The Tunnel Vision of the GW2 player base
The idea that dungeons require teamwork is just something that’s been instilled into us from other MMOs. It’s not what a dungeon is. In fact, there are many games that have solo dungeons. And even in Guild Wars 1 you could have a party of NPCs and you and solo a dungeon.
DE’s reward me with fun. As I do them I also get loot, karma and experience. Since I play games to have fun, I am amply rewarded by DEs.
Mate , i understand your pov ( sortoff ), but i honestly dont agree , actually im on the other side of the spectrum.
This is going to sound really rude, im sorry, but i dont know how else to say it.
Its people like you why we have these watered down, generic and boring games these days.You find doing DE’S fun, i find they bore the crap out of me, 30 people zerging a boss?
How is that fun or in any way skillful? Do you feel accomplished and prideful when the boss goes down to the mass zerg? I know i sure dont.Fun for me was Burning crusade. The instances, the raids, challenging, yet doable if you and a few select others had a clue. Downing bosses , vent would erupt with cheering, THAT instilled pride and accomplishment.
But " casuals " ( i use the word VERY loosely ) seem to want to just run easy content with little to no thought about any strategy or consequences of dying, hence all these new " gen " games where born…
Diablo 3, pandaland, SW:TOR, dungeon siege 3, mass effect 3, simcity 5,DA 2, the list goes on.Simplified, generic rubbish produced for the masses. I feel a dark time indeed is ahead of us for all gamers that take their ( this ) hobby a little more seriously then just " its a way to kill a few hours "….
No it’s not people like me who have generic watered down crap, because I don’t like all the “other” crap that’s out there. So yeah, you have no idea what I like or don’t like. Not a clue.
The point is, I can enjoy a dynamic event, and still enjoy Arah and fractals. They’re not mutually exclusive to me. I can also enjoy WvW and SPvP. One thing has nothing to do with another.
Games are dumbed down because a very large percentage of people playing games play them to relax, not to be stressed or tense. A lot of people who play these games don’t like dying, and don’t need a second job. That’s why games are dumbed down today.
The more money you put into a game, the more money you have to make back for the game to be profitable. That’s why games are dumbed down today.
If you made a game that only the top 5% in skill could appreciate, you’d lose 95% of your playerbase. Any businessman in his right mind can see that’s a bad business decision.
I’d rather have games not dumbed down too. I grew up in the era of RPGs and adventure games that tasked your mind. There were no wikis, no walk throughs…maybe you could buy a hint book if you were desperate and later one companies like Sierra had a 900 number you could phone for hints, but that was it. You had to play the game.
It just so happens I often play this game with map markers turned off. I completed more than one zone without a single map marker on. In addition, I don’t use the wiki or walk throughs or videos. I figure stuff out when I come across it.
But the fact is, most people get stuck on something for two minutes and run right to the wiki. Blame the internet. Blame facebook.
But don’t blame people like me.
The problem is with definition.
Dynamic implies change or variance. How much change or variance can you get while running the Plinx chain? There’s only so many outcomes, loot/reward is not scaled very well to difficulty, most DEs follow similar quest structures “hidden in the background”, etc.
While I hope it doesn’t end up like it, I see GW2 rapidly approaching collapse under its own hype, just like SWTOR. TOR was supposed to be the Second Coming for MMOs, but failed because it oversold a very limited mechanic, story. There’s only so much change and effect each player can have in an MMO, after which it becomes painfully obvious that your character’s story doesn’t matter in the slightest.
Other MMOs like WoW acknowledge this, and basically sell themselves as GUIs grafted onto a Pavlov’s Dog system of respondent conditioning. Push the button, get the treat as it were.
Agreed. I think most people think that dynamic events, as a general term, is good for MMO’s. However Dynamic Events in GW2 are a complete misnomer; they are scripted events with a few different outcomes. GW2’s big innovation is to remove player limits for these quests, making them super accessible for all players. OP’s suggestion that players should be more focused on DE’s is wrong: GW2’s scripted quests are not superior to scripted quests in other games. To make an event “dynamic”, you need player interaction, and the only place where this really occurs is WvW.
per Colin Johanson:
“Some of them are one-off events that just happens once, and some of them are event webs that have a lot of different outcomes and go in a lot of different directions.”
Again the tunnel vision rears it head. People keep complaining about the shortness and repetitiveness of the DE, but don’t see what I just referenced above. Again I reference this statement:
There are roughly twice as many dynamic events in the Orrian areas as in other explorable zones
So if twice the number of DEs are in Orr mostly AFTER the temples. How can anyone make assumptive statements like this.
I have given document facts that show you are correct and then totally wrong.
You are correct that in the explorable zone you have the DEs you are referring too, but you are wrong when you haven’t gone past the temples in Orr to get just what you are saying needs to be fixed.
How can you fix something that isn’t broken? You go to Orr and get your answer.
People would probably do more DEs if they weren’t always zerged without tactics. Almost all content in this game can be zerged without thought. This is why people do dungeons instead, because it’s slightly more challenging.
When was the last time you failed a dragon boss? Exactly.
per previous listed quote:
“Johanson suggested that players will need to recapture the fallen temples of the old gods and then keep control of those while also pushing deeper into the zone and fighting baddies at the frontlines. "
They will require a raiding mentality and structure to be able to do them.
This is the raiding many are asking for.
It has been here since day 1 of the game and is still here but none do it
(edited by Krosslite.1950)
If they made DEs challenging (fun?) and at least as rewarding as CoF (for example) this thread would not exist.
and how do you know the dynamic webs are not rewarding when it has been stated by Anet that they are.
Sorry, but your statement does not back the documentation and so is an assumption.
The idea that dungeons require teamwork is just something that’s been instilled into us from other MMOs. It’s not what a dungeon is. In fact, there are many games that have solo dungeons. And even in Guild Wars 1 you could have a party of NPCs and you and solo a dungeon.
DE’s reward me with fun. As I do them I also get loot, karma and experience. Since I play games to have fun, I am amply rewarded by DEs.
Mate , i understand your pov ( sortoff ), but i honestly dont agree , actually im on the other side of the spectrum.
This is going to sound really rude, im sorry, but i dont know how else to say it.
Its people like you why we have these watered down, generic and boring games these days.You find doing DE’S fun, i find they bore the crap out of me, 30 people zerging a boss?
How is that fun or in any way skillful? Do you feel accomplished and prideful when the boss goes down to the mass zerg? I know i sure dont.Fun for me was Burning crusade. The instances, the raids, challenging, yet doable if you and a few select others had a clue. Downing bosses , vent would erupt with cheering, THAT instilled pride and accomplishment.
But " casuals " ( i use the word VERY loosely ) seem to want to just run easy content with little to no thought about any strategy or consequences of dying, hence all these new " gen " games where born…
Diablo 3, pandaland, SW:TOR, dungeon siege 3, mass effect 3, simcity 5,DA 2, the list goes on.Simplified, generic rubbish produced for the masses. I feel a dark time indeed is ahead of us for all gamers that take their ( this ) hobby a little more seriously then just " its a way to kill a few hours "….
hate to be sound rude, but read the full post before you reply with statements that I have shown to be false and full of assumptions since I see no one going past the temples to proven your statements to be true. Specifically since Anet as sated that they are a challenge