(edited by Romek.4201)
Sug: Birthday Booster to Karma
Let me change plz my 24h Birthday Boosters to 24h Karmaboosters
i have 18 birthday boosters left and they are useless for me
i have 31 characters and after this new trait system i dont wanna lvl anymore – so exp useless
wxp useless for me cause i dont care for wvw – atleast not all this siege stuff
and magicfind useless too cause everything drops is gated behind bags – magicfind in this game here is just a placeboso my suggestion -let me change on a vendor my birthday boosters to karma boosters
edit: soon start second birthday from characters – plz dont give me more 1to lvl 20 scrolls or exp boosters
Dude. Read the item description of the bday booster.
From the wiki:
“Double-click to consume.
Double-click to gain a 24-hour buff that grants a 100% boost to magic find, karma gain, WvW rank gain, experience from kills, and gold from kills. "
So you get double the karma with this booster active, not to mention the other boosts…
I would advise that you take these bad boys on a lvl 80 char to EOTM and join the ktrain there, maybe coupled with other karma and magic find boosters. You. Will. Be. Amazed.
Birthday boosters ROCK!
EDIT: read some more on the wiki and it also says this "Karma boost is in the description but is not in the buff you get. ". So you may be onto something there, I’m not sure if you actually get double karma regardless of it not saying it, and I did not really pay attention last time I used one since I only cared about the mf (which, believe it or not, does help if high enough, 200-250+) and wxp gain…
Since you have so many, go do a random event in PvE, get gold reward, note how much karma you get, then wait for that event to pop back, activate the bday booster and get gold reward again, then see if it’s double the previous amount or not. My guess is that it will be, EOTM ktrain with bday booster on does seem to bolster karma significantly…
(edited by SkyFallsInThunder.8257)