[Suggestion] Extra Toon Slot is nice, but...
Um no.
I dont want or need an extra character slot. I deleted toons because Anet screwed us over with Ascended, so I have loads spare. But I don’t agree with any ‘gem equivalent’.
People got what they asked for, leave it at that.
people ask for too much
just stop
You are honestly complaining about getting a freebie after tossing them $100?! First world problems right here. It’s honestly mind blowing.
This has been brought up several times in the main HoT thread posted by Gaile. She has not responded to any of those concerns that I have seen aside from stating that we will get a second character slot. I’m not exactly pleased with it as well as the character slot was part of the value of the Deluxe/Ultimate edition as the standard didn’t come with it. A second slot is of no value to me.
It’s kind of funny all the people that were up in arms over the initial pre-purchase that now got what they wanted, a free character slot, and now acting hostile towards those that purchased the upgraded version and would like to discuss some other option.
(edited by JustTrogdor.7892)
Umm yes, I made a decision to buy a package based on a slot that I could have got for free ,
Use your new second slot as a key farm slot. Once you’ve gotten a few keys with it, it will have given you the amount of gems in keys.
I already have a key farm slot. I don’t need another but thanks for the suggestion.
While I think the number of people that bought an edition with a slot because they have use for exactly one extra slot is very small, your best bet is to seek an alternative. E.g. an item that gives a choice of a few BLTC upgrades (including a slot). Gems just aren’t going to happen (since I’m guessing the total number of people buying the deluxe and ultimate editions would result in a very large number of gems being introduced to the market).
It’s not unreasonable to suggest a tweak, but I think the number of people that this genuinely affects is small.
You already paid for it, got exactly what you paid for, and then got something extra….you want another bonus 800 gems on top of your 4000? The bonus wouldn’t even have existed and you would have been fine with it before this announcement…
i guess the vets weren’t acting entitled after all … ?
Umm yes, I made a decision to buy a package based on a slot that I could have got for free ,
You decided to pay 25$ more because of something you can buy for 10$ ?
You have no right to complain here.
All we wanted was a GvG.
JT amd TS made good points. Some players made the decision to get the Deluxe due to the extra slot, and not just the fluff. I got the Ultimate because /hype, the extra slot, the 4k Gems, and the fact that I love this game. Now I’m getting 2 slots, which I admit is really nice, but I don’t need it. I already purchase all the additional slots that I need. Future expansions will most likely continue to give extra slots, so I’m fine with waiting until the next one before making a new character.
Bottom line, I thank Anet for making the pre-order better. Today’s changes makes Anet look really good. But I don’t know. Personally, I feel that I just got cheated a little because a lot of vocal complaints were made over something that I saw already had value. That’s why I’m suggesting that we get an option to get Gems instead. I’ll still be spending money on the Gem Store anyway. I’ll end up getting something that I could use, like BL Keys.
You already paid for it, got exactly what you paid for, and then got something extra….you want another bonus 800 gems on top of your 4000? The bonus wouldn’t even have existed and you would have been fine with it before this announcement…
This is about fairness. I’m not complaining about getting free stuff. I’m offering a suggestion because I don’t need the extra free slot that I had already gotten in my Ultimate pre-order.
(edited by Smooth Penguin.5294)
Umm yes, I made a decision to buy a package based on a slot that I could have got for free ,
You decided to pay 25$ more because of something you can buy for 10$ ?
You have no right to complain here.
choose to pay 25$ more for something I needed to make a new char + a few extra things… If I hadn’t needed the slot to make a new char, I probably wouldn’t have bothered with the extra stuff.
Oh, pleeeeease. Stop it already.
And fyi, people have already on the forums said on different occasion, that it was a bad idea to pre-order Hot now until more info was given or the issues were resolved. Now that they are you complain about what they give….
I’ll repeat myself :
Oh, pleeeeease. Stop it already.
I’d actually like a gem option for the second character slot. But w/e. I can always have a mule character.
Oh, pleeeeease. Stop it already.
And fyi, people have already on the forums said on different occasion, that it was a bad idea to pre-order Hot now until more info was given or the issues were resolved. Now that they are you complain about what they give….
I’ll repeat myself :
Oh, pleeeeease. Stop it already.
What issues are you talking about. When the pre-orders first came out, there was nothing wrong with it. That’s why I ran to get my wallet, and put in my order as soon as I could.
Again I find this dynamic interesting. People that purchased the upgraded editions are having a very civil and polite discussion on the issue. While doing so, many of the people that were very vocal over the pre-purchase due to no character slot and got what they wanted are in here telling us to stop discussing the issue. Interesting.
And fyi, people have already on the forums said on different occasion, that it was a bad idea to pre-order Hot now until more info was given or the issues were resolved. Now that they are you complain about what they give….
I’ll repeat myself :
Oh, pleeeeease. Stop it already.
Actually what has happened proved they are correct, it was a bad idea to pre-order until more information was given, had those of us who ordered based on the value of extras + value of character slot waited, we wouldn’t be sitting here thinking, “great I just bought an extra char slot I don’t need or want”. (Just to clarify, the slot EVERY veteran account is given would be given free, the slot acquired from the deluxe or ultimate editions are purchased)
JT amd TS made good points. Some players made the decision to get the Deluxe due to the extra slot, and not just the fluff. I got the Ultimate because /hype, the extra slot, the 4k Gems, and the fact that I love this game. Now I’m getting 2 slots, which I admit is really nice, but I don’t need it. I already purchase all the additional slots that I need. Future expansions will most likely continue to give extra slots, so I’m fine with waiting until the next one before making a new character.
Bottom line, I thank Anet for making the pre-order better. Today’s changes makes Anet look really good. But I don’t know. Personally, I feel that I just got cheated a little because a lot of vocal complaints were made over something that I saw already had value. That’s why I’m suggesting that we get an option to get Gems instead. I’ll still be spending money on the Gem Store anyway. I’ll end up getting something that I could use, like BL Keys.
You already paid for it, got exactly what you paid for, and then got something extra….you want another bonus 800 gems on top of your 4000? The bonus wouldn’t even have existed and you would have been fine with it before this announcement…
This is about fairness. I’m not complaining about getting free stuff. I’m offering a suggestion because I don’t need the extra free slot that I had already gotten in my Ultimate pre-order.
i made that comment in another thread about getting gem equivalent instead so i understand where your coming from. i had already gotten s slot ready a right after they announced the expansion coming but ill take the extra if thats what they are offering which i think is fair but would love gems equivalent instead of i could but it isnt a bigf deal to me
Well, first I have heard of this.
I did get the Ultimate upon the release of the pre.
Got what I wanted, received what I expected.
But that said, I am a bit of an alt hound, so the extra slot would be nice and appreciated.
Gems are like sand through my hands or like my pay check… deposited one day, a mere memory the next.
So, if true, for me, yes the slot is appreciated much more than the gems.
Umm yes, I made a decision to buy a package based on a slot that I could have got for free ,
You decided to pay 25$ more because of something you can buy for 10$ ?
You have no right to complain here.
No, I decided to pay the additional $25 to get the $50 worth of gems. I tend to use gems over time and have bought alot more than 4000 over the past 3 years. Seemed like a bargain to me.
Hey I think $50 is too much for this expansion too, but don’t start kittening now they’ve added the slot.
Gems would have been a better offer. Some people were coerced into buying the Deluxe edition because the Standard didn’t offer a character slot. Now they are getting 2 when all they wanted was one for $25 less.
My suggestion would not be to give Deluxe/Ultimate customers more gems. I think a more reasonable idea is a special title aside from what the Standard customers receive. It has no real value in game.
By giving a free slot to all existing players who pre-order, the additional slot in the Deluxe and Ultimate lose value. It’s safe to say that the extra slot in the original offers was the main draw for a majority of the players who already purchased the pre-order in the past week. Now, it’s not about getting 2 extra slots, it’s the fact that some players might have just stuck with getting the base HoT pre-order.
I will quite happily take the character slots from anyone that does not want theirs.
I have an alt account. The 5 slots there is plenty for farming, testing different builds without committing to them, and making sure my personal guild does not go bye-bye on me.
In addition to that I kept a slot open for contingencies, like if I REALLY REALLY REALLY wanted to play a character on my main. Since I bought the ultimate there is another free slot. Here comes a third. Yes, I will wind up using all of them.
Hey I think $50 is too much for this expansion too, but don’t start kittening now they’ve added the slot.
i honestly was buying tonight when cash hits my account it is nice they made this announcement and i appreciate the the give on this and actually im an alt person so ill use the slot but it was a suggestion of mine that they do as penguin suggested and i still wouldn’t mind if they did do this solution but it doesnt anger me if they dont
To add, I think I’d be happy with 1/2 the Gem equivalent of the extra character slot value. It’s more likely I could use the Gems for a Finisher, or some other fluff. I got enough alts to last me for years.
You got to be kidding me. facepalm
Despite its outcome, people will always complain about something. =D
By giving a free slot to all existing players who pre-order, the additional slot in the Deluxe and Ultimate lose value. It’s safe to say that the extra slot in the original offers was the main draw for a majority of the players who already purchased the pre-order in the past week. Now, it’s not about getting 2 extra slots, it’s the fact that some players might have just stuck with getting the base HoT pre-order.
I guess so, but the character slots don’t actually lose any value to players who already have the Deluxe or Ultimate editions. It’s icing on the cake!
My suggestion would not be to give Deluxe/Ultimate customers more gems. I think a more reasonable idea is a special title aside from what the Standard customers receive. It has no real value in game.
Ohhh A title<3 Actually… I think if they offered a special delux/ultimate only title it would have far MORE value then the slot or a gem refund of the char slots value. At least to me it would!
Actually what has happened proved they are correct, it was a bad idea to pre-order until more information was given, had those of us who ordered based on the value of extras + value of character slot waited, we wouldn’t be sitting here thinking, “great I just bought an extra char slot I don’t need or want”. (Just to clarify, the slot EVERY veteran account is given would be given free, the slot acquired from the deluxe or ultimate editions are purchased)
Well, i personally didn’t care about an extra slot since i have the original 5 slots of which one is kept free (made only 4 chars to 80), but my opinion is this : some people hop right on in on a pre-order for whatever reason, and then complain about what they bought.
I’m sorry, but imo that’s pushing it a bit to far. If i buy an item with gems only to find out they give it for free next week, well, i’m to blame for not waiting it out while people were waiting for a decision.
Players should have waited for a decision or a comment from Anet. Now that they haven’t they complain.
Here’s a suggestion : instead of running into a burning building to save your cat, wait for the fire department and don’t complain to St.Peter " i didn’t know they could do that".
Here’s another suggestion : take that extra slot, make a toon to the required lvl, go to the corn farm spot nekkid, and leave it there for corn farming. Make gold and get your gems back. Problem solved. ^^
I guess so, but the character slots don’t actually lose any value to players who already have the Deluxe or Ultimate editions. It’s icing on the cake!
The Ultimate edition already had icing. The extra character slot in addition to the one that comes with Ultimate is too much icing. And when you have too much icing, the cake is too sweet, and is inedible until you scoop off the extra layer. Then that extra icing becomes a waste.
Umm yes, I made a decision to buy a package based on a slot that I could have got for free ,
You decided to pay 25$ more because of something you can buy for 10$ ?
You have no right to complain here.
@Entenkommando.5208, keep in mind that the extra $25 you spent if you went with the Deluxe got you a mini, a finisher, guild hall decoration, and a glider skin. If you bought the second package based on the character slot alone, then you lost out here and don’t have much to reason with, since character slots are $10.
If you went with the Ultimate because of the character slot alone, then you’re really on your own.
I guess so, but the character slots don’t actually lose any value to players who already have the Deluxe or Ultimate editions. It’s icing on the cake!
The Ultimate edition already had icing. The extra character slot in addition to the one that comes with Ultimate is too much icing. And when you have too much icing, the cake is too sweet, and is inedible until you scoop off the extra layer. Then that extra icing becomes a waste.
Well if you think having 2 additional character slots is too much icing, that’s up for you to decide. For someone like me who bought the Deluxe edition, getting 2 character slots when I first thought I’d get 1 is an awesome deal for me. And If I had purchased the Ultimate edition, it would be the same thing.
I’m assuming you purchased the Ultimate edition? Why not be happy with the extra character slot? I’m not sure if I’ll even use my second one, since I already have 8 slots, but I could care less. It’s a free slot!
EDIT: Also I thought that was a horrible analogy. You’re saying a free character slot on top of everything you’re getting with the Ultimate is way too much, makes the free bonus on top of what you thought you were getting too sweet, and the game is unplayable/unenjoyable until… what? You scoop the character slot off of your account? Why are you complaining about something you get for free?
(edited by piano man.1672)
Players should have waited for a decision or a comment from Anet. Now that they haven’t they complain.
Here’s a suggestion : instead of running into a burning building to save your cat, wait for the fire department and don’t complain to St.Peter " i didn’t know they could do that".
I don’t see how or why the comparison of pre-ordering something that A-net WANTS you to pre order as soon as possible is the same as running into a burning building… Everything about a burning building kinda says STAY OUT. I really don’t think A-net designed their pre-order to say DON’T Pre-order me yet!
Seriously, some people really can’t get enough, they get offered a hand, and they bite just after the full arm and would gnaw it down to the bones…
Just be freaking happy, that anet reacts positively on the community s-storm and gives people 1 free character slot for all those people who complained about it, that Veterans get no positive deal out of pre purchasing the game.
Now Veterans will get a positive deal from it by effectively getting 2 new character slots, instead of just only 1, when having bought the Deluxe/Ultimate Edition and 1, when having bought just only the Standard Edition, what would make the Standard Edition nearly equal now to the old Deluxe for alot lesser money, just without the digital extra fluff… but if you don’t care for the OPTIONAL visual extra fluff (or the half priced Gems), then you get now absolutely the most best bang for your bucks by prepurchasing the standard edition plus, you get also, what really many people seem stupidly to forget here – with these prepurchases here only access to all upcoming Beta Events in the near future…
Thats something, that you won’t get, if you buy the add on fro mthe retailers, only if you prepurchase it and that little extra also has its own value …
45€/$ is absolutely nothing to complain abvout and if you still do, then seriously, god darn it, must you really be super cheap people!!
And if you think, HoT isn’t worth its money now, with its content, then wait for the next Add On, because then, as ANet has written it in the blogpost, will you receive all the content of HoT for free by simply buying the next Add On, that will give you then the Main Game, and HoT for free by just paying for the latest Add On.
Who still doesn’t realize, that this is a very fair offer and add on model method, that Anet is using here must be really blind.
@ ANet
Thank you very much for the additional free Character Slot to appreciate your long time Veteran Players with it.
In return I will appreaciate the free Character Slot also very much. I was happy already by gettign 1 Slot with having bought the Ultimate Edition.
But getting for free now another one is very nice.
Makes the Heart of Thorns Add on directly feel a slightly bit more like the old Standalone Games at the GW1 Era, which also added each 2 new Character Slots each, when you combined it with a Main Game Account, that started with just having only 4 Character Slots back in the past, so that you had enough slots to create a Character, one for each new added Class back then.
With this change its guaranteed now, that everyone will get a Slot for a revenant, without having to delete Characters (those who already did, own fault can I say only, you didn’t had to do that) and old Veterans will get rewarded for their long loyalty now with one another Character Slot and more Characters are always nice, as it allows you to play also more unique builds, without having to change your characters build, you just change then the character that you play and soon with all the Elite Specializations coming, theres also a good reason more to have many characters ^^
1 for each Elite Specialization as these will become more in the future too
So people which already have crazy much characters will get on their costs too in the future
+11111 for ANets kind move
Edited for a little number typo g
(edited by Orpheal.8263)
Use a level 20 scroll or 18 tomes on your extra char. Park it at the pirate jumping puzzle in LA for a daily harvest of greens, mats and the occasional silver doubloon. It will pay for itself.
ANet may give it to you.
(edited by Just a flesh wound.3589)
Players should have waited for a decision or a comment from Anet. Now that they haven’t they complain.
So you want us to wait for a company to address nonsensical banter on the interwebz before I make the financial decision to pay for a game that I love? No. Again, there was nothing wrong with the original offer. Anet just sweetened the deal to make everyone else happy. I already said that it was good of them to do this. My point of view is that of us Deluxe and Ultimate pre-orders. The bundles had a great value in the draw of the additional character slot offer. Since the standard now comes with it, that potentially changes the dynamic of the whole decision making process for the Deluxe and even Ultimate players.
If you paid for the deluxe version just for the character slot.
You’re a kitten fool, and should’ve bought the 50.00 base game and bought 10.00 in game chr slot, and saved yourself some money, and you deserve to be burnt by this.
Otherwise, you bought the deluxe because you wanted the slot plus the other goodies, so you’re not losing any value and thus getting a FREE loyalty bonus.
If you paid for the deluxe version just for the character slot.
You’re a kitten fool, and should’ve bought the 50.00 base game and bought 10.00 in game chr slot, and saved yourself some money, and you deserve to be burnt by this.
Otherwise, you bought the deluxe because you wanted the slot plus the other goodies, so you’re not losing any value.
What if you bought it because you valued the other goodies and the SLOT because you needed one? Now the extra slot removes the need for that…
People really need to stop thinking others bought the upgraded versions JUST for the slot, the slot was simply a FACTOR in their decision to buy,
Let me use a real world example of this. Say you purchased the Collector’s Edition because you really liked that Rytlock statue. Then a week later, Anet says that all players will get a Rytlock statue, and Collector’s Edition players will get 2. What do I do with the extra statue, since I only really needed one.
If you paid for the deluxe version just for the character slot.
You’re a kitten fool, and should’ve bought the 50.00 base game and bought 10.00 in game chr slot, and saved yourself some money, and you deserve to be burnt by this.
Otherwise, you bought the deluxe because you wanted the slot plus the other goodies, so you’re not losing any value.
What if you bought it because you valued the other goodies and the SLOT because you needed one? Now the extra slot removes the need for that…
People really need to stop thinking others bought the upgraded versions JUST for the slot, the slot was simply a FACTOR in their decision to buy,
You still would have had to pay 75.00 to get the other goodies.
This extra slot should be looked at as a FREE loyalty item.
Let me use a real world example of this. Say you purchased the Collector’s Edition because you really liked that Rytlock statue. Then a week later, Anet says that all players will get a Rytlock statue, and Collector’s Edition players will get 2. What do I do with the extra statue, since I only really needed one.
Ebay? Sell it to a friend?
If you paid for the deluxe version just for the character slot.
You’re a kitten fool, and should’ve bought the 50.00 base game and bought 10.00 in game chr slot, and saved yourself some money, and you deserve to be burnt by this.
Otherwise, you bought the deluxe because you wanted the slot plus the other goodies, so you’re not losing any value.
What if you bought it because you valued the other goodies and the SLOT because you needed one? Now the extra slot removes the need for that…
People really need to stop thinking others bought the upgraded versions JUST for the slot, the slot was simply a FACTOR in their decision to buy,
Jordu was responding to the guy in an earlier post who was saying he was upset that ANet gave out a free character slot for each edition, and the reason he paid for the Deluxe was for the character slot alone. That guy is an idiot, since character slots are $10 a piece.
He finished with, if you [any reader] bought the deluxe for the slot and the other goodies, you didn’t lose any value.
Someone’s gotta get the short end of the stick and I guess it’s the deluxe/ultimate purchasers like me now. I don’t need that extra slot, one from ulitmate was all that I needed and primary reason why I decided to pay more.
What I don’t get is how people are saying ultimate gives 50% off gems but that makes no sense….it’s 50 for HoT basic and 50 for 4k gems in the BLC so that’s 100 bucks. The only ‘extras’ have no worth, at all so please explain since I seem to be missing something.
Anyways, so anet wants us to now put in refunds since basic is now the best deal. I am happy vet/basic version buyers are getting that char slot…truely I am but for rest who spent a lot of money on delux/ulitimate need considerations as well.
p.s. this might surprise some you but not all of us are ‘altohalics’; I stick to 1-2 chars that I enjoy in most games I have played. That extra slot will be nothing more than a mule, not that I need it since there is no need. I will simply ask that the ‘extra’ char slot perk for delux/ultimate is replaced by 800 gems and let us decide what to use them on. Is that not a reasonable request?
(edited by fixit.7189)
If you paid for the deluxe version just for the character slot.
You’re a kitten fool, and should’ve bought the 50.00 base game and bought 10.00 in game chr slot, and saved yourself some money, and you deserve to be burnt by this.
Otherwise, you bought the deluxe because you wanted the slot plus the other goodies, so you’re not losing any value.
What if you bought it because you valued the other goodies and the SLOT because you needed one? Now the extra slot removes the need for that…
People really need to stop thinking others bought the upgraded versions JUST for the slot, the slot was simply a FACTOR in their decision to buy,
Jordu was responding to the guy in an earlier post who was saying he was upset that ANet gave out a free character slot for each edition, and the reason he paid for the Deluxe was for the character slot alone. That guy is an idiot, since character slots are $10 a piece.
He finished with, if you [any reader] bought the deluxe for the slot and the other goodies, you didn’t lose any value.
+1 my good sir
Let me use a real world example of this. Say you purchased the Collector’s Edition because you really liked that Rytlock statue. Then a week later, Anet says that all players will get a Rytlock statue, and Collector’s Edition players will get 2. What do I do with the extra statue, since I only really needed one.
Ebay? Sell it to a friend?
well im sorry but he cant sell an extra slot to a friend
Let me use a real world example of this. Say you purchased the Collector’s Edition because you really liked that Rytlock statue. Then a week later, Anet says that all players will get a Rytlock statue, and Collector’s Edition players will get 2. What do I do with the extra statue, since I only really needed one.
Ebay? Sell it to a friend?
Unfortunately, I can’t sell or even gift my extra character slot to someone else.
I ordered the Deluxe Edition day 1 because of the Gem discount (1st ever from Anet by the way). I am going to get another 3k hrs, if not more, out of HoT the same way I have the base game. I was happy with my purchase then, I am happy with it now. The 2nd Character Slot is just a reason for me to be more happy. I have 9x 80’s, and plan on at least building a Druid and Chronomancer, and probably more after they tell us the rest of the Specs. I swear, some people will kitten over anything….
Child: “I DEMAND Ice cream before bed! Gimme it or you don’t love me!”
Parent: sighs “Very well, here’s some ice cream, dear. Is that better?” smiles
Child: “NO! Sissy got ice cream too! It’s not fair!”
Parent: smiles “Here, let me give you extra ice cream because you’re my special child.”
Child: “No, No, NO! I don’t want ice cream anymore, I want BROWNIES! Brownies or you don’t love me anymore!”
Order of the Blue Heron [OTBH]
Arathorn Cirdon – Warrior | Ariana Cirdon – Mesmer
OP I agree. For last hour or so I have that sour taste that my benefits for paying premium price on Ultimate Edition don’t look as tempting anymore. Deluxe is even worse, bonuses don’t make up for 30 EUR/USD difference if you don’t need that second slot.