Suggestion: alternative key for the glider [Merged]
^ I agree with your assessment, Avarice, and would reply with a single word but since I’m required to type at least 15 characters in this post I’ll respond with this overly-verbose statement as a form of homage, if you will, to something you wrote to me ^ ;D
Hahah I deserved that… Was that 15…? Okay good.
^ I agree with your assessment, Avarice, and would reply with a single word but since I’m required to type at least 15 characters in this post I’ll respond with this overly-verbose statement as a form of homage, if you will, to something you wrote to me ^ ;D
Hahah I deserved that… Was that 15…? Okay good.
Oh, I didn’t mean that as a jibe. I liked your response and wanted to carry on the theme. Fortunately, I got an opportunity here.
It wasn’t bothering me that much. Until the last couple of days when I decided to try for the 30 golden badges in SW. I’ve never been good at jumping on poles sticking out of walls, it’s worse when the camera’s going berserk because even with the wonderful new settings I get a lot of yo-yo and disappearing surfaces when jumping from a wall alcove UP onto an angled pole, and then to have my glider flare and soar me past the second of six effing poles, over and over? Arrrgh! I have to hit too many things at once in a narrow space of time to be able to lift my thumb up that fast from the space bar.
On a related note, if anyone on NA can reliably get up to the coin past the basket along the rope and then up the poles on the cliff overlooking the skill point near the wp, I would love to use a tele to friend to get up there with you. Because it’s been enough hours of effort already. (I can glide to that rope easily. I can get to the first alcove easily. But hopping up on the first pole is spotty, and when I make it, the next jump involves a failed thief staff 5, a failed engie rifle 5, or a flubbed jump thanks to the glider deploying, then folding when I brush the cliff I was jumping towards, then I’ve plummeted too low to get back on the rope >< )
Don’t hold the space bar when you jump.
I second this. Just OFFER a separate keybind for deploying the glider. People who like spacebar for both jumping and gliding should be able to bind both to the same…people who want/need a second key for glider should be able to bind it to two different ones.
Don’t hold the space bar when you jump.
Only ONCE in all the months I have been gliding across Magus Falls I have deployed the glider accidentally while jumping. It was that memorable and special moment.
Just stop keeping the space bar pressed down. It doesn’t make you jump higher/farther.
that it makes every other class in the game boring to play.”
As I said, it wasn’t a problem until I got to that one very tricky multiple-precision-things-at-once-to-do section of a JP. Believe me I have been trying to just tap the space bar for the jump from the alcove up to the pole and then from there to the next pole. It seems super sensitive in that location, though. Press the space bar just a little hard (easy enough in the tension of tricky jump) and out come the wings.
The gliding there has also been very useful for resetting, however. A missed jump never means dying and almost never means a wp fee as I can circle around to the start, plus I can glide around all the interim annoying poles to get to the tightrope. So it’s a mixed thing whether I appreciate the wings there or not
I have noticed that gliding can make some jumps more difficult. This can be a lot worse on older computers, where input lag is more pronounced. Some easy jumps in core tyria are now harder since you might accidentally deploy the glider and glide right past the spot you were trying to land on.
Recently, I had to switch to a mesmer to help a random person who kept gliding over the vista inside on top of the post inside the cave in northern Lornar’s Pass. It would be nice if there was a toggle or consumable that you could enable to temporarily disable gliding for some areas where precision jumping is important.
I want the ability to temporarily disable gliding too.
Really would like to disable masteries all together cause the speed boost you get in towns can make getting some vistas a little difficult.
Yes, please make everything optional! NOT sarcasm.
Gliding can get annoying when you just want to jump, a disabling function would be very useful.
Remind your friend that you:
- Tap space-bar to jump
- Press-and-hold space-bar to jump and deploy wings as soon as possible
It sounds like your friend is habitually doing the latter, or spamming the space-bar.
Remind your friend that you:
- Tap space-bar to jump
- Press-and-hold space-bar to jump and deploy wings as soon as possible
It sounds like your friend is habitually doing the latter, or spamming the space-bar.
Actually, after my friend was having trouble, I tried it on her computer and had the same results. Her computer is older and prone to stuttering and similar issues. I had a lot of trouble sticking the landing without the glider deploying (though I had little trouble on my pc). We had already tried exactly as you suggested.
It also may be a sticky space bar… does it double space when typing? Give the keyboard a clean and see if that helps.
Hurl it into the sea