[Suggestions] Quality of Life Changes
-Ability to set dye search results on the trading post to only show colors we don’t have. Perhaps the dyes could also show their color in the search results instead of requiring a mouse hover to reveal them.
Good news, you can accomplish this almost as easily by a system already in game: Set your dyes in your hero panel to By Set and toggle to show locked dyes. Scroll to the bottom, there are all the dyes you don’t have yet, and you can right click each one to see it on the TP.
I haven’t found this anywhere but it’s simple and so unbelievably helpful.
In the LFG-Tool:
Give the player some sort of indication if the squads are on a map that is already full.
Just look if the commander of the squad is on a map that is full and write this automatically in [brackets] behind the squad description or add a filter to search only for maps that are empty.
It’s so unbelievably annoying if you have to always join and fast travel to see if the map is full or not because the squad leaders (understandably) don’t change their squad descriptions accordingly if the map is full.
Pls Anet add this simple little improvement to your game!
Thank you!
Give the player some sort of indication if the squads are on a map that is already full.
Just look if the commander of the squad is on a map that is full and write this automatically in [brackets] behind the squad description or add a filter to search only for maps that are empty.
Unfortunately, your idea is nice, but it’s never going to be reliable at the scale of GW2. Because changing maps necessarily involves two separate map shards — and most of the time, two separate computers running them — as well as whatever the global backend for LFG is, there can’t be a global and correct view of the state of the maps the groups are on.
It also can’t tell you if you will get into the world or not: if the world has one map slot, and two people try and join at the same time, one of them is going to miss out — but it wouldn’t be accurate to tell either of them “world is full” at the time they started to join.
Finally, this also assumes there is a 1:1 relationship between squad and map instances, which isn’t true. The better world boss groups I’ve encountered have had two, or three, maps — once the first one fills, they ask for a “good” map for overflow, and put that into a separate group so people can still get into something with a shot at success.
In that case there is no definition of the world being full or not that makes sense, because the squad is spread over multiple worlds, deliberately.
I’d encourage, instead, you to advocate for that sort of overflow map approach to dealing with full maps in LFG, rather than what is, sadly, technically impossible to achieve.
- Please add/fix the missing Guild Kite option with the Guild Armorer
- Guild Kites were supposed to have been added to the Guild Armorer after HOT
- It requires almost NO extra code. Simply add the database option already present from the old Kite Maker to a tab on the Guild Armorer (like the wiki claims should already be there :/ ),
- Doing so brings Anet easy money! (the gems for a kite + the gold for conversion)
Many of our guild members purchased kites for real gems/money specifically to convert to a guild kite in the last sale, only to find the option missing. Some actually got frustrated and left over the issue :/ Please fix this very simple thing
The number of Kite’s could still be throttled by how often the Sun/Wind/Lightning kite’s are offered for sale in the gem store
ANET: It’s time to add more shared inventory slots!
I’m sure this has been mentioned before, but the ability to combine an Outfit with a head item. I love the outfits, but being able to combine one with a choice of head gear (like glowing eyes), would be a real benefit.
ASURA AXE ANIMATION Looks Clunky and wild.
Can we fix the movement visuals on Asura Axe animations while moving? They look so darn stupid. And would it be possible to change it from a 6 hit auto attack to just a regular 3 hit like all the other skills in the game.
Black Gate Tier 1 Roamer
Harbinger " I will make you (QQ)"
Dragonhunters should be able to use harpoon guns. We get to use a longbow and thus level up huntsman to make grandmaster marks that we turn in for ascended longbow. But we should be able to then take those same grandmaster marks to buy and use ascended harpoon guns.
I have two interesting quality of life suggestions for crafting that I got from talking to a couple of friends. What do you guys think of:
- Allowing players to “favorite” crafting recipes for quick access.
- Making the “Craft All” button craft the entire stack at the same time (maybe add an “Are you sure?” warning too)
(edited by Terrowyn.4728)
This is just a big griefing tool at the Claw event.
I’d change it so the expiration effect logs the person out to the character select screen.
Pet Icon/visibility within huge group or events
This is for Ranger QOL changes/addition, when you’re in a big group its pretty hard to see your companion specially if they’re in a AOE circle or if they need to move to a different space etc. I was experiencing this when i was in Straits of Devastation and realized that my pet from half health died and I wasnt fast enough to switch my pet cause I dont even see whats happening when youre in a train.
My proposal is, would it be possible for us to have like an Icon for our pets? to help us manage within a big chunk of groups and to keep track of where our pets are in the map?
This is just a big griefing tool at the Claw event.
I’d change it so the expiration effect logs the person out to the character select screen.
This is probably best in a separate thread, and when you create one, you should describe how this is being abused to spoil the game for others. I honestly don’t know, and it’s possible that the anet team don’t either, without you telling us.
suggestion for a global chat for all instances of the same map:
For the Engineer have the stow weapon hotkey also stow active kits such as flamethrower.
- Implement a feature request site. Like feedback.discordapp.com This topic is super long, impossible to read it all, and I have no idea how well the search really works. It certainly didn’t find anything like what I’m suggesting. A feature request site would let users vote on popular ideas. As well as let developers tell people why something is a terrible idea or that it’s being worked on.
- Infinite Gathering tool skins. Let me buy skins so I could change my Chop-it-all Logging Axe into a Cosmic Logging tool. I love all the different animations you’ve come up with, but I really can’t afford to buy every single tool.
- Infinite Gathering tool upgrade/mods. You just released the Unbound magic tools, and I’ve used the frostbitten ones as well. Getting unbound magic or snowflakes, or whatever, every time you gather is a good idea. But it would be better if I could apply a mod to my infinite gathering tools to get whatever effect I want.
For the Engineer have the stow weapon hotkey also stow active kits such as flamethrower.
Doesn’t the “swap weapon” button work to put away any active kit, just as it does any other environmental weapon?
For the Engineer have the stow weapon hotkey also stow active kits such as flamethrower.
Doesn’t the “swap weapon” button work to put away any active kit, just as it does any other environmental weapon?
I was referring to the stow weapon hotkey, not the swap hotkey.
Now that you made things like Winter Berries things that can be stored in collections, you need to give us a way to see how much of each of those currencies we have in the wallet. So we don’t have to drive to Arkansas to check the collections in our bank.
Now that you made things like Winter Berries things that can be stored in collections, you need to give us a way to see how much of each of those currencies we have in the wallet. So we don’t have to drive to Arkansas to check the collections in our bank.
Clicking on an item that requires that currency (in the vendor buy window) will show you down at the bottom how much you have of that currency – I think it is on the left side and the price being on the right side by the “buy” button.
Auto-shared Pact Crowbars/Exalted Keys/etc would be awesome. Honestly not too hard to hit up a bank and shift them between characters, but it’s annoying.
This may have been mentioned somewhere else, but:
We NEED a toy equipment slot. I have several toy items that sit gathering virtual dust in my bank and never get used — balloon, costume wands, torch of kryta, etc.
Also a home instance bookcase and/or curio cabinet for things like the history tomes we collect and items like the zephyr model. Please oh please make this one happen.
Auto-shared Pact Crowbars/Exalted Keys/etc would be awesome. Honestly not too hard to hit up a bank and shift them between characters, but it’s annoying.
Shared Inventory Slots work for this just fine, and items will be used directly from them.
Auto-shared Pact Crowbars/Exalted Keys/etc would be awesome. Honestly not too hard to hit up a bank and shift them between characters, but it’s annoying.
Shared Inventory Slots work for this just fine, and items will be used directly from them.
They do. The only issue about that is any new key you get won’t go in the shared inventory slot, but use a new one. It’s a minor annoyance though.
Oh, and they’re really expensive too :p
id love to see all passive traits and signets and what not that give classes a passive 25% movement speed increase have that effect made baseline and be given a new one. Its very painful to me to have to deal with some classes having it and some not, and others having way better access to it than others. And what about the classes that had it added in their heart of thorns elite specs? if the new elite spec in the next expansion for Mesmer for instance didn’t have a passive 25% movement speed trait then mesmers who got the effect from chronomancer trait line would be locked out of getting it with the new one. It would be an amazing quality of life change in my opinion for these to be made baseline think about the poor necros too! with no access to a boost they usually end up falling behind groups
id love to see all passive traits and signets and what not that give classes a passive 25% movement speed increase have that effect made baseline and be given a new one. Its very painful to me to have to deal with some classes having it and some not, and others having way better access to it than others. And what about the classes that had it added in their heart of thorns elite specs? if the new elite spec in the next expansion for Mesmer for instance didn’t have a passive 25% movement speed trait then mesmers who got the effect from chronomancer trait line would be locked out of getting it with the new one. It would be an amazing quality of life change in my opinion for these to be made baseline
think about the poor necros too! with no access to a boost they usually end up falling behind groups
Necros have Signet of the Locust that grants 25% speed – I run it most of the time on my power necro, only switching it out for Signet of Spite when I know I’m going to need more/another CC.
But for the rest of your point…yeah, Guardian doesn’t have one period – that I’ve found – and the trait line for Warrior requires you to take Discipline, which is a hefty DPS loss for Power PS in PvE.
I’d love to see all armor and weapons have removable runes/sigils – this should not be reserved only for the best of the best. Some runes and sigils are prohibitively expensive, and impossible for some folks to craft on their own if they missed the content that provided the recipe. In my opinion you should not have to destroy an item to remove its upgrade component, or destroy the component itself to replace it, at any level.
Henge of Denravi
Volks World [VW]
Now that you made things like Winter Berries things that can be stored in collections, you need to give us a way to see how much of each of those currencies we have in the wallet. So we don’t have to drive to Arkansas to check the collections in our bank.
Clicking on an item that requires that currency (in the vendor buy window) will show you down at the bottom how much you have of that currency – I think it is on the left side and the price being on the right side by the “buy” button.
Thank you. I guess I knew that, just making the point that it’s not very convenient when some items that are currencies are not in the wallet and others are. It wouldn’t be terribly useful if there were no wallet, and there were no indication as to how much gold you had accumulated in the game, unless you found a vendor that would sell you something, and then clicked on it, to see your total. Which, is why I thought the quality of life would be greatly improved if there were some consistency in the wallet UI, showing the total of all currencies you have accumulated.
Just adding my own thread of “Racial skill slots” to this thread. It’s more of a major update, but I figure I’d just add it here so it’s at least preserved for future use when it inevitably disappears into the back pages. XD
1. A “forge all” button in the mystic forge (Ever tried upping from destroyer cores to lodestones and needed 350 to craft all the primordus weapons? No, well you should because you can click a gazillion times to forge all 350 1 by 1!)
2. Mouse pointer adjustments options so you can actually track you pointer in a huge fight
3. Farming tools bought in gem store are now shared among all characters (or option to buy shared farming tools slots just like shared inventory slots)
4. Ability to change race for a character?
You might want to post those here:
- Polymock tournaments
- Guild Bank storage increases
- Armor set slots for hot swapping like weapons (even if it has to be ooc)
Just in general?
Armor for each weight class that has no buttcapes/hipflaps/frontbum flaps.
Update /dance . Most were based on popculture. These need to be updated.
More emotes! /airguitar/vogue /stretch /flex etc
Build saves and preset config for armor/weapons.
How about a gw2 mobile app?
As a Quality of Life suggestion I would like a Key Ring and Scroll Cabinet added to the Inventory Panel.
As a Quality of Life suggestion I would like to see more free space from my purchased shared inventory slots. I purchased the maximum shared inventory slots allowed for an account and had been very happy to place boosters, nourishment’s, Royal Terrace Pass, Captain’s Airship Pass, some ascended weapons, conduit, Salvage-o-matics (Silver and copper fed). As I frequently swap between 9 main characters, and really I visit all my altachars (59/69) each day for one reason or another. I have been coursed into choosing to either playing one main character ( major sad face ) or dumping map keys and portal scrolls into my shared inventory spaces. Having a love for each of my 9 main characters and doing as many map dailys as I can map keys and portal scrolls are taking half the space I paid for. This is not a happy “convenience” solution and no I was not forced to put them there or even buy them. One of the things that made guild wars so fun to play was the conveniences it uses in taking many of the repetitive time consuming tasks and turning them into a unique way to rapidly handle loot/item management. Guild Wars 2 and it’s predecessor have been the only video games we play since 2005. I don’t really see that changing anytime soon either. But it would be nice to have just another feature (if possible) of an already splendid form of convenience playing. That is to add a Key Ring and Scroll Cabinet to the Inventory Panel.
In order to accomplish this I am suggesting the addition of a key and scroll cabinet to the bottom of the Inventory panel. The two new icons would operate similar to the Wallet but would store two commonly used items (especially from us altaholic players), map or other game keys and Portal Scrolls (permanent, 2 week, and map specific).
The Key Ring would contain a listing of and store all in game keys and the quantities we have of each. The keys would still be obtained as they are now. We would be able to store the same amount of keys as Material Storage up to the limits of what ever we have upgraded our Material Storage to (Storage Expander purchase lead ins?). If one key required another to create as with the Aetherkey Piece or Essence of Nightmares you would open your inventor click the Key Ring button taking the player to the Key Ring and then double click an Aetherkey Piece or Essence of Nightmares (assuming they had collected enough to create the end result key) and it would add one of the completed keys into the inventory of the Key Ring. The rest of the keys would of course be consumed as they are used in game now. If the Key Ring space for a particular key was empty you could give an error message saying something like “You have misplaced your keys” or the standard “You do not have xyz key in your Key Ring”.
The Scroll Cabinet button would open the Scroll Cabinet Panel and list each of the unlocked or locked scrolls available for purchase from the gem store. As a player purchases a scroll it unlocks the use of it in the Scroll Cabinet. When one wants to use a portal scroll they open inventor (step taken now anyway) click the Scroll Cabinet button then click or double click the scroll they want to use and they would be taken. 2 Week Scrolls would also be listed there and work similar to PvP Custom Arena time tokens. The more 2 Week scrolls of the same type purchased the more time they have to use them. I time left display could be added to let them know when they needed to buy more.
I would certainly purchase more permanent Passes to have my Scroll Cabinet unlocked ( ) and this might lead to more gem purchases if this was added as a “Wardrobe Unlock” or “Cabinet Unlock”. Similar to bag slots, storage space, or crafting licenses from the gem store. I would certainly pay 1k gems to unlock a Key Ring and Scroll Cabinet on my account. Since it will be like getting 9 free Shared inventory slots, for me at least. Attached are some images I worked on as a rough design idea. I’m no artist and not very good with kitten so forgive the crudeness of the screen cap edits please
Thanks for your time!
P.S. Just thought of this as another possibility, Lockpicks! Add a Mystic forge recipie that lets us craft1-3 lockpicks using four of any other keys. If 4 Black Lion Keys are used then 5-10 Lockpicks are dropped. Lockpicks like in GW1 can be used for any “chest”.
(edited by Seth Moonshadow.2710)
I think it would be nice to add a way to craft lynx runes to pve and wvw, theyre a much more attractive rune for movement speed than traveler and speed are atm.
1/ Salvage minor / major runes. or sell them as junk.
2/ Improve Leather scraps / linen / cotton etc drops.
3/ Ranger skills need work (long-shortbow) its boring and feels like im throwing darts, the Rapid Shot doesn’t do anything and going through a whole skillbar to kill a firefly is not my cup of tea.
Here a suggestion of some Ranger skills from a game i played long past, but still amazing.
Bow skills – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vHKGkoAPS_k
I would like it if double-clicking a second ring or second accessory within like 2-3 seconds would make it equip on the second slot for respective trinket.
Either that or make “off-hand” trinkets so you can right click and equip that way.
It would be so awesome and I don’t think it would be too complicated code-wise.
With kind regards,
An idea for WvW (from someone who doesn’t really like WvW):
When I, a person who doesn’t like playing WvW, am forced to due to requirements like Gift of Battle, I tend to take a path of least resistance. I do one or two of the dailies, and maybe capture a camp or something.
When I’m done, I wait. I may have spent 5-10 minutes accumulating points on the Gift of Battle track. But, at the end, I have to stand around for up to 15 minutes wasting a slot that somebody else (who may actually like WvW) may need (if the map is full or nearly full).
How about giving us a button that will immediately exit us from WvW, and give us the points from the next three 5-minute cycles?
Then, prevent that account from returning to WvW for 4 cycles (to prevent any timing exploits that this idea might create).
Not exactly QoL, don’t know if has been suggested before.
I’d love to see dyeable combat tonics. Right now we have 2, and (hopefully) will have more in the future, but there’s no diversity. I’d love to see Kodans and Watchknights in different colours.
How this would technically work, I have no idea. Maybe implement a new dye channel in the Hero tab when one of the tonics if active, or something.
Update the dailies rewards to be something more interesting and valuable.
Perhaps have rewards work like the Black Lion Chests and there is a pool of stuff and it uses RNG to decide what you get. People might be more incentivized to do dailies if they had a chance to get something other than another resonating sliver.
The Wrong Crowd [bAd] Yak’s Bend
TLDR : give copper salvage o’matic abilities to standard merchant.
Long version :
As many players, I get tons of useless green and blue stuff from doing various metas and I end up recycling them. So, I go to a “standard merchant” (the ones that sell salvage kits), I salvage from my inventory, then I sell junk, then I buy a new salvage kit, then I salvage from my inventory, then I sell junk, etc.
The idea is : give merchants a tab where the merchant offers to recycle our stuff, with the same price and capabilities than a copper-fed salvage o’matic. It’d cost roughly the same (and if not, adjust prices), and I could do everything from the merchant UI, instead of having to buy another basic kit whose 25 charges will be used in a split second.
I would like more armor skins in the gemstore and if that is not possible, maybe some chests and legs instead of only gloves, shoulders and shoes
A different sound if you’re using the wrong level of gathering tool. For example, I’m using an iron pick and I change maps and forget to equip my mithril pick. The sound when mining the wrong node — and getting ruined ore chunk — should be obviously different.
The Wrong Crowd [bAd] Yak’s Bend
Technically this is two, but they are related:
1) No action or passive event should make you sheathe/unsheathe your weapons other than a) combat or b) binding a key to sheathe/unsheathe your weapons.
There are lots of things that do it, like the state you are left in sometimes after you use objects in the world, but more recently, obtaining the new unbound magic gathering tools. The basic tools you buy in the world and the first version of unlimited tools introduced in the game (which I own) do ‘not’ unsheathe your weapons. I’m being told that many of the other (all?) introduced after that time force the unsheathe.
And speaking of sheathing and weapons…
2) It would be nice to be able to have a setting to hide your weapons when sheathed, as well as the ability to toggle that setting via a key bind. Additionally, when the setting is enabled to hide weapons, whether or not to show a small UI indicator (somewhere) indicating which set of weapons you currently have equipped (as…we would not be able to see them if set to hide). Although, that is less necessary, as you can bind a key to ‘sheathe/unsheathe’ and just toggle that quickly to remind yourself.
Some little things that have been irking me for a long time. Might as well get them out once and for all…
1. Allow me to equip a harvesting tool in combat. If I’m under attack and I want to take the risk of equipping a harvesting tool, that should be on me.
2. An option which will auto-equip a harvesting tool if it runs out and I have the same kind of harvesting tool in my inventory.
3. For rich nodes, keep harvesting until it’s done without the player having to click F three times. The player can always interrupt this by moving.
4. Allow the Guild Treasurer to see my bank slots and material bank.
5. Prioritise merchants above random NPCS for interaction.
6. An option to auto-deposit and auto-compact on any loot that comes into my inventory from a chest or kill, which is a constant action for me on getting loot.
7. An option to auto-consume luck, which is another constant action for me on getting luck.
forumus insectus annoyingness maximus
Idea from another thread (https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/gw2/Someone-please-explain-finishers/first#post6627459):
Allow finishers to be used on PvE bosses.
If done, consider putting a timing process in place, so that those who use finishers would be queued rather than immediately launching into the animation. This could have a stadium wave effect (although, more like popcorn than a moving wave). This would extend the end of the boss battle by 1/4 second (or whatever you choose) per player who uses a finisher.
Finally, consider (if the above is done) adding some kind of message of victory to rise from the ashes of the boss as the players using finishers run through the process. For this to work, though, you might have to have all players automatically use a finisher at the end of a boss battle. So, you should add a checkbox to opt out.
Increase the daily AP limit from 15000…makes doing the dailies after you reach the cap not feel so rewarding.
-Collapsed sections in Craft-List.
-Queue for craftings.
-Salvagable minor runes.
-Unique Skill and Trait set for Fractals of the Mists. ( Like Pve-WvW-Pvp have different sets )
- Hotkeys for bag slots ( or atleast shared slots for food\potion\etc activation without using inventory )
- Hotkey for show\hide helmet armor slot
- Indicator of how many of same items you have in inventory in loot list section(corrected) for ex. i have looted mithril and it shows like this in loot UI side:
(1) mithril ore
(2) mithril ore
(4) 2 mithril ore
- Make Peppermint Omnomberry Bar cost less Candy Cane to craft or add Candy Cane recipe for crafting using Candy Corn items.
- Add a drop chance for rare-exotic trinkets from Treasure Hunter into Echanted Treasure Chest.