The Rarest Weapon in GW2
How many have seen the underwater legendaries used in combat?
Yeah. That’s what I thought.
Pretty late to reply, but i use my Hakuna-Matata (Kamohoali’i Kotaki) surprisingly on a regular basis. Doing Fracts, farming Orr, ect. Plus no one can deny the HUGE shark effect that comes out of no where when you crit is just plain SWEEEET!
But yes in regards to the OP’s question, Fused. To be more specific, the ones that are selling out in the BL. Fused Shield, can’t even buy anymore, Fused Mace, forgetabout it. Now though ive seen a fused weapon on someone maybe once or twice, its still the ones a see the absolute least. I’ve seen far more “Scythe Staff Skin”’s which, as of now, if the most expensive weapon skin available, than some of the fused skins. And the thing about them is they generally are very good looking skins! Just…the price of them… Why get a skin when you can buy a darn Legendary?
If you use it on a Revenant you get a shark on the #1 projectile.
What’s the weapon you’ve seen the least in game? This isn’t necessarily the most expensive, nor do underwater weapons count since then, the legendary spear, trident and harpoon gun would be defacto winners.
Personally, I’ve only ever seen Infinite Light wielded once. When you look at the modest appearance and lodestone cost the reason becomes apparent. That’s a fair pile of orichalcum you need as well!
Smiled on seeing this. Picking Infinite Light my self as my main weapon choice
Goes epic with Flameseeker
I did same thing on warrior along time ago with infinite light/flameseeker prophecies.
Then realized I could go dual swords and still maintain blocking/reflecting at much lower cd. So I made a second infinite light. Then a couple months later anet added wardrobe. Yep I was impressed…
this thread seems to be less about rare and more about “sexy skins we don’t see much of but should”.
Id say Whispers’ Staff falls into that category.'s_Secret_Staff
(edited by Justine.6351)
I always thought it was Howler since it’s the one legendary that I literally never seen in-game, ever. I’ve actually seen people using Inf. Light though.
If you want super ultra impossibly rare though, Destroyer Scythe wins that. I heard it was actually possible to obtain back when PvP skins existed, or just simply was never obtainable, who knows. Either way it’s part of the game and no one has it.
I’ve got the Visions of the Mist, Whisperblade and Glint’s Bastion combo…
Fashion Wars2 too stronk!! :p
How many have seen the underwater legendaries used in combat?
Yeah. That’s what I thought.
I think four of us in my guild have Kraitkin. We’re our own special Kraitkin Club.
*puts his hand up in show of support as an honorary outside member of the Kraitkin Club
I think Rodgort is my least seen legendary. And yet, one of my favs
I have all three underwater legendaries, and I transmuted the skins on all of my characters. I’ve seen some of them a fair bit in fractals.
Howler (mentioned elsewhere in the thread) and Rodgort were my first two legendaries. I used to see Howler a bit more, but Rodgort I’ve seen on maybe two other players.
Jotun Greatsword is the one notable skin I’ve never seen anyone else using. I’ve been told that if you use certain graphics settings that were posted on the TC forums, the cloud effect looks like three marshmallows stuck on the blade and raising the settings makes it look better, so system performance might be part why it isn’t used by more people considering how cheap it is.
There’s a lot of skins that are hard to gauge because they’re easy to miss mistake for another one. Most of the low level skins for example. Or the Gallant, Krytan and Seraph weapons. I know people use them but I don’t tend to remember seeing them because they don’t jump out the way something like mjolnir or a legendary does.
Having said that I think the distinctive weapons I see least are the Silly Scimitar and the Candy Cane weapons.
Hall of Monuments weapons seem surprisingly rare. The Gnarled Walking Stick and Fiery Dragon Sword aren’t super rare, but I’m not sure I’ve ever seen a Wayward Wand in-person.
You basically need a combination of a person who played GW1 pretty heavily (and, therefore, probably played GW2 from the start,) and hasn’t replaced it with another skin they like more since then.
The problem with the HoM skins for me is that because they’re free to apply I use them all the time when I’m levelling, everytime I get a boring or ugly weapon. So when I get to level 80 I want to use something different.
And then I tend to pick one that suits them and stick to it instead of swapping all the time as I get better weapons.
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
i have NEVER seen anyone with the aetherized weapons , and they’re never on the TP.
also until Anet decided to give them out for rares in the mystic toilet the 2012 halloween skins were really rare to see.
Jotun Greatsword is the one notable skin I’ve never seen anyone else using. I’ve been told that if you use certain graphics settings that were posted on the TC forums, the cloud effect looks like three marshmallows stuck on the blade and raising the settings makes it look better, so system performance might be part why it isn’t used by more people considering how cheap it is.
That was my first character’s (warrior) gs skin for months at lvl 80.
Jotun Greatsword is the one notable skin I’ve never seen anyone else using.
shhhhhh :p my fashion exclusiveness!
Also nobody mentioned Ebon Vanguard weapons!
These are some of my favourite weapon skins, but I rarely see anyone else wearing them.
(edited by Sirendor.1394)
i have NEVER seen anyone with the aetherized weapons , and they’re never on the TP.
also until Anet decided to give them out for rares in the mystic toilet the 2012 halloween skins were really rare to see.
They were just re-released, so they are now extremely cheap on the tp. SHould start seeing more going forward for a bit.
Hall of Monuments weapons seem surprisingly rare. The Gnarled Walking Stick and Fiery Dragon Sword aren’t super rare, but I’m not sure I’ve ever seen a Wayward Wand in-person.
You basically need a combination of a person who played GW1 pretty heavily (and, therefore, probably played GW2 from the start,) and hasn’t replaced it with another skin they like more since then.
I use Wayward Wand on my Asuran mage and use the Gnarled Walking Stick on my Druid. My other love is the Living Short Bow since I have a Dryad Bow in GW1.
The rarest weapon is Anura, because it has a frog…
(Rarest of Pepes)
Immobulus, I’ve only ever seen two since Launch
I see infinite light quite often
i have NEVER seen anyone with the aetherized weapons , and they’re never on the TP.
also until Anet decided to give them out for rares in the mystic toilet the 2012 halloween skins were really rare to see.
I have used the Aetherized Hammer skin on my Warrior since they first came out for 1 Black Lion ticket. I still use it today. Though I have been wanting to make Juggernaut, I just don’t know if I will keep the Aether Hammer on him for memory sake or not.
I know someone else kind of mentioned it, but any of the karma skins like the Peacemaker Weapons, Wolfborn, Ebonguard, Lionguard, Seraph, etc. Weapons are the rarest I have seen, here lately. They were widespread back in the day, but now, I never see anyone with these.
(edited by Krogan Battlemaster.9634)
There are currently only 300 people in the entire game who have access to:
These are by far the rarest weapons
despite the fact that I have one of these weapon skins….I haven’t even bothered putting it on a weapon yet. I tend to deck my characters out in “themes” rather than just use what might be the rarest possible skin I have.
I have Immobulus too (made it when eyes were a whole lot harder to get), yet it’s only equipped on my mesmers who I don’t play often.
I put all my legendaries on my ranger as she can use most of them, and everyone else sometimes uses the legendary skins, but sometimes you just want to have a cohesive theme going. One of my necros is mordrem weapons/themed, another is all spectral weapons (aka spoopy monster skins). Maybe someday I’ll deck someone out with all of the rarest skins I have….it will look ridiculous I’m sure. XD
OH…and Infinite Light is ALL OVER the game.
The rarest weapon is Anura, because it has a frog…
(Rarest of Pepes)
I used to use that on my water themed Ele all the time till I gave up on scepter.
What’s the weapon you’ve seen the least in game?
Seen least? The Pirate weapons. I’ve seen one.
Among my lesser-seen favorites, I use:
Wayward Wand
Super Warhorn (maybe not so rare any more)
Grinning Gourd Rifle
Azure Railgun
Mystic Pistol
Ebon Vanguard Staff (great option for melee)
Hall of Monuments weapons seem surprisingly rare. The Gnarled Walking Stick and Fiery Dragon Sword aren’t super rare
I love my Fiery Nastalgia (Dragon) Sword!
I’ve got an HoM FDS skin on one of my alts. A few weeks ago, I happened to bring that character into a PvP map for dailies, which prompted a conversation something like this:
PvP 1: “Geez, not another glowy weapon!”
PvP 2: “Who would even want those?”
Me: “You mean my fiery sword?”
PvP 1: “Yeah, those new weapons skins look so out of place.”
PvP 2: “Anet should stick to designs that look more appropriate for this game.”
Me: /facepalm
I used to always use anura on my ele, but then I got Caithe’s dagger, so needed a scepter skin that went with that:(
The immortal weapons i feel are the rarest. Other than myself I never saw someone use 1.
I have only seen one mjolnir in my 4 years of playing gw2
What’s the weapon you’ve seen the least in game?
Seen least? The Pirate weapons. I’ve seen one.
I was going to post the Pirate weapons. The bow skins are some of my favorite in game- I use the lb on my PvP ranger and the sb (which isn’t too short) on my Norn thief.
I actually got Delusion as a drop from a log-in reward chest a few weeks ago. I had seen the skin in the wardrobe and always wondered why I’d never witnessed it in the wild- it’s a nice skin.
Yea, I love the pirate bows, the shortbow is still pretty large as well, which makes it even nicer, though haven’t used SB on ranger in a long time lol…
I have the fused gs and dagger and I wish I could sell the skins. I got them back when skins weren’t tradable. I spent a good bit of money to get the tickets too ????
I saw one person last week with a Fused longbow and another with a Fused staff, so they’re around even though rare.
And I have Mjolnir so I see it every day. ^^
ANet may give it to you.
I saw one person last week with a Fused longbow and another with a Fused staff, so they’re around even though rare.
And I have Mjolnir so I see it every day. ^^
Also frequently conjured for the southern octovine.
I saw one person last week with a Fused longbow and another with a Fused staff, so they’re around even though rare.
And I have Mjolnir so I see it every day. ^^
Also frequently conjured for the southern octovine.
Yah, the ele conjured weapon has the same appearance as Mjolnir for some reason. If anyone wants to see what it looks like in game besides a preview, that’s one way to do it.
ANet may give it to you.
I saw one person last week with a Fused longbow and another with a Fused staff, so they’re around even though rare.
And I have Mjolnir so I see it every day. ^^
Also frequently conjured for the southern octovine.
Yah, the ele conjured weapon has the same appearance as Mjolnir for some reason. If anyone wants to see what it looks like in game besides a preview, that’s one way to do it.
On that path, has anyone ever seen the actual exotic shield cragstone?
Infinlight is not that rare, but it is under used which is nice.
Personally it’s my favorite sword in game even over bolt.
“Maybe I was the illusion all along!”
Personally, I’ve only ever seen Infinite Light wielded once. When you look at the modest appearance and lodestone cost the reason becomes apparent. That’s a fair pile of orichalcum you need as well!
I got one when charged lodestone was not that expensive as it is now, but I think mostly people would prefer spend charged lodestones on Bolt, that’s why. And as Daishi said, you don’t see it that often, that’s why I love it
ps.: I’ve never seen around a Stygian blade probably for the same reason as Infinite Light: 1 stack of powerful blood. It works great though for my Necro and my savage cannibal Mesmer
(edited by vladracul.6798)
the morderm saber is one i never saw anyone with, would love one tho…..
the pinnacle weapons
the pinnacle weapons
^ this
Probably This:
Other than myself using it exclusively, I have Literally never seen anyone else wielding The Icebreaker (GW1 Skin). Most of the GW1 weapon skins I would say are pretty rare to see on other people.
Have you seen this hammer?
- doranduck, 2016 on Lore in Raids
(edited by Iris Ng.9845)
Cracked Longbow. A little note: Wouldn’t it be cool if we could do something with our junky starter weapons later on in the game? You know, renew them into something neat.
On that path, has anyone ever seen the actual exotic shield cragstone?
No, but I remember someone posting about making it.
Have you seen this hammer?
It dropped from Slothasor for me yesterday, but it looks ugly, so just another spot filled in my wardrobe
I saw one person last week with a Fused longbow and another with a Fused staff, so they’re around even though rare.
And I have Mjolnir so I see it every day. ^^
Also frequently conjured for the southern octovine.
Yah, the ele conjured weapon has the same appearance as Mjolnir for some reason. If anyone wants to see what it looks like in game besides a preview, that’s one way to do it.
On that path, has anyone ever seen the actual exotic shield cragstone?
Wou! I play since beta and I have never seen that shield!!! Amazing look!
There are currently only 300 people in the entire game who have access to:
These are by far the rarest weapons
There are 400 people who have more than 29,000 AP lol
404 on NA and 861 in EU that makes more than a thousand people eligible