Suggestion: Mounts [Merged]
Mounts are soo great?
Go back wow.
Yeah, instead of actual game content, we need another gimmick that we can redundantly grind the same areas to acquire or spend more real money on in the gem store.
I know I can’t wait for yet another “game feature” to bedazzle me with how cool it is, distract me from the lack of substance and get me to open up my wallet.
+1, exactly my thoughts on the subject.
And balancing mounted combat… ANet already struggles on the professions enough already.
I say no to anything else till more pressing issues are addressed…like being able to stay in the same instance and not getting kicked, along with stability. addressing hacks and third party programs. Balance tweaks. ect ect.
I have two word also.
Please stop.
This must simply destroys any player base posting credibility in the Dev’s eyes.
Try one of the games with mounts so you won’t be disappointed here forever.
Forum bug maybe??
Please schedule a public flogging for the OP.
Another mount discussion… so against the ToS of the forum.
Good grief, not this again!
That is a good point sir, let me add something
Erm, thats the same gif I used.
if you want mounts, go play WoW, in that game there is plenty of mounts
I will never understand this way of thinking. Guild Wars 2 has many features inherited from other popular MMOs. Is that a bad thing? Should we avoid features that would complement the game just for the sake of avoiding them? Perhaps we should start removing other popular features also found in WoW and focus on making the game the most hipster possible, rather than the most fun.
Edit: Remove gliding please. Aion had it first.
Mounts doesn’t compliment the game though. It’s just a layer that only adds to the visual aspect of the game. IMO, that’s a really poor reason to continue to ask for it, even now on the eve that we will be able to glide in Tyria. Clearly, that’s Anet’s answer to the ‘MOUNTS’ question.
ugh…now its a merged thread and back on front page.
This is why they’re posting more on reddit, so stupid posts like this can be downvoted and forgotten
Good grief, not this again!
That is a good point sir, let me add something
Erm, thats the same gif I used.
Threads got merged. So the other gif may have been from another thread that got merged into the one you posted it on.
An entire world with no mounts for player NOR NPC’s is just too unrealistic.
Should I mention that some mobs in HoT have mounts?
Theory debunked. Mounts exist.
In all serious though, this horse has been beaten into the ground so many times we should have held a funeral 50 times over by now. Mounts are not needed. Waypoints exist for FTM (faster than mount) travel. There are various methods of gaining speed boosts already in the game to help you get those waypoints unlocked.
Mounts do exist in the form of cosmetic toys. Magic carpet, broomstick. Not many, but a couple.
Now go eat some pie.
Just because this game doesn’t need something doesn’t mean it wouldn’t be a desirable addition that people would pay money for.
However… instead of adding things people want Anet will give you what it thinks you want without listening to you and will then break the game in the process.
(edited by daniellepierce.9718)
I support mounts only if mounts altered weapon skills, or introduce entire set of mounted skills. Mounted combat have potential to add a lot to combat in open fields. There can even be a whole expansion built around it.
Q4 Gw2 sales are out. Everyone is disappointed. Mounts Anet Mounts. It is the answer to all your problems. Even if people complain about it now, they WILL buy it if it comes out. They’re just arguing for arguments sake.
Mounts will save the game, listen to your community, you’re headed straight to where D3 went and died.
Necroing this thread gives new meaning to the term “beating a dead horse.”
Let them have their mounts, but with the following.
- License.
- Housing.
- Food.
- Care/maintenance
- No speed boosts.
- Chance to dismount when hit.
- Can die.
- Suffers exhaustion.
How to QQ after being beat. Asatria Legend -Daddelgreis - Sixtymac
An entire world with no mounts for player NOR NPC’s is just too unrealistic. Every civilization has used them and yet Tyria can’t figure out how to tame a few? How dumb are these inhabitants?
Dumb enough to have site-to-site teleports that require only a tiny piece of self-contained hardware at the receiving end. Yeah, every day I’m on the road I wish we were that dumb. Our mounts (cars) seem absolutely brilliant by comparison… Not.
You might want to start over completely on your ‘realism’ argument. It doesn’t go where you think it does
Suggestion: Release a Black Lion mount in a similar timing as the Black Lion Weapon Skins. Each new release will have 1 new mount. Cost: 1700 gems or equivalent.
Suggestion: Runes are a thing. So are speed signets. And Traits. EVERY SINGLE PROFESSION can get a permanent speed buff, but must pay a price for one of the most sought out, most impactful benefits in the game. Decide what you’re willing to give up for it, but don’t expect it to be handed to you in a way that obsoletes all of those existing character options.
No, all it actually accomplishes having waypoints and not mounts is ruining any sense of immersion you might get from the fantasy setting, which is something GW2 already struggles with.
Sorry, but while I am personally mostly ambivalent to mounts, every single argument I’ve encountered from people nay-saying them is incredibly weak.
Sorry, but while I am personally mostly ambivalent to mounts, every single argument I’ve encountered from people nay-saying them is incredibly weak.
You haven’t encountered the real arguments then.
- Double the models racing to an event puts more strain on the systems of people who already suffer lag and DC, and this game already does too much of this.
- Speed boosts are part of the limited opportunity costs in designing builds. Placing a speed boost on something external to the character build system removes this balance factor. Note: If you think the people clamoring for mounts will settle for no speed boost, I can get you a great deal on a bridge.
I say do it. Make it expensive, make it no speed boost and make it so its not visible to other players(unless they select it). Anet makes money, gw2 survives longer, no impact on the game play
why is this thread still a thing?!?? we will be getting capes before we ever see a mount
Ill tell you why there would be some apprehension with that.
That nature of instanced zones could make mounts feel awkward if they moved faster than you can run. You would be seeing loading screens way more fequently and this might disrupt the feel of the game.
With a game like wow, i think it makes more sense since the zones are all together without loading . It makes riding feel immersive.
Im not sure how that would affect Guild Wars 2. It might make the maps seem smaller.
If we could have mounts that would give us not much of a speed boost, but instead maybe give some cool other features like extra storage on your mount, then that would be awesome.
Mounts are awful.
Just what this game doesn’t need. People on huge mounts sitting on top of NPCs, and yes, they’d have to be huge to fit the Charr and Norn characters. Unless you’re planning to have mounts that are maxed sized for humans and makes Norns/Charr look like adults riding a tricycle.
ANet may give it to you.
I agree there should be no mounts.
“hey guys, let’s make the game more unique by doing the same thing everyone else does!” /facepalm.
who needs balance when you can mount
Some people have a hard time seeing reality … you can now glide in Core Tyria. If that doesn’t kill the concept of mounts in GW2, I don’t know what will.
Gliding is stupid. If’ you’ve tried it in core Tyria you would know lol.
Gliding is stupid. If’ you’ve tried it in core Tyria you would know lol.
Gliding isn’t stupid. I’ve tried it in core Tyria.
Please don’t speak for me. Thank you.
waaaaaah mountsss!
No. Also, many NPCs have mounts.
Mounts are not needed for 3 reasons.
1. I have waypoints all over the game.
2. I have gliding to fly all over the game.
3. I don’t want to see mount excrements and dirt everywhere.
We dont need mounts. We need capes!
W v W-r o a m e r
would be an easy way to make me quit
Mounts will bring so many people back. Hilarious amounts of revenue too.
Yer a funny guy.
Edit: Also, no, mounts won’t bring people back. Giving us back the original kittening skill animations for fireball, auras, chrono wells, etc. is what will bring us back.
(edited by The Greyhawk.9107)
Don’t bring this thread up again. Any bit of resistance is met with “You’re just wrong get over it!” There is literally no discourse to be had when OP is just stomping his feet and shouting “you’re wrong I’m right, not listening!”
In text form
Not with you no, you seem to be set on your opinions so I’m not going to humor you anymore. Just going to tell you facts and let you deal with it.
Mounts is new for GW2, it is progress for this game at least, and will help the income and the overall experience for the players.
If you disagree, you’re wrong. End of story for you.
We should be asking for flying mounts,our characters can kinda fly now anyways
We should be asking for flying mounts,our characters can kinda fly now anyways
If you can fly yourself: Why do you need to sit on a creature???
AHHhhh, Mounts…
- Where did I put it….. ? Ah found it!!!
It’s mostly because this needs a use else I might actually forget where I put it (-not!-) ….
So if you never seen it before in this thread or any posts rergarding the forbidden subject I present to you:
Been There, Done That & Will do it again…except maybe world completion.
(edited by PaxTheGreatOne.9472)
Didn’t do first raid. Don’t care for it ingame. Same feelings about mounts.
Been There, Done That & Will do it again…except maybe world completion.
That proverbial dead horse was already puree. Now you are making kitten UNDER it.
that it makes every other class in the game boring to play.”
I actually do want mounts. The zones are big and the waypoints are (now) frequently useless. Having to spend what feels like 10 minutes walking from the one working waypoint in the zone to where I was when I died. The 33% speed boost is only so fast. Maybe even in WvW with how long it takes to cross the desert BL.
In this suggestion i have to say ‘’Please no’‘. It wont suite in this game besides if they would people would request flying mounts and then a game is doomed.
A playing content/experience wich is usually build in a ground level should not bypass like in a world of warcraft. (Yes there are few things really require a flying mount to have, but most of areas doesnt and a feel having it its a game experience breaking).
…or a people request’‘want want’’ that also you are able to attack/loot while riding with a mount. That possibility is in Age of Conan if remember right in a certain way.
Works fair fine in there, but there is a difference between a hard level of a playing experience compared to a Guild wars 2 (even it does force scale you down, but monsters feel more ’’flat’’ then in other mmorpg i have play it. You had also a mounts in a RIFT and Swtor wich i used to play, but fit in a world better then what a guild wars 2 has a offer in my mind at a moment. Unless in a later ’’areas’’ if they decide to be mount avaitable like its really big, but also there is none ‘’instant travelling’’ on a areas in a certain points of a maps.
I would still say that they may ’’save’’ a game as people are praying in here by fixing a classes no matter what wich specialization to same baseline and a playing content to a end wich is suitable for all classes as they ‘’intent to do’’ benefit a group a differend way.
Anyone got any new “beating a dead horse” gifs? It seems we’re all using the same one at this point.
Anyone got any new “beating a dead horse” gifs? It seems we’re all using the same one at this point.
Do not think I see this one before.
Lets just talk about a game called Dragon’s Prophet and where it ended. It had lodes of mounts in the game that could fly. What happened at the end. The company had to close down after 9 months cause no one was interested in it. Was a shame I liked it for what it was, and accepted it for what it was.
Others need to accept what GW2 has, cause some changes can turn thing around and hurt it instead.
Anyone got any new “beating a dead horse” gifs? It seems we’re all using the same one at this point.
Do not think I see this one before.
haha, that is really good one.
I think that mounts in GW2 would be an awesome innovaction for game! Don’t actually know why there’s nothing about It :/ what you think about it guys? they should upload mounts in Guild Wars?
Don’t mind me, just posting my little horsie
I’ll add mine too
I think that mounts in GW2 would be an awesome innovaction for game! Don’t actually know why there’s nothing about It :/ what you think about it guys? they should upload mounts in Guild Wars?
There are. Look in the Gem store, riding broom and magic carpet. Enjoy.
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Some more: (just to be certain):
Been There, Done That & Will do it again…except maybe world completion.
Double posting is against the forum rules
I wonder how long before BOTH get merged with ALL the other threads about this?