[Suggestions] Gemstore Items
Would it be unfair to sell Account Bound versions of the gathering tools for a minimum of 1500-1600 gems each? When the Copper-fed Salvager came out, I got one pretty quickly, and am considering a second one, because they are Account Bound and allow me to flip it between characters as I run in varying situations. But $10 equivalent for something Soulbound ($30 for the set)? No thanks.
And partially related to Gemstore: would it be possible to replace the KillStreak booster in BL chests with the 15-min WXP one? Or perhaps add WXP/Swim boost options to the bonfire.
I like to view MMOs through the lazy eye of a Systems Admin, and the critical eye of a
Project Manager. You’ve been warned. ;-)
Why are you arguing costs? That’s moot, the idea is what counts.
No, not when the item already exists. Getting a rational price ANet and the players would both consider tends to be the stumbling block for stuff like that, and the numbers being thrown around were the kind that would make ANet classify making such items available directly a complete waste of their time.
It’s equivalent to a posting in this thread “Hey, how about you give us the skin sets you’re selling now, but for 12 cents each!” All a sensible shopkeeper can think is “Go on, scram kid…”
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.
Mini Mr. Sparkles…
Please give us a keyring…
New “Pet Skins”. Either an entirely new Pet Model to replace an existing one, or Pet Model Options, like “Pet Dyes” for example. Necros, Rangers, Engineers and Guardians all have “pets” of one kind or another. I’d love to be able to customize the appearance of my pets.
Personality-Based Emote Sets. Unique emote animation for a variety of personality types, like: Serious, Brooding, Mischievous, or Cheerful. Each option changes the character’s default animations so that players can customize their characters in more meaningful ways.
I would pay for:
- a Race Changer ( reste the story line, cant get rewards for story a second time)
- armor skins from GW1 please… GW2 skins are most of the time ugly…maybe it’s time to change your armor artist.
Asura Conundrum Sphere (2 hour cooldown) – Transports the player to the start of a random PvE jumping puzzle.
Soulbound remover. to make them account bound.
Had another idea, Alternate character voices( i have 2 male humans and i wish 1 had a different voice)
Overall, I’ve found a lack of items in the Gem Store that interest me. It’s just personal preference, but I don’t tend to spend Gems on consumables, which is the majority of what the Gem Store has to offer.
I consider Permanent and Reusable items a far more interesting prospect. For example, I have all 3 infinite harvest tools on my main, the playable flute, and the SAB finisher. I’m perfectly happy with all purchases.
I’ll never buy a black lion key, because 99.9% of the Black Lion Chest contents are consumables.
I doubt im the only person with that perspective, though I couldn’t guess as to what % of the population my type represents. Still, to market to my type, here’s a list of items that would entice me more than some BL Keys…
My idea? Reusable Versions of Consumables
They function similar to their consumable counterparts, except they are reusable. The drawback is the increased Gem cost, and hefty cooldown; 24, 48, or even 72 hours.
Transmutations, Revive Orbs, Repair Canisters, etc. I’d considered including boosters on this list as well, but that raises a Pay-2-Win concern.
Edit: Also, alternate character Animations, and Voices. “Swappable/Buyable Finishers” was an epicly awesome idea, now expand and build upon that!
(edited by Dand.8231)
More awesome finishers (i.e. ones that have the animation synced with the end of the stomp animation (like the spectre or bom), not ones that take 5 seconds after the stomp to “ramp-up” (like the laser)).
STD [Scarlet Gave Me Harpies]
i want endless Sickle, Axe and Pick without any special animations for like 300-500 gems and NOT limited time to buy
More steampunk clothing and weapons! Mainly weapons. And different non steam punk armors. Maybe skelly stuff
gothic/punk armors.
You need to get them out of your head…. and your wallet. Anet already said they are very profitable… don’t make them richer and you poorer. And by them I mean NCsoft.
Dhuum Scythe Ban animation from GW1 as a finisher.
I would definatly buy that finisher even if it would cost 2000 gems
This may seem ridiculous, but this is really what I want. Allow me the ability to make myself look like a Banana from Storm Top in The Super Adventure Box. I don’t like any of the visual skins that are available in the Gem Store to make my armor or clothes look different. However, a Banana? I’d be all for that. Please make this happen!
If that is too outlandish, then definitely just even more Adventure box goodies the next time the mode comes around. I bought a fair share of SBA goodies, and would like to get more.
I’d like a bonus mission pack like the one we had in gw1,maybe with the fight against Abaddon fractal that won’t be added .
Kinda late but halloween face paint masks like gw1
Dhuums scythe skin, or a chainsaw scythe or a scythe or Gothic armor as stated above. Or the blood princes armor for light armor without the spikes. Umm… Ya know… just bring back a lot of the gw1 skins such as Necritic (1.5k armor)
I would like to see:
Race change pack for 1200-1800 gems.
As much as I like my main elementalist, I think he’d look better as a sylvari, and there’s no way I’m re-rolling another char because he has too many ascended items for me to try and get again.
GW1 weapon and armour skins as permanent gem store purchases, such as the chaos axe, chaos gloves, tormented weapons, and voltaic spear, to name a few. I know there’s a voltaic spear look-a-like called al’ir’aska, or something, but it can’t be dyed, and it doesn’t have the animation that the voltaic spear in GW1 had.
Exotic dyes
ALL exotic dyes would have animations and effects, none of them would be just plain, boring colours. There could be an animation that the ‘coldsnap’ sceptre in GW2 has, or the electric current sort of animation that the ‘voltaic spear’ in GW1 had. There could be a glow dye that pulsates like the sylvari race, or one that always stays glowing, like the ‘chaos gloves’ in GW1.
Dyeable weapons
We NEED dyeable weapons. If there was one thing in GW2 I could have, it would be this.
I forgot. Last but not least, I’d like some sort of ‘morphing crystal’ which combines the appearance of any weapon with another weapon of a different type. I’m sure people would want to have the ‘volcanus’ greatsword weapon as a staff on an elementalist for example, being as you can summon the ‘fiery greatsword’.
I myself, would love to be able to morph (when I can afford to buy this weapon anyway lol) the ‘belladonna of dreams’ greatsword so I could use it as a staff for my elementalist.
The morphing crystals could be purchased for around 400 gems each, or 5 for 1800. Expensive I know, but well worth it for those who want more customisation features like myself.
(edited by Zaoda.1653)
I would say nothing. The gem store takes content out of the gameworld which unfortunately is Anet’s focus.
Fun thread
Keep the talking going folks . Not everything can be done.. but also not everything has been suggested yet. Of course we love to know what you’d love to play.
And we get funny stuff like Taco’s, Waffles, and Clippy. <3
Sylvari kids… quaggan carrying a seed pod?.. just sayin it’s not impossible.
Ah, but no mention of the dragon…
So many of us want what we didn’t have – access to the cool art, items, gear that WAS GW1.
Had another idea, Alternate character voices( i have 2 male humans and i wish 1 had a different voice)
I’d like a chance to choose my voice – one register for all races, some monotone, are annoying beyond measure.
Why isn’t Anet adding to the voices like they are adding to the Lion’s Arch art???
I would say nothing. The gem store takes content out of the gameworld which unfortunately is Anet’s focus.
sad but true, problem is that the minority who realizes this doesn’t get heard, we are the black spot in Anet’s eyes.
Race change! When is this going to be in the gem store?
I would like to see:
Guild name change contract
Guild upgrade tranfser contract (moves guild upgrades and influence from one server to another)
What I want: A Muffin Button
Gives a random food buff for 30 minutes. Gemstore price 800 gems. Which you can only activate once per 30 minutes. (To prevent exploitation)
Why do I want it?
You can get stat buff’s that work very well for you build that you would not have thought of. And just random fun :p
Although the more delicious question is: Who does not want to have a Muffin Button?
Legend says those sweet guys and gal’s at Arenanet have one in at there offices in real life. Can it be true? Can such wondrous buttons really exist? I can only imagine..
(edited by Wiz.1543)
I want Mad King’s outfit lol
I want Mad King’s outfit lol
Yes, we want this ^
I want Mad King’s outfit lol
Yes, we want this ^
Yes <3 Madking King + His sons outfit+ Witch outfit.
Missed the chance last Halloween if they are coming back I am so going to buy all :p
I want Mad King’s outfit lol
Yes, we want this ^
Yes <3 Madking King + His sons outfit+ Witch outfit.
Missed the chance last Halloween if they are coming back I am so going to buy all :p
Agreed, I’m waiting and hoping they re-add em
Edit: I was here last year and got it but accidentally deleted it, so this may finally be my chance to have fun with that awesome set
We are sworn together by our blood…
I want Mad King’s outfit lol
Yes, we want this ^
Yes <3 Madking King + His sons outfit+ Witch outfit.
Missed the chance last Halloween if they are coming back I am so going to buy all :p
Agreed, I’m waiting and hoping they re-add em
Edit: I was here last year and got it but accidentally deleted it, so this may finally be my chance to have fun with that awesome set
YOU SEE ANET!? We want them and we’re willing to PAY for them! We’d rather pay money for this than for transfers to gold for the bloody weapon skins
I want Mad King’s outfit lol
Yes, we want this ^
Yes <3 Madking King + His sons outfit+ Witch outfit.
Missed the chance last Halloween if they are coming back I am so going to buy all :p
Agreed, I’m waiting and hoping they re-add em
Edit: I was here last year and got it but accidentally deleted it, so this may finally be my chance to have fun with that awesome setYOU SEE ANET!? We want them and we’re willing to PAY for them! We’d rather pay money for this than for transfers to gold for the bloody weapon skins
Not too fast… in my opinion the bloody prince staff is more beautiful then the bifrost and I have both. Edit: You can’t argue about taste:p. One does not exclude another.
(edited by Wiz.1543)
Did I start something? lol
I hope they add it on so I can buy it a number of times for multiple characters.
I want Mad King’s outfit lol
Yes, we want this ^
Yes <3 Madking King + His sons outfit+ Witch outfit.
Missed the chance last Halloween if they are coming back I am so going to buy all :p
Agreed, I’m waiting and hoping they re-add em
Edit: I was here last year and got it but accidentally deleted it, so this may finally be my chance to have fun with that awesome setYOU SEE ANET!? We want them and we’re willing to PAY for them! We’d rather pay money for this than for transfers to gold for the bloody weapon skins
Not too fast… in my opinion the bloody prince staff is more beautiful then the bifrost and I have both. Edit: You can’t argue about taste:p. One does not exclude another.
I was refferring to last year’s staff, bow and shield, not the stuff from the weapon specialists
I want the bikinis and school uniform town clothes to be available.
1) Amours from GW1
2)New Armours
3)Realistc medieval Armours(like german Knights in 14-15 Century)
4)Capes,cloacks quivers and stuff like that)
5)New voices
6)break dance kit (if that’s posible)
7) Water Armours
Not sure if it’s been mentioned, the NPC outfit skins, or at least parts of them, would be something I’d pay for- I main a sylvari and there’s precious little “home-grown” armour available. I’m sure everyone would love more armours designed with a specific race in mind.. Other than humans that is.
I want new armor skins, again! Lol.
I want the armor from the original mesmer video, the one that Countess Anise is wearing the top half of. I want armor skins from GW1 as well, preferably “Factions”.
Medium armor that’s stylish without being a coat.
I’d like an item that allows conversion of soulbound items to account bound status. I’d like to be able to bank items for other chars if I’m no longer using them on my main, after all some items may require a bigger investment.
Race Change.
That’s really all I want.
Reset the personal story if it is really an issue, but that should be the only problem.
My hairstyle and clothes from Aion ;(
I use that hairstyle in real life ever since I’ve started watching Ghost Adventures in 2009
I don’t wear those clothes though. I’m always wearing a hoodie jacket
I’m usually typing on my phone
My hairstyle and clothes from Aion ;(
I use that hairstyle in real life ever since I’ve started watching Ghost Adventures in 2009
I don’t wear those clothes though. I’m always wearing a hoodie jacket
I dub you Tintin.
RIP City of Heroes
My hairstyle and clothes from Aion ;(
I use that hairstyle in real life ever since I’ve started watching Ghost Adventures in 2009
I don’t wear those clothes though. I’m always wearing a hoodie jacket
I dub you Tintin.
My hair is dark almost black in real life. That character from Aion is almost a complete contrast in colors to me
But I would really like casual clothes like the GW2 t shirt that was available through special means (like the Mr Sparkle mini)
Right now the only thing close I can get to is human male town cloths + hoodie (which are sleeveless for some random reason) or the fitted casual “shirt” that looks like a jacket more
I’m usually typing on my phone
I’d like to see a heavy set of Valkyrie armor (with high heels), winged look awesomeness.
I want this. Like, ASAP. Please
Infinite logging AXE. again pls
Salvage kit what dont destroy gear i dont play my norn guard now and he have divinity runes on t3 zerg armor and i dont want buy it again for +60gold for my warrior zerg armor
Oh yeah, the Unique NPC-only items… always better than we could ever get.
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