[Suggestion] Should lying dead be more punishing?
Should it be more punishing?
Why should anything in a video game be punishing???? Punishing game are not fun games. Please use another term?
The difficulty in large World Boss Events comes from trying to pick out whom to rez. Maybe a different color and term to differentiate the downed from the dead? Have a “Revive” pop up in yellow for downed players. Then have a “Resurrect” pop up in Red for dead players. I think that type of information would be nice.
For balancing and dead players counting toward scaling, if they stop counting then everyone would not even bother trying to stay alive. Just rush the boss Zerker style, die, and then run back again.
If you’re not moving for 90seconds, than you don’t need to be IN game.
Umm… no! It’s called real life and there’s no need to completely log a person out because they go for a bio or god forbid due something healthy like idk, stand up once in a while. Not when you’ll likely end up on another mega server layer.
The whole event scale feature is the problem. It discourages players from participating, or causes players to exclude other players (no more to boss x or it up scales and we fail).
So maybe having the dead not count towards scaling would be a start, but this is more of a mechanic issue than just someone dead.
First off, yes, staying defeated needs to be more punishing, if a defeated player sticks around, it does scale up the event. Secondly, if the game is going to kick a defeated person out to character select, there needs to be a way to ‘bookmark’ your spot on the current shard you’re on at least for a few minutes. I think moving them to the nearest waypoint after a minute or so of being dead would be a better solution though.
Alternatively, ANet could just make it so dead players don’t scale the event, and don’t get any participation rewards after 60 seconds of being defeated.
There needs to be some kind of mechanic so the lazy players can’t just tag, die, and force the people who actually know what they’re doing do all the work.
(edited by Sir Alymer.3406)
If you’re not moving for 90seconds, than you don’t need to be IN game.
Umm… no! It’s called real life and there’s no need to completely log a person out because they go for a bio or god forbid due something healthy like idk, stand up once in a while. Not when you’ll likely end up on another mega server layer.
kitten happens. If you’re organizing for an event like Teq or THW, you know exactly when the event is going to start. It’s your own fault for putting off urinating that long. Not to mention most good maps give you a massive chunk of time to get up and wander around, often for 10-40 minutes.
Quite frankly dead players should be teleported to the nearest uncontested waypoint and stay dead until they pay to take the waypoint, the moment their body hits the ground. If you’re at a World Boss, your dead corpse gets in my way of picking up downed people, who do far more damage than a corpse, and in the way of picking up conjured weapons, which deal even MORE damage than a corpse. The sooner you get out of my sight the better for me as a player and the completion of the event as a whole.
As “sad” as it is, I’d much rather see Anet remove the ability to revive dead people in PvE entirely. Not only does it take far longer to pick them up than those who are downed, there is no way to prioritize those who are downed over those who are dead and too lazy to waypoint. Worried about losing credit for the event because you need to waypoint? Well, learn how to dodge.
Going back to “kitten happens,” if something calls you away from the computer, you dont stand there going brainless. You aim at a wall, and hit autorun. Not only are you now vacating an area of immediate death, you’re going to be out of the way of the people we WANT to pick up, and you’re going to be in the event area the entire time.
So yes, I’d opt for something much harsher: you die, you get shunted to whatever’s the closest waypoint, the money extracted from your wallet, and then you’re revived. Dead people dont have the luxury to stand around at an event waiting for people to pick you up. Dead dont do damage. So stop being lazy.
What about having an /afk tag that you can pop on? going /afk would function the similar to being dead, you can’t move, chat, do anything while /afk. Going /afk also prevents you form upscaling the event. And maybe if going /afk during a boss fight/world event only grants you the EXP/karma and bonus chest, but not the main boss chest. However, you’d have to participate in at least 80-85% of the entire battle to be eligable to recieve the boss chest to prevent people from tagging, then going /afk.
I understand that RL stuff happens. I have a family myself, and sometimes I need to go in the middle of a battle and more often then not, die. I would hate to be automatically wayported out, and miss the battle because my wife needs help with something or the kid knocked over the dog bowl and is eating the dog food. Generally these situations only take a couple of minutes max to take care of, but being punished by lost time during the event, and end up missing it because I was wayported out seems a bit harsh to me. I’d rather just stay dead, and get rezzed at the end and still be able to get the reward for my participation.
Maybe to add on to this, players who stay dead or do not use any skills (this removes just chatting or those who hit r to keep moving) within a major boss’s radius (world bosses, temples, or any place that suffers from too many taggers) get automatically shifted to afk status. But leave a manual one for when real life happens during the waiting period before an event. So you can put your character in a state where it won’t scale the event.
Who cares about Teq, really???? That fights boring as heck now.. Secondly, he said ALL of PvE. It’s the “ALL of” part that’s the problem. Especially when he’s asking for it just for being idle, not even dead.
(edited by DeWolfe.2174)
Having bosses de-scale due to dead people would be potentially exploitable and/or cause unanticipated problems. (In fact I’m not sure any boss ever scales back down once it has scaled up.)
Every boss/champ/event..scales back down.
This was explained on a thread by a dev, that was later removed for “sharing details of the game that wasn’t ‘open’” or something like that, basically sharing stuff he wasn’t supposed to.
It was in reference to crown pav, but he mentioned, that this is how it works in every pve encounter.
I definitely think people who stay dead for say 90seconds should be auto waypointed to the nearest wp.
This won’t affect their current participation, nor will it greatly affect those who happened to afk because of emergency.Alternatively, it could log people into character select screen if they stay dead for 90seconds. I think that’s plenty of time.
It would be even better if it only occurred when you’re around an event, but I wouldn’t mind if it was in all of pve. If you’re not moving for 90seconds, than you don’t need to be IN game.
Perhaps, this is the Dev quote you were referring to:
Technical Designer
Ideally scaling shouldn’t be terribly impactful; it’s designed to keep the difficultly feeling just right. Events can indeed scale up and down in response to player count.
No it was on a thread regarding Crown Pav boss health and just how much they upscale. The Dev was commenting on that and mentioned that most pve encounters function the same way.
Ah well, regardless…it’s a Dev post confirming events do scale back down. =)
As far as I know there is no way to “unscale” and event. Once an event is scaled up to the next level it stay there until completion, failure, or it upscales again.
I don’t think there is a downscale mechanic actually put in place. Of course it is pretty much never a problem since when more players show up the event is usually popular and good for loot.
Does anyone have any confirmation that an event can actually go back down to lesser scaling if people leave/die?
People have used… things… to see boss health bar numbers. They’ve confirmed that events scale all the time, up and down, constantly. In fact this is how they found definitive proof that dead players still scale bosses.
Oh by the way (a little off topic) this is also how we know that many players just don’t run good builds. The boss health scales by a percentage. It doesn’t matter how many people attack a boss. It’s health will go down at the same percent rate if all those players are running proper builds and playing properly instead of half-afking. However, what we see happen is the boss dies slower as more people show up. All those extra people are running crap builds and not engaging their full dps rotation. #OpenWorldContent
There should be no punishment for staying dead at an event, but Anet should certainly look at what classifies as “active participation” and adjust it. Punishing people just makes them angry, withholding reward for “non-participation” will get them to change their behavior.
An AFK flag/tag sounds like a really good idea, but IMO it would just get abused.
re: Downed taking precedence over dead for rez – this sounds like a good and workable idea.(Says someone who has no idea how that stuff is coded in-game.)
re: RL intruded and I didn’t get credit – Yep. It happens. Insufficient participation = no reward. I deal with it, and everyone else can too. RL> game, RL should take precedence. But don’t don’t expect credit unless you did enough before RL intruded. That’s life. It can be annoying, but that’s how it is.
Especially when there’s a much simpler way to make sure it doesn’t affect anyone else’s gameplay. Events already scale dynamically as people enter or leave the area, it shouldn’t be too hard to make dying count as leaving.
I may be wrong here, but I’m pretty sure I’ve seen Dev’s state that DEs and World Bosses only scale UP and never DOWN. Not sure if that’s a technical limitation or a design choice, but I would imagine changing it (and removing dead players) would not be trivial and as easy as you typing it.
Fate is just the weight of circumstances
That’s the way that lady luck dances
I can’t recall a major event scaling down once it was already in progress. The only exceptions are when you have an event that spawns lots of trash mobs; those will sometimes change from elites and champions to veterans and some normals if people leave before new waves appear. However, the boss difficulty remains the same once he’s engaged.
Using WP after getting killed should be encouraged, rather than punishing the dead.
For example, If you rally at a waypoint from dead, you get a 100% speed boost that decays over 30sec.
Using WP after getting killed should be encouraged, rather than punishing the dead.
For example, If you rally at a waypoint from dead, you get a 100% speed boost that decays over 30sec.
That’s a much better idea. Thanks for suggesting it!
Death should have more repercussions. It means almost nothing now.
How about since the design of the game is Team Work and Cooperation that everyone here that wants to make everyone WP instead of helping as intended get suspended for Griefing?
They should make ALL the World Boss events the same as dungeons and lock out the WP feature until everyone wipes to encourage Team Work. Maybe even cause players with more dead players around them to start losing DPS until they start rezzing other players.
Lady Alexis Hawk – Main – Necromancer
Ravion Hawk – Warrior
How about since the design of the game is Team Work and Cooperation that everyone here that wants to make everyone WP instead of helping as intended get suspended for Griefing?
They should make ALL the World Boss events the same as dungeons and lock out the WP feature until everyone wipes to encourage Team Work. Maybe even cause players with more dead players around them to start losing DPS until they start rezzing other players.
Really? So wanting the people who tag die when the boss is at more than 50% health and just lay there dead when the boss health doesn’t scale back down and don’t waypoint away aren’t griefing? When they die in an area that is unsafe for players to run in to rez them… Yes, we realize this won’t scale the boss down, but maybe enough times of them not getting credit for the event will encourage them to just go ahead and waypoint.
Those who just run into a nearby wall and scale up the event because they’re close enough to scale up the event but far enough away that they don’t take damage and therefore don’t die aren’t griefing because those guys are obviously afk or griefing!
People here aren’t complaining about the group who dies who are actively participating but don’t waypoint during the last hurrah of the boss (like 20% health or so).
And I agree with sMihaly, maybe give a speed boost when you waypoint after a death while in PvE. So you can get back to where you were quicker.
(edited by Seera.5916)
Using WP after getting killed should be encouraged, rather than punishing the dead.
For example, If you rally at a waypoint from dead, you get a 100% speed boost that decays over 30sec.
Perhaps, maybe also “end next time you hit an enemy”.
I have some doubts about it tho…
I rarely do PvP or Hard PvE, unless it’s organized.
How about since the design of the game is Team Work and Cooperation that everyone here that wants to make everyone WP instead of helping as intended get suspended for Griefing?
They should make ALL the World Boss events the same as dungeons and lock out the WP feature until everyone wipes to encourage Team Work. Maybe even cause players with more dead players around them to start losing DPS until they start rezzing other players.
Really? So wanting the people who tag die when the boss is at more than 50% health and just lay there dead when the boss health doesn’t scale back down and don’t waypoint away aren’t griefing? When they die in an area that is unsafe for players to run in to rez them… Yes, we realize this won’t scale the boss down, but maybe enough times of them not getting credit for the event will encourage them to just go ahead and waypoint.
No one will be able to change my stance on this no matter how you justify and conceal your elitism.
True Monks were left out and ALL classes given the ability to resurrect fallen players in order to promote Team Work. This is part of the intended game play. Any players that demand that dead players use a waypoint are being elitist and are guilty of Griefing those dead players. There is a reason why the nearest waypoint becomes contested:
If they intended for events to be played out the way all you want it done, waypoints would NEVER be contested.
The only time I see world boss events not screaming for people to waypoint when they are dead is when “Reviver” is on the daily list.
They should either treat these major events like dungeons and prevent waypointing until everyone wipes OR just make ALL waypoints on the event map contested requiring having to waypoint to a different map. Then watch all the players that Grief dead players lose out on their precious rewards because no one would rezz them and they had to leave the map to be rezzed. Especially as the group drops down to almost no one left at the event because no one would revive dead players.
Lady Alexis Hawk – Main – Necromancer
Ravion Hawk – Warrior
Using WP after getting killed should be encouraged, rather than punishing the dead.
For example, If you rally at a waypoint from dead, you get a 100% speed boost that decays over 30sec.
Perhaps, maybe also “end next time you hit an enemy”.
I have some doubts about it tho…
Or just make it 10 sec with or without decay. Just a matter of balance, but makes walking back to the boss scene more welcoming.
Why should players be further punished for being dead? I don’t get it. If they are needlessly scaling the event up, then fix the event scaling to not do that. If they are occupying a slot in the map that could be used by someone who’s actually taking part in the event, then maybe events should not require a map to reach it’s cap in the first place.
How about since the design of the game is Team Work and Cooperation that everyone here that wants to make everyone WP instead of helping as intended get suspended for Griefing?
They should make ALL the World Boss events the same as dungeons and lock out the WP feature until everyone wipes to encourage Team Work. Maybe even cause players with more dead players around them to start losing DPS until they start rezzing other players.
Really? So wanting the people who tag die when the boss is at more than 50% health and just lay there dead when the boss health doesn’t scale back down and don’t waypoint away aren’t griefing? When they die in an area that is unsafe for players to run in to rez them… Yes, we realize this won’t scale the boss down, but maybe enough times of them not getting credit for the event will encourage them to just go ahead and waypoint.
No one will be able to change my stance on this no matter how you justify and conceal your elitism.
True Monks were left out and ALL classes given the ability to resurrect fallen players in order to promote Team Work. This is part of the intended game play. Any players that demand that dead players use a waypoint are being elitist and are guilty of Griefing those dead players. There is a reason why the nearest waypoint becomes contested:
If they intended for events to be played out the way all you want it done, waypoints would NEVER be contested.
The only time I see world boss events not screaming for people to waypoint when they are dead is when “Reviver” is on the daily list.
They should either treat these major events like dungeons and prevent waypointing until everyone wipes OR just make ALL waypoints on the event map contested requiring having to waypoint to a different map. Then watch all the players that Grief dead players lose out on their precious rewards because no one would rezz them and they had to leave the map to be rezzed. Especially as the group drops down to almost no one left at the event because no one would revive dead players.
Dead people take 2-5 times LONGER to res than downed people. By the time you take the waypoint and ran back, you’d MAYBE be at 25% revived. Dead people cant even do poor damage to a boss like downed people. Not to mention your corpse gets in the way of me picking up conjure weapons to do even more damage.
It’s not elitism. It’s wanting people to get off their kitten and actually do some work. I’m sorry, but if you’re dead, I’ll point, laugh, squat on you, and then continue fighting the boss.
No offense, but if asking people to actually carry their weight is considered elitism, fine. Call it elitism and dont show up on the maps I’m on for all I care. The fight will be better off for it. It still wont make me pick up a corpse in the middle of an event.
And please learn a bit more about event mechanics for your next post. Events cause waypoints to be contested if those waypoints are inside the area of the event circle. That’s why splintered coast waypoint is contested during teq, yet brooloonu is not. That’s why bogside camp waypoint (or whatever it’s called) is contested during THW, yet firthside vigil, jelako, and whisperwill waypoints are not. They arent contested because anet “doesnt want zerging from waypoints.”
edit: and yes, we tell people to get off their kitten and waypoint even if reviver is a daily/monthly. Why? Because we can get it picking up the downed and ignoring corpses.
ALL classes given the ability to resurrect fallen players in order to promote Team Work.
Not defeated players.
Often in large scale events people will try to rez downed players, but once you’re defeayed, you take too long to rez, which is 2 less (at least) people doing damage while waiting for your health to fill. This is not counting the dodges and stuff you have to manage in between rezzing a defeated player.
Its quicker if you just wp.
And I hope people continue to not rez defeated players during large events.
Sure it’s annoying.
I’ve been on turrets at teq where a champs spawns and takes me out. Not much I can do about that but wp and ask whoever took charge of my turret, if they’d mind me having it back.
Its better for everyone involved.
I just hope anet creates some kind of auto wp after 90seconds defeated. and if you don’t have the silver, it logs you out instead.
ALL classes given the ability to resurrect fallen players in order to promote Team Work.
Not defeated players.
It doesn’t matter, the system is intended for players to help each other not force each other to use a waypoint when another player can rezz them.
You are still trying to justify Elitist mentalities.
Lady Alexis Hawk – Main – Necromancer
Ravion Hawk – Warrior
ALL classes given the ability to resurrect fallen players in order to promote Team Work.
Not defeated players.Fallen
DefeatedIt doesn’t matter, the system is intended for players to help each other not force each other to use a waypoint when another player can rezz them.
You are still trying to justify Elitist mentalities.
the ability, the skills, is to rez downed players.
Why are you so against wp’ing to rez?
The majority of people don’t have a problem with this, and realise it’s quicker… if you’re so against it, try and stay alive.
It’s not elitist, I told you I’ve had to wp… It’s quiker to wp and run back than to be rezzed from defeated state.
With timed events, this is really important ..those few seconds can and do make a difference.
The fully dead character’s name should be in a different color (compared to downed) and rezzes should prioritize downed characters over fully dead.
^ This.
I feel like there should be a distinct way to prioritize downed VS defeated players. Changes to rewards I don’t feel are as important as dead players not hindering the performance of those still alive.
Dead players, for me, are especially frustrating when stacking, getting in the way of both reviving downed players, and of summoned weapons.
It’d be nice if we could toggle a ‘Defeated player revival in combat?’ option (perhaps with a hotkey), that when switched off, would cause your character to just flat out ignore dead players while in combat. Corpses still visible, but no prompts to revive when walking over them until ooc.
Automatic waypointing with fee removal sounds good to me, even though I’m sure someone will find an exploity use for it and there’s a miniscule problem of players with 0 money. This should be disabled in dungeons though, IMO.
A “you are recovering” debuff similar to one after the Revive Orb looks like a good measure to me as well. The debuff gets longer depending on the time you’re dead.
Another idea is gradually decreasing visibility till everything you see is a pitch black image. This a] should not be done through post-processing as it can be worked around by disabling it (similar to hallucinations, Liadri blind etc.), and b] will solve the problem of corpse spying.
As for giving credit, I think that lying dead should count as being absent, if it isn’t already.
ALL classes given the ability to resurrect fallen players in order to promote Team Work.
Not defeated players.Fallen
DefeatedIt doesn’t matter, the system is intended for players to help each other not force each other to use a waypoint when another player can rezz them.
You are still trying to justify Elitist mentalities.
We aren’t saying that people should ignore the downed players. They don’t take very long to get back up. We’re saying the players who have died and can no longer do anything beyond chat, post to the TP, deal with inventory, and map travel via waypoints need to be dealt with in order to encourage players to start doing it on their own to keep DPS high.
And it wouldn’t matter as much if the World Bosses didn’t have these wonderful things known as timers on them. If you don’t kill them before the timer is up you fail the event. Even if the boss has 1 HP left when the timer hits 0. Therefore the higher the DPS you have the more likely you are to succeed. This is even more critical in the mega-bosses like Teq and three headed wurm.
Dead players have 0 DPS. Downed players can still contribute a little bit to the DPS.
Dead players, especially maxed level characters, take ages to resurrect, especially if those resurrecting them are still considered in combat. And I’ve never done Teq or THW, but I can’t imagine it’s very easy to get out of combat.
ALL classes given the ability to resurrect fallen players in order to promote Team Work.
Not defeated players.Fallen
DefeatedIt doesn’t matter, the system is intended for players to help each other not force each other to use a waypoint when another player can rezz them.
You are still trying to justify Elitist mentalities.
We aren’t saying that people should ignore the downed players. They don’t take very long to get back up. We’re saying the players who have died and can no longer do anything beyond chat, post to the TP, deal with inventory, and map travel via waypoints need to be dealt with in order to encourage players to start doing it on their own to keep DPS high.
And it wouldn’t matter as much if the World Bosses didn’t have these wonderful things known as timers on them. If you don’t kill them before the timer is up you fail the event. Even if the boss has 1 HP left when the timer hits 0. Therefore the higher the DPS you have the more likely you are to succeed. This is even more critical in the mega-bosses like Teq and three headed wurm.
Dead players have 0 DPS. Downed players can still contribute a little bit to the DPS.
Dead players, especially maxed level characters, take ages to resurrect, especially if those resurrecting them are still considered in combat. And I’ve never done Teq or THW, but I can’t imagine it’s very easy to get out of combat.
Reviving an ally pushes you to the top of the aggro table; canceling it returns you to the previous threat level.
When you combine the time it takes to revive someone dead with being at the top of the aggro table, reviving someone during an event is very likely to get you killed. Making 2 dead players instead of one.
During the Teq2.0 reveal, the dev commentating the run mentioned that it was deliberate design to have the waypoints contested so players have to make a judgement call on whether it was better to rez dead players, or let them WP and lose out on DPS.
If that’s the case then let’s make it more informative. Give separate indicators between downed and dead (with priority on downed), and let the players decide for themselves.
If they want to zerg rez the sole guardian that’s doing the reflect on Wurm eggs, instead of losing a reflector for 10-20 seconds, I’d say that’s a good call. But if you are being a kitten and leech off others all the time regardless of situation, they can just leave you rotting on the ground.
Should it be more punishing?
Why should anything in a video game be punishing???? Punishing game are not fun games. Please use another term?
I would argue that punishment is a great thing in games. For example the Souls series is built on punishment. It’s what makes those games so amazing. If you don’t like it, that’s your right, and your problem. Some people prefer a challenge. Without punishment or consequences, challenge becomes irrelevant.
I wish there was a way to prioritized rezzing downed players than dead. When a bunch of people are dead/downed in one spot, I don’t want to waste time picking out the dead people.
Repeated for grape juice!
I don’t want to punish dead people on the floor. Just don’t punish the others either.
“Whose Charr is this?”- “Ted’s.”
“Who’s Ted?”- “Ted’s dead, baby. Ted’s dead.”
During the Teq2.0 reveal, the dev commentating the run mentioned that it was deliberate design to have the waypoints contested so players have to make a judgement call on whether it was better to rez dead players, or let them WP and lose out on DPS.
Well, could say that Defeated players waiting for Revive, will cost on DPS more, especially the players who try to revive them, and in combat to revive a Defeated player takes 2-5x longer.
Not to mention that reviving a player increases Aggro rating to 100%, making you the number 1 mob-bait, when combining the long time needed to revive a Defeated player while in combat.
With fingers during Teq, they’ll toss their poison fields more likely on players reviving Defeated players…
I rarely do PvP or Hard PvE, unless it’s organized.
How does this affect anyone except the dead player?
All I can think of is that dead players still count towards even scaling and if that’s the case then I think changing that (so only living players count) would be a much simpler and less intrusive/controversial fix.
I agree that a lot of people just stay dead on the floor hoping someone else will rez them and save them the WP fee/time to run back and that it can be annoying. But I can also think of a lot of situations where someone might end up dead through no fault of their own (like parents with kids having to go afk quickly or anyone being hit with lag) and punishing them for it by removing any rewards they were earning or sending them all the way back to the point where they entered the map seems excessive.
Especially when there’s a much simpler way to make sure it doesn’t affect anyone else’s gameplay. Events already scale dynamically as people enter or leave the area, it shouldn’t be too hard to make dying count as leaving.
I think it’s safe to say that most players who died are simply there just hoping someone will rez them. How do I know? Because right after you rez most of them, they start playing again. But again I would care less because I would just ignore them, unless we were located in an area where they absolutely needed the rez. And like you mentioned, it’s not like they’re adding anything to the scaling.
During the Teq2.0 reveal, the dev commentating the run mentioned that it was deliberate design to have the waypoints contested so players have to make a judgement call on whether it was better to rez dead players, or let them WP and lose out on DPS.
I’m more of a mind to think that dev had meant the choice was between reviving downed players (which can be done in seconds), or letting them die, waypoint, and run back in favor of continuing to deal damage to the boss. And it’s not really a judgement call at all. If they’re downed, and it’s safe to do so, you pick them up. If they’re downed and it’s NOT safe to pick them up, you let them die so they can waypoint. If they’re dead, you ignore them beyond a cursory “take the waypoint if you’re dead” in say chat.
As far as THW though, if you’re relying on a single person to reflect eggs, you’re on a bad run to begin with. Run with pairs or dont run at all.