Stuck looking for prank-fix

Stuck looking for prank-fix

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tylak.9163


Instead of playing I’m on the forums

Can someone confirm there is no way to turn off the Apr1 airplane prank? If I understand correctly there is no way to turn this off and it’s going to be on for 24 hours.


PS: Please don’t post telling me to go outside or do something else. I have a short amount of time to log in and I’m otherwise busy with work/life etc.

Stuck looking for prank-fix

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Alcubierre.7538


Agreed. I only have two hours to myself at night. After a 14 hour day at work, I just wanted to play some GW2. I was REALLY looking forward to it tonight since it was a tough day and I come home to this kittenedness. =/

Stuck looking for prank-fix

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sir Meta.3402

Sir Meta.3402

have a look at
Same boat as you. 2 days off for first time in 6 months. Then have it spoiled with something this lame. Not even a bit fun. just lame.

Stuck looking for prank-fix

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Palador.2170


Well, some transformation tonics seem to stop the airplane arms bit, but not the rest of it. And those tonics are, sadly, non-combat only. Skritt, Monkey King, Cat, Wolf (no longer available in game) are the ones I tested.

Town Clothes tonics do NOT remove the animation.

Sarcasm, delivered with a
delicate, brick-like subtlety.

Stuck looking for prank-fix

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orthaukus.8713


Yeah if this was going to be done there should have been an option to shut it off. I am not playing till this is gone and it was my plan for my day off. Off to steam i go—— Thanks and have a good laugh about screwing up peoples day AN I kinda regret getting back into this game now.

Stuck looking for prank-fix

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Beaker.6972


This really sucks, my day off and I can’t play my favorite game because some dev team thinks forcing their joke on everyone is hilarious. What a waste.

Stuck looking for prank-fix

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: pryoski.1780


Yep it’s lame and thoughtless and that makes it insensitive.
It’s irrelevant that other tragedies happen on a daily basis.
This is timely as I need to stop spending on the GW2 cash shop.

Stuck looking for prank-fix

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Regenas.6845


I also do not like this forced joke. But we all know Anet wont fix it.

Stuck looking for prank-fix

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tim.1280
