[Suggestion] Spirit Shards
I meant things other than expensive-to-make weapons and material upgrades. It’s a nice list though.
I meant things other than expensive-to-make weapons and material upgrades. It’s a nice list though.
What’s he’s showing, is that you can effectively convert shards into gold, by buying the other materials for the recipes and then selling the finished product
I meant things other than expensive-to-make weapons and material upgrades. It’s a nice list though.
What’s he’s showing, is that you can effectively convert shards into gold, by buying the other materials for the recipes and then selling the finished product
Basically, the answer to your question as you reworded it is: no, there aren’t other things you can make — if it were easy to turn shards into gold, everyone would do those things and the shards would become less valuable. Plus, ANet would make them harder to obtain.
If more ways to make gold with them is a bad idea, then give us something to spend them on that’s not a direct way to make gold.
How about X spirit shards gives you an butterfly aura for an hour. Or for X spirit shards your account has plus Y magic find for a time. How about buying a combat transformation that last X amount of time, like the Watchknight tonic. Or looking like one of the story line NPCs or a human shaped fire elemental that looks like he’s made of glowing glass with fire dripping off it, useable in combat. There’s a lot of thing that could be bought with spirit shards. There’s nothing that says it has to be to make gold.
ANet may give it to you.
(edited by Just a flesh wound.3589)
Surprise … it takes a little effort to turn <currency other than gold> into gold.
Let’s see, last month I made 57 gold in 27 days using only the daily shards on mat promotions. It’s not a lot if you are looking for 100s if not 1000s of gold but it’s not a bad supplement.
RIP City of Heroes
I feel like you all (almost) missed my point. I wasn’t speaking about gold, though of course that would be nice. I was talking about ways of spending them in general. I’d love to buy something useful with them.
But they are a currency for unique “crafting” materials; materials you use them to make something you can use or sell. And there already is a fairly substantial list of items to craft. Sorry you don’t see anything useful on that list.
RIP City of Heroes