Suggestion - Chuka & Champawat Effects
A legendaries looks is up to personal preference, i personally like the look and sound of Chuka and Champawat and would go for it if only it wasnt a shortbow. This is the main opinion of the community.
Arenanet isnt going to go back and change one of the less popular and sought after legendaries on the plea of a small minority of the community.
Only changes arenanet has done so far on legendaries have all been aura and projectile changes as far as i can remember.
Chuka is spot on visually right now. I;d rather they didn’t mess around graphically with any further legendaries.
I’m not against a more ferocious audio sound though
To be honest, I wouldn’t want them to overdo the audio. Having a subtle sound while shooting the bow is fine, but I wouldn’t want a constant idle sound while wielding it, because it would be come grating after a while. I like to listen to the nice ambient sounds of the world around me, and idle sounds on a weapon would just drown them out.
If they do tweak the firing sound a bit, I wouldn’t want them to make it as obnoxious as The Dreamer. I ended up turning off unique sounds from other players because of how annoying it was listening to that neighing sound is every time someone with The Dreamer fights in close proximity to me. The sound for C&C might not be perfect now, but at least it’s much more subtle and not so annoying.
For the footfall, I wouldn’t necessarily make it larger. Maybe it just needs to last a little bit longer so as to be more noticeable (right now it disappears so fast you barely get to see it). But this is a matter of preference, as some players may prefer less noticeable footfalls.
All the other effects are fine for me. The bow has a very cool design and a nice trail effect flaming off the back as it is. Anything more than that would be overkill in my opinion. I’m not too fond of some of the overbearing auras that other legendaries have which hide your characters altogether. Some of us craft legendaries simply because we like the design of the weapon, not because we want to become a beacon for guiding lost ships to shore.
The footfalls need to last the same time as those of the first generation legendaries, at the very least. As is, they disappear far too quickly.