'Strengthening the Core Game'
Core game = ugly backpack skins.
They’ve strengthened the core game a lot the past few months.
People honestly use this excuse? Really?
In recent memory, the only improvement to the “core game” was the LFG tool, which is a feature most expect as a given in modern MMOs.
One of my biggest beefs is with people who reject ideas on the forums based on the notion that more important things need work first. Nothing will ever get accomplished if this is the train of thought applied. Furthermore, nothing really speaks against the possibility of both working on the core game and adding quality of life and other updates. In my humble opinion there should be a team dedicated exclusively to “meaningless” updates. The other nine hundred teams can continue to add champion farms, but I’ll forever be puzzled by the community’s rejection of good suggestions based solely on their idea of resources.
I would personally even take it one step further. I’d easily sit out several updates (not that I think this is necessary) if it meant adding a bunch of cool tweaks to the game. Killing thousands upon thousands of punching bags only keeps my attention for so long, and after that point it would be nice to see the living world actually be living and very much a world. Using a waypoint to go kill robots doesn’t do that for me.
I’ve seen some amazingly fantastic suggestions that were never even given glance by Anet. I’ve come up with a few myself that were nearly perfect ideas. There are still bugs left over from beta. There are still so many things wrong with the “core game”. The UI is one of them – meaning that we can’t adjust the size of any windows or move our health orb around the screen. I would very much like to see improvements to the core game instead of piling on temporary content that I will most likely never do.
It means they are improving what is already in the game rather than add new content.
But fear not, for every decision there will always be someone naysaying.
There’s people demanding crystal desert, new dungeons and whatnot, and others crying against new content and demanding core game development.
It’s impossible to satisfy gamers, everyone has their idea of what should be done.
World event revamp = core game (GW2 wants MM for O open world events)
LFG tool = core game
Ascended weapons = core game
Changes to magic find = core game
Reasonable complaint but wrong timing.
World event revamp = core game (GW2 wants MM for O open world events)
LFG tool = core game
Ascended weapons = core game
Changes to magic find = core game
You did NOT just list Ascended weapons as an improvement to the game…