Target dropping
This used to happen a lot before LS2 for me, especially if for some reason I used a healing/utility skill (6-0) on myself with no targets near the center of screen. Also fun is when it would “pop” to another target if it wandered through the center of screen.
No, I can’t reproduce it on demand. No, I don’t demand it get fixed without being able to nail the cause well enough to reproduce. Yes, I want them to give me free stuff. An undisclosed amount of money in small bills left at a specific point to be determined later is acceptable.
Take note of which enemies you notice this happen with when it does happen because a number of enemies have short-duration stealths – Skelks for example. Because of the way stealth works in both PvE and PvP, any time a target enters stealth targetting drops for anyone who was previously targetting that unit.
Been happening to me for a year and a half. Can’t figure out why.
Would you like some hard cheeze with your sad whine?
Never had this issue unless I accidentally hit esc instead of F1 or when an enemy stealths.
Can’t figure it out either. I have a boss or champ targeted, start attacking and then WTF?? the target has changed to some lower minion. Re-target the boss and attack then boom some other enemy is now the target—it is really annoying. And it does happen on non stealth enemies.
By any chance do you guys click? Perhaps you guys are clicking on other targets without realizing it?
I can definitely attest that this happens sometimes when rotating the camera and the target is out of view. It seems to me to happen more frequently at range longer than melee. I am familiar with the result of stealth/clicking, but it definitely occurs without either on camera rotation.
Edit: I first noticed this at least before LS1 ended, possibly longer ago.
By any chance do you guys click? Perhaps you guys are clicking on other targets without realizing it?
Its more like the post below yours. I thought maybe, for me at least, I was doing something a little overzealous or just plain dumb with the mouse but over time I’ve seen its not ( always) the case.
Would you like some hard cheeze with your sad whine?
This happens to me all the time, and when fighting a champ in a large zerg it’s EXTREMELY annoying since it’s such a pain to re-target the champion… having auto target on it the only way.
I’ve started doing the boss farm rotations for about a week now and I also noticed this, in some cases it’s happening very often such as the Golem MK II in Mount Maelstrom. In this case I move my camera away to keep my FPS acceptable and after a short period of time I lose my target.
During Tequatl, even if he is still fully on screen I lose my target constantly when I’m on a turret. It goes for basically everything that has a targetting circle on them, which are in most cases the big world bosses.
Per above, I bet you guys are clicking on another target but don’t realize it because the surround Zerg is causing you to lag / loose mouse visibility. You are clicking on another target when you are meaning to rotate the camera and clicking off the target by accident.
I had this issue myself and switched the option to require DOUBLE clicking to select a target and problem solved. TAB key is a much better way to select targets than clicking.
OT: If this is considered a serious issue, it might have better visibility in the BUG forums.
Fate is just the weight of circumstances
That’s the way that lady luck dances
(edited by Brother Grimm.5176)
Certain bosses happen to have phases were they drop their targets. I know at least the golem boss and the dragons are guilty of this.
When a dragon like tequatl or claw of jormag go in their weak/idle state, they seem to get new target areas, which is why your target there gets dropped. When they move back into attack state, they get the old ones back, dropping your target once more.
I noticed this while fighting the old tequatl on my mesmer. The phantasms just stopped attacking tequatl or started attacking random risen every time he went idle.
This also happens with the golem, where the base of the boss can’t be targeted for a while but is still able to be damaged there.
I can definitely attest that this happens sometimes when rotating the camera and the target is out of view. It seems to me to happen more frequently at range longer than melee. I am familiar with the result of stealth/clicking, but it definitely occurs without either on camera rotation.
Edit: I first noticed this at least before LS1 ended, possibly longer ago.
Problem is that the right mouse button is also used to select / unselect targets.
The problem exists since the begin of the game i think.
Best MMOs are the ones that never make it. Therefore Stargate Online wins.
Yes I love it too…especially when I lose my target and run off from a cliff with warrior greatsword 5 skill….
I concur with the OP’s assessment. Something happened to targeting system. I lose tracking frequently. I thought it was a kitten way of increasing difficulty or something. I’ve been noticing this before LS S2 began though. I’m thinking the Apr 15th patch.
Happens all the time. I think it depends on how long you’re locked onto something, never happens immediately after clicking an enemy.