The game is becoming a Grind

The game is becoming a Grind

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fortus.6175


EDIT: please stop it about the legendary, it is an example it seems all you people have read from my post was “i want a lengendary”, so here, let me rephrase myself; getting materials for aesthetic weapons in general as a way of feeling some sort of “progression”. And also how I have to stick to high lvl places when i like low lvls places, but stuff there is too unrewarding.

Im not talking about farming, Im not talking about dailies or any of the sort. I find the new events quite pleasing and Im loving them. What Im talking about is; for a game where aesthetics is the only way of “progression”, getting a cool looking weapon like, say, a legendary or one of the expensive GSs is becoming tedious at best.

I have been working on my bifrost for a little over 6 months now and im still not even half way there. Today I managed to get up to 76 mystic clovers.

The biggest issue I have now is the darn T6 mats and the precursor. I have no more than 40 of each T6 and I have thrown plenty of rares and exotics into the mystic toilet and have yet to see “the legend”. And this is coming from a guy that plays everyday.

Buying the mats with gold is unrealistic, I just hit 100 gold last week and icy runes cost 100g exactly….

Look, I know I proposed those things as a long term thing, but right now long term is too long. It isnt about the legendaries. Im aware that the difficulty to get them is what makes them so unique and “valuable”, what Im trying to say is, in order to feel some “progression” of some sort you need resources, resources that arent readily available to the people that are not aware of exploits, wo arent playing the TP game or pumping their entire salary into the game. I feel like Im getting nowehere and that in order to get to do something I have to “grind” (coming from other MMOs I dont mind it as long as I get good results), but the nerfs to all farming spots and your philosophy of no “grind” is hurting us. I want to get out of CoF, I want to stop going to Orr, I want to explore the amazing world you laid out.

Please increase the ways to receive T6 mats, thats the only thing I ask for, and Im not talking about “we increased the drops rate of bags in orr slightly”, Im talking about spreading them around the entire map, Orr is ugly, horrific, dull, gets tiresome after the 11th pull and the 27th undeads piling their dead bodies on you. I want to be able to complete events in the entire game and get a mini chest with a chance to drops T6 mats, as well as some karma pots or money bags (medium chance). Make me explore the world, make me want to play the game I was sold.

[GoM] Gate of Madness Server Elementalist|Guardian
Legendary SoloQ

(edited by Fortus.6175)

The game is becoming a Grind

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Star Ace.5207

Star Ace.5207

To be honest, since you still enjoy the game, just keep playing and don’t worry about it would be my advice. Especially if you are not the grindy type (I am not myself.)

I do agree that precursors are much too rare. I am hoping they change the way I can acquire a The Colossus, because otherwise I know I’ll eventually have to buy it (IMHO, the sanest and most sensible choice ATM, unfortunately.)

T6 I disagree with you, you’ll eventually get all you need without even farming, though you could farm some areas for half an about a day and get a decent amount (well, not that many, more like 1-5, the latter if you bare lucky.) You can also get lucky opening heavy bags of all sorts, which are not that hard to come by.

Some mats are too rare for casuals to get casually, which I am against: most lodestones and a few specialty, Legendary recipe items (in my case, I have to gamble low level gems at the Mystic Forge for 250 surprisingly super rare Silver Doubloons… TP flippers caught on this item long ago and sell them for higher than Vials of Powerful Blood, though the latter are more common so it’s “understandable”.)

In the end, the Legendary grind is only optional-it IS a huge grind if you want it ASAP to “match” a few of your peers, but honestly, many people don’t care. I personally don’t automatically think highly of any Legendary wielder (have witnessed bad such players, sadly), and if you go for it, do it for yourself, your own enjoyment, and your favorite applicable character, on your own timetable (it means NOTHING to get it ASAP, though of course they can be nice to have-it just takes too much luck and time to worry too much about them and/or make them the only or main reason to play, IMHO.)

The game is becoming a Grind

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jski.6180


If you think this game is a grind then you have no hope with any other mmorpg that has come out or will ever come out.

Main : Jski Imaginary ELE (Necromancer)
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA

The game is becoming a Grind

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Flissy.4093


Can’t take the legendary “grind”?

Don’t do it – it’s an aesthetic upgrade only for a reason.

If you want a “goal”, go for a lesser weapon. For example, I have a buddy who believes a Legendary is out of reach so is aiming for Volcanus instead.

Light Up the Darkness
“Dear ANet, nerf Paper, Scissors is fine. Sincerely, Rock”
Elysaurus | Warrior | [LOL] | League of the Legendary | Gandara (EU)

The game is becoming a Grind

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Peetee.9406


If you’re enjoying the game, the effiency for which you acquire items should not matter.
If you’re not enjoying the game, take a break

[CDS] Caedas
Sanctum of Rall

The game is becoming a Grind

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fortus.6175


guys, i dont care about the legendary, this isnt about that, im talking about the mats and crafting stuff and the lack of ways to get it other than Orr and others. Also that im pretty much forced into those high level places because going to low lvl places only gimps me

[GoM] Gate of Madness Server Elementalist|Guardian
Legendary SoloQ

The game is becoming a Grind

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jski.6180


guys, i dont care about the legendary, this isnt about that, im talking about the mats and crafting stuff and the lack of ways to get it other than Orr and others. Also that im pretty much forced into those high level places because going to low lvl places only gimps me

So you want low level mobs to drop high level mats? That is a very bad idea everyone would play the lowest level of mobs all the time and the high levels zones will have no one in them.

Main : Jski Imaginary ELE (Necromancer)
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA

The game is becoming a Grind

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fortus.6175


guys, i dont care about the legendary, this isnt about that, im talking about the mats and crafting stuff and the lack of ways to get it other than Orr and others. Also that im pretty much forced into those high level places because going to low lvl places only gimps me

So you want low level mobs to drop high level mats? That is a very bad idea everyone would play the lowest level of mobs all the time and the high levels zones will have no one in them.

then downscale me to that…. we are already downscaled, also, lower rate of drops, but like I said, tired of Orr. and thr suncove is good, but after a while it gets tiresome

[GoM] Gate of Madness Server Elementalist|Guardian
Legendary SoloQ

The game is becoming a Grind

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jski.6180


guys, i dont care about the legendary, this isnt about that, im talking about the mats and crafting stuff and the lack of ways to get it other than Orr and others. Also that im pretty much forced into those high level places because going to low lvl places only gimps me

So you want low level mobs to drop high level mats? That is a very bad idea everyone would play the lowest level of mobs all the time and the high levels zones will have no one in them.

then downscale me to that…. we are already downscaled, also, lower rate of drops, but like I said, tired of Orr. and thr suncove is good, but after a while it gets tiresome

There a lot more then Orr that can drop T6 atm even at the start of GW2 there where a few places and Orr was not the best. The down scaling would have to be much harder on players to the point where you gain no befit beyond having more skills when going to a lower level zone if you want some what better drops. In the end the higher level zones will still work out to be better drop and farming zones then the lower level.

Main : Jski Imaginary ELE (Necromancer)
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA

The game is becoming a Grind

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Inculpatus cedo.9234

Inculpatus cedo.9234

I think, maybe, the idea was…the higher the risk (higher level zone), the higher the reward (higher level mats). Maybe it hasn’t worked out exactly perfectly, but placing all level materials in all zones would probably just entice people to stay in the starter zones as 80s and abandon even more zones than are abandoned now.

The game is becoming a Grind

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


I don’t play this game for “reward” other than I’m enjoying myself, which is my reward. What other rewards I get, whatever they are are fine, because they’re not my main reason for playing.

I’m working on a second legendary. It might take me six months it might take me a year it might take me five years. Why do I care, if I"m having fun?

I used to watch a lot of baseball. Sometimes my team would win, sometimes my team would lose. Sometimes my team would lose five games in a row. I didn’t enjoy watching the team lose, but I couldn’t get my money back for tickets.

MMOs are the only game I know where people actually insist on being rewarded in a timely manner. As long as there are smaller goals to go far, whatever they are, even just the living story, and I make slow and steady progress toward my long term goal, I’m quite happy.

The game is becoming a Grind

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fortus.6175


guys, i dont care about the legendary, this isnt about that, im talking about the mats and crafting stuff and the lack of ways to get it other than Orr and others. Also that im pretty much forced into those high level places because going to low lvl places only gimps me

So you want low level mobs to drop high level mats? That is a very bad idea everyone would play the lowest level of mobs all the time and the high levels zones will have no one in them.

then downscale me to that…. we are already downscaled, also, lower rate of drops, but like I said, tired of Orr. and thr suncove is good, but after a while it gets tiresome

There a lot more then Orr that can drop T6 atm even at the start of GW2 there where a few places and Orr was not the best. The down scaling would have to be much harder on players to the point where you gain no befit beyond having more skills when going to a lower level zone if you want some what better drops. In the end the higher level zones will still work out to be better drop and farming zones then the lower level.

once again, you are missing the point,i dont want to farm, i dont want to grind, i want to roam around, kill a couple of stuff, do events, hlp my guildies, low lvl people, or just screw around and not feel like i have wasted my day when I end the day with a couple of cracked bones and lvl-125 crafting materials….

[GoM] Gate of Madness Server Elementalist|Guardian
Legendary SoloQ

The game is becoming a Grind

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: OliverT.9021


T6 I disagree with you, you’ll eventually get all you need without even farming, though you could farm some areas for half an about a day and get a decent amount (well, not that many, more like 1-5, the latter if you bare lucky.) You can also get lucky opening heavy bags of all sorts, which are not that hard to come by.

Some mats are too rare for casuals to get casually, which I am against: most lodestones and a few specialty, Legendary recipe items (in my case, I have to gamble low level gems at the Mystic Forge for 250 surprisingly super rare Silver Doubloons… TP flippers caught on this item long ago and sell them for higher than Vials of Powerful Blood, though the latter are more common so it’s “understandable”.)

I did map completion for a 2nd time, on a level 80 guardian, and when I completed that task, I had an amazing total of less than 30 T6 mats in the bank.

Sometimes the reason behind the rush to get the legendary or whatever weapon that the player intends to craft, is just so that it doesn’t get more expensive than it currently is.

I remembered a time when Silver Doubloons were 21s. I bought one stack of them just in case they became as expensive as lodestones, and at that point in time when I bought them, I haven’t decided which legendary to go for.

Those Silver Doubloons cost me about 52g or so. At current prices of 75s thereabouts, that same stack I bought in January 2013, just 6 months ago, is a whopping 187g 50s. Do it even slower and you end up paying the price.

The game is becoming a Grind

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jski.6180


guys, i dont care about the legendary, this isnt about that, im talking about the mats and crafting stuff and the lack of ways to get it other than Orr and others. Also that im pretty much forced into those high level places because going to low lvl places only gimps me

So you want low level mobs to drop high level mats? That is a very bad idea everyone would play the lowest level of mobs all the time and the high levels zones will have no one in them.

then downscale me to that…. we are already downscaled, also, lower rate of drops, but like I said, tired of Orr. and thr suncove is good, but after a while it gets tiresome

There a lot more then Orr that can drop T6 atm even at the start of GW2 there where a few places and Orr was not the best. The down scaling would have to be much harder on players to the point where you gain no befit beyond having more skills when going to a lower level zone if you want some what better drops. In the end the higher level zones will still work out to be better drop and farming zones then the lower level.

once again, you are missing the point,i dont want to farm, i dont want to grind, i want to roam around, kill a couple of stuff, do events, hlp my guildies, low lvl people, or just screw around and not feel like i have wasted my day when I end the day with a couple of cracked bones and lvl-125 crafting materials….

You can!

Main : Jski Imaginary ELE (Necromancer)
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA

The game is becoming a Grind

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: beren.6048


They could make different channels for areas where each channel has a different difficulty & drops.

The game is becoming a Grind

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fortus.6175


guys, i dont care about the legendary, this isnt about that, im talking about the mats and crafting stuff and the lack of ways to get it other than Orr and others. Also that im pretty much forced into those high level places because going to low lvl places only gimps me

So you want low level mobs to drop high level mats? That is a very bad idea everyone would play the lowest level of mobs all the time and the high levels zones will have no one in them.

then downscale me to that…. we are already downscaled, also, lower rate of drops, but like I said, tired of Orr. and thr suncove is good, but after a while it gets tiresome

There a lot more then Orr that can drop T6 atm even at the start of GW2 there where a few places and Orr was not the best. The down scaling would have to be much harder on players to the point where you gain no befit beyond having more skills when going to a lower level zone if you want some what better drops. In the end the higher level zones will still work out to be better drop and farming zones then the lower level.

once again, you are missing the point,i dont want to farm, i dont want to grind, i want to roam around, kill a couple of stuff, do events, hlp my guildies, low lvl people, or just screw around and not feel like i have wasted my day when I end the day with a couple of cracked bones and lvl-125 crafting materials….

You can!

no you cant, which is why im here, because I have tried, and I have 76% MF, and I have done it not for 2 day, 3 days, 2 weeks, 4 weeks, but for 2 months almost.

[GoM] Gate of Madness Server Elementalist|Guardian
Legendary SoloQ

(edited by Fortus.6175)

The game is becoming a Grind

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


guys, i dont care about the legendary, this isnt about that, im talking about the mats and crafting stuff and the lack of ways to get it other than Orr and others. Also that im pretty much forced into those high level places because going to low lvl places only gimps me

So you want low level mobs to drop high level mats? That is a very bad idea everyone would play the lowest level of mobs all the time and the high levels zones will have no one in them.

then downscale me to that…. we are already downscaled, also, lower rate of drops, but like I said, tired of Orr. and thr suncove is good, but after a while it gets tiresome

There a lot more then Orr that can drop T6 atm even at the start of GW2 there where a few places and Orr was not the best. The down scaling would have to be much harder on players to the point where you gain no befit beyond having more skills when going to a lower level zone if you want some what better drops. In the end the higher level zones will still work out to be better drop and farming zones then the lower level.

once again, you are missing the point,i dont want to farm, i dont want to grind, i want to roam around, kill a couple of stuff, do events, hlp my guildies, low lvl people, or just screw around and not feel like i have wasted my day when I end the day with a couple of cracked bones and lvl-125 crafting materials….

I do all that, and I end up at the end of the day with gold. Not mats, but gold. And sometimes my guildies do go into high level areas. Some days I make a gold or two, some days I make a lot more. Since I’m not rushing it’s fine.

Are you saying going into early areas you don’t make money. Because I may not get as many drops but I kill a whole lot faster and at the end of the day, even selling the bags from those low level encouters, or the stuff in them, adds up. In fact, farming and selling the low level bags is pretty profitable. Not as profitable as a high level bag individually, but when you factor in how much faster they are to farm, it’s quite good for me.

The game is becoming a Grind

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tolunart.2095


once again, you are missing the point,i dont want to farm, i dont want to grind, i want to roam around, kill a couple of stuff, do events, hlp my guildies, low lvl people, or just screw around and not feel like i have wasted my day when I end the day with a couple of cracked bones and lvl-125 crafting materials….

You are the only one responsible for your feeling this way, and the only person who can stop yourself from feeling this way.

Also, this is a form of entertainment, not real life. By definition you have not accomplished anything by playing the game. The only thing you do or fail to do is to have fun. Again this is entirely dependent on how you approach the game.

The game is becoming a Grind

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: penatbater.4710



How long did it take for you to farm up for all the stuff you have now?

Don’t disturb me, I have a cat in me at the moment.

The game is becoming a Grind

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fortus.6175



How long did it take for you to farm up for all the stuff you have now?

Let me tell you what I have right now towards my legendary (since it seems it is the only thing people seem to be picking on…):

Restarted on Christmas( about 6-7 months now), bought the game on release but took a long break due to boredom and unbalanced sPvP:

-100% map
-Gift of Battle (aka gift of jumping)
-76 clovers
- around 1million karma
-bloodstone shard (200 skillpoint)
-T6 mats, none igher than 40

Now that we got over the legendary, can we pleaqse move on from that point and try to discuss the important matter at hand; the game is designed so that you have to grind in order to get something, but grinding is penalized. I dont want to grind, and I support that ANet decision, but either we have to get alternative ways to get mats and others or weapons and others have to have new formulas on how they have to be done, because right now they arent challenging nor fun, just tedious to farm.

[GoM] Gate of Madness Server Elementalist|Guardian
Legendary SoloQ

The game is becoming a Grind

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: penatbater.4710


so… you farmed all of those stuff? There are alternative methods of getting it, ableit much slower than a farm.

Don’t disturb me, I have a cat in me at the moment.

The game is becoming a Grind

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Grounder.7381


some people have given up even when they already finish everything, except the prececusor.. (zommoros doesn’t like them).. good luck on grinding the legendary. its tedious, but that what makes it special..

The game is becoming a Grind

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fortus.6175


so… you farmed all of those stuff? There are alternative methods of getting it, ableit much slower than a farm.

yeah I famed all that myself, I want to do the legendary with my own efforts. An yes, there are other ways; go to CoF, farm it for 3 hours, repeat. I have done it, got tired after the 10th run of the day.

I have farmed around 100g (which…..once again, I bet most people didnt bother to read the entire original post…) will go into the icy runes. Like I said, uless you are playing the TP game, exploiting mechanics, farming CoF almost ll day you wont be going anywhere.

I believe this is whats going to kill this game, the content is gated around mats, I have already had 4 irl friends which started the game with me quit because of how unbalanced sPvP is and how unrewarding it is to just go around doing fun stuff rather than farming. The game will surely attract some other people, but I dont like games where Im recycled. The reason why Im sticking to this game is because I have the faith that it can be a great game, but Anet has to make up their darn minds; do they want us to farm, or not? If they do, do we have to play Orr and southcove for the rest of our lifes, or do we get the choice to go to any map and do the AMAZING Array of events they have which go completely ignored because of how counterpodutive it is to do them when you could be in CoF, making old, inflating the already devastated economy…..

[GoM] Gate of Madness Server Elementalist|Guardian
Legendary SoloQ

(edited by Fortus.6175)

The game is becoming a Grind

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: penatbater.4710


I think they allow us to farm, just not that much or for too long (DR). I think the way anet wants us to get our mats for whatever purpose is that we do a variety of different activities every time we log-in. We do a few cof runs, we do a few fractals, we do a few CS events, we do a few SSC events, we do the world bosses, we do a bit of wvw for the badges, etc. All of those things done incrementally can eventually lead to a lot of cakitten

hink the point they’re trying to make is to reward people for doing what they want to do, not because they HAVE to do it, but because they WANT to do it. Granted the rewards might not be as big or superfluous as manual or traditional farming, but the point still stands on their intention. I suggest if you really wanna farm, do stuff that you like doing and you’ll find yourself getting rewarded.

Don’t disturb me, I have a cat in me at the moment.

The game is becoming a Grind

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mentalhead.5721


Yes, the game feels like a grind sometimes, with the latest Merchants in Southsun as its latest addition.

The game is becoming a Grind

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: pricer.5091


I think they allow us to farm, just not that much or for too long (DR). I think the way anet wants us to get our mats for whatever purpose is that we do a variety of different activities every time we log-in. We do a few cof runs, we do a few fractals, we do a few CS events, we do a few SSC events, we do the world bosses, we do a bit of wvw for the badges, etc. All of those things done incrementally can eventually lead to a lot of cakittenhink the point they’re trying to make is to reward people for doing what they want to do, not because they HAVE to do it, but because they WANT to do it. Granted the rewards might not be as big or superfluous as manual or traditional farming, but the point still stands on their intention. I suggest if you really wanna farm, do stuff that you like doing and you’ll find yourself getting rewarded.

This is rubbish, they have nerfed mats everywhere. I used to make a bit of gold doing Wayfarer Foothills stuff like the Grawl Cave with the winged horror and used to get over 20 bags…now Im lucky to get 3. Same with Harathi Centaur chain.

Mats have been nerfed everywhere. Not just Orr. And not just T6.

The game is becoming a Grind

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: penatbater.4710




Well after getting my legendary, I stopped farming (and doing any dungeons regularly) completely, and just went to leveling alts or doing wvw. So far, I’ve gotten around 60-70g in cash, 80+ ectos and a few t6 mats. I think if you put the “farming” aspect out of it and simply try to play various parts of the game you find enjoyable, you’ll see “Farming” as less of an ordeal as it is.

Don’t disturb me, I have a cat in me at the moment.

The game is becoming a Grind

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: marnick.4305




Well after getting my legendary, I stopped farming (and doing any dungeons regularly) completely, and just went to leveling alts or doing wvw. So far, I’ve gotten around 60-70g in cash, 80+ ectos and a few t6 mats. I think if you put the “farming” aspect out of it and simply try to play various parts of the game you find enjoyable, you’ll see “Farming” as less of an ordeal as it is.

That’s how I see it too. By playing different parts of the world, I tend to have a relatively steady income. If I had a full day to schedule I’d do:
- AC123s
- COF12
- FOTM20
- HotW13
- few world bosses
- fill the rest with WvW
- a bounty

That easily adds up to 30+g without repeating content. Why people want to bleed their eyes out with farming is beyond me. Then again, I was raised on a farm, farming is best done with wheat, sheep, cows … In game I’d rather do other things. Not that I don’t like farming but feeding a pig is infinitely more fun than repeating boring content.

If I can’t play Guild Wars 2 at work, I won’t work in Guild Wars 2 either.
Delayed content is eventually good. Rushed content is eternally bad. ~ Shigeru Miyamoto

The game is becoming a Grind

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SirDrygan.1823


There are actually many things to do in GW2, but most players are either too lazy or bored at it. If you go to Queensdale, there will be many people doing all the DE, but if you go to Frostgorge Sound, you will rarely see any unless Jormag’s champion is on the map. Or at Fireheart Rise, you will see players gathering at the entrance to CoF.

You can say that many people just don’t feel doing many things in GW2 rewarding unless you continuously run the same thing over and over to get the RNG drops. And then there is DR.

The game is becoming a Grind

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jimmy JimBob.2801

Jimmy JimBob.2801

I think the games been a grind since day 1. Every map is the same:
Exploring it is great, but the heart quests are all the same. Either press F on this, or kill that. Getting 100% map completion was the worst thing I’ve done in GW2
The PvE end game is then dungeons, which are good for a while, or Farming Orr/CoF – more grinding.

This is the reason I’ve moved to wvw.

GW1 had the best PvE content i’ve seen on any game, and all the stuff they introduced as time went on bought me back. Here I’ve not bothered with much of the living story in this because it’s not engaged me at all, and the idea of doing the whole 1-80 thing through PvE again is horrifying. Until they move the pve side closer to what it was in gw1 I won’t be doing much of it

The game is becoming a Grind

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


I think the games been a grind since day 1. Every map is the same:
Exploring it is great, but the heart quests are all the same. Either press F on this, or kill that. Getting 100% map completion was the worst thing I’ve done in GW2
The PvE end game is then dungeons, which are good for a while, or Farming Orr/CoF – more grinding.

This is the reason I’ve moved to wvw.

GW1 had the best PvE content i’ve seen on any game, and all the stuff they introduced as time went on bought me back. Here I’ve not bothered with much of the living story in this because it’s not engaged me at all, and the idea of doing the whole 1-80 thing through PvE again is horrifying. Until they move the pve side closer to what it was in gw1 I won’t be doing much of it

Strange, I much prefer the PvE here to the PvE in Guild Wars 1. I find it infinitely more engaging. I mean at least here I have to pay attention sometimes. In Guild Wars 1 in PvE, I really didn’t.

The game is becoming a Grind

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jimmy JimBob.2801

Jimmy JimBob.2801

I think the games been a grind since day 1. Every map is the same:
Exploring it is great, but the heart quests are all the same. Either press F on this, or kill that. Getting 100% map completion was the worst thing I’ve done in GW2
The PvE end game is then dungeons, which are good for a while, or Farming Orr/CoF – more grinding.

This is the reason I’ve moved to wvw.

GW1 had the best PvE content i’ve seen on any game, and all the stuff they introduced as time went on bought me back. Here I’ve not bothered with much of the living story in this because it’s not engaged me at all, and the idea of doing the whole 1-80 thing through PvE again is horrifying. Until they move the pve side closer to what it was in gw1 I won’t be doing much of it

Strange, I much prefer the PvE here to the PvE in Guild Wars 1. I find it infinitely more engaging. I mean at least here I have to pay attention sometimes. In Guild Wars 1 in PvE, I really didn’t.

It was good for the first week, but I liked the fact that in Gw1 the objective was to run in a full party and fight mobs instead of here in Gw2 in most zones you run solo fighting a handful of enemies at most. PvE here really doesn’t encourage you to party up. (I know GW1 became merc central and heros really broke the MMO style a bit, but in prophecies I struggled to play a mission hencies only)

The game is becoming a Grind

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fenrir.3609


That’s how I see it too. By playing different parts of the world, I tend to have a relatively steady income. If I had a full day to schedule I’d do:
- AC123s
- COF12
- FOTM20
- HotW13
- few world bosses
- fill the rest with WvW
- a bounty

That easily adds up to 30+g without repeating content. Why people want to bleed their eyes out with farming is beyond me. Then again, I was raised on a farm, farming is best done with wheat, sheep, cows … In game I’d rather do other things. Not that I don’t like farming but feeding a pig is infinitely more fun than repeating boring content.

Unless you are running those dungeon paths multiple times each day or sriking out lucky with loot then it is unlikely to tally up to 30g+ (although I am not sure how much the bounty will be bringing in).

If you are running them multiple times each day, well that looks both dangerously akin to a form of farming and also boring beyond the eye bleeding level frankly.

Is 30g + a day doable? Sure, is it easy without actively trying to get it, lucking out (which isn’t statistically significant at all) or flipping items on the TP? Probably not, no.

The game is becoming a Grind

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


I think the games been a grind since day 1. Every map is the same:
Exploring it is great, but the heart quests are all the same. Either press F on this, or kill that. Getting 100% map completion was the worst thing I’ve done in GW2
The PvE end game is then dungeons, which are good for a while, or Farming Orr/CoF – more grinding.

This is the reason I’ve moved to wvw.

GW1 had the best PvE content i’ve seen on any game, and all the stuff they introduced as time went on bought me back. Here I’ve not bothered with much of the living story in this because it’s not engaged me at all, and the idea of doing the whole 1-80 thing through PvE again is horrifying. Until they move the pve side closer to what it was in gw1 I won’t be doing much of it

Strange, I much prefer the PvE here to the PvE in Guild Wars 1. I find it infinitely more engaging. I mean at least here I have to pay attention sometimes. In Guild Wars 1 in PvE, I really didn’t.

It was good for the first week, but I liked the fact that in Gw1 the objective was to run in a full party and fight mobs instead of here in Gw2 in most zones you run solo fighting a handful of enemies at most. PvE here really doesn’t encourage you to party up. (I know GW1 became merc central and heros really broke the MMO style a bit, but in prophecies I struggled to play a mission hencies only)

PvE here is much better when partied up. I party up all the time. Maybe that’s why you’re not quite enjoying it as much.

The game is becoming a Grind

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


Is 30g + a day doable? Sure, is it easy without actively trying to get it, lucking out (which isn’t statistically significant at all) or flipping items on the TP? Probably not, no.

Yep. 30g is definitely doable, but only when actively grinding (or tp playing, but let’s leave that for a different topic). Playing casually you’d be lucky to get even a tenth of that. In fact, playing casually it’s entirely possible to end a day with a net loss.

Actions, not words.
Remember, remember, 15th of November

The game is becoming a Grind

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jimmy JimBob.2801

Jimmy JimBob.2801

I think the games been a grind since day 1. Every map is the same:
Exploring it is great, but the heart quests are all the same. Either press F on this, or kill that. Getting 100% map completion was the worst thing I’ve done in GW2
The PvE end game is then dungeons, which are good for a while, or Farming Orr/CoF – more grinding.

This is the reason I’ve moved to wvw.

GW1 had the best PvE content i’ve seen on any game, and all the stuff they introduced as time went on bought me back. Here I’ve not bothered with much of the living story in this because it’s not engaged me at all, and the idea of doing the whole 1-80 thing through PvE again is horrifying. Until they move the pve side closer to what it was in gw1 I won’t be doing much of it

Strange, I much prefer the PvE here to the PvE in Guild Wars 1. I find it infinitely more engaging. I mean at least here I have to pay attention sometimes. In Guild Wars 1 in PvE, I really didn’t.

It was good for the first week, but I liked the fact that in Gw1 the objective was to run in a full party and fight mobs instead of here in Gw2 in most zones you run solo fighting a handful of enemies at most. PvE here really doesn’t encourage you to party up. (I know GW1 became merc central and heros really broke the MMO style a bit, but in prophecies I struggled to play a mission hencies only)

PvE here is much better when partied up. I party up all the time. Maybe that’s why you’re not quite enjoying it as much.

There’s no reason to party up ouside of the 80 zones though. The only time I enter PvE now is with my rl friends or guildies. It becomes alot more fun yes, but its still the same grind at heart so there’s only so much I can stomach.

GW1 you could get good fights against different types of mobs that required different builds to counter. I never change my build in GW2, its all the same

The game is becoming a Grind

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: redgabber.5209


The game is too easy, on the way to become a Panda.

The game is becoming a Grind

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BatalliaShan.4731


Becoming a grind? son, it already is.

The game is becoming a Grind

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


I think the games been a grind since day 1. Every map is the same:
Exploring it is great, but the heart quests are all the same. Either press F on this, or kill that. Getting 100% map completion was the worst thing I’ve done in GW2
The PvE end game is then dungeons, which are good for a while, or Farming Orr/CoF – more grinding.

This is the reason I’ve moved to wvw.

GW1 had the best PvE content i’ve seen on any game, and all the stuff they introduced as time went on bought me back. Here I’ve not bothered with much of the living story in this because it’s not engaged me at all, and the idea of doing the whole 1-80 thing through PvE again is horrifying. Until they move the pve side closer to what it was in gw1 I won’t be doing much of it

Strange, I much prefer the PvE here to the PvE in Guild Wars 1. I find it infinitely more engaging. I mean at least here I have to pay attention sometimes. In Guild Wars 1 in PvE, I really didn’t.

It was good for the first week, but I liked the fact that in Gw1 the objective was to run in a full party and fight mobs instead of here in Gw2 in most zones you run solo fighting a handful of enemies at most. PvE here really doesn’t encourage you to party up. (I know GW1 became merc central and heros really broke the MMO style a bit, but in prophecies I struggled to play a mission hencies only)

PvE here is much better when partied up. I party up all the time. Maybe that’s why you’re not quite enjoying it as much.

There’s no reason to party up ouside of the 80 zones though. The only time I enter PvE now is with my rl friends or guildies. It becomes alot more fun yes, but its still the same grind at heart so there’s only so much I can stomach.

GW1 you could get good fights against different types of mobs that required different builds to counter. I never change my build in GW2, its all the same

I party up at least in part for fun…but it’s also more profitable to party up. When you’re in a party with someone, and you’re doing all the same stuff, everything just goes faster. Foes are killed faster, loot is attained faster, and combos can happen more regularly. In addition, you don’t have to do quite as much damage if you’re partied to get credit for a kill. At least that’s what I seem to have noticed.

Alone, a single shot on something I don’t get to loot it. In a party I do.

The game is becoming a Grind

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: penatbater.4710


Unless you are running those dungeon paths multiple times each day or sriking out lucky with loot then it is unlikely to tally up to 30g+ (although I am not sure how much the bounty will be bringing in).

If you are running them multiple times each day, well that looks both dangerously akin to a form of farming and also boring beyond the eye bleeding level frankly.

Is 30g + a day doable? Sure, is it easy without actively trying to get it, lucking out (which isn’t statistically significant at all) or flipping items on the TP? Probably not, no.

The difference is that you do different things, instead of staying in one spot and kill mobs until your eyes bleed out. This, I reckon, is GW2’s version of farming: doing many different things that earn you cash.

30g a day I also reckon is highly unlikely. But even getting 5-10g a day (excluding mats) is reasonably doable with all the dungeon runs, fotms, wvw, world bosses, etc.

Don’t disturb me, I have a cat in me at the moment.

The game is becoming a Grind

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: marnick.4305


That’s how I see it too. By playing different parts of the world, I tend to have a relatively steady income. If I had a full day to schedule I’d do:
- AC123s
- COF12
- FOTM20
- HotW13
- few world bosses
- fill the rest with WvW
- a bounty

That easily adds up to 30+g without repeating content. Why people want to bleed their eyes out with farming is beyond me. Then again, I was raised on a farm, farming is best done with wheat, sheep, cows … In game I’d rather do other things. Not that I don’t like farming but feeding a pig is infinitely more fun than repeating boring content.

Unless you are running those dungeon paths multiple times each day or sriking out lucky with loot then it is unlikely to tally up to 30g+ (although I am not sure how much the bounty will be bringing in).

If you are running them multiple times each day, well that looks both dangerously akin to a form of farming and also boring beyond the eye bleeding level frankly.

Nope. Each just once.

Tokens to rares and salvage into ecto, same for world bosses. 20s completion reward per path and a handful of mats from chests. Add to that a ton of vendor trash drops. If you merely add the value of the mats, you get into the 30g range easily without repeating any content for the day (which means not getting diminishing returns)

Is 30g + a day doable? Sure, is it easy without actively trying to get it, lucking out (which isn’t statistically significant at all) or flipping items on the TP?


If I can’t play Guild Wars 2 at work, I won’t work in Guild Wars 2 either.
Delayed content is eventually good. Rushed content is eternally bad. ~ Shigeru Miyamoto

(edited by marnick.4305)

The game is becoming a Grind

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sovta.4719


If you really want legendary go CoF p1 or learn to flip items on TP, that’s how most of them are made.

The game is becoming a Grind

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fenrir.3609


Nope. Each just once.

Tokens to rares and salvage into ecto, same for world bosses. 20s completion reward per path and a handful of mats from chests. Add to that a ton of vendor trash drops. If you merely add the value of the mats, you get into the 30g range easily without repeating any content for the day (which means not getting diminishing returns)

Is 30g + a day doable? Sure, is it easy without actively trying to get it, lucking out (which isn’t statistically significant at all) or flipping items on the TP?


So you are averaging at least 3g + per path run, not per hour, per run? And you are saying that is possible from the mats alone now?

(edited by Fenrir.3609)

The game is becoming a Grind

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TooBz.3065


I don’t think most people average 3+ gold / path. Usually, I get somewhere just under 1 g per path. Of course, I may just be extraordinarily unlucky.

Anything I post is just the opinion of a very vocal minority of 1.

The game is becoming a Grind

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fenrir.3609


I don’t think most people average 3+ gold / path. Usually, I get somewhere just under 1 g per path. Of course, I may just be extraordinarily unlucky.

Sounds more in the realms of reality.

The notion of easily adding 30G or more to your bank, on average, on a day by day (gaming session) basis with zero dungeon repetition, zero farming, without gaming the TP and just doing what you fancy (including throwing in pvp) seem somewhat unrealistic.

I could ofc be very, very wrong about that and if I am, great tbh! But if so I would love to see a detailed breakdown of how someone is doing as such (and not “get some ectos”).

The game is becoming a Grind

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nightarch.2943


This game looks extraordinary!
When does it come out?

Guild Wars 2 is not a sequel to the original Guild Wars but merely an alternative story setting.

The game is becoming a Grind

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


The notion of easily adding 30G or more to your bank, on average, on a day by day (gaming session) basis with zero dungeon repetition, zero farming, without gaming the TP and just doing what you fancy (including throwing in pvp) seem somewhat unrealistic.

If you look closer at what he’s doing, he is farming. He just does it a bit differently than most. It still doesn’t add up to 30g per day, so i think he’s doing few more things he forgot to mention.

Actions, not words.
Remember, remember, 15th of November

The game is becoming a Grind

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Danikat.8537


Legendaries have always been a grind, that’s their purpose – to give those who want to grind for their super-awesome special item something to do.

If you don’t want to do that there are plenty of other cool skins which are much easier to aquire.

Danielle Aurorel, Dear Dragon We Got Your Cookies [Nom], Desolation (EU).

“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”

The game is becoming a Grind

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: pricer.5091


This game is a broken, rampant with greed and infested with bugs nightmare with bad design, poorly implemented content patches, almost daily fixes, unbalanced combat, skills that havent worked properly since the game went live, time-gating, RNG on the rampage, culling, horrendous lag, horrendous personal story, dreadful voice acting, repetitive and uninspiring combat, 30 second zerg kills on most supposed “world bosses” and constant nerfs to reward and buffs to punishment.

In a nutshell…it sucks.

It doesn’t want your admiration…it wants your cash.

And I quite literally don’t care if you disagree with me, thats my opinion after 2000+ hours of play.

And its all easily fixable….its just that no-one cares.

(edited by pricer.5091)

The game is becoming a Grind

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pendragon.8735


When they first made the changes to low level zones, where you could go back to lower areas and still get drops at your level, it sounded great. And seemed to work well at the start. Go anywhere, do anything, explore the world, and have a chance for fairly consistent income and resource acquisition.

Then slowly more and more nerfs, to the point now it doesn’t even pay to do the max level events and zones. Its feeling more like work just to maintain basic upkeep on your character.