Summon items, 30min cooldown
It’s so you can’t go insane with fire harpies when fighting Teq and the new Wurm boss.
“performance issues” lmao, too many people with stoneage computers
“performance issues” lmao, too many people with stoneage computers
Send me a video of you getting +30 FPS on all very high settings while at the foot of Teq. You do that, I’ll give you 20g.
Bookmarking this page for when I get home and do Teq. easy 20g
Bookmarking this page for when I get home and do Teq. easy 20g
Easiest 20g you’ll ever make Teq was never really graphics intensive, even before I bought a new comp a month or so ago I was getting 20+FPS on a 4 year old desktop.
RIP my fair Engi and Ranger, you will be missed.
30 minute cooldown on all pets because people are having graphical issues with embers? Why not reskin embers? Always the easy “fix.”
“performance issues” sounds suspiciously like the “animation bug” for Ranger’s shortbow. Which is also a code name for, “complete bullkitten.”
as if seed turrets ever caused this… only problem were firelementals being used by everyone…
26x lvl 80 Characters
Most fabulous Character:
“performance issues” lmao, too many people with stoneage computers
Send me a video of you getting +30 FPS on all very high settings while at the foot of Teq. You do that, I’ll give you 20g.
not worth the effort, i would have to render and upload it, all that for 20g. maybe for 200 i would consider it
Oh…. I used the Ogre Pet one on my Ranger for double pet fun! The fire ele comes in handy too.
I haven’t done Teq since idk when. Is the new meta the Fire Elemental’s? Obviously this is a nerf then and has nothing to do with “performance” issues. Like people are submitting tickets complaining of performance issues? Doubt it!
Oh…. I used the Ogre Pet one on my Ranger for double pet fun!
The fire ele comes in handy too.
That’s why my ranger uses Runes of the Ogre.
As an elementalist main I felt fire ele powders marginalized one of our trademark skills, i’m glad to see it limited at least.
As an elementalist main I felt fire ele powders marginalized one of our trademark skills, i’m glad to see it limited at least.
As an elementalist main, that elite skill and utility skill has never and still will never be found on my bar. Especially not to summon a fire ele.
I think that limiting this item has done far more bad than good, and to think that some people would use that as an excuse? Bah.
I didn’t feel like I was marginalizing rangers by using pet whistles. That’s absurd.
Nothing to see here… Time for me to move along.
And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.
As an elementalist main I felt fire ele powders marginalized one of our trademark skills, i’m glad to see it limited at least.
As an elementalist main, that elite skill and utility skill has never and still will never be found on my bar. Especially not to summon a fire ele.
I think that limiting this item has done far more bad than good, and to think that some people would use that as an excuse? Bah.
I didn’t feel like I was marginalizing rangers by using pet whistles. That’s absurd.
Nothing to see here… Time for me to move along.
Its because our pet summons are so bad that these should be limited, ele have to dedicate precious utility slots when anyone else doesn’t. Other classes get the benefit of their entire class ON TOP OF the minor utility that these pets add for negligible cost(people bought them by the stack).
As an elementalist main I felt fire ele powders marginalized one of our trademark skills, i’m glad to see it limited at least.
As an elementalist main, that elite skill and utility skill has never and still will never be found on my bar. Especially not to summon a fire ele.
I think that limiting this item has done far more bad than good, and to think that some people would use that as an excuse? Bah.
I didn’t feel like I was marginalizing rangers by using pet whistles. That’s absurd.
Nothing to see here… Time for me to move along.
Its because our pet summons are so bad that these should be limited, ele have to dedicate precious utility slots when anyone else doesn’t. Other classes get the benefit of their entire class ON TOP OF the minor utility that these pets add for negligible cost(people bought them by the stack).
But we could use the powders too….
And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.
As an elementalist main I felt fire ele powders marginalized one of our trademark skills, i’m glad to see it limited at least.
As an elementalist main, that elite skill and utility skill has never and still will never be found on my bar. Especially not to summon a fire ele.
I think that limiting this item has done far more bad than good, and to think that some people would use that as an excuse? Bah.
I didn’t feel like I was marginalizing rangers by using pet whistles. That’s absurd.
Nothing to see here… Time for me to move along.
Its because our pet summons are so bad that these should be limited, ele have to dedicate precious utility slots when anyone else doesn’t. Other classes get the benefit of their entire class ON TOP OF the minor utility that these pets add for negligible cost(people bought them by the stack).
Pets are the Elementalist mechanic? Feel free to pitch that to the Necro and Ranger crowds.
I can understand why they did this, I also had some lags during the Tequatl fight. But 30 minutes is way to harsh of a restriction. Something along the lines of Summoning Sickness in GW 1 would be more appropriate. This effects inflicts a cooldown on all summoning items for 10 minutes and it is remove upon changing a map.
As an elementalist main I felt fire ele powders marginalized one of our trademark skills, i’m glad to see it limited at least.
As an elementalist main, that elite skill and utility skill has never and still will never be found on my bar. Especially not to summon a fire ele.
I think that limiting this item has done far more bad than good, and to think that some people would use that as an excuse? Bah.
I didn’t feel like I was marginalizing rangers by using pet whistles. That’s absurd.
Nothing to see here… Time for me to move along.
Its because our pet summons are so bad that these should be limited, ele have to dedicate precious utility slots when anyone else doesn’t. Other classes get the benefit of their entire class ON TOP OF the minor utility that these pets add for negligible cost(people bought them by the stack).
But we could use the powders too….
If there was a feedback/wall of reflection consumeable with no cooldown it would devalue mes/guards party roles. In a game with no trinity it all comes down to what utility your class can provide.
All i’m saying is that having a trademark skill available for a negligible coin cost marginalized the uniqueness of having an ele in the party, even if those skills were less useful than other skills for any given content.
As an elementalist main I felt fire ele powders marginalized one of our trademark skills, i’m glad to see it limited at least.
As an elementalist main, that elite skill and utility skill has never and still will never be found on my bar. Especially not to summon a fire ele.
I think that limiting this item has done far more bad than good, and to think that some people would use that as an excuse? Bah.
I didn’t feel like I was marginalizing rangers by using pet whistles. That’s absurd.
Nothing to see here… Time for me to move along.
Its because our pet summons are so bad that these should be limited, ele have to dedicate precious utility slots when anyone else doesn’t. Other classes get the benefit of their entire class ON TOP OF the minor utility that these pets add for negligible cost(people bought them by the stack).
But we could use the powders too….
If there was a feedback/wall of reflection consumeable with no cooldown it would devalue mes/guards party roles. In a game with no trinity it all comes down to what utility your class can provide.
All i’m saying is that having a trademark skill available for a negligible coin cost marginalized the uniqueness of having an ele in the party, even if those skills were less useful than other skills for any given content.
This might be a worthy comparison if it were a consumable that gave people ice bows and fire greatswords.
Can anyone, perhaps from TTS, give any feedback on how its affected Teq?
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro
As an elementalist main I felt fire ele powders marginalized one of our trademark skills, i’m glad to see it limited at least.
As an elementalist main, that elite skill and utility skill has never and still will never be found on my bar. Especially not to summon a fire ele.
I think that limiting this item has done far more bad than good, and to think that some people would use that as an excuse? Bah.
I didn’t feel like I was marginalizing rangers by using pet whistles. That’s absurd.
Nothing to see here… Time for me to move along.
Its because our pet summons are so bad that these should be limited, ele have to dedicate precious utility slots when anyone else doesn’t. Other classes get the benefit of their entire class ON TOP OF the minor utility that these pets add for negligible cost(people bought them by the stack).
But we could use the powders too….
If there was a feedback/wall of reflection consumeable with no cooldown it would devalue mes/guards party roles. In a game with no trinity it all comes down to what utility your class can provide.
All i’m saying is that having a trademark skill available for a negligible coin cost marginalized the uniqueness of having an ele in the party, even if those skills were less useful than other skills for any given content.
This might be a worthy comparison if it were a consumable that gave people ice bows and fire greatswords.
Yeah I agree here.
And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.
So if glyphs suck so bad why does anyone care that their getting a cooldown? Why did people buy them by the stack?
So if glyphs suck so bad why does anyone care that their getting a cooldown? Why did people buy them by the stack?
Reading comprehension much?
No one said the elemental summon sucked. What we said was you are going to do more good summoning two fire swords than one elemental.
Not sure why you’re so hung up on elemental summons as a class mechanic. Necros have more summon skills and Rangers can’t function without a pet. Elementalists are defined by attunements and the large pool of skills and utility that it grants, not a couple of utility skills.
Backpedaling so quickly? You said it by how you framed your statement. Naming our two good utilities is saying glyphs suck by comparison.
I’m most upset about this as well. The fact that the Depoyable Motor Kit can only be used once every 30 minutes while the spawn time of it is still only 60 seconds; You’d think they’d increase this to .. 10-15 minutes to BALANCE this change.
Anet is concerned about performance? riiiiiiiiiiiight
Backpedaling so quickly? You said it by how you framed your statement. Naming our two good utilities is saying glyphs suck by comparison.
The summon glyphs do, in fact, suck.
The powder was great because it didn’t take up a utility spot and it was cheap. Why would anyone take elite glyph over greatsword? If I could have an elite glyph that summoned 3 elementals it would be worth it. That’s why powders are nice in a group setting and glyphs are not.
And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.
Can anyone, perhaps from TTS, give any feedback on how its affected Teq?
I can tell u this TXS here , nothing rly changed as long as u have 10-15 ele is the same xDD ice bow + fiery gs ftwwww.
Yeah, I was nonplussed reading the notes on this one. Performance issues? Right. They decided to nerf the summoned pets, but didn’t want to say so in a straightforward manner. Anet must always be interpreted. They can’t be simply understood and believed.
Now you know that all the times you experienced lag was because of those dreaded pesky fire elementals!
Performance issues? Bullkitten it’s just another nerf to something that didn’t need to be nerfed.
Performance issues? Bullkitten it’s just another nerf to something that didn’t need to be nerfed.
The fact that you’re making a huge deal out of it shows that it did need it. Because many people are dependent on an item, I think it definitely needed to be nerfed. But, I can understand why they feel the way they do about it being a performance issue, with Fire Elementals out, my FPS is around 5-10 at Tequatl, without them, closer to 20-30.
Restore that which was lost. And all shall be as one.”
Performance issues? Bullkitten it’s just another nerf to something that didn’t need to be nerfed.
The fact that you’re making a huge deal out of it shows that it did need it.
Because anet never nerf things that don’t need it, right?
They don’t say client side performance issues. It most likely has to do with server performance since the servers have to do all of the calculations for them as well. It’s to relieve one form of lag from the system.
Performance issues? Bullkitten it’s just another nerf to something that didn’t need to be nerfed.
The fact that you’re making a huge deal out of it shows that it did need it.
Because anet never nerf things that don’t need it, right?
Like what? :O
Restore that which was lost. And all shall be as one.”
Dependent is pretty laughable really. If a player was dependent on a consumable summons, then it’s surely better to have them available instead of the player leaving the game do to difficulty, right? If these items made the game more fun, easier, and faster there is nothing wrong with that. Why should ingenuity be punished?
Speaking of being punished, whom does this cooldown affect most? Someone said in map chat its shared between all consumable summons. That pretty much effectively removes them from those of us whom use them for fun. Yet, does nothing to prevent them being used that once a day someone would run Tequatl, right? So whom is this affecting most?
“Like what”, you asked? How about removing town clothes from WvW all for a single item being abused. We often used costume brawl and town clothes for RP fun in there. All gone now instead of fixing one single item.
Flamekiss light armor is another example of a knee jerk reaction. A minority cries loudly and they remove it before the majority even knows there’s an issue. At least waiting a day would have been nice to let others have an opinion.
Guardian Staff #3, nerf. Nerfed out of left field while swiftness stacking is still broken for over a year. Have any clue how incredible frustrating it is to escort a dolyak, build up a couple minutes of swiftness on it, only to have another profession run by and strip all of it? Nerf a source of a boon while the application of it is still broken, GG.
Yet, these are all off topic and shouldn’t be discussed further. This is still about this specific cooldown and how it lessens the game. Just seeing that 30 minute countdown icon is annoying to me actually.
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In case you haven’t seen it, there is a discussion happening on this thread, with Anthony’s update: