The Mass Berserker Mindset

The Mass Berserker Mindset

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Facepunch.5710


The biggest misconception in this thread is the biggest misconception in MMO’s everywhere. Full DPS is NOT harder to play than tanky/healy/supporty characters, no matter how much the DPS meter kings want it to be.

Maybe I missed a specific comment in this thread that you are referencing, but I don’t think people are saying full DPS is harder to play than tanky/healy/support. I think what is being said is that you need a certain level of skill (read: familiarity with boss mechanics) in order to stay alive in full glass. The skill difference being discussed is between those in full glass who can stay up, and those that can’t. Glass is preferred over tanky/healy/support because it gets your from A to B faster, not because it requires more skill outright.

Please take your tinfoil hats off and be reasonable. ~ReginaB
This forum is a wretched hive of scum and villainy. ~DevilLordLaser

The Mass Berserker Mindset

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: proxy.7963


Sub-par player here.

I don’t think anyone has ever had big enough shoulders to give a shrug expansive enough to represent my reaction towards anyone upset about me not having Berserker gear.

I don’t think I’d particularly enjoy playing with anyone who would react like that anyway, so if anything it’s like an easy way to tell if I’m likely to be friends with you.

Right cause, if you have 4 strong players, it’s easy to carry the fifth.

But if there were 3 people like you in a group, you wouldn’t be able to get past the dungeon with a repair build under 1g.

I don’t feel that I’m utterly useless despite referring to myself as ‘sub-par’ – I’m erring on the side of caution because I honestly don’t care about being considered great at the game. Perhaps I’m slightly above par? Nominally over average? I’d rather be modest about my actual abilities than egotistical and demanding that others match my expectations of them, which is something that I tend to associate with people who screen party members based on their classes and equipment alone – and you can make requests of people without making demands.

My main’s an Engineer – I like the class and I’m fond of the aesthetic. I’m also fully aware that some people will dismiss me out of hand based on that alone. However, I don’t want to be ‘carried’ and I don’t encourage others to feel as though they have to carry me. I’d rather find a like-minded group of folks who are happy with accepting that we might have to work a bit harder at something due to our decision to go with personal preference over efficiency. However, if efficiency’s your preference that’s all cool – it just suggests that we might not gel too well.

And if my choices really mean that I can’t take active part in any particular content – if I don’t reach a certain skill level to engage with a dungeon or whatever – then provided I can, I accept that this is due to my own decisions and feelings about the game and move on.

I don’t really feel that it’s common for content to be created from the ground up to be completed as efficiently as possible and so the community pressure for this efficiency is a community-based behavioural option, not necessarily the intended one.

Behold: Opinions!

(edited by proxy.7963)

The Mass Berserker Mindset

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AtoBoss.2906


GW2 pve is all about getting in there and getting everything down asap. That extra vit to survive a hit from a boss can be easily compensated with food and the rest u dodge. And that is why people keep stressing the shallowness of gw2.


The Mass Berserker Mindset

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nesh.7234


Sub-par player here.

I don’t think anyone has ever had big enough shoulders to give a shrug expansive enough to represent my reaction towards anyone upset about me not having Berserker gear.

I don’t think I’d particularly enjoy playing with anyone who would react like that anyway, so if anything it’s like an easy way to tell if I’m likely to be friends with you.

Right cause, if you have 4 strong players, it’s easy to carry the fifth.

But if there were 3 people like you in a group, you wouldn’t be able to get past the dungeon with a repair build under 1g.

OTOH on the numerous PUG/non-pug runs those “sub-par” builds are one left standing reviving “1337” members… My repair bills (if any) are mostly few silver …

It completely escapes me why people who think that they are “1337” have right to judge anyone else … Forums are great for filling the block lists

Back to OT: IMHO main problem is “sub par” mob AI and very static combat (yeah, static, as after a few tries anyone can “see” what comes next and avoid it) — that’s why “pure” DPS seems as better choice for PvE (and sucks in PvP/WxWxW). All that makes any encounter into rinse and repeat combat, only “skill” is being able to memorize some specific sequence (reaction to “tells”) if one can call it that.

Adding “random” elements to the encounters which cannot be “learned” in advance, AI which knows to use counters and movement, will essentially “kill” those types of the FoTM builds and playstyles. ATM, sadly, only dangerous attacks are cheap “dodge or die” tricks much like “classic” combat MMOs had “gear-check” bosses/abilities.

And if that’s not bad enough, they still did not fixed bug (IMHO) as adding attack power do not punish survivability enough.

EU / Aurora Glade

The Mass Berserker Mindset

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DrixTrix.7168


just like the shallowness of any other MMO, full dps, a tank and a healer or two all pressing a couple of buttons, dont really see a difference to be honest in game.
however GW2 has the most potential to create a new meta/archtype if they continue to build on it.

The Mass Berserker Mindset

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wethospu.6437


I’m a full berserk and I’m a very awesome player. And even I got 1 gold repair-bill when I ran CoE last time. That dungeon is so unfair!

(edited by Wethospu.6437)

The Mass Berserker Mindset

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mightylink.3816


Problem is Arenanet created a game where roles don’t matter so everyone wants to dps.

Mightylink – Norn Necromancer
Mythiclink – Asura Engineer