[Suggestions] Gemstore Items
Why would you want them to replace one of the current outfits that no doubt many people like rather than just adding it as a new one?
People like the witch’s outfit? O_o
People ACTUALLY like it? @_.
…the broom is nice….
But I would love to see the Ravenheart witchwear come back.
Also the Lunatic Court outfit: http://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Lunatic_Court_Finery
Please Anet can you bring back Grenth’s Hood! I know that Grenth being a seasonal item like winter, I thought that with Halloween coming up you would bring back last years gem items like always, but I’ve been checking everyday and to my disappointment it hasn’t come yet but please Anet bring it back!! all i need to complete my reaper look
Anet please make Animation packs. Animation packs would change the way your character poses when in combat or out of combat. That wait you could have a Druid with the “classic” staff animation or the melee staff animation that previously had.
Abbadon mask/costume. Need one to go with my Torm sets!
Bunnyears need to return, especially for easter time.
I want bunnyears so bad.
|Aurin Esper|Castanic Archer|Sword Fiona|Norn Ranger|Blood Elf Fire Mage|Togruta Sith|
Voice customization packs, could be different voice actors or different ‘personalities’
possible personalities: Insane, ferocious, noble, courageous, calm, hyper, always angry, etc etc
I would like finishers that look more “realistic”, such as your character using their equipped weapon to stab the downed opponent rather than some cartoony/silly animation that we currently have available.
apologies if this is in the wrong thread seems fitting to put it here rather than make a new post I want to geif anet monies also!
Anet please could you stop making outfits and make them as Armor again. The Crystal Arbiter is a fantastic outfit but I hate the fact that I just want one piece from it (headband) to equip on my custom armour designed characters. Because of this I havent bought a single outfit. An example would be mixing up the Cystal Nomad Outfit with the Arbiter outfit it adds variety and change things up a little.
The Royal Guard Outfit while free and looks great, only differs between people because of the dye colour which is somewhat shallow in my opinion and doesn’t express much in terms of what people can achieve with a little time and creativity mixing together different sets.
Might I suggest that the outfits are integrated into the wardrobe with our other armours, weapons and gem purchased items?my friends and I that play gw2 would have trouble surviving to the end of the month due to excess spending on the gem store outfits if it was integrated this way.
(edited by Dan Pro.5792)
Character Customization Package
- More horn designs (deer-, gazelle-, ram-inspired among others have been asked for)
- The ability to choose colors for u’r horns (selectable natural shades)
- More fur patterns
- New faces (that has no clipping with eyes etc regardless of how the sliders are used)
- New haristyles (that dont clip like crazy with horns/facial features.
Simlar things for other races (plz help me post u’r wishes/suggestions and make them realistic)
I’d gladly pay real money (or a big deal of gems) for this package as character-customisation is a big and importand part for some players out there (me included).
More Asian martial arts themed weapon skins. I would like a 1-handed sword that looks jike a ninja sword (a ninjato) it would fit really well with Shiro Revenants. Also dagger that look like a sai, axes that look like a kama-complete with the rawhide straps that they sometimes swing from (complete with corresponding animation), maces that look like nunchucks…etc.
And just a general comment…I wish armor and outfits were more symmetrical. On too many things the left arm and shoulder is completely different from the right. Like the designer couldn’t decide between two different looks so decided to split our characters in half. It makes no sense.
Tol Acharn [PHNX]
Fort Aspenwood
Any ETA on when Faren’s Jungle Outfit will be added to gem store?
Race. Change. Kit.
Come on, it’s about time.
More Asian martial arts themed weapon skins. I would like a 1-handed sword that looks jike a ninja sword (a ninjato) it would fit really well with Shiro Revenants. Also dagger that look like a sai, axes that look like a kama-complete with the rawhide straps that they sometimes swing from (complete with corresponding animation), maces that look like nunchucks…etc.
And just a general comment…I wish armor and outfits were more symmetrical. On too many things the left arm and shoulder is completely different from the right. Like the designer couldn’t decide between two different looks so decided to split our characters in half. It makes no sense.
Usoku’s Needle looks like a Sai.
Another suggestion…The Dreamer projectile pony mount as a toy ^_^
(edited by Agemnon.4608)
I would like finishers that look more “realistic”, such as your character using their equipped weapon to stab the downed opponent rather than some cartoony/silly animation that we currently have available.
I might actually buy those silly things if you were able to use them on all your characters simultaneously.
This is honestly the ONLY reason I have not bought the permanent harvesting tools. Anet could have made a lot more money if they had simply doubled the cost and made this an upgrade that automatically applied to all characters. The annoyance of removing them, putting them in the bank, and then taking them out again makes them worthless to anyone with multiple characters.
I relate to both of these. I ended up buying some when I had the spare cash, and I’ve had buyer’s remorse since for this reason, and because they were so sporadically available that what I’ve got have silly animations.
If people thought things like mail delivery animations were worth adding to account unlocking, I don’t see why harvesting equipment is any different. This goes for the salvage-o-matics, too; the reason I don’t use those is because they’re actually LESS convenient than regular salvage kits due to required swapping.
If my harvest tools were account-based, I’d probably even be happy to unlock some new (better) animations now that they aren’t weirdly kept out of the gem store.
Unrelated: It’s super weird that the Jungle Explorer’s Outfit isn’t in store for HOT release, since this is probably the only time I wanted to buy one. Missed thematic opportunity!
Race change token, since Anet doesn’t want to put the work in to fix some clipping, why not let us change to a race that doesn’t suffer from it?
Bunnyears need to return, especially for easter time.
I want bunnyears so bad.
Must have bunny ears!!
Race change token, since Anet doesn’t want to put the work in to fix some clipping, why not let us change to a race that doesn’t suffer from it?
Just a note, theyve said a few times that they wont be doing this, simply because of the personal story.
Its not the best reason, but thats theirs.
Why can’t you just buy another character slot?
This is a thread stating Anet doesn’t have enough to sell in their gem store. And character slots are in the gem store. And outfits are account wide.
I’m really at a loss here. Why is it hard for some people to have more than one player character?
Race change token, since Anet doesn’t want to put the work in to fix some clipping, why not let us change to a race that doesn’t suffer from it?
Just a note, theyve said a few times that they wont be doing this, simply because of the personal story.
Its not the best reason, but thats theirs.
I know, but a boy can dream. Companies have changed their minds on this before, and a new expansion is a good time to ask again.
Why can’t you just buy another character slot?
This is a thread stating Anet doesn’t have enough to sell in their gem store. And character slots are in the gem store. And outfits are account wide.
I’m really at a loss here. Why is it hard for some people to have more than one player character?
I have slots for new characters. I’m just too lazy/stubborn to roll a 3rd necro, grind gear, world exploration, etc.
please, bring back the white wings.. dying for it.
The Crystal Glider on its own! I would totally buy this for 700-800 gems (however many they are selling the other gliders for). I don’t particularly want to buy the package because I just want the glider.
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Something to the effect of the Candy Corn Gobbler would be cool, some sort of permanent xp boost item, or feeder etc would be nice since XP now is a HUGE thing.
More hairstyles please?
Sorry for the caps. Needed everyone’s attention.
Seriously, though, when will we see them on the Gemstore again?
They’re in the gem store right now, Avectius, go to Promotions and scroll down.
Suggestion: stop putting all the skins & rewards in the Gem Store. putting in a small handful of super grindy skins in the expansion doesn’t fool us into thinking you put an expansions-worth of content in the expac.
Especially not when you release tons of Gem items right after the expac.
I got four items I would like to see added to the gem store.
1. Account wide crafting token that unlocks all trained crafting disciplines across one account for all characters. This item will work well with Additional Crafting License.
2. Race change
3. New humanoid races added to the gem store, similar to SWTOR.
4. Melandru outfit (pic below)
So I was hunting Sharks in Southsun and my armor got all soggy and rusty from the saltwater because I didn’t have any underwater skins or outfits. halp plz
A mini me.
A mini that looks just like the player character, including the armor/outfit/weapons that the char is wearing.
ANet may give it to you.
I would love to see the magic carpet as a glider. Not sure how it would work with some races (charr jumping animation comes to mind) as it could turn out quite awkward trying to flip them to sit on the carpet to begin gliding.
More hair styles, outfits that change your character into a vampire or werewolf but doesn’t apply remove helmet in cutscenes. School uniform outfits, access to a secret island for farming different mats with great droprates. You’d find dust mites as one of the mobs but with charged lodestone drops drastically increased. It’ll be level scaled like Mad King’s Labyrinth so players can level reasonably fast there too and save exploration EXP for masteries.
An item lottery with scratch where you have a chance to win very rare skins, a set of 30 of a single lodestone type, a couple of ascended mats like bolt of damask, or other goods.
While not a gemstore item I’d love a Zojja or Taimi plush ^_^ The quaggan one is very nice.
(edited by Agemnon.4608)
Bunny ears, everything else has returned 3-5 times by now.
I like many others have been waiting for this item to return for nearly 2 years now. You have the skin codes, easy money, well unless you hate money. I know it’s not cause it is out of place in tyria cause…well we have cat hats, panda hats, frog hats, quaggan back packs, goofy outfits/skins and spooky outfits/skins.
I’m sure had we known previously the town clothes bunny ear head item would be a skin most of us would have bought them and then fewer would be ranting….“bunny ears or riot”.
My endless tears still flow QQ
*ALSO hoping maybe in the future we will see two toned hair options for human and Norn. (similar to the asura and sylvari) Also add some extra accessory colors to our self style and total makeover kits tab for more hair accessory variety (maybe even unlock our account dyes for it).
I would love to see an Abaddon costume after the human gods have been released.
1) Since we have a mask that display as tattoos in the face, and we also have (or it looks like we have) invisible shoes, why not have a gem store chest armor that make us look like we weren’s using one or one that add body tattoos. Since chars and norns have tattoos/fur patterns, this ones could be different to the ones they use.
2) There are a lot of Back items in the gem store and other places, but I don’t feel that we have many that fit with a more fighter kind of look. As an example, we could have one that is 2 crossed swords, or a nailed sword/dagger on the back.
Wizard and Witch hat please, bring those back.
Elonian outfits
I’d REALLY like to see a Violin or Viola instrument added for this coming Wintersday. I’ve been hoping to see one in the past years but no go
I think it’d make for an elegant sounding and visually appealing holiday this year.
The reaper says, “Your soul is mine!” while not a gemstore item I’d like for thieves to say, “Your stuff is mine!” upon triggering steal.
How about a wing suit glider, a pteradactyl as a glider and a guild glider with your guild emblem. How about letting us use gliders in the core game. I can’t count the number of times I jumped off the top of a mountain and…….splat! Gliders with updrafts so we can reach the Wizard’s Tower would be nice. Just saying….
oh and tonics since people want to play as tengu or kodan. we have kodan tonics so tengu tonics, margonite tonics, mursaat tonics…..some of the old favorites.
I would love to see many more Outfits added to the Gem Store. Specifically, an “Adventurer” or “Explorer” line of clothing, tailored for the various climates/landscapes found throughout Tyria.
I realize there are already a few that would fall under this theme, like the Pirate Captain’s Outfit (which I already own), and the Arctic Explorer Outfit and Jungle Explorer Outfit (both of which I plan to get when they’re available again). But why not expand on this?
I’m not an RPer, but I’m finding that I have an irresistible urge to “dress for the occasion” while exploring the world. And nothing makes me open my wallet faster than clothing choices. Backpacks for each theme would be most welcome as well, either bundled with the Outfit or sold separately.
Also, it would be fantastic if we could have more than one choice per climate/landscape theme. And they could be rotated in and out of the Gem Store (limited-time availability) throughout the year. Don’t like the Spelunking Outfit that’s available right now? Wait a few months until an alternate design for that theme rolls around.
Examples of climates/landscapes that I’d like to see Adventurer/Explorer clothing tailored for:
Jungle/Rainforest (currently 1 choice: Jungle Explorer Outfit)
Spelunking – General
Spelunking – Winter/Ice
Tropical/Coastal/Oceanic (currently 1 choice: Pirate Captain’s Outfit)
Mountain Range
Winter – General/Snowy
Winter – Frozen/Tundra/Glacial (currently 1 choice: Arctic Explorer Outfit)
I would like finishers that look more “realistic”, such as your character using their equipped weapon to stab the downed opponent rather than some cartoony/silly animation that we currently have available.
I think that is what they are trying to avoid with finishers.
I think they are supposed to be relatively light-hearted and/or silly and not personal, or gory.
I love the glittering wings backpack! Now make it a glider.
Also, bring the rainbow unicorn finisher back, preferably at a point when I have cash for gems! Feel free to personally check out just when is best for me.
Bring back the Grenth Hood!
Bring back the Grenth Hood!
Bring back the Grenth Hood!
Bring back the phalanx armor set!
Bunny ears
Bunny tail (can be a back item skin)
Cat ears
Cat tail (can be a back item skin)
Possibly with matching outfits.
Fairy wings (glider + backpack)
Fairy outfit
Give me this, I give you much much shiniez, yes, yes?
I would love to see many more Outfits added to the Gem Store. Specifically, an “Adventurer” or “Explorer” line of clothing, tailored for the various climates/landscapes found throughout Tyria.
I realize there are already a few that would fall under this theme, like the Pirate Captain’s Outfit (which I already own), and the Arctic Explorer Outfit and Jungle Explorer Outfit (both of which I plan to get when they’re available again). But why not expand on this?
I’m not an RPer, but I’m finding that I have an irresistible urge to “dress for the occasion” while exploring the world. And nothing makes me open my wallet faster than clothing choices. Backpacks for each theme would be most welcome as well, either bundled with the Outfit or sold separately.
Also, it would be fantastic if we could have more than one choice per climate/landscape theme. And they could be rotated in and out of the Gem Store (limited-time availability) throughout the year. Don’t like the Spelunking Outfit that’s available right now? Wait a few months until an alternate design for that theme rolls around.
Examples of climates/landscapes that I’d like to see Adventurer/Explorer clothing tailored for:
Jungle/Rainforest (currently 1 choice: Jungle Explorer Outfit)
Spelunking – General
Spelunking – Winter/Ice
Tropical/Coastal/Oceanic (currently 1 choice: Pirate Captain’s Outfit)
Mountain Range
Winter – General/Snowy
Winter – Frozen/Tundra/Glacial (currently 1 choice: Arctic Explorer Outfit)
I mostly just use the Jungle Explorer outfit and dye it to the appropriate color scheme.
Speaking of outfits…Princess/king outfit! :D Here are some pictures for inspiration. I originally was only looking for Long Live the Queen’s coronation dress but found some dresses from other pictures in the Google search that’d be great.
Big potential problem though is clipping issues. I do think the military, tutu, and scholar outfits would be great for other outfit sets.
The male equivalent is the king outfit. It’d be inspired by the uploaded picture but with some modifications.
I would love to see many more Outfits added to the Gem Store. Specifically, an “Adventurer” or “Explorer” line of clothing, tailored for the various climates/landscapes found throughout Tyria.
I realize there are already a few that would fall under this theme, like the Pirate Captain’s Outfit (which I already own), and the Arctic Explorer Outfit and Jungle Explorer Outfit (both of which I plan to get when they’re available again). But why not expand on this?
Burger King outfit just announced xD
I’m not an RPer, but I’m finding that I have an irresistible urge to “dress for the occasion” while exploring the world. And nothing makes me open my wallet faster than clothing choices. Backpacks for each theme would be most welcome as well, either bundled with the Outfit or sold separately.Also, it would be fantastic if we could have more than one choice per climate/landscape theme. And they could be rotated in and out of the Gem Store (limited-time availability) throughout the year. Don’t like the Spelunking Outfit that’s available right now? Wait a few months until an alternate design for that theme rolls around.
Examples of climates/landscapes that I’d like to see Adventurer/Explorer clothing tailored for:
Jungle/Rainforest (currently 1 choice: Jungle Explorer Outfit)
Spelunking – General
Spelunking – Winter/Ice
Tropical/Coastal/Oceanic (currently 1 choice: Pirate Captain’s Outfit)
Mountain Range
Winter – General/Snowy
Winter – Frozen/Tundra/Glacial (currently 1 choice: Arctic Explorer Outfit)
Volcanic/LavaI mostly just use the Jungle Explorer outfit and dye it to the appropriate color scheme.
Speaking of outfits…Princess/king outfit!
Here are some pictures for inspiration. I originally was only looking for Long Live the Queen’s coronation dress but found some dresses from other pictures in the Google search that’d be great.
Big potential problem though is clipping issues. I do think the military, tutu, and scholar outfits would be great for other outfit sets.
The male equivalent is the king outfit. It’d be inspired by the uploaded picture but with some modifications.
Burger King outfit just announced xD