(edited by MeGaZlo.9516)
[Suggestion] recipe scroll account unlock
Sorry I didn’t understand a word. Are you suggesting making recipes shared amongst all your characters when you unlock them? So you don’t have to remember which character has said recipe unlocked etc.?
Not sure if that’s what you meant, but if so yeah I think that would be nice. Also I giggled a little when I heard twink. I like twinks ;-P and otters. Not so much bears.
OP wants to make it so when you buy and learn a recipe it works across characters.
Think of the recipes that are like for Armorsmith, Leatherworker or Tailor.
Instead of buying three (one for each craft), you can buy one and it unlocks the recipe for all the alts on the account.
It’s actually a good idea, but I doubt it will happen.
(edited by Fiddlestyx.9714)
Sorry I didn’t understand a word. Are you suggesting making recipes shared amongst all your characters when you unlock them? So you don’t have to remember which character has said recipe unlocked etc.?
Not sure if that’s what you meant, but if so yeah I think that would be nice. Also I giggled a little when I heard twink. I like twinks ;-P and otters. Not so much bears.
I apologize for the bad english. Have no practice for a rather long time.
But yes, this is exactly what I meant.
Yes, crafting recipes should be account unlocks.
I made the assumption that this was the case and wasted a few important recipes, including one ascended >.<
I had to create a character specially for storing recipes. And the bank in my personal guild completely clogged.
The problem is even not in storage. The problem begins when the regular alt trying to learn all this recipes. It’s really difficult to remember everything you need to learn.
Along with making the recipes unlocked account-wide, I wish we could also transfer our crafting levels to another one of our characters for a small fee.
For example, I have 500 armorsmith on my norn guardian, which I never really play anymore. I want to delete her to make room for a new character, but then I would have to get 500 armorsmith again – which sort of defeats the purpose and leaves me in a bit of a dilemma. I really don’t want to have to spend any more money getting 500 armorsmith again just so I can free up that one character slot.
I’d definitely be for recipes being shared across accounts.
I was thinking something similar the other day. I had previously been consuming any recipe I found on my main. Nowadays, I realize that was a mistake, since I don’t want to pay a ‘change discipline’ fee to go to weaponsmith!
Thinking about the overall account bound focus of the game, what if crafting dicipline levels were also account bound? It would be awfully convenient!
I see 2 drawbacks to this.
1. Additional Crafting Licenses would become worthless, which would be a very bad PR move if they didn’t provide some sort of very good recompense for it.
2. Using crafting as an aid to leveling characters wouldn’t be possible. The possible solution would be to make recipes Character Level based, so that creating level appropriate equipment with that character would remain similarly rewarding.
I agree this likely won’t happen, but it doesn’t seem ‘un-Guild-Wars-2-sy’!
Not going into the effect this would have on recepie value. Personally I would love to see this change, though I only make sure to learn everything on my main.
But the main problem here is not the way recepies are implemented or handled ingame.
The main problem is the OCD some people have. I’m not sure a game should be balanced around some players obsessive needs.
there are two different types of recipes:
1) the type you discover
2) the type you learn by reading a scroll from your inventory
the first type is used in levelling your craft, by earning lots of XP from simply discovering the recipe.
the second type unlocks a recipe for your character without granting any XP.
therefore, the second type (earned by reading an item in your inventory) could be recoded to unlock the recipe account wide, without affecting the process which levels up your crafting profession on alts.
granted, the recipes would still only work on characters who earned the minimum requirements for the recipe (ie 400 leatherworkers can’t craft recipes that require 500 leatherworking). but i suppose that goes without saying.
i agree with the OP’s suggestion to make recipe sheets unlock the recipe on all characters on the account.
PS: @MeGaZlo.9516: you may want to change your Thread Title to " [Suggestion] recipe scroll account unlock " to better grab developer attention, and to better describe the contents of the thread topic.
(edited by Forgotten Legend.9281)
All recipes that are purchased should unlock for the entire account. Discoverable recipes should remain per character (so that you can use crafting to level alts).
you may want to change your Thread Title to " [Suggestion] recipe scroll account unlock " to better grab developer attention, and to better describe the contents of the thread topic.
Did it. Ty
For example, I have 500 armorsmith on my norn guardian, which I never really play anymore. I want to delete her to make room for a new character, but then I would have to get 500 armorsmith again – which sort of defeats the purpose and leaves me in a bit of a dilemma. I really don’t want to have to spend any more money getting 500 armorsmith again just so I can free up that one character slot.
Many people have to do it. However, it will be an oversimplification already. The main part of “total mass” of crafting resources expended on craft leveling. If you save people from this need – resources that no more needed will rush to the TP. And, accordingly, will depreciate. This significantly undermine the economy. Better not to risk with it.
Shared recipes will be enough, i think.
I agree. Recipes learned from items are not a significant part of character progression and this would be a good QoL improvement for the times that it comes up. I mean, honestly, crafting cooldowns for recipes are shared across an entire account, so it’s only fair that the recipes themselves be.
I don’t think they’ll do it, but yeah. Discovered recipes should remain locked for alts, but any recipe you have to find/buy and double click or you can’t get it should unlock for the account.
I would love to see bought recipes as account bound. Discovered recipes should have to be unlocked by the character crafting that discipline. You would still have to level up your crafting to be able to make the bought recipes at their levels. I feel this would encourage folk to try crafting and getting an upper level recipe for something nice would give a lot of incentive to get to the level needed make it. I suspect nearly everyone has used a bought recipe only to realize the character they used it on is not in that crafting profession. Very discouraging if it was an expensive recipe too…. Making this change would go a long ways towards making crafting something more people might want to do.
you may want to change your Thread Title to " [Suggestion] recipe scroll account unlock " to better grab developer attention, and to better describe the contents of the thread topic.
Did it. Ty
For example, I have 500 armorsmith on my norn guardian, which I never really play anymore. I want to delete her to make room for a new character, but then I would have to get 500 armorsmith again – which sort of defeats the purpose and leaves me in a bit of a dilemma. I really don’t want to have to spend any more money getting 500 armorsmith again just so I can free up that one character slot.
Many people have to do it. However, it will be an oversimplification already. The main part of “total mass” of crafting resources expended on craft leveling. If you save people from this need – resources that no more needed will rush to the TP. And, accordingly, will depreciate. This significantly undermine the economy. Better not to risk with it.
Shared recipes will be enough, i think.
the ‘extra mats’ can be fixed if there were an additional use for them. last year there was the festival of the four winds which merchants took the mats in exchange for something else. if something like that returned it would diminish the extra supply.
You might want to have a look at this thread from a few months ago: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/gw2/Suggestion-Bought-recipes-as-account-unlock/first#post4806181
Recipes learned from scrolls, whether they are purchased or dropped as loot, should be account unlocks. This would prevent some aggravation when a character of one crafting profession obtains a recipe that another character needs and accidentally double-clicks on it while managing inventory.
you may want to change your Thread Title to " [Suggestion] recipe scroll account unlock " to better grab developer attention, and to better describe the contents of the thread topic.
Did it. Ty
For example, I have 500 armorsmith on my norn guardian, which I never really play anymore. I want to delete her to make room for a new character, but then I would have to get 500 armorsmith again – which sort of defeats the purpose and leaves me in a bit of a dilemma. I really don’t want to have to spend any more money getting 500 armorsmith again just so I can free up that one character slot.
Many people have to do it. However, it will be an oversimplification already. The main part of “total mass” of crafting resources expended on craft leveling. If you save people from this need – resources that no more needed will rush to the TP. And, accordingly, will depreciate. This significantly undermine the economy. Better not to risk with it.
Shared recipes will be enough, i think.
the ‘extra mats’ can be fixed if there were an additional use for them. last year there was the festival of the four winds which merchants took the mats in exchange for something else. if something like that returned it would diminish the extra supply.
Then there is the risk of creating shortages, making everything extremely expensive. It is better not to interfere with something that concerns economic balance.
you may want to change your Thread Title to " [Suggestion] recipe scroll account unlock " to better grab developer attention, and to better describe the contents of the thread topic.
Did it. Ty
For example, I have 500 armorsmith on my norn guardian, which I never really play anymore. I want to delete her to make room for a new character, but then I would have to get 500 armorsmith again – which sort of defeats the purpose and leaves me in a bit of a dilemma. I really don’t want to have to spend any more money getting 500 armorsmith again just so I can free up that one character slot.
Many people have to do it. However, it will be an oversimplification already. The main part of “total mass” of crafting resources expended on craft leveling. If you save people from this need – resources that no more needed will rush to the TP. And, accordingly, will depreciate. This significantly undermine the economy. Better not to risk with it.
Shared recipes will be enough, i think.
the ‘extra mats’ can be fixed if there were an additional use for them. last year there was the festival of the four winds which merchants took the mats in exchange for something else. if something like that returned it would diminish the extra supply.
Then there is the risk of creating shortages, making everything extremely expensive.
It is better not to interfere with something that concerns economic balance.
Well it was just an example of an event that made use of the mats. Basically maybe something that doesnt cause people to put tons of mats a day would probably be sufficient. maybe like a vendor that gave something but was limited for the number of times a day you could trade for it? enough basically to have some of the mats no longer be vendor trash, but not enough to cause a shortage.