The misheard phrases of GW2. :)
“Let’s see the color of your groin”
“Tarnished Coast” since head start!
Don’t ask me why but for the first two months of playing this game, I swore I heard:
“Hurts to kill, rising…” and/or “Girls to kill, rising…”
(Me being female, I always thought: “…what the….?”)
“For the Panini!!”
for the longest time i thought the centaurs were hungry to die for a sandwich.
I’m so glad I’m not the only one to hear their sandwich battle cries!
Variations have been mentioned but asura getting swiftness, I always hear, “Eat celery!”
“For the Panini!!”
for the longest time i thought the centaurs were hungry to die for a sandwich.
I was watching Nigeria-Argentina game which was boring so this almost was making me to pee my pants
“More come, yes?!” – rather excited skritt
No I wont write what I hear it as.
“Last sugar bear!” (Labyrinthine Cliffs vendor who actually says “Fast shoe repair!”)
“Getting humped!” (Charr warrior says “Getting pumped!” when adrenaline rises.)
-Mike O’Brien
Because we can’t be angry about both?
There’s a character, and I think it’s an Elementalist attuning to water, pretty sure always male, and not sure the race, but they say something that is very close to “Your love is like a tidal wave”, and then I can’t get Heartbreaker out of my head.
Not sure who shouts this but for 3 months I wondered why people were calling me the word that starts with a “b” and means a kid whose parents are not married (which is not printed here because it gets translated into “kitten”)
One day it hit me they were telling me to go “faster.”
“That’s ok, they’re easy to mate.”
“I kill fathers and mothers.. Now I hump their children!”
This quote from HOTW: yes.
Also, Ulgoth:
“Tremble humans, for you will show me Jamaica”
When an asura punches off a combo, she says “Combine and compound!” For the longest time I thought she said “Ka-blime and KA POW!” :/
“For Grape Justice!”
“For Grape Justice!”
Actually it’s “4 Grape Juices!” ^^
I just noticed today, the hyenas make this noise when you are fighting them that sounds like “Stop it!”
(edited by Astral Projections.7320)
“Hate propane!”
~ Whips ~ City Minigames ~ City Jumping Puzzles ~
CoF P1
“Those Salads got themselves a flame legion effigy…”
I can’t believe I’m the only one who hears this but… It’s a male voice and I’m sure he says
’ joyous kitten ’ during fights……
The kittened word is 3 letter American slang for your behind
(edited by hotcatz.6834)
“For the Panini!” … totally thought that’s what it was saying for the longest time, and couldn’t figure out why.
“Take it off!” was a close second, though.
Catorii | Lustre Delacroix | Catorii Desmarais | Synalie
“Better than moon boots!”
This is what I hear too. What are the norn actually saying?
EDIT: I don’t see how anything could be better than moon boots though
“Better than Moot Loot” or that’s what I hear… but moon boots sounds better
[iQ] Intrinsic Quality
“For the Taimi!”
Male sylvari gaining fury: “I’m bi-curious!”
Took me days playing a sylvari warrior before I figured out what it actually was.
“Melissa aid you”.
“Feel Grenth, I see embrace!”
“For Grape Justice!”
Actually it’s “4 Grape Juices!” ^^
I just noticed today, the hyenas make this noise when you are fighting them that sounds like “Stop it!”
Well when you’re hitting a golem I hear them say “Error Code”
Shave yourselves!
Ugh.. my Laaag!
Wow, this thread is hilarious! So glad I am not alone with some of these..
“Your face is under attack!” instead of “Your base is under attack!” in the Legacy of the Foefire PvP map.
That is what I heard when I first started playing GW2 sPvP; it made me laugh quite a bit.
“Pay for pain!”
Coming from a friend’s human female, my first thought was, “what? you made a dominatrix?”
Took a couple more shouts to finally figure it out.
“For Krait Justice!”
“Feel my rap!”
This thread is hilarious.
“Feel my rap!”
This thread is hilarious.
you mean “feel my wrap!” …“FOR THE PANINI!”
I always got “You’re an eyefull” to “You’re an Iphone”
The most priceless thing I’ve ever heard in the game?
Chickens peck and chickens munch, chickens cluck and chickens crunch, chickens flop and chickens croon, chickens on the table soon~! <3
After the dolyak race in the Labyrinthine Cliffs, Taimi, Jory and Kas would have a little conversation. Taimi was giving a toast, and the text in the window read, “To fizz in your nose!” but the vocalization did not resemble that phrase at all. Not in any way. I swear that Taimi said, “To blood in your eye!”
-Mike O’Brien
Because we can’t be angry about both?
The 1st time i heard the centaurs i thought they were saying “for the tahini” and wondered why they wanted a middle eastern paste/spread.
In Frostgorge Sound, with NPC Rojan the Penitent:
“Everyone fights… or something.”
Oh good, I’m not the only one. For ages I though he was trying to be profound but failed at it.
I am not certain if I hear it correctly or not but I could swear my Asuran engie says “on your feet, kitten!”
The kitten would be a female dog…….
All the Panini quotes have made me terribly hungry…. kitten it all.
Panera bread…. I’m coming for you.
“Death calls me…”
“Eat my dusk!”
“Why would anyone… help me?”
“Inventory!” (Wave and torrent)
“Cleaning will now begin”
Isle of Janthir
“Your face is under attack.”
And of course “For the Panini!”
(edited by Zalani.9827)
Kasmeer was so much cooler when I thought she was saying:
“I’ll have you know I’m not out of smiles!”