The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome
Just as what we have now isn’t better for everyone now.
Just as what we have now isn’t better for everyone now.
Yeah, but I suspect no matter what they do, it’ll always be someone standing up and going “no, this doesn’t work for me, you have to change it”.
Why? I’m going to go with experience and precedent.
I agree, Vayne, some players will play for the rewards and that to them is the core game. I guess the problem with my previous statement is that we each have different ideas of what constitutes core game. I think for most players core game is combat mechanics, dynamic events and activities, which are not made better or worse through improved reward systems.
As to players who see rewards as their core game, I do not see the new daily and login systems negatively impacting that in anyway. Unless they have something against other players getting rewards for free. No rewards have been removed from the game. In fact, as you say, Anet has been gradually improving rewards across all areas of the game. So reward seekers will still get their fix.
I know you are not arguing against the new system, I’m just clarifying and adding to my previous point.
This is kind of where i sit as well. I’d much rather see camera improvements, ground targeting that stops at its edge, trait revamps for otherwise useless ones, regular balance passes, AI improvements, skills that still have glitched animations fixed, particle effects improvements (limits), etc. The main things people at the core tend to experience every day. To me, if an event (any event) is bugged, it would be fixed immediately and there are still a lot of bugged/broken events. Not to even mention scaling problems with most of them since megaserver.
Just as what we have now isn’t better for everyone now.
I can agree, for you wander about aimlessly in open world folks, it can be marginally worse. When I say marginally, it’s because it only requires a slight adjustment in your play to achieve the same if not greater rewards.
On the other hand, it is a massive improvement for anyone who:
- Maxes AP
- Prefers to PvP
- Prefers to WvW
- Has limited play time
- Prefers to do puzzles
- Prefers to hang out in towns and chat
- Prefers to play musical instruments!
I’m sure if we sat here and started listing off things people can enjoy and prefer to be doing in this game, we could come up with a much longer list, but the new dailies basically benefit everyone who wasn’t just wandering around in open world.
I wanted to let you know that I sent a very detailed report of players’ input on this subject to the design team this afternoon. Now, those of you posting 40, 50, or 90
times in the thread were only counted once in my seasonally-appropriate Pumpkin Pie Chart™. But the thoughts posted here (and in a few other threads) — in all their vast variety — are a very welcome part of our forums and we thank you for sharing them.
First off thank you for that.
Last night alone I saw three different incidents where the dailies created strife in guild mates and create an atmosphere where people weren’t having fun. That was a little shocking in itself that a system meant to increase entertainment could create a situation where people decided they would prefer to be out of game than in, or it encourage solo play versus group. Again thanks for write up. Good gaming to you!
De Mortuis Nil Nisi Bonum.
i find the new daily system a refreshing change. its making me go to areas in pve i have not been to in a while, doing events i’ve never done before. the gathering daily doesn’t take a lot of time to do.
this is coming from a PVE player who has limited time to play, who mostly just runs dungeons. its making me crawl back out of those dungeons and and rediscover why i fell in love with this game in the first place.
I hate the zone event one, because you spend way to much time chasing stars in the map and the zerg gets the star done by the time you get there.
I do feel that the event dailies are causing a bit of an issue as it can cause players not to want to play around/with others.
This however is very much indicative of the Tag Wars mentality that has been developing over the coarse of the games lifetime. Somehow in trying to removed some of the worst competitive aspects of a (at its core) cooperative mode of play there has developed a new side of the same problems.
I miss Ambient Killer. That was my single most favorite daily.
I felt really really guilty about that one. Who smites bunnies?
Me. I loved that one.
I was going through a map with guild mates and whacking them constantly, so much so one asked me what I had against bunnies.
Okay, my review of the new system after “testing”.
- More tomes of knowledge, both in login rewards and achievement chests.
- Passable XP containers – can do on level 80 and pass to alts.
- Less RNG in when you get BLTC items.
- Has specific things to focus on if I simply want “something” to do.
- Choice of the form of the final reward – choose laurels, tomes, ascended – whatever you need at the moment!
- Login rewards – sounds cheap to me (and a step towards “precursors for AFKing in LA”), but as long as it pulls the metrics in the required way…
- “3 or nothing” AP.
- You can no more get some AP by simply playing, and full 10 AP is not the point.
- Fix – Daily Completionist – introduce tiers of rewards, like with many other achievements – the system is already in place! These can be 1 AP for one daily, 5 AP for 2 dailies, 10 AP for 3 dailies (or other reverse combos, like 5-8-10). You don’t feel (that) forced to do the 3rd daily even if it’s PvP/WvW only.
- Far too specific dailies. This punishes players who play relatively long (and contribute to metrics!) but don’t want to do specific things.
- Fix 1 – give an excluding choice of doing a specific short achievement or a generic long achievement. Example: 1 achievement “Gather 4 plants in Ascalon, or gather 20 of anything anywhere.”
- Fix 2 – add generic achievements which have no chests but count towards Daily Completionist. Example: 2 achievements, “Gather 4 plants in Ascalon” with a chest and “Gather 10 of anything anywhere” without a chest.
- “Idiotic” dailies – dailies which make me feel like an idiot, or like a child who has to go buy a bottle of milk for his insane old grandma while there’s a full fridge of milk already.
- Fix – Daily Vista – no ideas… it’s just… eeewh. How about renaming to Daily Nice View and adding “or kill 20 monsters for a picturesque landscape of corpses”? Or… ambients?
- Fix – Daily Forager/Miner/Logger – see above, adding optional larger but generic achievement at least makes more sense.
- Detrimental dailies – dailies which cause distress because of too many players focusing on them.
- Fix 1 – Daily Map Events – remove from starter zones entirely to let new players complete events instead of competing for tags with zergs.
- Fix 2 – Daily Map Events – change to Daily Zone Events to counter zergs which faceroll poorly scaling content. Most likely won’t help because of the megaserver system.
- Fix 3 – Daily Map Events – rotate between players. Undesirable since completing PvE with friends is good.
- Fix 4 – Daily Map Events – change to Daily Zone Level N-M (or higher) Events. Having to do Queensdale events instead of Dry Top makes me feel like an idiot (sorry). Undesirable because of low-level characters, but it’s like that now anyway.
- Fix – Daily PvP Profession Win – rotate professions randomly for each player. Unlike PvE dailies which are good to be completed together, PvP dailies should encourage players to have different goals for balanced team composition. And “profession win” type of daily is by itself more of a cause of frustration rather than a goal.
- Fix – Daily WvW Veteran Creature Slayer – remove not to disrupt productive play.
- Fix – Daily Fractal Tier N – replace to “Tier N or higher”, similar to “Exotic Crafter” which works for ascended crafting too. Missing a reward because you did fractal 49/50 instead of 1 feels… silly.
- Fix – Daily World Boss ABC – replace with “Daily World Boss (any)”, or at least large subsets of world bosses. Time restrictions are bad, time restrictions with no in-game schedule – twice as bad.
- Not enough PvE choices. We all know that it’s a mainly PvE game, okay?
- If I don’t want to play PvP now, I won’t. If I don’t want to play WvW now, I won’t. “Encouraging” me to play other modes leads to frustration and feeling of being forced to jump through someone’s hoops.
I hope that’s useful and I’m not too late for the Monthly Feedback Gatherer.
(edited by Lishtenbird.2814)
Okay, my review of the new system after “testing”.
- More tomes of knowledge, both in login rewards and achievement chests.
- Passable XP containers – can do on level 80 and pass to alts.
- Less RNG in when you get BLTC items.
- Has specific things to focus on if I simply want “something” to do.
- Choice of the form of the final reward – choose laurels, tomes, ascended – whatever you need at the moment!
Good to see you can point out good things to go with the bad. I was almost prepared to read nothing good about it in the post.
- Login rewards – sounds cheap to me (and a step towards “precursors for AFKing in LA”), but as long as it pulls the metrics in the required way…
Yeah, I can see this. But if you had to separate Laurels/Coins out of Daily Achievements . . . this is probably the least painful way to go and the one most like to satisfy people rather than other options.
- “3 or nothing” AP.
- You can no more get some AP by simply playing, and full 10 AP is not the point.
- Fix – Daily Completionist – introduce tiers of rewards, like with many other achievements – the system is already in place! These can be 1 AP for one daily, 5 AP for 2 dailies, 10 AP for 3 dailies (or other reverse combos, like 5-8-10). You don’t feel (that) forced to do the 3rd daily even if it’s PvP/WvW only.
Ehhh, okay. I can agree this is a problem, but once you hit a certain level of AP it’s really not all that worrisome. Plus, there’s a cap – once you hit it, it no longer matters what you earn per day from Daily. It’ll always have zero impact.
- Far too specific dailies. This punishes players who play relatively long (and contribute to metrics!) but don’t want to do specific things.
- Fix 1 – give an excluding choice of doing a specific short achievement or a generic long achievement. Example: 1 achievement “Gather 4 plants in Ascalon, or gather 20 of anything anywhere.”
- Fix 2 – add generic achievements which have no chests but count towards Daily Completionist. Example: 2 achievements, “Gather 4 plants in Ascalon” with a chest and “Gather 10 of anything anywhere” without a chest.
I think Fix 2 is better for what they’re going for, but both fixes have the problem of both diluting how it means anything (first one), or “forcing” people to do it for the reward as opposed to not getting the bag (second one).
I’ll propose Fix 3: “Gather 4 Plants from Ascalon, or 16 anywhere.” Rewards the bag of plant goods either way. Given there are a lot of places there are like 9 plots close together (Dry Top, Potato Farms, a garden in Mount Maelstrom’s lake…) . . . it’s painless for the players who want to min/max time spent versus reward if they just park someone there for the daily purpose. (Like they park people for jumping puzzles.)
- “Idiotic” dailies – dailies which make me feel like an idiot, or like a child who has to go buy a bottle of milk for his insane old grandma while there’s a full fridge of milk already.
- Fix – Daily Vista – no ideas… it’s just… eeewh. How about renaming to Daily Nice View and adding “or kill 20 monsters for a picturesque landscape of corpses”? Or… ambients?
- Fix – Daily Forager/Miner/Logger – see above, adding optional larger but generic achievement at least makes more sense.
We had these in the old system too, such as “Dodger”, “Ambient Killer”, “Skill Points”, “Leveler”. I’m somewhat happy with them reduced in scope. So long as there’s never more than one of these “gimme” tasks? I’m kind of okay with it.
Oh, right, could also throw “WvW Dolyak Killer” and “WvW Land Claimer” / “WvW Ruin Master” on the “gimme” achievements. Those are often painfully easy to get done.
1/2 for length
- Detrimental dailies – dailies which cause distress because of too many players focusing on them.
- Fix 1 – Daily Map Events – remove from starter zones entirely to let new players complete events instead of competing for tags with zergs.
I’m on board with this, unless they only appear for the level ranges appropriate to the ones which trigger Daily Tasks. For example, a level 1-20 being told to do a starter zone, a level 20-40 getting another tier of zones . . . but level 80s only getting zones 40+. There, somewhat mitigates things, right?
It still will draw complaints like a pie out in the air draws flies . . .
- Fix 2 – Daily Map Events – change to Daily Zone Events to counter zergs which faceroll poorly scaling content. Most likely won’t help because of the megaserver system.
Not sure what this is, but could also suggest the fix previous would slap that down a bit. Besides, if you try too hard to break the zerg, you hinder legitimate events in high level zones getting open participation. Which goes much more against the spirit of the game than this problem of facerolling things easily due to zergs.
- Fix 4 – Daily Map Events – change to Daily Zone Level N-M (or higher) Events. Having to do Queensdale events instead of Dry Top makes me feel like an idiot (sorry). Undesirable because of low-level characters, but it’s like that now anyway.
It shouldn’t be producing impossible zones for low level characters. That’s an issue which would need to be looked at. And the first fix should also fix the problem of getting drawn to a much easier area.
- Fix – Daily WvW Veteran Creature Slayer – remove not to disrupt productive play.
I don’t see it as disruptive since I think those creatures are in the Borderlands and all spawn events to tag. There’s also three of them. But to fix easier, I’d suggest maybe not caring what monsters are killed, so long as they’re not guards/lords, and are at least Veteran level. Hey, look, lots more potential to kill things and a broader assortment which don’t have terribly long respawn times.
- Fix – Daily World Boss ABC – replace with “Daily World Boss (any)”, or at least large subsets of world bosses. Time restrictions are bad, time restrictions with no in-game schedule – twice as bad.
Going back to a much more loose “World Boss” seems okay with me, but maybe just changing it to “Group Event” and increasing the count to requiring 3 is enough.
- Not enough PvE choices. We all know that it’s a mainly PvE game, okay?
. . . something which I can never stop hearing about, and would like to keep seeing some bones thrown to the non-PvE players rather than “easy mode” being thrown to the PvE crowd. And this is from someone who is primarily a PvE player. If the choices are bumped up, bump it across the board.
- If I don’t want to play PvP now, I won’t. If I don’t want to play WvW now, I won’t. “Encouraging” me to play other modes leads to frustration and feeling of being forced to jump through someone’s hoops.
They did have the “encouragement” before just as strong with how there were PvP or WvW achievements in the previous Daily system which were easy enough to do if you just went in and messed around. (Capture Towers, for instance, can often be simple.) I think you’re only noticing it now due to PvE being pared down quite a bit from the previous choice disparity between modes. (Or at least PvE and WvW, since PvP had its own section I think.)
So, it’s always been there. And they’re doing the “Call of the Mists” type buffs to try to encourage people to jump in and try it. Honestly . . . I like those encouragements better, so they’re not that bad. And so long as they don’t change it so I have to do at least one PvP/WvW task to do Daily, I don’t see a problem. Right now you can safely ignore one task in the PvE section and still finish the Daily. Coupled with how simple they are . . . this makes it unlikely you get forced into a mode you don’t want to be in, just for the achievement.
Of course, that’s from the PvE side of things. Who knows about the other two . . .
I’m posting this on behalf of my girlfriend. She wan’s to know how she can do today’s three PvE dailies when one is to do events in Frostgorge Sound and she doesn’t have a character of higher enough level to survive in that map?
I’m posting this on behalf of my girlfriend. She wan’s to know how she can do today’s three PvE dailies when one is to do events in Frostgorge Sound and she doesn’t have a character of higher enough level to survive in that map?
Tell her to go to wvw for 15. Problem solved.
What I really don’t get is why people are so concerned about doing the daily anymore?
If you are actually actively pursuing achievement points then going to PvP/WvW/PvE in my opinion at least shouldn’t make any difference.
Just limiting yourself to a third of the game while hunting achievement points seems incredibly counter productive. Okay you get some experience and karma, some extra materials or a tome of knowledge for doing the new dailies but that is all.
Everyone complaining or feeling obligated to do their daily.. remember you get all the stuff you used to from Daily Log In Rewards now, so there really isn’t that much you are missing out on.
And at the end of the day, daily achievement points have a cap on anyway, so if you miss it.. boohoo.
Do. Or do not. There is no middle ground.
Or what it means is that like this there will be no more light AP.
I used to do some tasks even without completing the daily (I know, lunacy!), getting 1-3 AP daily if I decided to go after it. I gathered. I removed conditions from my characters at Weyandt’s JP. Might have finished that JP, or another. Might’ve rezzed some NPCs. Killed 50 spiders outside LA or ran around killing 15 different things in four different maps because I don’t kill non-hostiles. Hi, laurel vendor, how are you today? There used to be daily crafter at some point but not sure if recently.
Disliked too much combat, especially high end, and running after events. Would not go near a zerg.
It is not only about how it takes 1 and half minutes to get whole daily for the 10 AP. Also I’m with the PvE only people. This way way restricted and directed stuff looks bad when it doesn’t look only silly to me.
I’d hope more options for each game mode will happen because who in Tyria will it harm to do that… But I don’t expect to see daily AP lite gameplay any more. Might be there’s the occassional acceptable combination.
What I really don’t get is why people are so concerned about doing the daily anymore?
For me it’s not that i am concerned about doing the daily anymore but in its previous format with the laurel attached it was a hook to get me playing the game. If i was bored i would log in to do the daily and more often than not i would end up finding something else to do like running dungeons with my guild, whatever. The only time this week i played was when i was doing guild missions (which more often than not i would be able to finish the dailies before just by doing that) the rest of the week i just logged in to collect the free reward…..
Now the new daily setup.. I hate pvp and wvw so i am stuck with the pve selection, sure it doesn’t take a lot of time but its time i have to go out of my way to do meaningless errands and if i can only play for a hour a day the new dailies can take up a decent portion of that time.
I know i don’t need to do the dailies, especially if i am not chasing after ap but the fact is for me the new daily setup does not motivate me to log in to PLAY the game. I still have a lot of fun with this game but with the amount of other games to play without that little motivation to log and PLAY the game i find myself not playing nearly as much.
In the end i am not saying i hate the new daily format… I just want more choices… not less, period. I really don’t think that is a unreasonable thing to ask for….
(edited by phaktorphive.7854)
I also have limited play time…
And yet you had enough time to write this post. In the same amount of time it took you to write this you could have viewed a vista and checked off one of your daily tasks.
But no, you’d rather spend that precious time of yours complaining about it here.
Funny how that works.
Unfortunately – and I’d like to emphasize this because what you’re ignorantly saying about my life is so ridiculous – I can’t play GW2 at my full time job. But I can hang out on the forum during my breaks. Which is when I’ve written both of these posts. I have maybe an hour of play time per day if I really want to not spend much evening time with my family or never play a different game. I absolutely don’t agree that the five minutes my posts take are how long the new dailies take, but I’m sure it varies per person.
I understand if you don’t agree with my post (a lot of people have made decent points to the contrary of mine) but perhaps try addressing the content instead of attacking me via some straw man scenario. I know my life best: when I tell you my time is precious, sit down and listen.
On topic, I will say the change has forced me to PvP to get them done quickly and to avoid the zerging of zone-specific events. It’s alright but only really fun when guildies are willing to flop with me. I still prefer that the world boss daily be less specific. Other daily tasks of increased specificity are bound by zone, not time.
(edited by kimeekat.2548)
I also have limited play time…
And yet you had enough time to write this post. In the same amount of time it took you to write this you could have viewed a vista and checked off one of your daily tasks.
But no, you’d rather spend that precious time of yours complaining about it here.
Funny how that works.
Unfortunately – and I’d like to emphasize this because what you’re ignorantly saying about my life is so ridiculous – I can’t play GW2 at my full time job. But I can hang out on the forum during my breaks. Which is when I’ve written both of these posts. I have maybe an hour of play time per day if I really want to not spend much evening time with my family or never play a different game. I absolutely don’t agree that the five minutes my posts take are how long the new dailies take, but I’m sure it varies per person.
I understand if you don’t agree with my post (a lot of people have made decent points to the contrary of mine) but perhaps try addressing the content instead of attacking me via some straw man scenario. I know my life best: when I tell you my time is precious, sit down and listen.
On topic, I will say the change has forced me to PvP to get them done quickly and to avoid the zerging of zone-specific events. It’s alright but only really fun when guildies are willing to flop with me. I still prefer that the world boss daily be less specific. Other daily tasks of increased specificity are bound by zone, not time.
Fair enough. And fwiw, I have adjusted my opinion on the new dailies, after watching my wife’s frustration with them. She is just a pve player, and now has a much harder time completing dailies than she ever did. So I can sympathize with the PvE players…..a couple more choices need to be added back to each category, imo, so that PvE players have some more choices instead of just the few that are so limiting.
This change wasn’t very well thought out, imo, as it causes possible frustration to the largest segment of the player base….the PvE players. I think Anet needs to adjust the choices back towards the number they used to have…….they went too far with the limitations/choices.
Or I like the idea of one of the previous posters……you already get the laurel just for signing in, so why not just change the dailies to getting a certain number of AP/rewards depending on how many you complete…..rather than having to do all 3 if you don’t want to. Something like 3ap for doing one, 6ap for doing 2, and 10ap for doing all 3.
For those of us players who do all parts of the game(pve, pvp, wvw) none of this matters, as we don’t have much problem with the new setup. And that’s where I was initially coming from……my own experience. After watching the problems my wife was having with them, it opened my eyes to the larger player base that this all effects. After seeing the other side to it all, Anet’s decision to do this doesn’t really seem to make a whole lot of sense to me. Why on earth would you want to possibly upset the largest portion of your players???? Someone wasn’t thinking far enough ahead, imo, or had blinders on, like I initially did.
My apologies, kimeekat, if I intially came off as a real kitten over all this…..I wasn’t looking at the complete impact of the change.
Mmo players with a screw loose vs mmo players with two screws loose. All very important stuff.
(edited by Teon.5168)
I disagree with the OP. In my opinion I find the new daily setup to be more rewarding and enjoyable. Thank you Arena Net for this change, I like it. The only part I can agree with on his rant was the part about adding more choices to pick from as addressed by many after that post. This new change to the dailies has far more potential than the old system.
Polyhistor Serpente – lvl 80 Elementalist | Crystal Desert
Something like 3ap for doing one, 6ap for doing 2, and 10ap for doing all 3.
Interesting post – and looks like a good suggestion.
I’m posting this on behalf of my girlfriend. She wan’s to know how she can do today’s three PvE dailies when one is to do events in Frostgorge Sound and she doesn’t have a character of higher enough level to survive in that map?
What´s the highest level on her account? There was another post, claiming an account with max-level 41 had Southsun events as a daily, so maybe there´s even an issue with level-scaling?
I also have limited play time…
And yet you had enough time to write this post. In the same amount of time it took you to write this you could have viewed a vista and checked off one of your daily tasks.
But no, you’d rather spend that precious time of yours complaining about it here.
Funny how that works.
Unfortunately – and I’d like to emphasize this because what you’re ignorantly saying about my life is so ridiculous – I can’t play GW2 at my full time job. But I can hang out on the forum during my breaks. Which is when I’ve written both of these posts. I have maybe an hour of play time per day if I really want to not spend much evening time with my family or never play a different game. I absolutely don’t agree that the five minutes my posts take are how long the new dailies take, but I’m sure it varies per person.
I understand if you don’t agree with my post (a lot of people have made decent points to the contrary of mine) but perhaps try addressing the content instead of attacking me via some straw man scenario. I know my life best: when I tell you my time is precious, sit down and listen.
On topic, I will say the change has forced me to PvP to get them done quickly and to avoid the zerging of zone-specific events. It’s alright but only really fun when guildies are willing to flop with me. I still prefer that the world boss daily be less specific. Other daily tasks of increased specificity are bound by zone, not time.
I don’t know if this will help but consider that at least some of the WvW achievements don’t necessarily actually involve any PvP. Check out those that call for you to capture ruins, claim land, or claim a camp. Its pretty normal to not ever even see another player, let alone an enemy player when doing those.
For someone that plays absolutely NO WvW or PvP, the new dailies were a great disappointment. There are only three choices per day that can be done in PvE.
I also dislike the fact that you HAVE to do all of the ones (regardless if it’s PvE, PvP, or WvW, or a mix of the three) for any of them to get ANY points. I have only been able to get dailies done ONCE since the change because of this. I can’t stay up all night. I have to be up at 5am to get ready for work, therefore I go to bed at 10pm. That’s just not enough time, unless I log on as soon as I walk in the door when I get home, which just can’t happen. I have pets to care for, dinner to make and eat, and other things that occupy some of my evening time.
@Lishtenbird had some good ideas for improvement. I really agree with his idea of them being more generic…. like gathering ANYTHING in one area. I can do with that, but having it as one specific item (plant/ore/logs) in one specific area makes it a pain in the butt.
Vista Viewer = LAME!!! As someone who maps the entire area as I get to them, this makes it so that I’m doing something I’ve already done….. multiple times.
Exotic Crafter = what if a player hasn’t gotten to that level in any of the crafting professions yet?? That means it’s one less achievement that they can even attempt to do.
Mystic Forger = again, lame. I had to put in some weapons I had saved in storage for a low level toon so that I could complete the dailies the ONE TIME I’ve actually finished them.
Daily Fractal = I don’t do Fractals. I do PvE only. I don’t consider Fractals to be PvE – they’re dungeons. Totally separate thing imo. AND you have to have a group, not something you can do alone.
Event Completer = events in a specific area is somewhat difficult as you have to be in a specific spot to see any regular (non-meta) events that are nearby. You can’t just look at a map and find an area that has an event happening.
World Bosses = doable, as long as you have a group. My squishy light toons can’t kill Champion or higher bosses alone.
PLEASE rethink these changes…. everyone I have talked to about it is EXTREMELY disappointed and upset and even kittened off about these changes. They aren’t really workable.
Disa Wyrmhunter – Druid/Ranger
Fort Aspenwood
@Banrigh: I have yet to take longer than 10 minutes to complete the dailies since they came out with the revamp.
Okay here goes. New rewards system sucks. It’s not total awful, but I’m a little upset with it. I understand with the sale you have new accounts and it would please you to help them catch up, so login wars comes about. So I spend two years playing and new guys get all caught up it seems. Don’t get me wrong I want new players here, but don’t make it cheesecake easy either.
@Banrigh: I have yet to take longer than 10 minutes to complete the dailies since they came out with the revamp.
They can be done quickly, but 10 minutes is not really realistic.
I also have limited play time…
And yet you had enough time to write this post. In the same amount of time it took you to write this you could have viewed a vista and checked off one of your daily tasks.
But no, you’d rather spend that precious time of yours complaining about it here.
Funny how that works.
Unfortunately – and I’d like to emphasize this because what you’re ignorantly saying about my life is so ridiculous – I can’t play GW2 at my full time job. But I can hang out on the forum during my breaks. Which is when I’ve written both of these posts. I have maybe an hour of play time per day if I really want to not spend much evening time with my family or never play a different game. I absolutely don’t agree that the five minutes my posts take are how long the new dailies take, but I’m sure it varies per person.
I understand if you don’t agree with my post (a lot of people have made decent points to the contrary of mine) but perhaps try addressing the content instead of attacking me via some straw man scenario. I know my life best: when I tell you my time is precious, sit down and listen.
On topic, I will say the change has forced me to PvP to get them done quickly and to avoid the zerging of zone-specific events. It’s alright but only really fun when guildies are willing to flop with me. I still prefer that the world boss daily be less specific. Other daily tasks of increased specificity are bound by zone, not time.
I don’t know if this will help but consider that at least some of the WvW achievements don’t necessarily actually involve any PvP. Check out those that call for you to capture ruins, claim land, or claim a camp. Its pretty normal to not ever even see another player, let alone an enemy player when doing those.
Well, maybe because of the dailies, but I had to kill several people to get the wvw claim achievments.
Doing it on a ranger.
I am not a fan of the change…
Seems like A-net is trying to herd us all to do what they want us to do, not what we choose to do. I for one will still chose to do what I want. I choose not to bother with the dailies anymore due to lack of options, unless it turns out to be something I wanted to do to begin with…not likely.
I am not a fan of the change…
Seems like A-net is trying to herd us all to do what they want us to do, not what we choose to do. I for one will still chose to do what I want. I choose not to bother with the dailies anymore due to lack of options, unless it turns out to be something I wanted to do to begin with…not likely.
I was ambivalent at first, but the changes are moving me into areas that I was not accessing before.
@Banrigh: I have yet to take longer than 10 minutes to complete the dailies since they came out with the revamp.
are you doing ONLY PvE dailies???
Disa Wyrmhunter – Druid/Ranger
Fort Aspenwood
@Banrigh: I have yet to take longer than 10 minutes to complete the dailies since they came out with the revamp.
are you doing ONLY PvE dailies???
No. Why should the game be balanced around your own self imposed limitations?
@Banrigh: I have yet to take longer than 10 minutes to complete the dailies since they came out with the revamp.
are you doing ONLY PvE dailies???
No. Why should the game be balanced around your own self imposed limitations?
But with several 80’s and no self imposed limitations, 10 minutes seems a bit quick for all of the dailies to date.
Could you share your secrets? Also is that 10 minutes to do all of the dailies, or to reach completionist?
@Banrigh: I have yet to take longer than 10 minutes to complete the dailies since they came out with the revamp.
are you doing ONLY PvE dailies???
No. Why should the game be balanced around your own self imposed limitations?
But with several 80’s and no self imposed limitations, 10 minutes seems a bit quick for all of the dailies to date.
Could you share your secrets? Also is that 10 minutes to do all of the dailies, or to reach completionist?
That’s just to get the daily completionist. Yesterday I was bored and decided to do a few more of them for fun afterwards, but generally I just do enough to get the AP. A few days ago I started tracking my progress, starting a timer once I am ready to start hunting. You can view that in this thread:
I used to enjoy playing guild wars 2 it was somewhat of an escape after working all day for an autocratic boss within an autocratic corporation that never listens to those of us who keep it going. The forums have become useless with about a 50/50 split between actual concerned players and anet plants. Now I log-in to an autocratic game pushing everyone slowly twoards PvP and I think back to GW1 and how they have forgotton what made GW great!
(edited by Loki.7362)
@Banrigh: I have yet to take longer than 10 minutes to complete the dailies since they came out with the revamp.
are you doing ONLY PvE dailies???
No. Why should the game be balanced around your own self imposed limitations?
But with several 80’s and no self imposed limitations, 10 minutes seems a bit quick for all of the dailies to date.
Could you share your secrets? Also is that 10 minutes to do all of the dailies, or to reach completionist?
That’s just to get the daily completionist. Yesterday I was bored and decided to do a few more of them for fun afterwards, but generally I just do enough to get the AP. A few days ago I started tracking my progress, starting a timer once I am ready to start hunting. You can view that in this thread:
I see. That makes more sense.
I agree, Vayne, some players will play for the rewards and that to them is the core game. I guess the problem with my previous statement is that we each have different ideas of what constitutes core game. I think for most players core game is combat mechanics, dynamic events and activities, which are not made better or worse through improved reward systems.
As to players who see rewards as their core game, I do not see the new daily and login systems negatively impacting that in anyway. Unless they have something against other players getting rewards for free. No rewards have been removed from the game. In fact, as you say, Anet has been gradually improving rewards across all areas of the game. So reward seekers will still get their fix.
I know you are not arguing against the new system, I’m just clarifying and adding to my previous point.
This is kind of where i sit as well. I’d much rather see camera improvements, ground targeting that stops at its edge, trait revamps for otherwise useless ones, regular balance passes, AI improvements, skills that still have glitched animations fixed, particle effects improvements (limits), etc. The main things people at the core tend to experience every day. To me, if an event (any event) is bugged, it would be fixed immediately and there are still a lot of bugged/broken events. Not to even mention scaling problems with most of them since megaserver.
This is where it gets interesting. See, I’m a long time player and some would even call me a hard core player, but I have completely different interests than many who post on the forum. Not that I wouldn’t like to see bugs fixed, that’s not what I’m saying.
My focus is not on mechanics. It has never been on mechanics. It will never be on mechanics. To me, focusing on the mechanics in any game ruins the game for me. I live with mechanics in games as a necessary evil. The less I think about mechanics the happier I am. I’m here to immerse myself in the world itself. What’s going on around me. The lore.
I don’t care if I’ve seen an event before, because it doesn’t matter. To my character it’s not an event. If centaurs raid a town it needs to be protected and if they raid a town again, it STILL needs to be protected.
I think there are a percentage of people who do focus on mechanics. I think there are a percentage of people who focus on immersion. I think there are a percentage of people who focus on rewards. And I’m reasonably sure none of us have an outright majority. And there’s crossover too, of course. Some people focus on rewards and mechanics or rewards and immersion. Or mechanics and immersion and care less about rewards.
This is why no change is going to ever be met with happy happy joy joy. Because each change is likely to satisfy one large minority while screwing over another.
I don’t like dungeons because they tend to focus on mechanics. As long as I have to be ultra aware during boss fights, dungeons don’t work for me. If they put 87 dungeons in the game, dungeon people would be thrilled…but I wouldn’t. lol
Just tried to play my level 17 alt and ended up in a bad mood because there is no way for me to complete the daily events without bringing on my level 80.
I had bought 12 alt slots a few months ago envisioning all sorts of adventure and fun raising them. Now I am experiencing the difference in game quality between my alt and a new account’s lowbie toon, who may be standing right next to me. He’ll get a normal life leveling up, while I get to wish my level 80 can help me do the daily.
The thought haunts me to the point I can’t stand playing my current alt now. Let alone level up the other alts waiting in the wings.
What’s astounding to me is the lack of consideration for revenue in this new daily plan. Does GW2 not want to sell extra character slots? Is it Anet’s intention to make players regret having invested in 12 alt slots? And I truly regret having invested in 12 alt slots.
What about gem purchase I may make for my alts?
To me it indicated a lack in QA, potentially caused by ignorance of both the producer and developer. These kind of things will hit revenue, yet the change went ahead with it, as if the company is oblivious to potential hits on revenue.
I had seen how NCSoft mismanaged Aion. I’m venting here… :p I thought Anet was a shiny beam of innovation. What happened? Any MMORPG should support alt fun.
For a long time I thought I found a home in GW2. Ever since its launch I was happy. Putting away bad memories of other mmorpgs. Think I’m going to take a wait and watch stance now.
I’m jaded. A part of me still love the game, but I’m on high alert. More things like this… may spell downfall ahead.
Just tried to play my level 17 alt and ended up in a bad mood because there is no way for me to complete the daily events without bringing on my level 80.
I had bought 12 alt slots a few months ago envisioning all sorts of adventure and fun raising them. Now I am experiencing the difference in game quality between my alt and a new account’s lowbie toon, who may be standing right next to me. He’ll get a normal life leveling up, while I get to wish my level 80 can help me do the daily.
The thought haunts me to the point I can’t stand playing my current alt now. Let alone level up the other alts waiting in the wings.
What’s astounding to me is the lack of consideration for revenue in this new daily plan. Does GW2 not want to sell extra character slots? Is it Anet’s intention to make players regret having invested in 12 alt slots? And I truly regret having invested in 12 alt slots.
What about gem purchase I may make for my alts?
To me it indicated a lack in QA, potentially caused by ignorance of both the producer and developer. These kind of things will hit revenue, yet the change went ahead with it, as if the company is oblivious to potential hits on revenue.
I had seen how NCSoft mismanaged Aion. I’m venting here… :p I thought Anet was a shiny beam of innovation. What happened? Any MMORPG should support alt fun.
For a long time I thought I found a home in GW2. Ever since its launch I was happy. Putting away bad memories of other mmorpgs.
Think I’m going to take a wait and watch stance now.
I’m jaded. A part of me still love the game, but I’m on high alert. More things like this… may spell downfall ahead.
The thing is you can still level your alt after you quickly do one thing on your 80 (which is what I do). Because the experience you get from that is trasferable. It’s in the form of a consumable.
However, if you don’t care about achievement points, you still get the rewards like you used to from just logging in. It’s more freedom, not less. Unless you absolutely must have achievement points.
The old daily was replaced by the log in rewards, not by the new daily. The achievement points come anyway, you get them slower or faster. Eventually you’ll hit your cap, one way or another.
Why think about them at all? What makes you think you have to do a daily at all, now?
I’m just laughing so hard about all the Q , Q going on in this forum, absolutely hilarious! LOL!
Just tried to play my level 17 alt and ended up in a bad mood because there is no way for me to complete the daily events without bringing on my level 80.
I had bought 12 alt slots a few months ago envisioning all sorts of adventure and fun raising them. Now I am experiencing the difference in game quality between my alt and a new account’s lowbie toon, who may be standing right next to me. He’ll get a normal life leveling up, while I get to wish my level 80 can help me do the daily.
The thought haunts me to the point I can’t stand playing my current alt now. Let alone level up the other alts waiting in the wings.
What’s astounding to me is the lack of consideration for revenue in this new daily plan. Does GW2 not want to sell extra character slots? Is it Anet’s intention to make players regret having invested in 12 alt slots? And I truly regret having invested in 12 alt slots.
What about gem purchase I may make for my alts?
To me it indicated a lack in QA, potentially caused by ignorance of both the producer and developer. These kind of things will hit revenue, yet the change went ahead with it, as if the company is oblivious to potential hits on revenue.
I had seen how NCSoft mismanaged Aion. I’m venting here… :p I thought Anet was a shiny beam of innovation. What happened? Any MMORPG should support alt fun.
For a long time I thought I found a home in GW2. Ever since its launch I was happy. Putting away bad memories of other mmorpgs.
Think I’m going to take a wait and watch stance now.
I’m jaded. A part of me still love the game, but I’m on high alert. More things like this… may spell downfall ahead.
Get daily in 10 mins on your lvl 80 (if you think daily is important). Then play alt.
It’s not complicated.
The thing is you can still level your alt after you quickly do one thing on your 80 (which is what I do). Because the experience you get from that is trasferable. It’s in the form of a consumable.
However, if you don’t care about achievement points, you still get the rewards like you used to from just logging in. It’s more freedom, not less. Unless you absolutely must have achievement points.
The old daily was replaced by the log in rewards, not by the new daily. The achievement points come anyway, you get them slower or faster. Eventually you’ll hit your cap, one way or another.
Why think about them at all? What makes you think you have to do a daily at all, now?
It’s not about reward, but the adventure. Imagine if every time you went out to anywhere you need your big brother to come out to do what other youngsters around you are allowed to do. But the bartender says, “Hey joo! You get your bro out here to drink this coke. Not for joo, kiddo, cuz u got a big brother. You need your big bro to hand a coke to you.”
Will I want to live if I were that kid? Yep but I won’t visit that bar. lol.
Get daily in 10 mins on your lvl 80 (if you think daily is important). Then play alt.
It’s not complicated.
It can be, if (like myself) their play time is currently pretty limited. I barely have time to log in, do some minor things, then log out on most days.
I blame the fact I need to work for like 10 hours tomorrow . . . and 8 more the day after that, and follow that up with another 8 hours . . . and yet more 8 hour shifts, not getting a truly open day until Monday.
Therefore, I really have to get on with the intent to do something and hope I have luck doing it.
Get daily in 10 mins on your lvl 80 (if you think daily is important). Then play alt.
It’s not complicated.
It can be, if (like myself) their play time is currently pretty limited. I barely have time to log in, do some minor things, then log out on most days.
I blame the fact I need to work for like 10 hours tomorrow . . . and 8 more the day after that, and follow that up with another 8 hours . . . and yet more 8 hour shifts, not getting a truly open day until Monday.
Therefore, I really have to get on with the intent to do something and hope I have luck doing it.
But you can do 3 of the new dailies faster than you could ever do 5 of the old ones.
I’m just laughing so hard about all the Q , Q going on in this forum, absolutely hilarious! LOL!
So am I, laughing hard. ROFL!
But you can do 3 of the new dailies faster than you could ever do 5 of the old ones.
Well, that depends. I (personally) might be able to. Assuming two of them aren’t something like Harathi Hinterlands or Mount Maelstrom events and a World Boss off schedule of my login. I have 99% of the waypoints available, and know where I can go for easy completion of things like the gathering ones.
But as someone suggested, I’m trying to think of people who haven’t hit 100% completion and don’t have resources banked up. Or happen to have started in the last year and aren’t yet level 80. (Some of them do, in fact, exist.)
And even assuming I could spend 20 minutes to knock out the Daily (or 60 minutes as the absolute longest I’ve spent lately – thanks Claw of Jormag… 15 minutes just to complete :P ) . . . I actually have not entirely had that time to play the game all that much. I’ve had time to log in and bank the reward, maybe make some day-limited items and collect my home instance nodes.
. . . it’s not just the aforementioned work schedule, it’s a bunch of other things going on which sort of take top priority rather than the game. (Such as family.) So I can sort of get why some say “I just don’t have time” even while thinking it’s not that long when looked at objectively and outside of what might be going on in their lives.
The only part I keep saying remains: it’s only AP now, as opposed to also being Laurels/Coins/Karma/AP. This is an improvement for those with the limited time.
And, of course, my perennial rebuttal: It’s not like the main game will not be here when you have time. Wintersday, probably. The normal game . . . hopefully is going to be there when your schedule frees up. There’s no need to rush it.
One more thought on why alts should be allowed to participate in daily events of their own level:
It facilitates a way for new players to hunt with veteran players.
As it stand right now, veteran accounts’ newbie alts don’t even see what zones other newbies are in. When I was in a zone today with my alt, the whole zone seemed empty.
Just before this change went into place, I had coached a newbie with my new alt, mailed a gift to the newbie. He was thrilled at the welcome by a veteran player.
Now I don’t even know where the real new players are. They are probably in a zone with other new account mains. My alt is isolated from them. Part of my frustration is feeling a segregation.
I’m still pve and wvw focused. I’ll go play LoL if I ever feel like being regularly ridiculed and abused, which my occasional experiences with spvp indicate to me is a majority of what goes on with it. Yeah. I stink at it, but procuring the experience to change that fact isn’t even remotely worth putting up with the people that seem likely to have been banned from lol for being too toxic.
There’s really not a thing Anet could ever do to change that. And as much as I realize not all spvp enthusiasts are like that, more than enough are to make spvp fall right off my list of things to even consider trying to do more than a few times a year, mostly just to remind myself of why we can’t have nice things.
(edited by naiasonod.9265)
If I had to be honest, and of course I know I don’t speak for every single person on GW2, the new daily system is fairly easier than the previous one.
Get a vista here, do gathering there, 3 dailies and you’re done, free 10AP points. I think the main problem comes if you don’t like to roam around the world (that is doing events or killing world bosses for example). or if you absolutely despise PvP/WvW (which is understandable too), not everything can be that easy, it is a MMO after all, but even so, gathering, getting vistas and etcs are something quite easy to get done.
But then again, what if you have just started a new character and you don’t have any WP unlocked at all, or any maps discovered, that can be a bit frustrating, if that’s so you have a few options besides map exploring, sadly the only ones that come to my mind are PvP related, (if you need those 10AP with extremely urgency with a new character/account) play in Hot Join for a bit, and you can get 2 of 3 daily achievements without too much effort.
In short, the new system is quite simple and easy for veteran players, for newcomers maybe not so much but there are ways to work around them too.