(edited by AllNightPlayer.1286)
Suggestion: standardise the start of the game
They already did, and I despise the “New game experience” updates the most. Everything is lvl gated, instead of “play and you unlock the most basics immedietely without needing to lvl up like mad”.
Every character pretty much start with a melee weapon now (or a short range weapon).
I rarely do PvP or Hard PvE, unless it’s organized.
I know it’s not the most important matter in this game, but still a good way to make the so-called new player experience even more pleasant and — more important — more uniform.
But why?
It would make more sense for each class to feel unique and distinct from the others at the start.
Doesn’t matter much either way, at this stage in the game completely new players are likely to be power levelling and veterans will jump straight to 80 via tomes.
Rangers and Thiefs should start with a one-handed sword
Are you serious? Don’t get me wrong, I love my one-handed swords on my rangers, but it’s hands down the most difficult weapon to get used to in the line-up of ranger weapons. Aside from that, the ranger sword skills don’t really have much in common with the thief sword skills, so what good is putting those as starting weapons?
As a general rule, I don’t see any advantage in leaving new players, unused to our combat system, the skills, skill animations, and dodge rolling, stuck with a melee weapon. The current starter weapons leave much more margin for error, making it easier for new players to learn the game and mechanics.
Especially new elementalists are often overwhelmed already due to the squishiness of the class. Making them start on dagger and going toe to toe with foes in the starter areas will surely turn a good part of new elementalists off the game before they even get a chance to really experience it.
I don’t see a good Idea here, all I see are the OP’s opinions, questionable at that.
They have brought more than enough choice limitations already.
I know it’s not the most important matter in this game, but still a good way to make the so-called new player experience even more pleasant and — more important — more uniform.
But why?
It would make more sense for each class to feel unique and distinct from the others at the start.
Doesn’t matter much either way, at this stage in the game completely new players are likely to be power levelling and veterans will jump straight to 80 via tomes.
I agree.
I think it makes more sense to go the other way and try to make each class as unique as possible at level 1. Or rather an accurate overview of the class as a whole, in as much as that’s possible with the limited number of skills/mechanics available.
The reason being many people, particularly new players, will be using the first few levels to gauge what they think of the profession and choose which one they want to stick with (at least at first).
Of course they should be aware that things can change a lot as you level up and unlock new skills and abilities. But they also shouldn’t have to commit hours to each one just to get a feel for them or be lead into the mistaken belief that they’re all very similar because they’ve all been given the same starting weapons and skills.
The weapons they have now are intended to be representative of the class. Whether that’s successful is debatable, but I still think it’s better than giving them all the same weapon just to make them ‘more uniform’.
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
Rangers and Thiefs should start with a one-handed sword
Are you serious? Don’t get me wrong, I love my one-handed swords on my rangers, but it’s hands down the most difficult weapon to get used to in the line-up of ranger weapons. Aside from that, the ranger sword skills don’t really have much in common with the thief sword skills, so what good is putting those as starting weapons?
As a general rule, I don’t see any advantage in leaving new players, unused to our combat system, the skills, skill animations, and dodge rolling, stuck with a melee weapon. The current starter weapons leave much more margin for error, making it easier for new players to learn the game and mechanics.
Especially new elementalists are often overwhelmed already due to the squishiness of the class. Making them start on dagger and going toe to toe with foes in the starter areas will surely turn a good part of new elementalists off the game before they even get a chance to really experience it.
Axe was good on ranger, but longbow is a kittenty weapon for the beginning (and no class should get a two-handed weapon for the start). And the “most difficulty” of the one-handed sword was the lockdown. But this part has finally been fixed.
As a veteran, I think it’s better to learn the meele first, about it’s dodging and all. Range combat should be introduce later, like — when do they get the next weapon? — this point.
I know it’s not the most important matter in this game, but still a good way to make the so-called new player experience even more pleasant and — more important — more uniform.
But why?
It would make more sense for each class to feel unique and distinct from the others at the start.
Doesn’t matter much either way, at this stage in the game completely new players are likely to be power levelling and veterans will jump straight to 80 via tomes.
In my opinion it’s more interessting the way like this: “Oh, this class can also use this weapon? And look, what cool things this class does with it.”
Rangers and Thiefs should start with a one-handed sword
Are you serious? Don’t get me wrong, I love my one-handed swords on my rangers, but it’s hands down the most difficult weapon to get used to in the line-up of ranger weapons. Aside from that, the ranger sword skills don’t really have much in common with the thief sword skills, so what good is putting those as starting weapons?
As a general rule, I don’t see any advantage in leaving new players, unused to our combat system, the skills, skill animations, and dodge rolling, stuck with a melee weapon. The current starter weapons leave much more margin for error, making it easier for new players to learn the game and mechanics.
Especially new elementalists are often overwhelmed already due to the squishiness of the class. Making them start on dagger and going toe to toe with foes in the starter areas will surely turn a good part of new elementalists off the game before they even get a chance to really experience it.
Elementalist do start off with a dagger. In fact, most professions start off with melee weapons.
Starting equipment
Elementalist: dagger
Guardian: mace
Revenant: mace
Warrior: sword
Thief: knife
Mesmer: sword
Necromancer: axe
Ranger: longbow
ANet may give it to you.
I just don’t understand what problem this is solving. I understand the game might be more difficult to adapt to than most of us long-time players will acknowledge, but I don’t think two-handed weapons are that difficult a concept.
“Congratulations on graduating from wizard school. Budget constraints mean that we can no longer present you with the traditional gnarled staff and pointy hat so here is your very short dagger. Good luck, buddy!”
Well, if there isn’t any change for the start weapons, the signet healings really should be changed. Especially since you are stucked with them for a while.