As the same as last time, it is incredibly sad to see the Super Adventure Box go. After it’s initial release (a couple of years back I think), it seemed that the Super Adventure Box was a big hit. Many were sad to see it go, as it was an incredibly fun part of the game, and as time passed, even new players that came into the game and saw YouTube videos of it, wished for the Super Adventure Box to return once again. ANet has always been great at identifying player needs, and meeting them, and this was no exception; ANet brought back the Super Adventure Box to the world of Tyria! Sadly though, as this month comes to a draw, the Super Adventure Box has once again left us. I am sad to see it go once again, and I KNOW that I’m not the only one that feels this way. So my suggestion: why not keep the Super Adventure Box around as a permanent feature?
The first thing that I think that’s important to realize is that the Super Adventure Box is not like many of the other events that we have seen in Guild Wars 2. Most short term events in Guild Wars 2 involve a small story around mechanics that are already a part of the core game (fight some monsters, win a race, etc.). Once in a while though, ANET develops some “one-of-a-kind” content that is a totally new and original piece of game play; something that the players truly enjoy. ANET typically tries to then add this mechanic to the game. Take the Aspects found in Dry Top for instance. The Aspects were a very new, fun part of the Festival of the Four Winds. They added new game play that players really did enjoy. ANet’s next move was a smart one; they incorporated aspects in the main game play through Dry Top. Similarly, I feel that the Super Adventure Box brought something very unique to the table. Out of the 1,700 hours that I have put into this game, I feel that the Super Adventure Box is a nice relaxing break from the immersion. Typically when I start getting tired of Guild Wars for the night, I begin browsing my Steam library for a game that is a bit less intense that I can unwind on. The Super Adventure Box brought that to the table. If I wanted something a bit more challenging, I could play the Super Adventure Box on Tribulation mode, which is a lot of fun to me. Correction: was a lot of fun to me. Now it is gone though once again.
With the updates that were made, I feel that it was plenty sustainable. Sure it may need occasional maintenance, but what part of any game doesn’t? I guess my real point here is why take away something that the players really love? As I said earlier, I know that I’m not the only one that feels this way, which is why I want to push for the Super Adventure Box to become a permanent feature of Guild Wars 2. As a previous guild leader, I understand that this game is all about the community and keeping the players happy. This would be an easy way for you to do that ANet! I don’t know; maybe I just sound like some whiny brat who wants his mini-game back. I truly feel though that this is something that the community wants, and I really do care about this game. Through Guild Wars 2, I have met many people, and many friends. I’ve played many games, MMOs in particular, but wheather it be WOW, DDO, or LoL, I can undoubtedly and wholeheartedly say that I have never found a community in a game as great as the one in Guild Wars 2. I just want to continue to see that community flourish and be happy as I’m sure you do too, ANet.