Well where to begin.
Story mode; Very lacking and boring to say the least. The ability to not be able to complete the same story with a friend like many other games was hugely disappointing and led to me doing the majority of story mode missions twice (once for me, once with a friend. Why is this? Also repeated several missions various times due to bugs occuring where the next segment of the story wouldn’t continue. The story is barely personal anyway, and I skipped all the “cinematics” if you will as all they were was just two characters stood side by side talking, no captivating videos or great story line, nothing to want you to follow the story line. To me the last half of the story missions was just constant button taping killing risen characters of all types, a very dull experience. The last mission was ridiculously boring and the worst of all, shooting cannons repeatedly at Zhaitan for 5 minutes was a terrible experience and pretty much summed up how bad story mode actually is. Me and others were pleased to get it out of the way as the only reason I wanted to complete it to begin with was because you cannot complete certain zones as particular points of interest can only be explored in story mode.
PVE: The sheer amount of bugged events and skill point challenges has really ruined the experience for myself and others. Trying to complete zones and not being able to due to that odd couple of skill points not working is disappointing really, there’s not a zone i’ve gone into without atleast 2 events being bugged – some of which are used for renown hearts and makes them harder to complete. I’m level 80 now and feel that exploring zones is all there is to do, game’s becoming more of a grind now.
Dungeons: Barely done any dungeons really, having to stand outside of a entrance just to try and get a group together is not my idea of fun. A simple matchmaking system that other games have incorporated for years would definetely improve that!
PVP: PVP is the worst aspect in this game. The bare minimum of maps along with boring repetitive capture the flag game modes is the start of it all really.
You once again cannot play a few casual games with a friend which is immensely disappointing. I understand their reasoning behind that, but there’s no reason why maybe 2 friends can play with eachother rather than being forced into tournaments, which leads me to my next thing.
Tournaments, never tried them as I don’t like the idea of shouting out for groups, it’s too tedious and can be a long process, again some form of lobby or queuing system perhaps.
Leaderboards, why are there no leaderboards for anything? Be nice to have stats of where I stand etc otherwise feels like i’m accomplishing nothing, same with WvW as what’s the point in previous days if we will never remember what’s happened?
The “play now” system is one of the worst i’ve seen in any games. A list of servers which don’t update themselves accordingly so when one server says there’s 14/16 players there, you can find yourself clicking on it and getting into nothing (although it queues you into it without telling you), a small annoyance. The whole server list etc looks terrible aswell and feels completely unfinished.
Generally now i’m 80 there’s not much else to do but grind and grind for that slightly better looking gear. There’s no fun element to the game anymore, and with the only dynamic thing about events being that they could become bugged and stop at any second, and all the other points i’ve outlined above, I find myself not wanting to play anymore despite the game only being out for a short space of time.
Now I know these comments are going to split opinions here, would just like to know what others think about this game and where improvements can be made to make it a more enjoyable game to play in general . Thanks!