Suggestion: First Person Camera
I agree this would be a nice addition. The other related item I’d like to see is the ability to toggle the UI on and off so we can take screenshots with our character but without the distracting UI elements.
Not the end of the world if it is not possible, but would be nice for those of us who enjoy taking pictures of our time in Tyria.
The Path Least Travelled, Gunnar’s Hold
The other related item I’d like to see is the ability to toggle the UI on and off so we can take screenshots with our character but without the distracting UI elements.
You actually can do this; the shortcut (might not be on by default) is Ctrl-Shift-H. :)
I would be happy if I could zoom in more.
Shouldn’t have to swig bobblehead potion, or stand back to back, just to see a close-up of another player’s face.
RIP City of Heroes
First person view has been suggestion since launch, so probably not going to happen anytime soon. Would love to see it though…
It’s always baffled me why they don’t have this.
First person view has been suggestion since launch, so probably not going to happen anytime soon. Would love to see it though…
this is exatly why i wonder if it’s worth to write suggestion here
I want first person as well. Every time they add some cool new environments, i don’t gaze at them like “woow so beautiful”, instead, i look at it for a while and think to myself “Why is there not a first person view so people can screenshot this beautiful landscape?”
I LOVE taking landscape screenshots in MMO’s and it absolutely infuriates me that you can’t in GW2. There is absolutely no good reason not to have it.
Gandara EU
I am among those who want First person view but only because I plan on getting myself an Oculus Rift for Christmas and would love to use it with GW2
I’d like to be able to watch other people’s characters closely without the need to run past them.
Honestly, they probably blew LA up just so it would stop bothering me that I couldn’t look directly out the window of that pub up top.
The weird thing is that during the early beta stage first person camera worked and just like guild wars 1 holding shift while pressing print screen did hide the hud for the screenshot. as to why they got rid of both i will never understand.