Terribly disappointed in this game overall

Terribly disappointed in this game overall

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Anonymous.6935


Well where to begin.

Story mode; Very lacking and boring to say the least. The ability to not be able to complete the same story with a friend like many other games was hugely disappointing and led to me doing the majority of story mode missions twice (once for me, once with a friend. Why is this? Also repeated several missions various times due to bugs occuring where the next segment of the story wouldn’t continue. The story is barely personal anyway, and I skipped all the “cinematics” if you will as all they were was just two characters stood side by side talking, no captivating videos or great story line, nothing to want you to follow the story line. To me the last half of the story missions was just constant button taping killing risen characters of all types, a very dull experience. The last mission was ridiculously boring and the worst of all, shooting cannons repeatedly at Zhaitan for 5 minutes was a terrible experience and pretty much summed up how bad story mode actually is. Me and others were pleased to get it out of the way as the only reason I wanted to complete it to begin with was because you cannot complete certain zones as particular points of interest can only be explored in story mode.

PVE: The sheer amount of bugged events and skill point challenges has really ruined the experience for myself and others. Trying to complete zones and not being able to due to that odd couple of skill points not working is disappointing really, there’s not a zone i’ve gone into without atleast 2 events being bugged – some of which are used for renown hearts and makes them harder to complete. I’m level 80 now and feel that exploring zones is all there is to do, game’s becoming more of a grind now.

Dungeons: Barely done any dungeons really, having to stand outside of a entrance just to try and get a group together is not my idea of fun. A simple matchmaking system that other games have incorporated for years would definetely improve that!

PVP: PVP is the worst aspect in this game. The bare minimum of maps along with boring repetitive capture the flag game modes is the start of it all really.
You once again cannot play a few casual games with a friend which is immensely disappointing. I understand their reasoning behind that, but there’s no reason why maybe 2 friends can play with eachother rather than being forced into tournaments, which leads me to my next thing.
Tournaments, never tried them as I don’t like the idea of shouting out for groups, it’s too tedious and can be a long process, again some form of lobby or queuing system perhaps.
Leaderboards, why are there no leaderboards for anything? Be nice to have stats of where I stand etc otherwise feels like i’m accomplishing nothing, same with WvW as what’s the point in previous days if we will never remember what’s happened?
The “play now” system is one of the worst i’ve seen in any games. A list of servers which don’t update themselves accordingly so when one server says there’s 14/16 players there, you can find yourself clicking on it and getting into nothing (although it queues you into it without telling you), a small annoyance. The whole server list etc looks terrible aswell and feels completely unfinished.

Generally now i’m 80 there’s not much else to do but grind and grind for that slightly better looking gear. There’s no fun element to the game anymore, and with the only dynamic thing about events being that they could become bugged and stop at any second, and all the other points i’ve outlined above, I find myself not wanting to play anymore despite the game only being out for a short space of time.

Now I know these comments are going to split opinions here, would just like to know what others think about this game and where improvements can be made to make it a more enjoyable game to play in general . Thanks!

Terribly disappointed in this game overall

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Anonymous.6935


Can’t edit the post but need to add that the sheer amount of bugs etc i’ve come across is quite terrible given the amount of time this game has been developed and tested. Events and skill points aside…getting stuck into parts of the environment, specific moves not working as they should along with the animation that follows not working correctly either. In PVP there are alot of balancing issues that need to be corrected aswell in terms of most people swaying to be thiefs or warriors more than anything else due to the quick succession of damage they can manage to do in comparison to perhaps a elementalist. There are many other things aswell but don’t want to complete clog up this page with issues :P . Thanks!

Terribly disappointed in this game overall

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Untouch.2541


I agree with the bugged part, I’m at like 95% in all the orr zones and I can’t complete any due to bugs.
They gotta get this fixed quick as a priority.
I wouldn’t mind a LFG system.

PvP 8v8 really isn’t what PvP should be, the maps are too small for 8v8, they should force 5v5.

Terribly disappointed in this game overall

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Anonymous.6935


I think many people can share that same opinion Untouch. Deeply frustrating, many others have gone down the route of changing world servers to attempt to complete any bugged skill point etc but sometimes that’s just not possible either.

Terribly disappointed in this game overall

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Anonymous.6935


Oh and don’t get me started with the constant barrage of spam messages in my mail and general chat trying to sell gold etc. That problem needs to be sorted out as it’s all I see these days in my general chat box.

Terribly disappointed in this game overall

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MaKiLoK.6734


I feel bad for the people who experience this, but its not everyone.

Myself have never encountered a bug where I could not finish a quest, and I have only received one spam message about purchasing gold.

So far my experience has been near flawless, but I still know its not the case for others.

Terribly disappointed in this game overall

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: dpcnh.3798


I must say I’m getting there myself. Love the graphics and the feel etc, but the bugged quests are starting to get annoying.

Terribly disappointed in this game overall

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Anonymous.6935


That’s the only good thing I can say about this game really, it’s graphics! Looks great in my opinion, everything else has just slowly unfortunately fell way short of my expectations.

Terribly disappointed in this game overall

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Srondon.3642


Well you can’t please them all I guess. Most of this is a matter of opinion and seems to just paint the game with a swath of negative colors while completely ignoring the beauty and vibrance that the game does have.

I don’t feel the personal stories are poor or bad. They’re not awesomely great or stellar, but certainly no where near to the extent of horrible that you seem to suggest. The cutscenes are not captivating like a movie and don’t use a lot of cinematic flair in them. The story itself, however, is not bad at all. The fact that you chose to skip all of the dialogue (and thus the story) is your own problem. That’s like opening a book, skipping around and reading the section headers, and then complaining that the book sucked.

While a LFG system would be nice, finding a group isn’t that hard. And if you still have that much trouble, then you may want to join a guild who does dungeon runs.

Some PvE being bugged is definitely troublesome, but it is, again, not that bad especially compared to how buggy endgame content has been in other MMOs. And they have been working on it. The only zone I’ve been in that has been brokenly bugged (as in clearly not tested enough to ensure that the zone didn’t melt into a pile of goo) was the Iron Marches. Every other zone has clearly been worked on. I mean this is a game launch. ALL game launches have bugs, ALL of them. And the game hasn’t been out for even a month yet. Seriously, if you wanted a bug-free game experience then the general rule of thumb is to wait three months after its release. No amount of time in beta or development eliminates all bugs; that is the nature of games in general.

Also on SPvP, the point is to be strategic without being overly complex. While I would like to see other game types (capture the flag?), I’m okay with the point capture of the maps. You also make no mention of WvW I noticed (which I would consider PvP). While it does suck that you can’t play casually with a friend, it would also suck to be solo and casually play normal games to only find that they are a bunch of pro premades that facestomp your pug. So.. it balances out.

As far as what to do at 80, I felt sort of similar to you at first. Once you get to 80, there is no more handholding on what you need to do. There is no “Well you can do these things here, but you’re required to stay on this gear treadmill to continue being viable.” Once you hit 80 and get your full set of Exotics (not a hard task mind you), then you’re left with a variety of options and goals that you have to set yourself. In most other games, your goals and next course of action are generally dictated to you (grind this dungeon, get this gear, etc.). In GW2 you can: Master crafting, complete the aesthetic look that you would like, begin working torwards crafting a legendary, get 100% world completion, begin involving yourself seriously in the WvW metagame, grind achievements, and/or begin exploring the full capability of your class in SPvP. Or.. you can do none of that and just reroll or leave the game. Your character will be just as viable in any case.

Terribly disappointed in this game overall

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SideStep.1347


I already made a thread on the dungeon thing and is not about getting people to do them is about people tired of TRYING to do them.

The dungeons are not fun and is just full of insta gibs bosses/enemies/instances and overcrowding of high level enemies in one place.

Makes your hard earned build useless, its 2012 and we still adding the insta gibs stuffs that you have to have a 7th sense to dodge them.

Terribly disappointed in this game overall

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Anonymous.6935


Thanks for your response and constructive feedback! My lack of mention of WvW was because i’ve barely played any until today actually. It could be a good fun game mode perhaps and will probably play more in the future, but thus far queue times have hindered that possibility at the moment. From what I did do however our server was being beaten very easily and thus probably didn’t seem as fun as it could be – the constant dying and repair bills (why does it cost to repair) was becoming annoying.

I’m hoping that the majority of the issues I have will eventually be sorted out or implemented within the coming months. Until then, I have no replay value for the game at all, which is a shame, as was hoping for it to be the great game everyone was suggesting it would be.

Sidestep: Didn’t see your post, I have to agree though on your points. It would be nice for me to try them, but from what I have tried people leave all the time, and being a Elementalist, there seems to be this stigma that they’re too “squishy” people have put it, which I guess I can agree with, so they don’t want to play with you in the first place.

(edited by Anonymous.6935)

Terribly disappointed in this game overall

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DusK.3849


The ability to not be able to complete the same story with a friend like many other games was hugely disappointing and led to me doing the majority of story mode missions twice (once for me, once with a friend.

You’re doing it wrong. It’s perfectly possible to do personal story missions with friends. The personal story decisions are set up so that a party leader makes a decision, and the other players in the party are on the same step in the story, they can accept that decision as their own. It’s completely possible for two players to co-op through pretty much the entire personal story, especially if they chose the same race and even more so if they chose the same answers in the character creation bio.

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Terribly disappointed in this game overall

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Anonymous.6935


Hey Dusk! Didn’t know that was possible, we created the same character race, same answers aswell, and started the story together. We tried a mission together (we were on the same mission and were going to do all together), however, once it was completed, my friend left the “instance” and I left also. Once leaving, the same mission was still there on my screen waiting to be completed. Don’t know what else I could have done as followed what I would on any game. There on in we just had to do the majority of missions twice despite being on the exact same story, one time for myself, one time for my friend too. Shame really if that didn’t have to be the case!

Terribly disappointed in this game overall

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Claudius.5381


I like the game very much so far, but I am only level 71 yet. But I can imagine that the fascination will lessen after you’ve done it all. If that is the case (and I really hope it isn’t) I comfort myself with the thought that I paid 60 € for 120+ hours very nice gameplay which is already a good bargain in my opinion.

That said, I haven’t done any WvWvW of substantial meaning yet, no PvP, only one dungeon run (AC story mode – which was really great)… So I keep my hopes up that the fascination with GW2 will continue.

I have got only 1 spam mail regarding gold selling. I have encountered only a few bugs (not counting the Trading Post desaster in the first days). There were some skill challenges which were bugged but are not anymore (I only refer to those I know, still have to do 45% of the map).

Terribly disappointed in this game overall

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Anonymous.6935


That’s good to hear! See what your opinion is like once you’ve reached level 80. I only paid £23, around 28 Euro I guess after various cashback and discount codes etc so I guess I can’t really complain regarding value for money.

Seems the spam issue is something everyone is experiencing, fingers crossed they’ll get that sorted sometime soon! Maybe a long process though

Just don’t see any replay value though, it’s quite easy to obtain exotic gear it appears, after that there’s no fun element to make me want to continue playing, for now atleast!

Terribly disappointed in this game overall

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Eridani.8317


It’s 4 in the morning here so won’t be going into huge detail but…

Personal story… I don’t know, I’ve heard some people complaining but what I chose for the character I’ve got to 80 (Charr Blood Legion) was excellent, actually one of the most engaging stories I’ve played through in an RPG since Witcher 2 (certainly better than the equivalent in SWTOR, and it was like the main focus of that game). A few parts that actually got quite emotional (including the vigil missions).

Criticisms of lack of game modes in sPvP etc. I’d say give it time. For what it’s worth WoW didn’t have any form of PvP (Honour system, BGs etc.) built into the game until about 6 months after release.

And yes the higher level zones/missions do seem to have quite a lot of bugs but the way I look at it is that it was either spend a few more months fixing them or release it and fix it as we go with patches. I know for sure that I’d rather be playing now with the minor inconvenience of a few bugs than waiting another few months to play.

So yeah, give it time, it’s early days yet. If a lot of these issues are still around at the end of the year I would start to get worried but for now I’m happy with what there is.

Terribly disappointed in this game overall

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: juiceman.2870


Yes the game just came out and the reviews are in the game is high 90 scores acrossed the board with tons of copies sold its a success. If a few people dont like it then well go play something else this game has a good base of players already.

Terribly disappointed in this game overall

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: cardsinhand.9170


You can solo/duo/triple/quad queue for free tournaments in spvp fyi. It’s a fun way to play spvp. Hopefully enough people realize you can do this so we can stop getting tournaments with full groups vs pugs.

Terribly disappointed in this game overall

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aztec.8950


“Story mode; Very lacking and boring to say the least. The ability to not be able to complete the same story with a friend like many other games was hugely disappointing and led to me doing the majority of story mode missions twice (once for me, once with a friend. "

Weird, whenever I look at my hero’s window it says “My Story”, not “Me and x guy’s story”.

And I have no idea what you’re talking about since I’ve been playing the game with a friend since day 1. Doing the same missions and story missions together.

Terribly disappointed in this game overall

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: JemL.3501


you complain about 3 aspects of the game like if its overall and just because you dont like or has not work for you, you generalize it, i can do that for you too:

PvE : have 100 % of the map, only stuff bugged was events which i reported, skill challenges which were bugged and i reported along others are working fine and thats the reason i have 100%, story mode i completed already, even when i had 1 single bug, didnt let me down and i liked it, couldve been more but for now is enough.

PvP: is more than doing spvp red vs blue.

Dungeons ive completed the majority of sm and i farm from time to time diferent explorer modes of the dungeons, never had trouble entering and im not having it right now.

I took an arrow to the knee

Terribly disappointed in this game overall

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: JemL.3501


speaking about your LFG system, could be a new option in your char status like going to the mists or when your check your skills, a mini system with chat and ability to create rooms for people to enter then you can invite them, but needs to be more than just click here then click there and sit down waiting thats boring.

I took an arrow to the knee

Terribly disappointed in this game overall

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bigtimmbo.8409


I agree with the OP. This game is all flash and no substance. The combat in my opinion is the worst part of the game. Your character just feels floaty, and there isn’t a sense of you connecting with the mob you are fighting. Also fighting a mob and it taking forever to kill him while he can two shot you is just in my opinion lame. I sure dont feel very heroic when a mosquito can kill me and I have a giant broadsword or powerful magic at my disposal. Also the downed combat thing……its just stupid. Either kill me or not. Having to go through this stupid button spamming mini game thing just to get healed and then one shotted again is just lame.

Running from one orange circle and heart to another just gets boring. Half the time you cant tell what is going on anyway because of all the effects going off. And that brings up the heart quests. How again are these just not exactly like any other mmo quests? They have just taken out the middle man. You still have to collect things. You still have to kill a certain amount of enemies…..its the same thing. Also I remember the videos before the game came out. They said things we do in world affect it forever. That is just a flat out lie. These events are going to happen if my character is there or not, and then they will happen again, and again, and again, and again.

Graphics are really nice, and I like the voice acting, but that is about all.

To those who like the game, I hope you have a great time playing. I guess the game is just not for me.

Terribly disappointed in this game overall

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: gurugeorge.9857


I’ve experienced a total of 3 bugged events in the course of levelling to 45 so far. I think that’s pretty good going for an MMO that’s just come out.

Sorry to hear the OP is disappointed. I hope s/he has fun elsewhere. The game is always going to be around, so they can check it out at their leisure, pick it up and put it down as they like.

Terribly disappointed in this game overall

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tyncale.1629


I am level 77 right now and have encountered 1 bugged skillpoint (already resolved days ago) and a few stuck DE’s. I am at 40% world completion though, so there is still a lot I haven’t seen yet.

I am still amazed how quickly people manage to get to (almost) 100% world completion, must be playing 24/7. These people play WAY too hard.

Terribly disappointed in this game overall

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Valkaneer.7834


To me I’m disappointed in the grind this game has been. It’s worse than collection quest from Wow since I spend 3/4 of my time a level killing random mobs it seems or getting my exp from way points. The game does not nurture real group play because so long as you do a bit of damage what ever you hit you get credit for. Not that it’s a bad thing, but when you level so so much faster in a group it makes a huge difference.

People in my guild are amazed i’m still in my mid 60’s with the amount of time I’ve played. Well I have been forced to do the game by myself I’m going to laugh and laugh when they decided to make an alt and see how bad it is to do it by themselves. Also the crafting in this game has been just stupidly expensive. 8 rares for 1 item??? Are you kidding me? I’m 65 now and still can’t afford to buy my grand master manual, because of all the cost of buying crafting items I needed due to lack of drops.

In town by far the extreamely annoying NPC’s in town hearing the same phases being repeated over and over and over, or the stupid outlandish laugh in Divinity’s Reach is almost unbearable. Whose bad idea was that anyways. Even worse you can’t turn it off without also turning off things you need to hear.

The lack of basic options to the UI has been quite amazing in a bad way. I have found no way to be able to change the color of my fonts. I know they want to be different from Wow but wow has taken the color scheme of there text from other previous games. I’d like my guild text to be Green again ect.

Lack of options of camera distance which was a huge and highly asked for suggestion in beta that they did nothing about. I hate this tunnel vision being forced on us. I would like to see the world around me, but I can only see small bits at a time. Very disappointing.

The bugs right now are what I would expect from a game at release. I did not expect how bad it was originally though. I find the issues that exist at the current time to be reasonable enough though. Wow had lots of bugs months into there game and they still have some glaring bugs that they have not fixed since release. So i’m not to concerned with the bugs since I find them to be normal for a new game.

All in all if they would do something about the woes of solo leveling and * LACK OF DE’s *, and being able to scroll out on camera distance, that would be the best thing they could do for me.

(edited by Valkaneer.7834)

Terribly disappointed in this game overall

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Stalvos.1495


@ Valkaneer

A few things:

If you are trying to level by “grinding” mobs, you’re doing it wrong! You get your main XP from heart quests and events. You get almost XP from killing random mobs. If you using this technique to level, no wonder your friends are surprised by your speed of leveling.
As to your lack of gear and spending all your money on it? Are you aware that after you complete the hearts, that person turns into a vendor that sells you gear for prestige points? The gear they sell is pretty good and looks great. I’ve transmuted a lot of my standard armor to look like the heart gear.
I don’t understand your “woes of solo leveling” comment. It’s very rare that I am alone in any event for long. If there are no events in your zone, go back to a previous zone and you should find one. One of the greatest boon to leveling in this game is the level step down so that you can gain XP in any lower level zone. You can go from event to event to event and gain levels VERY quickly.
I’ve never had a problem with leveling speed. In fact it’s almost too fast for me at times.

Terribly disappointed in this game overall

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wryscher.1432


Also even if you are a mob grinder, there are several events I have found or even series of events that spawn almost nonstop. You can easily grind these mobs and events. Heck I hit 2 spawning in a row at level 55 a little while latter i was 61.

So while the traditional grind 900 angry unicorns might not work find some quick spawning events and you can grind away.

[Sane]-Order of the Insane Disorder
Melanessa-Necromancer Cymaniel-Scrapper
Minikata-Guardian Shadyne-Elementalist -FA-

Terribly disappointed in this game overall

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TrickSmartly.7391


I was like many of the players who loved the game at first and then the more I played it the less I enjoyed it.

The high level zones are frustrating. Without mounts and with short lasting events and waypoints constantly contested, moving back and forth in the Orr zones is tiresome. It’s not fun at all.

WvW shares the same problem. Many other games solved the problem of attrition without forcing players into long runs when zoning in, changing objectives, or dying. And what does a player do after a zone crossing run? Usually they hit a gate for several minutes.

I tried to progress in WvW but it felt like I really hit a wall.

I heard the complaints from the start about a lack of mounts in the game and ignored them. There was a beautiful world to run across and lots of waypoints to jump around. That ended when the zones became ugly and the waypoints contested too much and cost too much to use casually. Add mounts.

It’s obvious when looking at the dungeons that they were made by developers not used to designing a dungeon for an mmo. There are plenty of reasons why but just imagine being in a dungeon with a monster who attacks very hard. This monster is an Asura and has a fast attack animation which you need to dodge or be killed. Now stack several charr and norn melee around him, add in some bright spell effects and you have why I don’t run dungeons cause that’s literally the situation you find.

Then there are the little things that never stop irritating me but I wanted to cover the big stuff.

I’m going to back to WoW. This game did not live up to the hype. There are many things great about it but those all end around level 50. I don’t think a patch will be enough but we’ll see.

Terribly disappointed in this game overall

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Naughty.5064


I am pretty disappointed as well.

People say there are alot of things to do at “end-game”. Besides endless grinding and so called WvW, what else is there? I have several maxed crafting skills, and all there is really now is grind, grind, grind. The gear for karma, or dungeon tokens, are so absurdly high priced, that the only way to obtain them is near endless grinding. It is speculated that a legendary will take well over 500k karma for Obsdian Shards from a Karma vendor. Adds this to the Karma gear from the big events, 42K EACH, and you are looking at well over 750k total Karma, or roughly 2150 events assuming no karma booster and how efficient you were with Karma while leveling. Even the dungeon token items are outrageous. It has gotten to the point that most people are doing “speed” runs of these and/or not even completing them just to make this quicker. Which usually results in fewer rewards (can you even call them that) for a quicker grind. Speaking of rewards, the story completion rewards were the worst reward for anything. Mindless events give better rewards. I am sure I am screwed on that and will never see anything better than then the sub level 50 blues I received.

The travel in higher level zones is frustrating. They are usually contested, making long distance travel pointless unless you are leaving the zone.

I like the idea of events. However, some of them are so mind dumbingly boring and easy they are “zerg” farmed. They are nothing but an AOE fest, and if your not quick enough, you don’t even get credit for kills. People know exactly where mobs will spawn and aoe that spot. The bosses, while visually well done, are boring. MANY of them I have killed I have never had to move. I actually auto attacked one once, went to smoke, came back boss hadn’t moved, and I was still auto attacking. Then you throw in Grenth, and those Eyes of Zaitan. For 90% of the events up til now, you have made people do nothing for kills, then you add in mechanics of immune mobs unless you get a debuff, and make Eyes next to impossible to melee, and an eye beam that will kill you in less than 2 seconds at ranged? With a diminshing return on Karma, and some sort of anti-farm code (which kicks in VERY quickly in Cursed Shore since you only fight risen) what fun is there in chain farming events, with little to no loot drops, even with magic find sets, just to have to move on or log off til the code resets?

WvW, could be fun, however, the map is WAY too big and takes WAY to long to travel around. Rarely are there actual PvP battles, its more, again, a zerg. Its how many people you can get together to take a contested area, where its more about taking buildings and NPCs.

Between, the abysmally poor rewards from dungeons, and the anti-farm codes, diminshing rewards from from events, where you need astranomical amounts of Karma from, what fun is there in “end-game”?

Yes, Blizzard has their issues as well, but they have somehow kept me playing for almost 6 years. I feel I am almost finished with Anet and GW2 after only a month. I don’t care for pandas, pokemon style battles, I play for the fun and they things that keep me wanting to play. While some can still try to say WoW is a grind, I have never attempted to play a game with as much grind as I am facing in GW2, for very little reward.

For those that enjoy this type of game play, have at it and flame those of us who don’t, but in a weeks time, I don’t think I will be back to GW2.

Terribly disappointed in this game overall

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: kaboo.5194


its pretty hard to take seriously someone who cant find the edit post button. this wasnt meant to be a personal attack, but there realy is a edit post button under each of your posts, you also can enter instances (personal story quests) with your friends – you just have to be in a group together – you can also freely enter instanced zones of cities anytime (this means you can collect all points of interest without doing the quests), some skill challenges get bugged but you can report them and theyll be fixed, or you can try talking to the challenge npc/object and you may get lucky and the challenge will reset (transfering to other world because of this is the most drastic solution in my opinion, and very unnecessary).

and about dynamic events not affecting the world: yes they are repeating but most of them have different phases and that is the impact you make, for example: escort npc to a place – npc sets up a camp there – they send bombers to bomb some statues around – enemies siege the camp. this is the best attempt at your deeds affecting how the world looks and to be honest im very satisfied with it and its pretty hard for me to imagine how better it couldve been done. ofcourse you could have each event as a neverending campaign, but we are hardly going to see a game with unlimited amount of content anytime soon. you can take DEs as mini stories, that will ofcourse repeat because as a you know, everyone wants to play through them.

Terribly disappointed in this game overall

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TheZeus.8617


I disagree with everything the OP has said.. SPvP is amazing thank you… To each there own but I think you just need to move on if it is not your cup of tea.

Athena War Goddess
[TWIN] Anvil Rock

Terribly disappointed in this game overall

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Valkaneer.7834


@ Valkaneer

A few things:

If you are trying to level by “grinding” mobs, you’re doing it wrong! You get your main XP from heart quests and events. You get almost XP from killing random mobs. If you using this technique to level, no wonder your friends are surprised by your speed of leveling.
As to your lack of gear and spending all your money on it? Are you aware that after you complete the hearts, that person turns into a vendor that sells you gear for prestige points? The gear they sell is pretty good and looks great. I’ve transmuted a lot of my standard armor to look like the heart gear.
I don’t understand your “woes of solo leveling” comment. It’s very rare that I am alone in any event for long. If there are no events in your zone, go back to a previous zone and you should find one. One of the greatest boon to leveling in this game is the level step down so that you can gain XP in any lower level zone. You can go from event to event to event and gain levels VERY quickly.
I’ve never had a problem with leveling speed. In fact it’s almost too fast for me at times.

A few problems with your post, #1 already know about DE’s man what level are you and if your 80 when did you get there? I run from heart to hear in a zone I will get all the hearts and never see a single DE. What do ya know, that has happened a LOT.

#2, You have really have no clue about doing lower level DE’s do you?

Ok so you go to a lower level zone and get lower level rewards. It cost me 1 silver just to rez if I die the Zones Im in only give me 3 if i get lucky and catch a DE and I get a gold medal. Me and my guild found that you lose a substantial amount of EXP depending on your level and the DE your doing. When I was lvl 19 I went to an Asura DE that goes over and over. I found once I hit lvl 25 the EXP was much slower. A few days later my guild leaders came to the same conclusions that you need to be at a DE at least 2 levels higher than you are for good exp..

My guild won’t even come down to lowbie land anymore because the rewards don’t justify the cost or the Exp loss.

Just to prove you wrong I went to lowbi and and I did a current running DE. The last DE I did at lvl 64 I got 8K exp 2 silver 90ish copper. You know how much Exp I got from noobi land? …………………. 1.6k and a whole 87 copper. That’s a 6,400 exp 2 silver losss. For the same amount of time spent, and it still cost 1 silver to use the way point

(edited by Valkaneer.7834)

Terribly disappointed in this game overall

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Anonymous.6935


Thanks for your responses. Regarding the editting option Kaboo, i’m awfully sorry but i’m new to these forums. Despite having multiple problems logging on in the first place here due to 404 errors not enabling me to accept the terms of use, I also have no editing option appear at all on my page at all. However after i’ve made another comment it appears, but as I type currently, I see nothing.
With your superior knowledge to that of my own, please point me in the correct direction as to how to make the quite obvious editing option (when it shows) show up. EDIT: Just finished this post, and the editing option has appeared after I made this reply, if I click off this page and come back on here, they vanish. Any help regarding this good sir would be appreciated.

Glad the majority of people here agree. Some people have had better experiences which is nice to hear, however once everybody reaches level 80 there really is nothing to do in all fairness.

The next step is to perhaps get a full set of exotic gear, some costing around 1-2 gold each on the trading post, certainly not a hard thing to accomplish. Then the only other thing I can think of is grinding and grinding to make a legendary weapon that’s slightly better than a exotic.

Obviously some people will disagree with me here but doing repeated events etc and no proper queuing system in normal PVP, dungeons etc, there’s no replay value, and no fun to be had.

Even map completion is boring, every zone is the same, same dredge caves just placed differently elsewhere, same quests etc. Also in terms of the renown hearts you have to do, extremely tedious and boring. May aswell say for all the renown hearts “just kill something nearby” as that’s pretty much all there is to it.

I find playing this game a drag now, which is why i’ll only occasionally come on to do some exploration as a last resort. The level 80 zones are a pain to get around with being bombarded with risen everything, I was sick enough of “risen” in the story mode to be honest. Seems very lazy to just take every creature and throw it back out at you with the word “risen” infront of it as if it’s completely different.

And to be fair I think i’ve heard enough “I can outrun a Centaur” comments and “Excelsior” that NPC’s repeatedly say too! Yes we all know that you can outrun a Centaur ok!

Righty ho, on with the next game I guess, i’ll still be anticipating new content and updates for this game however long that may take – probably takes a few months to sort out all the bugs first however, a month down the line next week since release and the same bugs are still everywhere to be seen. Appears more so for me than others though, I must be one of the unlucky ones!
Many thanks for everyones input again, I like to hear varying opinions regarding this game.

(edited by Anonymous.6935)

Terribly disappointed in this game overall

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: pmiles.3489


I love the game. OP is wrong. His opinion doesn’t count. Mine does. I’m happy, that’s all that matters. If he wants tokitten in his wheaties… all the power to him. I for one am going to continue having fun… in game. Too bad I won’t be seeing you there!

Terribly disappointed in this game overall

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Anonymous.6935


Pmiles that’s not really a constructive comment. If i’m missing out on the fun that this game has to offer now i’m level 80, please do share! That’ll be more helpful than just saying i’m wrong with nothing to suggest otherwise. I’m sure there are plenty of other people besides myself that would like these enjoyable fun things to do. Cheers.

Terribly disappointed in this game overall

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Eochaidh.4106


There is a tournament hot-join option. And there usually are always groups recruiting for dungeons, sounds like you weren’t even willing to try. Don’t complain about things you haven’t even tried to experience please.

About the bugs, we can agree.

Terribly disappointed in this game overall

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hieronumous.3541


Pmiles that’s not really a constructive comment. If i’m missing out on the fun that this game has to offer now i’m level 80, please do share! That’ll be more helpful than just saying i’m wrong with nothing to suggest otherwise. I’m sure there are plenty of other people besides myself that would like these enjoyable fun things to do. Cheers.

The problem is, the amount of fun you’ll derive from what someone else (such as pmiles or myself) might deem fun in endgame is going to vary. Judging from your post, vary WILDLY.
You can’t be constructive when someone else refuses to accept your constructive comments. I’m not saying that as a knock to you, it’s just true: I like dungeons, you don’t. I like exploring, you don’t. I like PvP, you don’t. So if I told you to try all those things, it wouldn’t be constructive; I’m telling you to try things that you’ve ALREADY TRIED and didn’t like.

Terribly disappointed in this game overall

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Anonymous.6935


As to tournaments i’d rather not get into that sort of competitive PVP, i’d like to casually play a few normal PVP games with a friend which isn’t possible unless lucky on the team changing.
Haha fair enough, i’ll be willing to try dungeons when I can just easily queue for what dungeon i’d like to do, at the moment i’ve given up trying as people left TWICE in one dungeon so just gave up, and from here on in it’s extremely hard to get a group together or to join one as a Elementalist as i’ve said previously, due to (and this is words from others) they’re too “squishy”.
Not to worry though, i’m sure these will be sorted out some point in the future.

Terribly disappointed in this game overall

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DusK.3849


If someone’s not letting your ele into a dungeon group because they’re “too squishy”, they don’t know how to play the game, so I’d avoid that group anyway. It doesn’t matter what the group consists of; if the players in it are good, they’ll get through the dungeon. That’s the bottom line. ArenaNet, while testing the dungeons, 4-manned Ascalonian Catacombs with nothing but elementalists to prove this point.

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Terribly disappointed in this game overall

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Eochaidh.4106


, and from here on in it’s extremely hard to get a group together or to join one as a Elementalist as i’ve said previously, due to (and this is words from others) they’re too “squishy”.
Not to worry though, i’m sure these will be sorted out some point in the future.

Not sure what that’s about. About an hour ago I joined a quick group with an elementalist friend and we ran Flame Citadel exploration mode twice with two elementalists in the group without any problems. Got 50 Charr carvings and had to go, he stayed there and is probably in the same group until now. I’ve never stumbled into that sort of restriction on group recruiting.

Terribly disappointed in this game overall

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Anonymous.6935


I guess i’ve just had bad experiences on that account then, unfortunately after a first failed attempt due to random quitters and multiple failures of finding groups it’s just completely put me off attempting to shout out for a group again. I think a nice lobby/matching system, whatever you want to call it would improve that tenfold. Until then I just don’t even want to attempt it again, it’s a shame I know, but first impressions have ruined any enjoyment I may have had completing some dungeons.

Terribly disappointed in this game overall

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hieronumous.3541


Well, if you acknowledge it’s a shame…. couldn’t you do something to change that? I mean, unless you like living with a shame :P.

Terribly disappointed in this game overall

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Azzras.8041


Bugs will be worked out and botters/gold sellers will be dealt with as well as any MMO can.

The lack of end-game content is an issue for replayability, though.

Terribly disappointed in this game overall

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: gurugeorge.9857


WThe story is barely personal anyway, and I skipped all the “cinematics” if you will as all they were was just two characters stood side by side talking, no captivating videos or great story line, nothing to want you to follow the story line.

How do you know there’s no great story line if you skipped all the convos?

Some people just baffle me.

Terribly disappointed in this game overall

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Anonymous.6935


First and foremost I must apologise George that I wasn’t more indepth with my description for yourself regarding story mode. I am just going from the first couple of missions really, and other peoples opinions regarding the matter. I’m not really one to watch two charactors side by side rambling on and with terrible looking animations. Very poor start to the story indeed. I got the jist of things to come around mission level 50 onwards or so, that was just to keep on killing every creature this game has to offer with the word “risen” infront of it. A horrible experience and one i’d never like to replay through again.
Having a quick scroll through the “my story” section is enough to show you the lack of substance and any meaning to it all. I must also point out the very last mission and the ending to the story that was such a drawn out process, almost laughable, our group actually was laughing as to how terrible it was. We had one person leave due to you needing to have five people in the group which made it much harder, and after all the hard work, all we had to do for literally 5 minutes or more was tap the number 2 button to shoot cannons at Zhaitan, the dragon. Never seen anything quite like it really. I’d much prefer a proper co-op story than this so called “personal story” too, or atleast the option (not everyone likes a single player story, which is technically what it is!).
Despite a small few others saying you can do the same story with a friend per say, I wasn’t able to accomplish this, it would only ever register for the party leader. All in all had to do the majority of the same missions twice one after another.

Those are my reasonings as to why story mode for me was a poor experience overall, however, if you’d like me to scrutinise the story further, more to your approval, please don’t hesitate to let me know! Many thanks for your input.

Terribly disappointed in this game overall

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Felix.1746


First off I would like to say that I love the guild wars one games. It comes as a great disappointment to me playing this game as it has the name of the franchise on it, but none of the same great content I loved. I have to totally agree with the points you made OP. I find the game lacks decent looking gear for the price that they ask, when you could just simply buy the same gear on the black lion trading post. I`am level 80 now and I have no motivation to do any hard dungeons (That’s if I can find a group ) as the price for repairing is twice that of the reward given. People tell me do world vs world I have given it a few try’s now and I find myself ready to turn the pc off as thief’s are very overpowered, even though heartseeker has been nerfed i notice no difference when I am downed in four hits.

I find the game a very big disappointment. One being story, as you said is a very boring story, ending in a even more boring boss fight to top it off. Once defeating the great end boss I found myself very rewarded, wasting my golem blueprint in world vs world and It not even being built.

This game is not guild wars 2 its guild wars 0.5.

Terribly disappointed in this game overall

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dead.7385


Dungeons: Barely done any dungeons really, having to stand outside of a entrance just to try and get a group together is not my idea of fun. A simple matchmaking system that other games have incorporated for years would definetely improve that!

Amen to that. I have done only story mode but have completed so far: AC/CM/TA/CoF/HoW all with little to minimal wipes (Aside from a learning bruise or so). We did CoF/HoW in the same day and thought we were on a roll…until.

/map LF 2 more CoE – nobody answers in zone after 5 mins. Ok lets head to LA.
/map LF 2 more CoE – still nobody.

We eventually gave up run in naked with 3 people and got almost 1/2 through. At least we got to see it.

Terribly disappointed in this game overall

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Anonymous.6935


I think you did well just to get half way through haha! I expect they’ll get around to adding in a “dungeon finder” as they did in Guild Wars 1, just seems strange it’s not been in this game from day one, would make dungeons alot more accessible I imagine.

Thanks for sharing

Terribly disappointed in this game overall

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aniaden.3581


Great game so far, I havn’t experienced any bugs and I’m not really worried about it. As I know they will be addressed. Personally I’m loving the Story mode dungeons and the personal story quests. One of the best games I’ve played this year easily.

And OP the good news is that its sub free, so if your bored you can always play a game that you enjoy and come back to this later. Or you can spend time on the forums of a game that you don’t like. =)

(edited by Aniaden.3581)

Terribly disappointed in this game overall

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Anonymous.6935


That’s true! Amen to that one.