Hi, i wanted to create a topic to small, very minor annoyances that irritate people in game that would be easily fixed by Anet. That means a fix that takes something less than an hour for a dev to do.
A few suggestions….
- Add a new symbol for the Black Lion Weapons Traders.
How many times have you seen people in LA asking “where is the BLT?” (not a bacon, lettuce and tomato pun!). I do think it would be nice for Anet to use the Lion symbol on the BL store main page and use it as a map symbol – like a trader has coin, the Black Lion store has the scales. Would just be so much easier to find as they aren’t the most visited of mercs, and might encourage more people to visit the gem store
- Turn the Sanctum Harbor WP around
Ok i’ve made a post about this before but it really does annoy the hell out of me. Every time i WP in to use the mystic Forge, i’n facing the WRONG WAY! Can Anet just turn us around …. PLEASE!!!
- Mystic Forge in Heart of the Mists
I know this was originally in HotM, but was removed when Glory was removed from PvP and the Wardrobe came into effect. However, with the excellent addition of a BLT, Bank and laurel vendor, i do think the MF should be placed back in HotM. With all the boxes i get, its fair easier to just add a MF in to HotM.
- Move Compact from the Inventory to lower down
Ok this might only affect a small amount, but the way i have my inventory set up, is all the regular potions and cons at the bottom, with a salvage kit at the top. With “compact” everything goes straight to the top and i have to reorganise everything again! The only reason i accidently click on this, is because i’m trying to deposit mats. Have this at the bottom of the menu bar below “hide Bags” would be extremely helpful!
- New slayer titles
Ok this may be a tad more ambitious, but surely it doesn’t take that long for a dev to do! I think adding 2 new titles to the slayer tab could be done – Modrem Slayer, and Scarlet’s minions Slayer. First one pretty straightforward, but then the 2nd could be Molten Alliance, Aetherblades, Toxic Alliance. The reason for this, to get the slayer title, u might have to revisit areas such as Kessex Hills, or do TA Aether path, or even more fractals. It would help drive population to these areas. You could even have seperate slayer titles, but considering i have a stack of potions for Scarlets minions, i could do with a slayer title for them!
There are other things i would like to happen, but trying to make sure that if you would like something changed, it has to take a dev less than an hour to do, for example, adding new tabs to the Wallet for all the tokens, bandit crests etc, would take more than an hour to change and wouldn’t qualify (i admit i pushed it with the slayer request!).
But would love to see what other small things annoy people that could be easily fixed by Anet!