Thank you!
Hello to whomever is reading this thread.
I just wanted to say thank you for such a great game, it has met and exceeded my expectations in every way thus far.
Also I want to thank the community, who have been keeping me company through dynamic events and even more. Big thanks to those of you who have gone out of your way to pick me up when I have fallen, really appreciate it! I have been returning the favour to many players in similar situations!
I’m only level 12 at the moment, taking it slow and really taking it all in. The detail is phenomenal and the experience one of a kind. So my hat is off to you ArenaNet and to the community, let’s continue to make this the best game out there!
Hope to see you around!
~Goshee, Desolation
It is fun and refreshing. The world is huge and I like exploring. There’s a lot in my to do list too.
Thank you Anet.
Gonna have to drop in and say my thanks as well!! In terms of PvE I haven’t had this much fun since the launch of Vanilla WoW and of course I’m having such a ball in WvW!!!! I’ve been waiting for almost a decade for a game to come out with a system similar to DAoC’s RvR system and i’m so glad Anet chose to go this route! Awesome job guys and keep up the good work!
Thank you, thank you, thank you! This game is a work of art and I truly treasure being able to play it
Thank you bumpage! Great job ArenaNet!
This is some of the most fun I’ve had in any video game, online or single-player since Portal 2. And certainly the most fun I’ve ever had in an MMO. WoW had decent PvE content but it became a wretched grind and the PvP has had issues. WAR had fun PvP but the rest of the game was a trainwreck. Other MMOs were just plain trainwrecks.
This is the first MMO where I am actually eager to see more of the story. Where I’m looking forward exploring every corner of the map (eventually). And where I know I can always find some really enjoyable and well-made PvP.
It’s really awesome to finally see someone make an MMO with a great story, stunning graphics and amazing game design.
The only problem is that I log on intending to just stay on for just 20 minutes to do some quick crafting and I end up playing for 2 hours (Last night it was spent discovered the sacred raven rookery, so very cool).
(edited by DoctorOverlord.8620)
+1! It was a long wait but worth it.
Glad you’re all enjoying the game.
Our developers have been working really hard over the past few weeks (many with very little sleep/no weekends) to fix the major issues as they could, and they’re continuing on making fixes. We appreciate that you all took the time to drop a little note of thanks.
Work a little harder on fixing a bugged out Mistfire Wolf skill for those of us who PAID extra!
Or at least give us an update on what’s going on with the situation and an ETA for a fix, or a work-around ala refund.
Glad you’re all enjoying the game.
Our developers have been working really hard over the past few weeks (many with very little sleep/no weekends) to fix the major issues as they could, and they’re continuing on making fixes. We appreciate that you all took the time to drop a little note of thanks.
Work a little harder on fixing a bugged out Mistfire Wolf skill for those of us who PAID extra!
Or at least give us an update on what’s going on with the situation and an ETA for a fix, or a work-around ala refund.
Good grief, it’s one little tiny thing in comparison to the whole game (which is massive, just think about all the code and servers used to run this game). If I was you, I really wouldn’t be that bothered, and I think it’s a bit disrespectful that you worded your post to an Anet member like that when you simply could’ve asked nicely.
Fortunately 99% of people in this thread are appreciative enough to look past the odd bug here and there, in a 2/3 week old game! -.-
I appreciate the game as a whole, entirely worth the money spent. But understand that I’ve spent an extra 35$ with nothing in return, no update on when it will be fixed and no options for a refund. I have the right to be upset.
I too wanted to add my thanks. It was all I hoped it would be. After playing GW1 for so many years, and playing every beta test weekend for GW2, I couldn’t wait for it to be ready and was it ever ready!! I love every moment I spent WAY out in the middle of no where exploring everything, the lore, the scenes, the vistas, all of it, and I am in no way close to being done with this beautiful game. You outdid yourselves and its everything I hoped it would be and more. Thank you for working so hard to make this happen and still working to make it happen!
J.R.R. Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings
Dropping my thanks in this thread as well. You guys made my dream game, and to know that it’ll keep me entertained for years to come, well, I still have a hard time wrapping my head around that.
Also, check out Hardcore Adventure Box: World 1, World 2, Lost Sessions
Main Character: Dathius Eventide | Say “hi” to the Tribulation Clouds for me. :)
I would also like to say a very humble thank you. It is obvious that you have worked long and hard on this game, and it is obvious that you still do with your updates, posts and your interest in your players. I hope everything is well at your office, Arenanet.
Most games I try lately I would not consider finished games (or polished games if you prefer) but this game is so polished. There is room for improvement of course but they have the best foundation to build on of any MMO I have tried in years.
Please don’t change the core fundamentals to appease the complainers, there are plenty of other games the complainers can go to.
Sooner or later, someone was going to look at the genre and put some thought into how to get it right. This game gets it seriously right.
In fact it gets it so right that here’s phrase you haven’t heard yet, but will need to get used to a few years down the road: “Another Guild Wars 2 clone”.
161 thank yous are not enough for such an incredible game, let me make it 162.
Going to step in and say thanks as well. First game in a long time that’s allowed me to rack up 220 hours over 19 days already. Bestkittenonline game out there currently, hands down.
Keep up the awesome work, ANet! You’re inspiring to us indie developers as well!
Thanks a lot Anet- no matter what some people may say you’ve made something really special here.
Thank you ArenaNet!
This is the best game I played since DAoC. I love every aspect of this great game. The world is huge and beautiful. In every zone I find something breathtaking. The underwater world feels so realistic. Crafting is fun, and it is not too easy. Dynamic Events are great, they can be challenging, which is great also! It is exiting to explore dungeons with a group of guildmates. And the Warfare in WvW is absolutely great. The itemshop is fair, altough I have to take care not to spend to much in it
I suppose that bringing in more zones and events on monthly base is a common behavior in mmo’s nowadays, since the levelprogress is so fast. I am looking forward to it happily.
Best regards,
thanks anet for those sleepless nights, best mmo company evar!
watch my GW2 vids at:
Thank you, really, there are so many things to love about this game and many have already said them.
One of the biggest things for me is your attention to the community and the way your game encourages people to be friendly and help each other out instead of being at each others throats all the time.
Not only that but you actually carry out bans instead of leaving your players to think “why hasn’t this guy been banned for harassment?” Even if its not a permanent ban I think these players will eventually get tired of being banned and learn to follow the rules. If they can’t do that then they can just move on because honestly who wants to play with somebody who treats others around them as inferior.
This thread needs more pages! Cmon community!
Nothing more to add to this thread, just a big thank you for making this work of art. It’s actually scary how close to perfection it is.
Just started university courses and this game is just great for me. Even the times I want to be hardcore, I can. Thank you a lot for the hard work.
Glad you’re all enjoying the game.
Our developers have been working really hard over the past few weeks (many with very little sleep/no weekends) to fix the major issues as they could, and they’re continuing on making fixes. We appreciate that you all took the time to drop a little note of thanks.
I love you all !
My friends usually don’t even listen when someone talks about MMOs, but when I talking about how I solved a jumping puzzle or some interesting quest chain, about the minor choices you have in the game… They do listen and it grabs their attention. That’s the first title ever to make them even slightly interested.
Been having a blast since launch ! THANK YOU !
more deadly than any that walks this earth. Put aside the Ranger.
Become who you were born to be. I give hope to men. I keep none for myself.
Thanks for a great game Arenanet! And the stunning artwork.
okay this seems to be the right place for a thank you.
especially for incorporating massive pvp (in a massive game I always felt that as a must, since daoc was my first mmo and I always missed that in the games that followed)
you did it.
I feel that you gave me a lot of value for my hard earned buck.
You can have more of my money anytime for more of what you do.
i have been playing so much i have not had time for forum. the game is so much fun thank you. i always liked the first guild wars so much. this is so much better. people who hang out to complain are not even gamers. Thank All of you who brought this game to play. fan boy here.
Yes, thank you Anet for making the BEST MMO evah. Everything is just perfect from beginning to END game content. Never have I had so much fun playing one of these since EVERQUEST. Keep up the good work and keep up the GRIND for the great stuff. Make em work for it.
could always upgrade me to digital deluxe for free for creating an epic thank you thread….. just sayin :P
In light of alot of the negativity i’m seeing around these forums, just wanted to say I, for one, am having a blast with your creation. I believe this is the best MMO i’ve played. Thanks for the hard work, it’s paid off.
Zabroshan – 80 Guardian / Sorroe – 80 Mesmer
Hands Off My Octopus
Too bad we don’t have a voting system on here so we can really see how the cards truly lie. I give it a thumbs up as well.
Same…great game ANet
Raf Longshanks-80 Norn Guardian / 9 more alts of various lvls / Charter Member Altaholics Anon
The negativity will subside. Most of it’s coming from people who walked into GW2 thinking it would be like their precious WoW or WoW clones and instead found the game ArenaNet has been saying they’d give us for the past 3 years. In a month, all of these hilariously uninformed consumers that bought chess and thought they were getting checkers will go back to their checkers.
Also, check out Hardcore Adventure Box: World 1, World 2, Lost Sessions
Main Character: Dathius Eventide | Say “hi” to the Tribulation Clouds for me. :)
That’ll be great, because GW2 is exactly what I expected and exactly what Anet said it would be. I mean, who researches a product before purchasing it??? But in seriousness…I hear Kung Fu Panda is invading a certain MMO around the 25th of this month, maybe they’ll flock there?
Zabroshan – 80 Guardian / Sorroe – 80 Mesmer
Hands Off My Octopus
That’ll be great, because GW2 is exactly what I expected and exactly what Anet said it would be. I mean, who researches a product before purchasing it??? But in seriousness…I hear Kung Fu Panda is invading a certain MMO around the 25th of this month, maybe they’ll flock there?
I’l say it again, they never stated that end-game wouldn’t exist. They have stated that they want the ENTIRE game to be like end-game. you still need an end-game in a persistant MMO, they are aware of this. only you gullible defenders who think we are all wow fanboys will realize this later than us.
Do you think its a coincidence that many are complaining? the people who are ahead of you on the game, the people that experienced the good points you did.
well, see you in the next mmo, or back in panda land im sure… just like every other mmo that you all like to defend before your stubborness wares off and you leave the denial stage.
redacted by moderator, as the quoted text has been moderated
To me, WoW is deeply flawed. There are some things it does well, better than any other MMO, but it has many terrible mechanics. It’s rather depressing to watch other developers cranking out more WoW clones, all with the same terrible mechanics as the original, instead of looking at gamers who are not interested in WoW and trying to cater to their requirements instead.
It’s therefore also a relief for us to find a game like GW2 that does things a bit differently and in a way which works for us.
(edited by Moderator)
Couldn’t have said it any better myself Campana.
Zabroshan – 80 Guardian / Sorroe – 80 Mesmer
Hands Off My Octopus
Just had to add my voice to the thank you side of this thread! I look forward to continuing to actually enjoy this game, long past the point in other MMOs that I would be forced to continually play the stat catch-up game.
It seems to me that the major complaint when the word “grind” or any of its permutations shows up in these discussions that it isn’t so much the repetitive nature of the activities(even at the highest level of “progression-based” games the grind simply becomes a sequence of: attempt to farm boss, farm boss, wait for new boss) but rather the statless nature of the reward.
ANet has done an excellent job, offering challenging content(the amount of “ZOMG DUNGEONS TOO HARD” posts seems to back this up) for a variety of interests. They have already mentioned releasing additional content—for FREE—outside of expansions. The PvE→gear tokens model in place here seems to be in line with what I’ve seen elsewhere; the main difference being the lack of a stat based reward. I’m starting to think this very lack of stat rewards, the thing that appeals most to me personally, is unacceptable to others.
There seems to be no shortage of people ready to convince me that I’m sure to get bored of this game sooner or later. As dreadful as that thought may be(I mean, I DID pay money for this game. . . once) it would have probably happened anyway, if gw3 follows the same core philosophy.
Great game.
Worried about end-game and continued viability.
We’ll see.
That’ll be great, because GW2 is exactly what I expected and exactly what Anet said it would be. I mean, who researches a product before purchasing it??? But in seriousness…I hear Kung Fu Panda is invading a certain MMO around the 25th of this month, maybe they’ll flock there?
I’l say it again, they never stated that end-game wouldn’t exist. They have stated that they want the ENTIRE game to be like end-game. you still need an end-game in a persistant MMO, they are aware of this. only you gullible defenders who think we are all wow fanboys will realize this later than us.
Do you think its a coincidence that many are complaining? the people who are ahead of you on the game, the people that experienced the good points you did.
well, see you in the next mmo, or back in panda land im sure… just like every other mmo that you all like to defend before your stubborness wares off and you leave the denial stage.
After reading a good deal of complaints. I think a little over 100 people have made negative comments. Too bad over two million copies have been sold. If you dislike the game why continue to post on the forums? You want a game that not only has the elements of WoW but improves them. Why not continue to play world of warcraft and wait on Titan to release?
GW2 is everything I thought it would be, obviously there are a few elements that I would like changed or added such as loot scaling, GvG, a sand box element to WvW. But those are things that I want, not necessarily what others want too.
If you have ideas on how you would want the game to be why not set that up with a group of friends! Look at Minecraft, DayZ. terraria, etc. You can start a kickstarter project and make the mmo that you’ve always wanted! There are plenty of games that can be modded as long as you have the proper training.
I agree. I’ve been in Orr for a few days, and I can tell it will provide a long, long spell of things to do.
Combine that with WvW, and I can’t really see why I would think of leaving.
Thank you for a great and unique game, that is not like all the rest. I played Guild wars 1 for many years and I look forward to doing the same with Guild wars 2.
I gotta chime in. I logged into the game today really, really wanting to hit 30 for my gear upgrades and to start a new zone and I ended up in Lions Arch. So, I decide I wanted to explore it real quick…..I end up in the zone for 3 hours and am still just walking around noticing all the detail put into the game and its unbelievable. Simply, unbelievable.
My favorite moment in Lions Arch was finding a spot that I could drop down behind a house and finding a tiny hole to go through…I thought hmm.. Went through and looked around, then as I was leaving I noticed a bush that seemed to have a hole behind it. I go through and end on diving into this amazingly detailed and beautiful cave with a ghostly pirate spirit and the amount of exploration reminded me of something out of indiana jones and me working with 2 other guys figuring out how to beat this random puzzle in the middle of a city. I just never expected a simple city(compared to other MMOs) to offer something this epic and it completely took me by surprise. I find myself constantly being rewarded for exploring this amazing world and no other MMO offers that right now.
Anyways, that moment alone is why this game is amazing to me. Keep it up Anet!!
(edited by PuffyWiggles.2180)
+1 for this. I’m enjoying myself immensely so far.
This really hasn’t been said enough on these forums.
Before you label me a fanboy, I am not one, but I do work in the gaming industry and know how much work these guys put into even the smallest details and the frustrations that they went through making this game.
So in short, thanks Dev, Marketing, Design and even I.T. department for all coming together to make something awesome.
Must agree. thank you
completeley agree!
Thank you! It’s the most beautifully crafted game I have ever played, I simply love the artwork. I cant remember the last time I enjoyed a game this much
I agree with everyone here. I immensely enjoy this game, i can’t get enough. Imo you all have done a great job making an mmo that’s different from the rest, and being present when your players have problems, it’s refreshing. Keep up the good work!
Cheers Arena-net!
When I start playing a new MMO, I don’t ever expect it to be polished into the smallest details, yet GW2 did practically deliver exactly this. I really don’t care about a few random bugs / balance issues etc. This will get solved in time anyway..
And most of all, thanks for the dedication you seem to be putting into the support / communication / updates / listening to the community, … Most games fail in this area, especially at the start, but you guys seem to be on top of it all..