[ Attention: For the disturbing number of people who cannot see this thread for what it is: Please post troll suggestions only, thanks. ]
Changes to classes to make the game much more bearable:
Revision: 1.2 – 6:30 am Server Time thread title updated to be even more Super Srs
Revision: 1.3 – 9:31 am Server Time Elementalist and Engineers now gain the ability to swap between 4 weapon sets, since the other classes had double their weapon swaps
Attunement CD removed entirely
Second Weapon Set swap set added (so they can use 32 skills instead of 16)
Third Weapon Set swap set added (because 48 skills is better than 32)
Fourth Weapon swap set added (because 60 skills is better than 48)
Boon Duration changed for Arcana: 30% -> 300% (for permanent boons)
boons randomly appear on characters near an Elementalist for more than 3 seconds
Elementalist named changed -> Boon Tank
Rangers should be allowed to use five (5) pets at once so they don’t have to choose.
we felt the original 3 pets out at once was simply not enough
Ranger arrows now deal 50% more damage and are heatseeking.
no other buffs needed to class
Ability for Engineers to use Weapons removed from game. (Yes no Legendaries, sorry.)
Kits removed from utilities and as they will now replace all Engineer weapons
Kits will entirely take place of: Rifle, Pistol and Shield.
Engineer Kits will be swapped by using F5-F8 keys
4 new utilities added to take place of kits
Turrets will now self destruct before they can be placed
Necromancers no longer have minion summon utilities.
All minion utilities replaced with new, better ones.
summons always active (Every Necromancer is a Minion Mancer + thier chosen spec.)
Wells removed from Necromancer utilities.
Necromancers now naturally spawn wells wherever they walk at random
This now opens up: Condi/Well/Minion, Power/Well/Minion, and Terror/Well/Minion hybrid builds.
Mesmer gain access to F5-F6 keys.
Portal aside to F5 key, removed from utilities.
Blink assigned to F6 key, removed from utilities.
every Mesmer can now Portal regardless of spec
portal CD reduced to 1/2s
Mesmer utility to replace blink -> Wall Hack
Wall Hack ignores all terrain/walls/objects.
Mesmers now have the legitament ability to teleport through walls and portal
Mesmer gains two new utilities.
GS Warrior deemed too weak and buffed significantly.
100 Blades (Greatsword #2) now applies cripple, and causes the Warrior to become invulnerable for the duration of 100 Blades.
duration now increased to 20 seconds
Warrior is now able to move around while using 100 blades
Warrior stealthed for duration of 100 blades
CD remains 6 1/2 seconds
Axe #1 autoattack changed to bounce 7 times.
damage doubles for each succesful bounce
Axe autoattack still melee, but the bounces gain 300 range per bounce
a successful 7th bounce can travel 2100 range from the Warrior’s starting position
Due to Thief being nerfed too excessively recently.
Thief base power raised by 500.
Thief vitality now raised to match Warrior/Necromancer base vitality.
Thief now Heavy Armor Class, and can wear Heavy Armor.
Thief renamed -> Outlaw Star
Outlaw Star music plays whenever Thief is near
Guardian was mostly perfect how it was, but was lacking survivability so Guardian has been given access to Stealth.
All Guardian Utilities now in addition to their normal effects, now grant Stealth.
Guardian renamed -> Ninja
this is due to Guardian’s now having over 25 stealth utilities
Guardian becomes new perma stealth class
Attacking does not remove stealth from Guardian class
Ninja’s cannot be seen, you have to auto attack and hope you get lucky.
[Edited to include stealth on 100 blades for Warrior, and heatseeking arrows for Ranger]
(edited by Ashadow.6874)