[Suggestion] Merge 24 celebration boosters
Interesting. I just have one character designated as my birthday booster user (WvW alt), and use Celebration boosters on whoever.
This would be a decent improvement, but I’m just not sure there’s a need for it, thus will likely never happen.
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
I would rather they split each 24 hour booster into 24 charges of I hour each myself. That way they aren’t wasted so much if you stop to do crafting or afk for a bit.
ANet may give it to you.
I would rather they split each 24 hour booster into 24 charges of I hour each myself. That way they aren’t wasted so much if you stop to do crafting or afk for a bit.
Yeah, haha, I’d rather go the other way, so I can use those hours at more optimal intervals.
There is absolutely no evidence to support that it would.” -AnthonyOrdon
It would be nice if there were a vendor from which we can exchange items like these into the required time we prefer. Whenever I use a 24-hour booster, I feel too obligated to play a specific game type whilst that buff is active (so a WvW marathon etc) for that character, effectively making that character feel locked from any other game type until the buff ends and I have gotten the most out of it.
With the 1-hour boosters, as they are fairly easily attainable, I feel less obligated and can freely play what I want without the feeling of wasting the buff.
Then again, that is just me and my quirky sense of waste.
It would be nice if there were a vendor from which we can exchange items like these into the required time we prefer. Whenever I use a 24-hour booster, I feel too obligated to play a specific game type whilst that buff is active (so a WvW marathon etc) for that character, effectively making that character feel locked from any other game type until the buff ends and I have gotten the most out of it.
With the 1-hour boosters, as they are fairly easily attainable, I feel less obligated and can freely play what I want without the feeling of wasting the buff.
Then again, that is just me and my quirky sense of waste.
That is my exact viewpoint on using birthday boosters which is why I included the ability to separate a birthday booster into 24 celebration boosters in my suggestion.
I figured that some players would want birthday boosters for the convenience of not needing to open their inventory from time to time (and filling up a stack of birthday boosters takes way more time than filling up a stack of celebration boosters) hence the first item on the list. The second item on the list is more aimed to players with mindsets that you and I have: less time wasted on a buff.