The issue with Wynne’s Locket:
Currently this item is not obtainable, because of the bugged Unforgiving Infiltration achievement, which is blocking players from getting their Seeds of Truth Mastery achievement, which is stopping us from finishing our luminescent armor set & bioluminescence collection achievement. (it’s been 100% broken since the stability changes patch)
I realize that a fix for this is being worked on & it will be eventually fixed, but I think this issue warrants more immediate attention, especially now with the gem store living story package deal(s).
Provide an additional method for getting Wynne’s Locket.
Proposed variations:
1. Remove the Unforgiving Infiltration from the Seeds of Truth Mastery meta achievement.
This would be probably the best way to go, it would immediately remove this roadblock & once fixed everyone could still get their achievement points for doing this later.
2. The Priory Historian at Camp Resolve could start selling Wynne’s Locket for 10g + 1000 bandit crests. (2000 crests would work too, to make it more in line with the required time investment doing the achievements)
(edited by Sina.9208)