[Suggestions] Quality of Life Changes
Build Saving, at least for PvP. Please.
If you are in a squad, it would be nice if players of your own sub group are marked with another shade of blue point on the mini map and in your sight.
I’d like to suggest that we have the items that could be purchased during the Queen’s Jubilee at the Festival vendor in Lion’s Arch.
I have so many sprockets, and for some reason didn’t get the recipes or some of the other items from the jubilee (skins, etc). The RNG from the pact supply agents is killing me for the recipes. These were festival items, we should be able to get them from the Festival Vendor, especially since many of us have the sprocket node.
Thank you.
Please, give us the option to set a PvP or WvW reward track to repeat upon completion! It’s been requested before, and here’s another thread about just that:
Would love to see implemented in the next big QoL update. A simple checkbox next to the track would suffice! Please please!
This. I’m busy with a lot of stuff when doing WvW and so I often miss when a reward track finishes. And since I generally farm the same track repeatedly, this means that a lot of XP can go into a track that is of no interest or use to me before I get around to switching it back to the previous track. A simple checkbox to enable repeating the same track again would help tremendously.
Uncategorized fractal
The switch for the traps stairs in uncategorized shouldn’t immobilise you with no reason (at least the immobilise condi isnt showing when actuating the switch).
BL Trading Post
the scroll bar didn’t update itself as it should previously when u sell stuff and the list become shorter (when u sell stuff, the space remains and u shouldn’t have to scroll down to empty space).
Fractal query transit
Like i say before, when Fractal query transit pop up, it shouldn’t close your chatbox and interrupt your typing.
Exotic aquabreathers need to be craftable. A lot of people don’t care for underwater combat but those who do care about maximising stats would like to be able to have level 80 aquabreathers will core Tyria/HoT stats without having to make ascended quality items.
Don’t know if someone posted this here, but this is my suggestion to Overflow and Living Story :
The minimap could have a dropdown list just like in GW1, where you can select the version of the map:
- District / # / IP
- Queue (like we have in WvW, people are asking this since ever. Beta spoiled us)
- Year (yeah, another long time request from players, the ability to see the world before scarlet)
So, this way you can try to find other versions of the map when YOU want, sometimes you want to join a certain event but no one listed a good map. You can create a new list and try your map, but you probably won’t be able to succeed the event.
The queue would improve a lot of quality time. Sometimes I want to join a world boss group and I spam for 20min with no success, losing the world boss. With a Queue I would see how many people are trying the same instance and I would try another instance or try to help the map I am in, while waiting to be called (and then I could choose to join or not, depending on my current map). I know if we had this system I could not be lucky and hit the join button right before other 30 people, but my ping isn’t great, usually at 150-200ms (South America), so my “luck” doesn’t help much.
The year to the zone would be a nice feature, people could relive past events /maps. Guilds could battle Marionette again (if you want, don’t need to have those event-exclusive items, just the battle itself would be nice – I know you will probably make another fractal instead :p ). We could visit the Old Lions Arch again, Old Kessex Hills… I don’t know if there should be events or hearts, but just the nostalgia is valuable enough. It wouldn’t cost much server resources, would have 1 or 2 instances for the whole region, probably. Also, sometimes you enter a map and the npcs or the map itself isn’t aware of the Story, Zaithan defeated, Mordremorh, etc. Having the Year stated on the minimap (or in the map view) would help me situate what the npcs know about the world, what I can expect. I also would love to see how Orr really look after our fight with Zaithan
1) It would be nice if we could get a keybind to detarget. (clicking on an empty spot is not always an option)
2) Skills not being executed + going on a 4 sec cooldown because the target is behind you is also verry anoying. Video
ignore random NPC close to important NPC’s, it’s getting really annoying that after almost 5 years i still talk to a random NPC when i just want to get to my bank.
and also, make head armor available to mix.
it would be nice if i could have my sunglasses on while wearing an outfit.
(edited by sorudo.9054)
While stowed, the shield on the back of the character “hides” the back item. So when i run around with my shield, i can’t show off my Ad Infinitum.
However, a character can have a Greatsword on it’s back WITHOUT it hiding the back item.Please make it so that we can see BOTH of a character’s shield, and wings at the same time, just like it works with greatswords.
(hopefully this is the right place to post this, as i do not think this is a bug)
I would like this also or at least a toggle to choose which to show.
Would like to be able to change the color of text in the chat box. Make different chat channels different colors, for example i would want to change guild chat to green and map chat to blue.
show all equipped weapons, it feels so lore unfriendly if i can only see one weapon.
kiss emote please.
better housing
housing decor from vendors or from story/dungeon/raid/pvp.
better clothes appearance for asura, especially the pants, most asura pants looks all like dresses on male asura.
Redo the Tools so they function similar to PvP finishers. So as you purchase Gem tools they would unlock & the vender or or other types would stack.
You could check which one you wanted each individual toon to use & not have to move them back & forth between toons.
I own multiple types of permanent Tools & would want to “unlock” others.
As for now you have to figure out which toon you left which tools.
other options are take up shared inventory or back space.
This idea of changing tools to be similar to finishes may have already been kicked around but i thought it was a good idea & could use some discussion.
Can we please get an increase to the amount of mail we send without being suppressed. I like to randomly gift my fiance with materials for her legendaries or give lots of dyes to guildies and it can be a pain to be suppressed after 2 messages.
A quality of life change I would really love to see is the ability to toggle between the “masculine” and “feminine” versions of skins and outfits at will.
I understand there’s be some masculine skins that wouldnt be allowed on feminine charavters because it would show off their chests but for most skins there should be that option.
A lot of the time I get really excited to try a skin I have on my masculine characters and then switch to a feminine character to try it and it’s skimpy nonesense..
One example is the Mistward Plate. I was so excited about getting that and trying it on my dragonhunter because I thought it was Rytlock’s shirt but it isn’t, itms not even half a shirt really.
I’ve talked to ablot of other people about this, mostly my own friends, and they all agree this would be a really cool way to make everyone’s characters even more customizable.
So yea, I’d love to see a way to toggle between the masculine and feminine versions of skins and outfits.
[Suggestion] Fishing.
Even Woodenpotatoes has mentioned the need for passtimes that let people enjoy more of the scenary as well as increase social interactions. Fishing is a great way of doing that.
Additionally some of the best ways of implementing fishing is to add rewards such as endless tonics, tools for fishing such as nets, rewards such as minis and guild hall decorations, food for pets to transform them temporarily, new buff foods, vehicles such as rowboats and rafts for surface travel if people don’t want to swim all the time, and if this is true about the upcoming expansion: mounts or mount skins for underwater or surface water travel.
Shields cover up backpacks when put away. We seriously need a way of turning off the visual of shields when they are on our back so the backpacks we buy or earned will remain visually available at all times.
I’d really appreciate wardrobe sorting by source.
In its current state, wardrobe sorts by item type (armor piece, weapon type) and it’s now become quite a mess. Here’s a suggestion :
Level 0 : Armor
Level 1 : Armor piece (as it currently is)
Now adding Level 2 with :
- Dungeon
- Karma
- Craftable
- Drops only
- Game-mode specific
Maybe I forgot some sources, but that’s the general idea. It could work the same for weapons.
Since this is forum about quality of life in GW world i would like propose this idea me and couple of ppl had. I was talking with some ppl in GW and we agreed that we would invite /squat command in game for characters since we have all sorts of funny commands such as dance we would very appreciate squatting since every player knows about slav favorite photo position. Since there are many European servers there is probably many Slavs there and so the emote would be vary appreciated. Possible advantages would be that players would make more pics from game, more funny events would occur in PVP imagine you kill someone you stand above him and you /squat
would be amazing. Or imagine climbing to the highest point in some map and squat up there taking picture would be crazy how many ppl would try to do it. Thank you for reading this if you like it give “Upvote” or “Bump” under this comment
so devs saw we rly want this.
Thanks for attention.
A great simple but awesome quality of life improvement suggestion.
Please add a “auto recentre cursor” option to options so its easier to keep track of your mouses cursor while playing.
GW2 is a pretty chaotic intense game at times with alot of stuff going on screen at times its quiet easy for some people to lose track of it.
As a example of what im talking about here is a perfectly working autohot key script that i use to help me keep track of my mouse cursor i honestly can’t play with out using it, its a great quality of life improvement.
Click Down Right
StartTime := A_TickCount
RButton Up::
Click Up Right
ElapsedTime := A_TickCount – StartTime
if ElapsedTime > 500 ; if more than 500 milliseconds then move mouse to centre of screen
CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
MouseMove, (A_ScreenWidth // 2), (A_ScreenHeight // 2)
In order to get this script to work you will need to install https://autohotkey.com/download/ then extract it and then go into the zips compile folder and use the program ahk2exe to compile this script into a program so that it can run while you play GW2.
I urge anyone savy enough to please give this script a try, its great you never lose track of your cursor because when you mouse around to look around after a certain amount of time it automatically recentres your cursor to the centre of your screen once you let go of your right mouse button, it doesn’t hinder your game play in any way.
(edited by Cowwie.1745)
Please for the love of the six!
Address the issues in the Engineer downed state skill line to bring it in line with what other classes enjoy.
For example, allow us to be affected by heal zones created by things like our own sigils or the heal turret when downed. Or allow us to replace the interruption skill 1 with summoning a Turret to help heal us to get back up!
- sPvP guild/team ladder
- build saving/loading
- gold trim for mAT winners
- unique title for guild/team ladder or for AT (like gw1 Champion)
Small quality of life change I feel would be nice.
A Food/Oil slot that would show up with your hotkey bar.
Bind them to activate or simply click.
Food timer shown as a decaying circle around the food slot to give a visual indicator. Much like the boon/condition decay.
I’d like to be able to remove transmutes from items. Once you transmute something you can’t ever get it back to its original state. You can skin the item using its own skin, but it turns out to be (e.g.):
“Ad Infinitum
Ad Infinitum"
I’d even be fine with skinning an item as itself just removing the “Transmuted X” info text (i.e. removing the transmute can still cost a transmutation charge for all I care).
I guess this might have been changed since I last checked, but I don’t currently have enough charges to test it out.
1 – “Key” ring (anything required to open a container)
2 – Build saves (WoW has had this for years)
3 – Toy box (endless tonics, riding toys, etc… again… WoW has had this for a while already)
4 – less armor that looks like a bell from behind (#nomorebuttcurtains)
Like many others, I would like to see the above as well. I would also like to add to #4:
Sometimes I just want to wear pants/leggings, but they’re hidden behind the skirt/“curtain”. It’s all very busy. Could we have the option to hide the fluff if we wanted simpler looking armor, like with the helm/shoulders/gloves, please?
Thank you.
(edited by jezebel.7054)
Two game improvements i woudl like to see are:
The ability to have more “favorite” dyes — 8 is not enough — the ability to have 20 would be nice. The ability to hide the “starters” would also be nice.
The ability to swap toon names between 2 toons. Currently it would take 3 name change contracts ( which are way to much money to begin with ) to accomplish a name swap.
Hello, I would like to suggest a thing about the Mighty/Malign etc. +9 Agony Infusions. It would be really nice to give the possibility to change their statistics at the Mystic Forge since they are expansive to make, or it takes time if a person doesn’t want to spend money on them. So if a player wants to change his Agony set for another character i think he/she should have the possibility to do it. Furthermore, you should add aswell a verification message before buying them like " Are you sure you want to buy this … +9 Agony Infusion? "Because it just happened to me to buy the wrong one by mistake. I think these small things would be appreciated by many players!
add game mode selection(PVE, PVP, WVW) to character selection
Allow sorting of recipes by discipline in the Trading Post.
So I can just filter by chef recipes and buy all of them starting from the least expensive xD
Option to merge all bank tabs into one.
Seen this suggestion before but this was technically in the game a long time ago: a keybind to toggle the outfit. Please? Town clothes had the toggle keybind (F5 was default if I recall). Why was that removed with town clothes instead of being reused for outfits?
Opening the hero panel, clicking “Outfits” and clicking that silly little tickbox just to toggle the outfit is annoying and tedious.
Option to swap fractal stat infusions? They are pretty costly to get a full set and it would be nice to swap them to different versions if need be.
Allow us to decorate our home instances >_> you don’t have to make new home areas, just make a shop of things that we can dump into our homes! rofl.
or the guild decorations that scribes make can also be used in our home.
>lazy housing<
Please use better design that respects inventory room when making events that require a token to get paid for doing the event, that is, the 10 different bounty notices. After getting the achievement most players will be doing these events on a casual basis when they see the events get called out in map chat and they won’t have the specific bounty notice for that event (worth 25 silver) in their inventory. Maybe instead the player can get the bounty notice as a reward for doing the event.
ANet may give it to you.
Bald while wearing headgear and some outfits. Could we least get some default hair option for the select headgear/outfits that make our characters bald ? The Dwayna outfit gives us a default hair that we can dye.
A Portal Book – if LW3 is going to have a new map for each chapter; it would be nice if we could ‘bind’ portal scrolls together to make a book of some sort instead of carrying separate scrolls around or having to hot-swap them if we decide to change our map focus. Could also be extended to City Scrolls as well.
Make the Hall of Monuments an exclusive Pass for the Veteran GW1 players added with all the vendors, mystic forge, trading post, crafting station, etc. This place looks amazing and shouldn’t be put to waste.
In-Game Notes function. So I can write notes about everything that I want to do in order and just follow that which I have pre-planned for myself
Please remove the obnoxious confirmation popup from the Gleam of Sentience. None of the Sentient ascended material eaters have this, and there is absolutely no reason whatsoever for the game to ask me every time if I am really sure that I want Gleam of Sentience to consume 50 units of some of the most widely available materials in the game.
Besides, the message as worded makes no sense. “You can only buy six of those each day. Are you sure you want to do this now?” What, for the love of all that’s good and holy has the one to do with the other? The limitation isn’t buying too many fluctuating masses, the real limitation is not getting rid of the ore, fragments and dust quickly enough before it piles up, and the stupid popup significantly impedes my efforts in doing so.
My suggestion with QoL on behalf of the revenant. I understand with condi removal ventari is the main source and that it works well in pve and pvp(better than it did before). However its still under performs in wvw and most of the reasons for this in comparison is even just one player playing a typical vanilla condi build can out spam you with condi’s faster than a tablet can remove them and you are burning up all of your energy to deal with an auto attack from another player using no tactics which to speak of. Then on top of that you also have to micro manage the tablet moving it so atleast for wvw’s sake make it where you don’t have to manually move it around and also it needs a rework for the condi removal. My idea on it was to make the removal one that does it based on condi’s to heal instead based on boons and make the passive ability of the tablet to remove condi’s at an interval decent enough to not just drop dead from condi’s in which are still on a massive scale.
As well the healing with shiro needs a little buff to it too because it was nerfed for pvp sake where it was giving too much survival but in the case of wvw its actually the worst heal available which staff and shield heal pretty much for me do more than the main heal. One other suggestion to make swords more viable too is on the sword devastation trait it should have like a chance % depending on how many swords are being used to remove condi’s as well. Just two areas that would make quality of life playing rev a bit better to deal with.
Not sure if it counts as QoL, but I’ve always wanted to see some racial weapon skills when you are unarmed. For some reason thief has unique weapon skills if they are unarmed in the offhand. They obviously wouldn’t have to be anything spectacular, most racial utility skills never see the light of day either. Char could use bleeding lacerations, Norn could use clobbering stuns, Sylvari could use poisonous touch, Asuran could have confusing speech, and humans could …I don’t know, cower? Anyway, I think it would make low level play a bit more fun and you could build an unarmed boxing arena around it too if you wanted.
New UI for books and lore journals. Please, Arenanet, it’s such a sad way to read all the books and journals that just came out from the new season as a dialog boxes.
In GW1 you used decent idea of book UI with few ilustrations and text. I belive it won’t be that hard to make books differ from casual npc dialog box.
Keep up the good work and see you ingame.
I know somebody already suggested a change to the unbreakable gathering tools, and I’d like to second that.
Here’s how I’d like to see it handled.
You sell the basic set of unbreakable gathering tools, the animation just looks like regular gathering tools. They basically get treated like any weapon or armor piece when it comes to their appearance; you can skin them.
And then you also sell the skins for gems. People LOVE changing the appearance of their stuff, it’s Fashion Wars 2 after all! So I know that a lot of people, myself included, would definitely hoard all the different types of skins for their gathering tools. (Like the molten ones or the cosmic ones, ect.)
ALSO, make them “upgradable”, so, instead of buying special tools that give you unbound magic when you gather things; make it an upgrade (like an infusion, kind of) that people can buy for gems or whatever, that they can add to their existing unbreakable gathering tools.
Personally, I wouldn’t put a limit on how many upgrades can be added to the gathering tools. This will encourage people to buy the upgrades when you come out with them because they won’t have to choose between one upgrade or another.
I can pretty much guarentee that your sales for these things would increase, because more people don’t want to have multiple sets of unbreakable tools lying around. More people would be more willing to spend more money on skins for them and upgrades for them than having 3 or 4 or 5 sets of tools lying around.
Thanks for your time!
I’m not sure if Aesthetics fall under the category of QoL, but i really feel that Howler’s animations and effects are lacking. I had originally assumed it was intentional (being an offhand and all), but compared to the new offhands coming out, it’s lacking in all departments.
The sounds are out done by the default warhorn sound. Being a weapon that’s meant to make noise, it sure doesn’t pack much of a punch. Even something as small as turning off the default warhorn noise would be better.
I actually quite like the subtle fog aura (especially how it leaves a little trail). Although, it doesn’t have a foggy sleeve or any arm effect like most Legendaries.
As for the howling wolf animation… it is, more often than not, covered up by the effects of the skill being casted. Also, when the player moves, the animation isn’t locked to the player. this means if you’re running, the wolf animation actually will display on the ground behind you (it just seemed kind of odd to me. maybe it’s intentional).
Does it even have a foot effect? sorta? kinda? if you squint it does i guess…
I’m not sure it was worth my 3k gold the way it is now
A way to see what you’ve recently spent in-game currency on, no matter what kind. If it’s only for the last 7 days then at least when I look at my balance after a long weekend of playing and think “Hang on, I had more of <x> currency on Friday, where the <bleep> is the rest of it?!?” A quick look at the history of what you’ve bought and sold for the last week (by currency would be great – or at least a filter) and you’d know straight away.
1. Health bars displayed over all party members at all times. Would make it so much more efficient to heal.
2. Build templates
3. Allowing the WvW circle/dots on raid members instead of displaying full name. Not important, though. I just hate seeing any text on the screen XD.
4. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE change the sound effect of shatterstone to match the detonation time that was updated almost two years ago!! It still has the 2 second sound effect but only takes half that time to explode! The sound effect was never updated to reflect that.
Storage Space for Tenebrous/Shimmering Crystals
I had to delete at least 20 stacks of those by now because they were clogging my storage space. I suggest you add slots in the material storage for them… please.
Storage Space for Tenebrous/Shimmering Crystals
I had to delete at least 20 stacks of those by now because they were clogging my storage space. I suggest you add slots in the material storage for them… please.
They have storage now.
They’re still going to clog your inventory, unless you make guild gear.
“I’m finding companies should sell access to forums,
it seems many like them better than the games they comment on.” -Horrorscope.7632