[Suggestions] Gemstore Items
Not sure if this has been suggested yet…but…tails! What about tail skins?
And kitty ears (there’s the bunny ears but no kitty). If we had tails we could spruce up our look even more!
What about packs that have both a matching tail and ear skin. And in addition to bunny and kitty sets, we need fox sets.
Mursaat Robes as skin parts, so I can mix/match with them.
[Suggestion] 30day Total Makeover Contract or Permanant Total Makeover Contract. I would pay monthly or a one time fee for this, as I enjoy supporting the game but also feel like there’s an easier way to express the changes I want to make to my character, which happens a lot because I change my mind a lot about her appearance and I bet others do with their characters too!
In another game I used to play, I paid $20 for the option to change the total look of my character any time I wanted within the 30 days and I loved it! Is this something others would enjoy?
P.s. I posted as a suggestion in this forum and then someone pointed out this would be a great post in the gem store forum!
[spoiler warning]
- Glint Hatchling wings glider/backpack combo
- Glint Hatchling Mini
This is a suggestion, not necessarily requiring gems, but I wasn’t sure where to put this. But having said that – it could qualify as an optional extra purchased with gems for those who require it.
My mailbox is too small. I’d like to be able to have more than 10 mails at a time. I’d also like to see certain Sent Items. I realise this presents a storage issue – if everyone stored every Sent Item the space required would be huge! Alternatively – this could be linked to the number of mails you can store in your Inbox – if we had the option to send text-only mails (i.e. no attachments) to multiple recipients, then I could cc mails to myself in order to have a record of what I have sent, but at the same time limit the number I could save as they would form part of my total Inbox.
sigh still DESPERATELY and PATIENTLY waiting for this outfit….
“The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.” – Sun Tzu, The Art of War
It would be awesome if we could buy dance books like How to Dance, Volume 1 that had the guilds war 1 dances in it like the thriller and the moon walk. It could be called Female Legacy Dances and Male Legacy Dances. You guys could split them up anyway you guys like and I would buy them all.
Hello, me and my friends have been thinking it would be marvelous if there where high heels that both men and women(of every race) can wear.
Please bring back the following items:
Sport Sunglasses
Boxing Gloves
Backpack, head aura, gloves and glider that change between elements: fire/water/air/earth. On elementalist proffesion its change according to attunement.
I mostly miss the GW1 Luxon heavy and light armor.
Heavy one would look so good on my warrior whilest the light one is perfect for my thief.
I also liked the tengu daggers, shield and sword from GW1, those combined with the luxon armors give some beautifull characters.
You can find the looks from GW1 here: http://imgur.com/a/zOIMk
I don’t know if this has already been suggested, but I fell in love with the racial wedding attire and the diversity of Lyssa’s outfit. So more race specific outfits would be super nice!
Here are some things I would like:
- Items for home instance
- Auras
- Armor (instead of outfits)
- Race- or class-themed items
I was thinking of having the Elite Luxon Ritualist armor as a Light Armor skin, the Elite Druid’s armor as a Medium Armor skin, and the Elite Gladiator’s armor as a Heavy Armor skin, or just have all original Guild Wars’ hairdos to make an appearance in-game, like what was done with the Female Norn’s Jora-style hair is in-game.
Love the Pirate Corsair Hat Skin, Pirate Hook Skin and Peg-Leg Boots Skin.
So how about a pirate shoulder skin: a single parrot (dyable?!) that perches on one shoulder?
Nothing on the other shoulder. Just a parrot. On your shoulder.
…Bonus if it moves it’s head and acts lifelike. No one wants a fake or dead stuffed parrot glued to their shoulder.
I don’t know if it would fit in current releases. Maybe not. But I still would love a good landsknecht hat, akin to this lovely concept art by Sandra Duchiewicz:
With plenty of dye channels, of course. Feather optional, or curling horizontally down behind to help hide the fact that the character’s hair will be gone
I second the pirate attire used in the Whispers Storyline. But could it be released as an armor skin? Sometimes I want to simplify my armor.
Can you PLEASE add the speedo as an outfit soon, I’m kittening begging you. Every day I wake up and log in, I see my character and he STILL ISN’T WEARING A SPEEDO and I die a little more on the inside. I will pay anything.
I like furry things, and would very much like to cosplay with my in-game toons. Is there a way we can get a Gem Store Outfit that gives us cute cat ears and an animated tail? We already have bunny ears, and love it, but I have Gems to spend.
Love you Anet!
Make a charr.
Make a charr.
I already have a female charr with a dress. I would very much like my female human mesmer to have ears and a tail. It would be more real life.
Can we get some stylish boots please?
Can you PLEASE add the speedo as an outfit soon, I’m kittening begging you. Every day I wake up and log in, I see my character and he STILL ISN’T WEARING A SPEEDO and I die a little more on the inside. I will pay anything.
Yes, yes yes.
Or a “Jungle Faren” outfit
A flock of pocket raptors as a mini.
Pretty please. —-—’—,—<@
Joras armor and other GW1 looks either as outfits or armor skins. My norn characters scream for more norn gear. <3
Mini Avian 3-pack would be nice to have… with the mini owl, raven and hawk.
also voting for the Mini Avian 3 Pack. I need that raven for my Nevermore.
Arabian themed weapons/outfits
If the artist is up for the challenge to create something like this
And its a full armor set, No Outfit
Add new and dyable underwear to the gemstore. We would rarely be able to show them off, but I am sure it would be a welcome present for friends and foes (swimming pants, borat-suit, full-body-suit, toddler-sleeping-suits, diapers, sleeping dresses, bikinis and tasteful lingerie for women etc.).
The asuran nappies really aren’t acceptable. If you want us to be able to show them off more often, give us more diving googles in public places. Plus add a public “pool” in Lions Arch near the mystic forge where you automaticly change to your underpants when you go swimming there.
(edited by Rink.6108)
I would love to see The black lion TP take advantage of the new cuteness ~ Aurene.
Sell Aurene back packs, Aurene minis, And an Aurene hoodie (like the frog ones)!
Let yourselves be inspired by the Charr in the middle with the bandoliere. ( I mean you own that particular piece of art anyway ) A chest piece that’s mostly just a harness for ammunition. ( Something that would let fur patterns/skin show through.
While I’m at it, the helmets in the picture are pretty kitten too !
Let yourselves be inspired by the Charr in the middle with the bandoliere. ( I mean you own that particular piece of art anyway
) A chest piece that’s mostly just a harness for ammunition. ( Something that would let fur patterns/skin show through.
Check out the Scallywag Chest for males; it might help satisfy you in this regard: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Scallywag_armor
Are there any plans for the gobbler pack to be re-released this Halloween in the gem store?
Incase some don’t know what it is ~ https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Candy_Corn_Gobbler_Pack
Main: SoS. Alt’s: BG/FA/Mag/SBI/YB.
(edited by Mikeybalz.2089)
A scar – chest skin!
Big ugly scars! Maybe topless, maybe with very little clothes or even with compleath clothes that just look like they are destroyed in a battle!
You know how well the face-scar skibs sells and how well the missing leg/hand pirate skin sold – a scar chest piece would sell similar!
Add new and dyable underwear to the gemstore. We would rarely be able to show them off, but I am sure it would be a welcome present for friends and foes (swimming pants, borat-suit, full-body-suit, toddler-sleeping-suits, diapers, sleeping dresses, bikinis and tasteful lingerie for women etc.).
The asuran nappies really aren’t acceptable. If you want us to be able to show them off more often, give us more diving googles in public places. Plus add a public “pool” in Lions Arch near the mystic forge where you automaticly change to your underpants when you go swimming there.
I would love that! The equip bresks, everyone gets frustrated because of the permanent whipes, but we try the achiefment/fractals/whatever anyway – now the first one is nude… yeah – the second one is bude – can we still do that? Frustration rises up – bow the charr is nude, revealing electro-pink underwear – suddenly the frustration goes and laughter comes
A scar – chest skin!
Big ugly scars! Maybe topless, maybe with very little clothes or even with compleath clothes that just look like they are destroyed in a battle!
You know how well the face-scar skibs sells and how well the missing leg/hand pirate skin sold – a scar chest piece would sell similar!
This… or GW1 Necro Scar Armor available for all classes.
Let yourselves be inspired by the Charr in the middle with the bandoliere. ( I mean you own that particular piece of art anyway
) A chest piece that’s mostly just a harness for ammunition. ( Something that would let fur patterns/skin show through.
Check out the Scallywag Chest for males; it might help satisfy you in this regard: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Scallywag_armor
Something like this for all classes, but lacking the arm coverings.
GW2 plushies in the gem store. Shipped in RL. Must have.
For this upcomming Halloween event I expect real new things…
Where are good ol’ GW1 hats? It would be wery nice to have pumpkin head, skeleton head, zombie head, etc head armor skins
“A man chooses; a slave obeys.” | “Want HardMode? Play Ranger!”
I read it somewhere but have not really gone through the 85 pages so here is my Gemstore Items Proposal:
Housing Instance (### Gems)
- Ability to purchase a house in PvE or cities (i.e., Divinity’s Reach).
- Design, basic and simple core house.
To make it doable for a start…that is if Arenanet is counting if this endeavor is profitable against the time spent of their developer, start with a small house instance, 1 floor (i.e., pad). Programming should be easy since it is just a matter of adding entry points scattered through out the PvE and cities. Since the housing instance, for a start, is just one floor and is the same size whichever house in PvE one choose, coding is easy. Floor area can be just as big as the inside of the tavern in Guild Hall but bare and with windows and door (access).
Housing interiors (### Gems)
- Ability to choose a different interior (i.e., human home, asuran lab, sylvari lair, norn hearth, charr workshop)
- Ability to choose a bigger floor area .
This can be phase 2 if Arenanet thinks Housing is gaining market demand. (Verifiable indicator: items purchased in Gem store).
House items (## Gems, drops)
- Can be functional or just aesthetics.
- Functional (## Gems)(i.e., bank, wardrobe, armory, showcase of collections and achievements, waypoint)
- Aesthetics (#Gems, drops).
To make it doable for a start, start with the functional and aesthetics (bundled theme) item that are Gems items. Use existing codes (i.e.,looks/aesthetics: use existing items, functionalities: use existing codes to call out specific window instance (like bank, wardrobe, waypoint to home) to minimize coding and maximize return of time-spent of programmers/developers on this endeavor.
Phase 2 can be items that showcase collections, achievements, etc.
For those who are not interested in housing instance, this proposal should not bother you since this is a Gem item (i.e., you are not oblige to pay for it) and this endeavor can generate income and return time-spent of developers.
A link on the player housing i found is here – https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/gw2/Player-Housing-anytime-soon/page/3#post6352987).
(edited by Compass.9621)
1. HoM armor skin packs from HoM vendor. I want my obi armor back!
2. Make magic carpet a glider (so we can dye it and fly it)
3.An “Ancient weapon” BLWS vendor for some of the GW1 boss greens (i.e. Dragos flat bow, Rago’s Flame ect…)
I’d love to see a Pact Commander Outfit, something official as a high ranked soldier
Plus add a public “pool” in Lions Arch near the mystic forge where you automaticly change to your underpants when you go swimming there.
Wow! Yes!!
Guildie was using the SAB Boombox and I had the idea of getting music packs that you could load on it to play different music sets. Halloween, Winter’s Day, the SAB music, HoT tunes, tons of options out there.
Plus add a public “pool” in Lions Arch near the mystic forge where you automaticly change to your underpants when you go swimming there.
Wow! Yes!!
Yes yes yes yes!
Glider and Travelling Toy Suggestions:
1. Glider carrying 2 characters (owner + friend). It could be funny for people to carry a friend with them and help them out with HoT maps. This could potentialy increase sales of HoT.
2. Travelling Toy carrying 2 characters (owner + friend). This is not as efficient as 2 seats glider, but it would be very funny in my opinion.
Samoyed Puppy Mini please. I don’t even care if it’s just pretty much a reskin of those other puppy minis.
Argument for case:
2nd week of halloween and still no batwing glider :///
Bought gems just for this, I’ll be very disappointed if this item doesn’t return
Couldn’t greater efforts be made to expand the Gem Store in ways that encourage sales? The Gem Store ought to be an actual Gem Store. Rather than a small window make it an instance where we can go and try on armour and outfits and equip weapons, tools and toys. Have displays we can walk around and launch seasonal offerings with shows.
The preview window is always too small to actually appreciate the items and if we could enter a space with friends and try things on the Gem store experience would be enhanced. It could be housed in Lion’s Arch in The Vaults area. I’d spend more and perhaps more importantly I’d be happier to spend more if I could buy what I wanted and appreciate it more fully before I paid for it.