[Suggestion] Dots on map for friend locations
This is pretty much already in the game. If you are in a party the dots show up on the map already.
I think Boss Nomad is asking for dots whether or not you are in a party, so long as you are mutual friends.
I like this idea, particularly with the toggle options suggested. I’d certainly rather spot friends than have my mini dot trailing me around Boss Nomad, you should post your suggestion in the QoL suggestions sticky up top.
Perhaps I’m in the minority.
BUT, I would not like this one bit. As someone who already dislikes the whole friending system as is, (Randoms can add and know your location without so much your approval or even notification), I don’t see the reason for those mutual friends to also see my location in map. If I wanted them to see where I was in map, I would simply add them to my party/guild.
Just cause I add you back as a friend doesn’t mean I want you to know everything about me, e.g; my exact location in the map. Having my general location (map name)Should be fine enough.
It’d take what little sense of privacy I do have, away.
Call me paranoid, but this would drive me so far away from the game. Sorry!
As LadySwan mentions, you can friend someone without their knowledge or consent so being able to track their movements would be unwise for Anet to add. For current dots on the map, you consent to being in a party or a guild.