The post that you must read before you complain...

The post that you must read before you complain...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tolunart.2095


Ok, I can’t get this particular thread to display while logged in, and I can read but not reply while logged out. (And now it works again…)

Someone mentioned expecting people to be mature… I don’t expect it, I’m a pessimist and a cynic and so far nothing in life has caused me to rethink my viewpoint. Expecting people to be mature is futile.

However, to be treated as an equal, I require maturity. Anyway, the mods were upset with me for the statements you quoted so I’m not going to discuss that particular line of thought any further.

(edited by tolunart.2095)

The post that you must read before you complain...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Trock Bronze.9625

Trock Bronze.9625

Excuse me if I am wrong but DR= Drop Rate yes?
Is it really fun to sit there and grind out some material? I mean who plays the game for that other then bots? How is that remotely entertaining? There are plenty of other more interesting goals to set for yourself that will gather the materials and gold you need to obtain legionaries, which btw require legendary effort to obtain, makes sense. These weapons are basically just skins, thats the point. However should you move between maps and enemy types all day and you played non stop the DR would not drop much. You’d see it, move on, repeat and eventually come back to the start 5ish hours later seems to be the reset time when I am gathering in Orr. I will log out of my main and play my second and when I come back later loot is fine. I don’t get how thats a big deal.

As for all the bugs… the game just released they need time to fix it all up, no release is perfect for a while but this release has been much better then plenty of other MMOs. To me it just looks like people trying to find any little thing to complain about to justify returning to other MMOs they get or just warrant not liking the game. If you don’t like it fine, but trhat doesn’t mean the issues you have with it are fact or are not being worked on.

Lastly, A-Net has said, play other games, GW2 will be waiting. With no sub you have nothing to worry about. If the bugs bother you then come back when you see mention of a majority being fixed.

The post that you must read before you complain...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tolunart.2095


Excuse me if I am wrong but DR= Drop Rate yes?

Diminishing Returns.

It’s much the same concept but it applies to XP, gold, items dropped, Karma, etc. The idea is that the longer you do X, the less reward you get from doing X. Do Y instead and rewards return to normal.

It is not working entirely as intended, and because Arenanet will not officially state exactly what it does and what they want it to do, and/or immediately remove the DR people are crying that the sky is falling.

The post that you must read before you complain...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Morrigan.2809


Excuse me if I am wrong but DR= Drop Rate yes?
Is it really fun to sit there and grind out some material? I mean who plays the game for that other then bots? How is that remotely entertaining? There are plenty of other more interesting goals to set for yourself that will gather the materials and gold you need to obtain legionaries, which btw require legendary effort to obtain, makes sense. These weapons are basically just skins, thats the point. However should you move between maps and enemy types all day and you played non stop the DR would not drop much. You’d see it, move on, repeat and eventually come back to the start 5ish hours later seems to be the reset time when I am gathering in Orr. I will log out of my main and play my second and when I come back later loot is fine. I don’t get how thats a big deal.

As for all the bugs… the game just released they need time to fix it all up, no release is perfect for a while but this release has been much better then plenty of other MMOs. To me it just looks like people trying to find any little thing to complain about to justify returning to other MMOs they get or just warrant not liking the game. If you don’t like it fine, but trhat doesn’t mean the issues you have with it are fact or are not being worked on.

Lastly, A-Net has said, play other games, GW2 will be waiting. With no sub you have nothing to worry about. If the bugs bother you then come back when you see mention of a majority being fixed.

DR is short for Diminished return you are spot on in your assessment

Gunnar’s Hold