it makes that skin a distinctive representation of what the player enjoys and gets up to.
It actually represents something.
As much as “everything for everyone” is a valid concept personally I prefer mechanics that create distinction and variation among the player base with aesthetic reward. That’s just me though.To each their own.
What is the point in having gold, if I can’t purchase things with it?
Ok, the fact that you can buy Shards of Glory and Memories of Battle on the TP is annoying already. I thought the thing about Precursor Crafting was that players instead of spending a lot of gold could just put a lot of effort in to the game and still being able to get a precursor. But not only does do you lose gold on finishing the precursor tiers (counting the costs of all materials needed atm it’s cheaper to jsut buy the precursor directly from TP.) it’s also still much easier for people who are willing to spend a lot of gold to get it much faster than people who actually wants to work for it. I can understand that some things which are needed for the precursor is on TP, like elonian leather for example, which is also something you need to craft other things. But to put shards of glory and memories on battle on TP is just totally unnecessary.
And now I’m even more annoyed since even the fractal ACHIEVEMENT chests can be sold/bought on/from the TP. I thought they wanted more people to do fractals, now you can get a skin without even having to enter the gate in LA. :S
And just a note, personally I think that it is much more encouraging to work for something I know everyone else that wants the same thing has to work for aswell, rather than knowing some people can just buy everything they need.
I can’t support your viewpoint at all, a lot of people in this thread have boosted the buyer’s view on this, but the more effective argument against your position is that of the seller. Whoever put those fractal chest on the market clearly weren’t terribly attached to them, no doubt already having any and all fractal skins they want or desire, they instead seek to trade a thing they DON’T want for a things they want, or at least for currency that can be exchanged for things they want. Take away the ability to trade things just leaves you with a bunch of people lumbers with kittens they don’t want. This game is already completely unrewarding as it is. I am of the view that no random loot should ever be account-bound or soul-bound as it just again leaves people with inventories clogged with stuff that they don’t need or want.
So in conclusion, no it not worth causing massive inconvenience to the playerbase of the game as whole to satisfy your utterly baseless sense of elitism.
“This game is already completely unrewarding as it is.”
And this is because of that grind gold to buy what you want mentality. So you praise what creates what you despise.
No items feel rewarding this way. When you kill a hard to kill boss and get a reward for that, that you can only get that way, that feels rewarding. When the same item is owned (because they got it from the TP) by people who grinded Silverwaste while watching the latest episode of The Walking Dead on their second screen, that does not feel rewarding.
And the nonsense elitism excuse again, as if people feel entitled to things they should not be. Maybe people should not feel entitled to things for brainlessly grinding away. How about that? Maybe the real elitism players in GW2 are the ‘casual’ hardcore grinders that think everything should be available for them.
(edited by Devata.6589)
People shouldn’t be forced to participate in content they have no interest in doing. I enjoy doing SPVP, and world bosses. Why should I have to spend endless hours doing other things in order to achieve a legendary or a skin?
I have gold I earned doing the things I enjoy, other peoples enjoy selling the things they earn, thats good for everyone.
I agree in part but I really do think there should be rewards like that. Your not being “forced” to do the content, you just don’t get access to that skin. No biggy and it makes that skin a distinctive representation of what the player enjoys and gets up to.
It actually represents something.
As much as “everything for everyone” is a valid concept personally I prefer mechanics that create distinction and variation among the player base with aesthetic reward. That’s just me though.To each their own.
What is the point in having gold, if I can’t purchase things with it?
Maybe there should be less point in having gold (or any currency) and be more point in doing different types of content to get the rewards that belong to that content. How about that?
People shouldn’t be forced to participate in content they have no interest in doing. I enjoy doing SPVP, and world bosses. Why should I have to spend endless hours doing other things in order to achieve a legendary or a skin?
I have gold I earned doing the things I enjoy, other peoples enjoy selling the things they earn, thats good for everyone.
I agree in part but I really do think there should be rewards like that. Your not being “forced” to do the content, you just don’t get access to that skin. No biggy and it makes that skin a distinctive representation of what the player enjoys and gets up to.
It actually represents something.
As much as “everything for everyone” is a valid concept personally I prefer mechanics that create distinction and variation among the player base with aesthetic reward. That’s just me though.To each their own.
What is the point in having gold, if I can’t purchase things with it?
Maybe there should be less point in having gold (or any currency) and be more point in doing different types of content to get the rewards that belong to that content. How about that?
I don’t think you understand how free to play works, gold is essential to arenanets revenue. If you don’t feel rewarded that sounds like a problem with how your dopamine receptors reward you for accomplishments. Maybe you should focus on something else to feel rewarded?
I play the game for fun, not for a dopamine release for grinding mobs and getting a skin.
People shouldn’t be forced to participate in content they have no interest in doing. I enjoy doing SPVP, and world bosses. Why should I have to spend endless hours doing other things in order to achieve a legendary or a skin?
I have gold I earned doing the things I enjoy, other peoples enjoy selling the things they earn, thats good for everyone.
I agree in part but I really do think there should be rewards like that. Your not being “forced” to do the content, you just don’t get access to that skin. No biggy and it makes that skin a distinctive representation of what the player enjoys and gets up to.
It actually represents something.
As much as “everything for everyone” is a valid concept personally I prefer mechanics that create distinction and variation among the player base with aesthetic reward. That’s just me though.To each their own.
What is the point in having gold, if I can’t purchase things with it?
Maybe there should be less point in having gold (or any currency) and be more point in doing different types of content to get the rewards that belong to that content. How about that?
I don’t think you understand how free to play works, gold is essential to arenanets revenue. If you don’t feel rewarded that sounds like a problem with how your dopamine receptors reward you for accomplishments. Maybe you should focus on something else to feel rewarded?
I play the game for fun, not for a dopamine release for grinding mobs and getting a skin.
I perfectly understand how F2P works, that is why I never play F2P games. I think you don’t understand how B2P works.
Game sales are essential to ArenaNets revenue, gold should not be. For a F2P game indeed that would be true.
But you are touching the problem here. The game behaves to much as a cash-shop game, while at the same time charging a lot for the expansions.. what is fine for a B2P game, but not for a cash-shop game. I had hoped, and still do, that things change for the better with HoT.
I play the game for fun as well, and going for skins is what I consider fun… well if that is by doing content that rewards those items. Not if you get it by grinding for gold to buy the stuff you want.
Also how I feel rewarded..? You might not have noticed, but this game not being very rewarding has been like the main complain since release. Anet added more and more loot. You get Carpal tunnel syndrome from opening all the bags full with loot, you even get loot for logging on. but the complains stay. Because that sort of things do not feel rewarding for many people.
Sure there is reward in completing a challenge (while there is not much challenging content), but that is once and unrelated to rewards (what this thread was about).
(edited by Devata.6589)
People with money will find ways to get items without grinding for them. Like in wow, or any other mmo, people will utilize 3rd parties to achieve something. They may not be able to get it off the trading post, but they most definitely will pay someone in game to get it for them, either by account sharing with a chinese farmer, or paying off a guild leader to invite them to the raid, or buying an account with everything on it.
Arena net is basically taking the ability for 3rd parties to profit from this game, and making themselves the service provider, which in effect is great for the playerbase because we can play without a monthly subscription.
People with money will find ways to get items without grinding for them. Like in wow, or any other mmo, people will utilize 3rd parties to achieve something. They may not be able to get it off the trading post, but they most definitely will pay someone in game to get it for them, either by account sharing with a chinese farmer, or paying off a guild leader to invite them to the raid, or buying an account with everything on it.
Arena net is basically taking the ability for 3rd parties to profit from this game, and making themselves the service provider, which in effect is great for the playerbase because we can play without a monthly subscription.
The things you suggest are way more effort to get items then using a 3th party, then with buying gold from 3th party. So if anything, they make it easier for 3th parties.
And the player base, others then the grind-community, does not benefit at all from everything being a currency grind.
(edited by Devata.6589)
It don’t matter. People were selling dungeon anyway.
In fact, Anet did a good thing to stop all the drama about dungeon selling and sellers getting kicked out of dungeon.
People with money will find ways to get items without grinding for them. Like in wow, or any other mmo, people will utilize 3rd parties to achieve something. They may not be able to get it off the trading post, but they most definitely will pay someone in game to get it for them, either by account sharing with a chinese farmer, or paying off a guild leader to invite them to the raid, or buying an account with everything on it.
Arena net is basically taking the ability for 3rd parties to profit from this game, and making themselves the service provider, which in effect is great for the playerbase because we can play without a monthly subscription.
The things you suggest are way more effort to get items then using a 3th party, then with buying gold from 3th party. So if anything, they make it easier for 3th parties.
And the player base, others then the grind-community, does not in benefit at all from everything being a currency grind.
I didn’t suggest anything? I said 3rd parties will take profit from arenanet if they stop letting the player economy be dictated by a free market. When you start making everything in the game soulbound, you make the currency worthless.
A good example of this, the original everquest, you could just buy most of the best items in the game, yet it thrived. Ultima online, the entire economy was dicated by crafters, and people who had money bought up the best in game properties so they could have the best area to live to earn money, or house vendors. Nothing was soul bound in uo either, unless you had a very rare bless deed, and everything had a durability so you constantly needed new gear, and you lost all of your items on death, so the game kept pvp balance by deterring players from using rare weapons in pvp.
Now we have a mmo that is free to play, because the developer is in control of how people spend real life money on the game, instead of going on ebay and buying a castle from some player, you go to the gem store and sell your gems for gold, or if you can’t afford gems but have plenty of time to play the game, then you can buy gems from other players.
If you remove the ability to sell items to other players, then you remove the need for people to earn money to buy gems, because all of the good items will not be found with gems or gold, but instead by only the very few people with the amount of time to farm these items. Once these people are in control then you will be forced to use them as a 3rd party in order to get the required gear.
One of the main problems with soulbound items is that it destroys the entire economy at end game, gold becomes meaningless, and the real currency becomes dollars, because if you want something without having the time to play, you will spend money utilizing a 3rd party. Forcing people to use 3rd parties is bad for the playerbase, because people don’t want to be forced into doing it to remain competitive.
This also leads to botting, people will bot to achieve things because they can’t be online. Look at honor grinding in world of warcraft, most of the players are afk not participating, a lot of them are botting to get honor because it is easier than playing.
I wanted a disgusting oozling in wow, in order to get it I had to farm oozling for 40 hours straight, am I going to sit at my computer killing oozlings, or am I going to use mmoglider to do it?
People with money will find ways to get items without grinding for them. Like in wow, or any other mmo, people will utilize 3rd parties to achieve something. They may not be able to get it off the trading post, but they most definitely will pay someone in game to get it for them, either by account sharing with a chinese farmer, or paying off a guild leader to invite them to the raid, or buying an account with everything on it.
Arena net is basically taking the ability for 3rd parties to profit from this game, and making themselves the service provider, which in effect is great for the playerbase because we can play without a monthly subscription.
The things you suggest are way more effort to get items then using a 3th party, then with buying gold from 3th party. So if anything, they make it easier for 3th parties.
And the player base, others then the grind-community, does not in benefit at all from everything being a currency grind.
I didn’t suggest anything? I said 3rd parties will take profit from arenanet if they stop letting the player economy be dictated by a free market. When you start making everything in the game soulbound, you make the currency worthless.
A good example of this, the original everquest, you could just buy most of the best items in the game, yet it thrived. Ultima online, the entire economy was dicated by crafters, and people who had money bought up the best in game properties so they could have the best area to live to earn money, or house vendors. Nothing was soul bound in uo either, unless you had a very rare bless deed, and everything had a durability so you constantly needed new gear, and you lost all of your items on death, so the game kept pvp balance by deterring players from using rare weapons in pvp.
Now we have a mmo that is free to play, because the developer is in control of how people spend real life money on the game, instead of going on ebay and buying a castle from some player, you go to the gem store and sell your gems for gold, or if you can’t afford gems but have plenty of time to play the game, then you can buy gems from other players.
If you remove the ability to sell items to other players, then you remove the need for people to earn money to buy gems, because all of the good items will not be found with gems or gold, but instead by only the very few people with the amount of time to farm these items. Once these people are in control then you will be forced to use them as a 3rd party in order to get the required gear.
One of the main problems with soulbound items is that it destroys the entire economy at end game, gold becomes meaningless, and the real currency becomes dollars, because if you want something without having the time to play, you will spend money utilizing a 3rd party. Forcing people to use 3rd parties is bad for the playerbase, because people don’t want to be forced into doing it to remain competitive.
This also leads to botting, people will bot to achieve things because they can’t be online. Look at honor grinding in world of warcraft, most of the players are afk not participating, a lot of them are botting to get honor because it is easier than playing.
I wanted a disgusting oozling in wow, in order to get it I had to farm oozling for 40 hours straight, am I going to sit at my computer killing oozlings, or am I going to use mmoglider to do it?
“I didn’t suggest anything? I said 3rd parties will take profit from arenanet if they stop letting the player economy be dictated by a free market. When you start making everything in the game soulbound, you make the currency worthless.”
Nobody said everything should be soul bound. Basically, the ‘best’ items (what in this skin based game are the best skins and mini’s) should be behind their own content and be account-bound.
There are still plenty items that do not have to be account-bound. Many of the mats and tonics for example. Still, even for them there should be a clear way to farm them yourself, other than grinding gold and buying them.
It’s also funny that you come with two games that indeed where popular but also known for the grind.
(edited by Devata.6589)
Ok, the fact that you can buy Shards of Glory and Memories of Battle on the TP is annoying already. I thought the thing about Precursor Crafting was that players instead of spending a lot of gold could just put a lot of effort in to the game and still being able to get a precursor. But not only does do you lose gold on finishing the precursor tiers (counting the costs of all materials needed atm it’s cheaper to jsut buy the precursor directly from TP.) it’s also still much easier for people who are willing to spend a lot of gold to get it much faster than people who actually wants to work for it. I can understand that some things which are needed for the precursor is on TP, like elonian leather for example, which is also something you need to craft other things. But to put shards of glory and memories on battle on TP is just totally unnecessary.
And now I’m even more annoyed since even the fractal ACHIEVEMENT chests can be sold/bought on/from the TP. I thought they wanted more people to do fractals, now you can get a skin without even having to enter the gate in LA. :S
And just a note, personally I think that it is much more encouraging to work for something I know everyone else that wants the same thing has to work for aswell, rather than knowing some people can just buy everything they need.
I can’t support your viewpoint at all, a lot of people in this thread have boosted the buyer’s view on this, but the more effective argument against your position is that of the seller. Whoever put those fractal chest on the market clearly weren’t terribly attached to them, no doubt already having any and all fractal skins they want or desire, they instead seek to trade a thing they DON’T want for a things they want, or at least for currency that can be exchanged for things they want. Take away the ability to trade things just leaves you with a bunch of people lumbers with kittens they don’t want. This game is already completely unrewarding as it is. I am of the view that no random loot should ever be account-bound or soul-bound as it just again leaves people with inventories clogged with stuff that they don’t need or want.
So in conclusion, no it not worth causing massive inconvenience to the playerbase of the game as whole to satisfy your utterly baseless sense of elitism.“This game is already completely unrewarding as it is.”
And this is because of that grind gold to buy what you want mentality. So you praise what creates what you despise.
No items feel rewarding this way. When you kill a hard to kill boss and get a reward for that, that you can only get that way, that feels rewarding. When the same item is owned (because they got it from the TP) by people who grinded Silverwaste while watching the latest episode of The Walking Dead on their second screen, that does not feel rewarding.
And the nonsense elitism excuse again, as if people feel entitled to things they should not be. Maybe people should not feel entitled to things for brainlessly grinding away. How about that? Maybe the real elitism players in GW2 are the ‘casual’ hardcore grinders that think everything should be available for them.
No it’s unrewarding because of the absolute abortion of an equipment system Anet used. It has in no way achieved it’s goal of horizontal progression, just stepped vertical progression, with bland items that don’t do anything interesting except look garish. Combined with miserly drop rates and the fact that when you get to 80 anything other than exotics just becomes something to be ground up for materials – to the point where I just wish they’d drop the pretense and just have 3-6 ectos in the world boss chests.
And you’ve ignored my main point which is that the person selling the item clearly doesn’t have a problem doing this and will lose any sense of achievement from doing this mythical ‘hard’ content, because under your idea they aren’t being rewarded.
Destiny got blasted, and rightly so, at launch for having no trade mechanic so in the unlikely event that you got a rare item and it was one you couldn’t use it was literally useless to you.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not pro-grind -I have no patience for it – I really dislike how grindy making money in this game is but don’t for a second think that you’re better than someone who ground their way up to a legendary, because that took work and dedication on their part, hell the whole point of grind is that it’s a chore, thae challenge lies in not dying of boredom at the keyboard.