There are cosmetic mounts in GW2 already
But as long as it’s not a mount.
You know the thing is, many people get mad if you only use the word “mount”, no matter how you call this broom thing, it does what mounts do. They are there you can sit on it and go around with it,. The only difference is that it has a very limited use. If people call it “a mount” so let them do it. Noone ever said, well this way it would be an ok way for mounts to be implemented, as long as they don’t break immersion to much (like a flying elephant prolly does^^).
But instead people are arguing about words. The thing must not be a mount, under no circumstances. Really I would like to see more options like this broom in the future. And if some call it a mount, who cares?
Exactly! haha iv been using the word mount for ages now with the broom and the logic some people are coming out with to say it is not a mount is laughable…just pathetic…
Wezzz mustzz havezz nooo mounts in gw211!!1!!!11!!
It looks like a mount, feels like a mount, act’s like a mount but it’s not a mount because of …….“whatever we can make up here that does not hurt our little world of no mounts”
Its pretty funny how some are reacting and trying to argue against it lol.
The witch’s broom is a cosmetic mount, it gives no advantage and no speed boost but it is a mount and it is purely cosmetic.
Mounts are already in GW2. These Riding Brooms will probably be an extention of that. There creeping it in like they did ascended items.
Ascended Mounts are next!!111!!! Coming to a gem store near you!11!!
(edited by TRON.1085)
You ride it. It is therefore a mount.
“a horse, other animal, or sometimes a vehicle, as a bicycle, used, provided, or available for riding.”
The broom is a mount by pure definition of the word “mount” in the english language. Cosmetic or not is not important, it is still a mount.
Learn the language you speak, people.
Ryloc Arcanum- Elementalist
[Fat Lute Tavern]-Sorrows Furnace
I think Spyder is arguing just to argue. I like to keep it simple, if you mount it, its a mount.
I think Spyder is arguing just to argue. I like to keep it simple, if you mount it, its a mount.
Not the case, sorry. Just someone would rather be stubborn and insist that a skill is a mount no matter what anyone else says.
As for the definition linked above, I’m talking about video game mounts, not real life mounts. The broom is not a mount compared to the definition of a video game mount.
In every game out there, mounts are their own item. You click it, and you get a permanent mount that increases your speed. It is its own separate item that can be used at any time.
The broom, is a weapon for costume brawls. It has one skill out of five that allow you to sit on it for 3 minutes temporarily. It moves at regular speed. And the only way you can use it is if you are in Town Clothing only.
Sorry but that is not a mount. One skill on a town clothing item that is temporarily is not a mount by video game standards.
Lady Bethany Of Noh – Chronomancer – Lords of Noh [LoN]
But as long as it’s not a mount.
You know the thing is, many people get mad if you only use the word “mount”, no matter how you call this broom thing, it does what mounts do. They are there you can sit on it and go around with it,. The only difference is that it has a very limited use. If people call it “a mount” so let them do it. Noone ever said, well this way it would be an ok way for mounts to be implemented, as long as they don’t break immersion to much (like a flying elephant prolly does^^).
But instead people are arguing about words. The thing must not be a mount, under no circumstances. Really I would like to see more options like this broom in the future. And if some call it a mount, who cares?
Exactly! haha iv been using the word mount for ages now with the broom and the logic some people are coming out with to say it is not a mount is laughable…just pathetic…
Wezzz mustzz havezz nooo mounts in gw211!!1!!!11!!
It looks like a mount, feels like a mount, act’s like a mount but it’s not a mount because of …….“whatever we can make up here that does not hurt our little world of no mounts”
Its pretty funny how some are reacting and trying to argue against it lol.
The witch’s broom is a cosmetic mount, it gives no advantage and no speed boost but it is a mount and it is purely cosmetic.
Mounts are already in GW2. These Riding Brooms will probably be an extention of that. There creeping it in like they did ascended items.
Ascended Mounts are next!!111!!! Coming to a gem store near you!11!!
Yeesh. Ironically the logic I find people using to re-enforce to themselves that these brooms are in fact mounts equally pathetic …everyone is so smug about it too, like they’ve got something Anet didn’t want them to have.
You ride it. It is therefore a mount.
“a horse, other animal, or sometimes a vehicle, as a bicycle, used, provided, or available for riding.”
The broom is a mount by pure definition of the word “mount” in the english language. Cosmetic or not is not important, it is still a mount.
Learn the language you speak, people.
Regardless… you’re technically not riding anything. You’re still walking, but with a different animation. The walk/run key still functions even. :P
Is this a car?
(edited by ophidic.1279)
You ride it. It is therefore a mount.
“a horse, other animal, or sometimes a vehicle, as a bicycle, used, provided, or available for riding.”
The broom is a mount by pure definition of the word “mount” in the english language. Cosmetic or not is not important, it is still a mount.
Learn the language you speak, people.
Regardless… you’re technically not riding anything. You’re still walking, but with a different animation. The walk/run key still functions even. :P
Is this a car?
Car =/= mount.
By definition, that is not a car. It does classify as a mount, however, because it has a child riding it. Doesn’t matter how it’s powered. Whether it has legs of its own, runs off of a motor, or is powered by your own legs. A bicycle is still considered a mount, and by this logic, so would this.
Ryloc Arcanum- Elementalist
[Fat Lute Tavern]-Sorrows Furnace
You ride it. It is therefore a mount.
“a horse, other animal, or sometimes a vehicle, as a bicycle, used, provided, or available for riding.”
The broom is a mount by pure definition of the word “mount” in the english language. Cosmetic or not is not important, it is still a mount.
Learn the language you speak, people.
Regardless… you’re technically not riding anything. You’re still walking, but with a different animation. The walk/run key still functions even. :P
Is this a car?
Car =/= mount.
By definition, that is not a car. It does classify as a mount, however, because it has a child riding it. Doesn’t matter how it’s powered. Whether it has legs of its own, runs off of a motor, or is powered by your own legs. A bicycle is still considered a mount, and by this logic, so would this.
So by your logic, a chair is a mount. Because I can sit in it and move it with my feet, thus powering it right? That means a desk is a mount, my cat is a mount, a pillow is a mount, a laundry basket is a mount, etc etc.
So obviously anything that I can slide around on is a mount. Good to know.
Lady Bethany Of Noh – Chronomancer – Lords of Noh [LoN]
Haha, someone’s grasping at straws here.
There is a difference between using something for its intended purpose and abusing something. You want to mount your cat, by all means, please do so. Better be one big kitten cat.
Ryloc Arcanum- Elementalist
[Fat Lute Tavern]-Sorrows Furnace
Haha, someone’s grasping at straws here.
There is a difference between using something for its intended purpose and abusing something. You want to mount your cat, by all means, please do so. Better be one big kitten cat.
But see, that’s what you’re are doing basically. You’re putting an item that is not intended to be a mount, into the mount category, just like I did.
This is what comes with the Witch’s Outfit. It is not called Riding Broom, or Flying Broomstick or anything that relates it to a mount. Yet because it is capable of being ridden temporarily, you classify it as a mount.
Same thing I just did. A Chair is in no way related to a mount. Yet because it is capable of being ridden temporarily, I classified it as a mount. How is that any different?
The thing is, it is a toy weapon. It has 4 out of 5 skills for costume brawl. Just because one skill lets you ride it temporarily doesn’t mean it is automatically a mount. It’s intended purpose is to be a toy weapon for costume brawls. Yet you label it a mount because of one ability that is not it’s intended overall purpose.
Lady Bethany Of Noh – Chronomancer – Lords of Noh [LoN]
May I add that this thing which is advertised now is actually named “riding broom”?
May I add that this thing which is advertised now is actually named “riding broom”?
Yes we know that, but the title of the thread is about already existing mounts and it talks about how the Witch’s Outfit gives you a mount.
This is not about the Riding Broom to be introduced on the 28th.
Lady Bethany Of Noh – Chronomancer – Lords of Noh [LoN]
Haha, someone’s grasping at straws here.
There is a difference between using something for its intended purpose and abusing something. You want to mount your cat, by all means, please do so. Better be one big kitten cat.
Honestly I think the people grasping at straws are the ones insisting their virtual ride-alongs are mounts.
The ACTUAL purpose of the broom is skills for costume brawling, but I guess everyone forgot that.
No what I think the TO is up to is that it seems a bit biased to bash people who ask for mounts while on the other hand things like the broom are gladly used because they got another “word”. Instead these things could be seen as some kind of a compromise.
Ha! Semantics, the best thing ever to argue about.
And yes, there a great chance that mounts will be add to the game.
Well like the Champion Grawl Shaman on the volcano fractal like to say:
-Our god(NCSOFT) demands sacrifice(money)!
Sure. Except for the part where they flat out said they wouldn’t be adding mounts (the useful kind) to the game.
I really have to question why the OP made this thread in the first place.
Yes, you can ride the broom. Yes, that kinda sorta means that it’s… a mount.
So what? When Anet said “there won’t be no mounts” they weren’t talking about little broomsticks you can use in costume brawl that disappear after 3 minutes.
Here’s the only thing anyone said so far that I can agree with:
Yeesh. Ironically the logic I find people using to re-enforce to themselves that these brooms are in fact mounts equally pathetic …everyone is so smug about it too, like they’ve got something Anet didn’t want them to have.
I really have to question why the OP made this thread in the first place.
Yes, you can ride the broom. Yes, that kinda sorta means that it’s… a mount.
So what? When Anet said “there won’t be no mounts” they weren’t talking about little broomsticks you can use in costume brawl that disappear after 3 minutes.
Here’s the only thing anyone said so far that I can agree with:
Yeesh. Ironically the logic I find people using to re-enforce to themselves that these brooms are in fact mounts equally pathetic …everyone is so smug about it too, like they’ve got something Anet didn’t want them to have.
Hooray, someone agreed with me! =)
It is a mount as in, you sit on it. That’s about it. As for everything else, it is nothing like what a mount is. And I’m sure the millions of games out there that have mounts agree with my definition as well, otherwise all mounts in every game that has them would be like the Riding Broom. But they are not. They are like my definition.
Except for LotRO, which managed to implement mounts in mounted combat, all other MMOs have mounts merely as cosmetic items. It’s pretty much the same concept if GW2 would start to incorporate them as town clothing. The only difference would be that town clothes doesn’t come with a speed boost.
the mmo age of conan has mounts you can use in combat. i think the broom is a mount also. you get on it and ride it.
So whats the purpose of the wheels on the attached image? Is that not a mount?
Back to the topic. Please don’t make me go Mr-English on you all….you asked for it.
Mount (Verb) – to get up, climb, onto something (i.e. horse)
Mount (Noun) – an act of mounting (i.e. horse riding), something available for riding (i.e. bicycle, car)
In both cases, the term ‘mount’ is associated with getting up onto something and/or/not riding it. It does not state how long or restrain from what object can be mounted. As long as you are on top of an object then you are mounted on it.
Class dismissed.
Do not click this link!
So whats the purpose of the wheels on the attached image? Is that not a mount?
Back to the topic. Please don’t make me go Mr-English on you all….you asked for it.
Mount (Verb) – to get up, climb, onto something (i.e. horse)
Mount (Noun) – an act of mounting (i.e. horse riding), something available for riding (i.e. bicycle, car)In both cases, the term ‘mount’ is associated with getting up onto something and/or/not riding it. It does not state how long or restrain from what object can be mounted. As long as you are on top of an object then you are mounted on it.
Class dismissed.
You forgot:
Mount: An animal or fish stuffed for display by a taxidermist
seriously, tho… waiting to see what the broom is all about before I get on my “No Mount” soapbox again…
I dont know why these threads pop up every other week…
It has been said by Anet that this game will have no mounts right from word go.
If you don’t like that you should have done your research before buying the game, no amount of these threads will change Anet’s philosophy on mounts…
Is this a real thread?
I feel like writing the word kitten, in this thread, a kitten isn’t a cat.
Anyhow, if and by if, mounts are added to this game then all of those who sat up nights argueing about no need for mounts or Anet already stated GW2 won’t have mounts may need to pull foot from mouth. Point is, never say never, it may happen and I’m sure the upcoming brooms will be a test.
As far as waypoints, ok…in the game now, what happens if Anet decides they want to change the travel system in an Expansion? The thing is, with an everchanging game world like MMO, the only thing really set in stone forever is probably at least the universe the game started in will still impact the rest of the games life. Other than that, things can change.
This is really a thread? I’m not dreaming? Someone seriously posted this?
Yeah, you ride around on a broom. It’s essentially a costume that gives the illusion of what you refer to as a “mount.” You can even call it a mount, if that makes you feel better. So? Do you think this heralds an impending deluge of winged unicorns and Charrmobiles? Because it doesn’t.
Guess what? Its still a mount
Guess what? Its still a mount
Only to the misinformed.
Guess what? Its still a mount
Only to the misinformed.
Its still a mount, its a witch’s broom and I ride it, it’s a mount, if it looked like a creature we would be in agreement, just because its a stick does not mean its any less of a mount….
“Ride Broom 7 Jump on your broom and ride around. "
There is on wiki….you ride it…its a mount….
omg that was a great video. I busted out laughing. Love the music choice! instantly reminded me of Back to the Future.
NO! No mounts! Can we all just stop talking about this?
Dude one day there will be mounts, its to easy to monatize ((they could make more bank)) and there’s just to much call for it.
If implemented correctly (some GW2 kinda way) it will not brake your game and it will not make it less fun. Deal with it.
Guild wars was not made for mounts. They’ve said this explicitly. Deal with it.
Break. You meant to say break.
No they have not, stop falling back on lying because you’re unable to defend your opinion. They have said they will never have flying mounts because it ruins the games sense of scale, and that regular mounts are not currently planned or being considered.
(edited by Conncept.7638)
NO! No mounts! Can we all just stop talking about this?
Dude one day there will be mounts, its to easy to monatize ((they could make more bank)) and there’s just to much call for it.
If implemented correctly (some GW2 kinda way) it will not brake your game and it will not make it less fun. Deal with it.
Guild wars was not made for mounts. They’ve said this explicitly. Deal with it.
Break. You meant to say break.
No they have not, stop falling back on lying because you’re unable to defend your opinion. They have said they will never have flying mounts because it ruins the games sense of scale, and that regular mounts are not currently planned or being considered.
We already have mounts in GW2….
Its still a mount, its a witch’s broom and I ride it, it’s a mount, if it looked like a creature we would be in agreement, just because its a stick does not mean its any less of a mount….
“Ride Broom 7 Jump on your broom and ride around. "
There is on wiki….you ride it…its a mount….
Don’t care. I’m just sick of people lying about things the developers haven’t said to defend their point.
Just looking at OP’s video.
It looks like the character image (i.e. cosmetics) has been changed only. Like you said, you don’t get any speed boosts using the broom. In theory that is still a mount lol.
The thing is, in gameplay practise, players acknowledge that mounts are objects that change the characters motion in some way. ANet may not add those kind of “mounts”, however, cosmetic based ones such as the broom or a flying carpet, still count as mounts.
Do not click this link!
Just looking at OP’s video.
It looks like the character image (i.e. cosmetics) has been changed only. Like you said, you don’t get any speed boosts using the broom. In theory that is still a mount lol.
The thing is, in gameplay practise, players acknowledge that mounts are objects that change the characters motion in some way. ANet may not add those kind of “mounts”, however, cosmetic based ones such as the broom or a flying carpet, still count as mounts.
Yeah its definetly a mount, people are in denial :P
NO! No mounts! Can we all just stop talking about this?
Dude one day there will be mounts, its to easy to monatize ((they could make more bank)) and there’s just to much call for it.
If implemented correctly (some GW2 kinda way) it will not brake your game and it will not make it less fun. Deal with it.
Guild wars was not made for mounts. They’ve said this explicitly. Deal with it.
Break. You meant to say break.
No they have not, stop falling back on lying because you’re unable to defend your opinion. They have said they will never have flying mounts because it ruins the games sense of scale, and that regular mounts are not currently planned or being considered.
Or necessary. They are totally unnecessary.
OK, I found this.
Interview with Guild Wars 2 Lead Designer Eric Flannum and Lore and Continuity Designer Jeff Grubb.
“Will be there any other kind of traveling across long distances apart from asura gates (e.g. ship)?”
“Eric: Any of the major (non-capturable) waypoints that a player has unlocked can be travelled to regardless of the distance involved. Prices do vary depending on distance though, and asura gates are free, so a player might find it advantageous to use asura gates in some circumstances. Other than waypoints and asura gates, there will be no other methods of long distance travel such as mounts, ships, etc in Guild Wars 2 upon initial release.”
Ok so while it does not say NEVER explicitly, people are obviously getting their hopes WAY up, and also are deluding themselves into believing that a cosmetic toy is what they want based around technicality.
Sure, if you want be delusional, that’s fine, but don’t run around saying there’s mounts in GW2 because there is not. There is a toy which is part of a costume which is intended for messing around in town, and not at all used in any way which an actual mount would be used.
Guild Wars 2 does have cosmetic mmo mounts but not effective mmo mounts as in they go faster than running speed and can take damage before they disappear therefore allowing you to move between a and b in world with less time wasted than normal running speed that can be affected by combat. Examples are horses in LOTRO and speeders in SWTOR.
GW1 is all instances and teleporting is free and there are no dynamic events popping up all over. There is no real use or need for mounts. In GW2 its mostly open world with events popping up all over the place but players ignoring large areas just to map travel to zones so missing out on events they would pass if they were riding a mount. There are so many missed opportunities for people to get involved in events when passing just because of instant travelling and no mounts.
People may say its not Guild Wars if it has mounts but that is like saying its not Guild Wars if it has open world. Really all the vibes I get from players and devs is some sort of stubborn ignorance to the idea of mounts that I do not understand considering the large open dynamic world of GW2 and the apparent problems with near empty zones that could otherwise see some traffic.
them due to those less than polite individuals out there and their offensive attitude.
(edited by joneb.5679)
OK, I found this.
Interview with Guild Wars 2 Lead Designer Eric Flannum and Lore and Continuity Designer Jeff Grubb.“Will be there any other kind of traveling across long distances apart from asura gates (e.g. ship)?”
“Eric: Any of the major (non-capturable) waypoints that a player has unlocked can be travelled to regardless of the distance involved. Prices do vary depending on distance though, and asura gates are free, so a player might find it advantageous to use asura gates in some circumstances. Other than waypoints and asura gates, there will be no other methods of long distance travel such as mounts, ships, etc in Guild Wars 2 upon initial release.”
Ok so while it does not say NEVER explicitly, people are obviously getting their hopes WAY up, and also are deluding themselves into believing that a cosmetic toy is what they want based around technicality.
Sure, if you want be delusional, that’s fine, but don’t run around saying there’s mounts in GW2 because there is not. There is a toy which is part of a costume which is intended for messing around in town, and not at all used in any way which an actual mount would be used.
Actually that quote you posted just proves my point even more, thanks for that. There are mounts in GW2, the witch’s broom is a mount whether you want to admit it or not.
And as for the quote….they said specifically…….
“There will be no other methods of long distance travel such as mounts, ships, etc in Guild Wars 2 upon initial release.”
Leaving it completely open for anything in the future and currently, they specifically chose the words upon initial release because even then they were not 100% sure there will never be any mounts in gw2…
The witch’s broom is a mount, it’s possible we could see more mounts in gw2 in the future end of story…
Thanks for helping me clear that up
(edited by TRON.1085)
OK, I found this.
Interview with Guild Wars 2 Lead Designer Eric Flannum and Lore and Continuity Designer Jeff Grubb.“Will be there any other kind of traveling across long distances apart from asura gates (e.g. ship)?”
“Eric: Any of the major (non-capturable) waypoints that a player has unlocked can be travelled to regardless of the distance involved. Prices do vary depending on distance though, and asura gates are free, so a player might find it advantageous to use asura gates in some circumstances. Other than waypoints and asura gates, there will be no other methods of long distance travel such as mounts, ships, etc in Guild Wars 2 upon initial release.”
Ok so while it does not say NEVER explicitly, people are obviously getting their hopes WAY up, and also are deluding themselves into believing that a cosmetic toy is what they want based around technicality.
Sure, if you want be delusional, that’s fine, but don’t run around saying there’s mounts in GW2 because there is not. There is a toy which is part of a costume which is intended for messing around in town, and not at all used in any way which an actual mount would be used.
Actually that quote you posted just proves my point even more, thanks for that.
There are mounts in GW2, the witch’s broom is a mount whether you want to admit it or not.
And as for the quote….they said specifically…….
“There will be no other methods of long distance travel such as mounts, ships, etc in Guild Wars 2 upon initial release.”
Leaving it completely open for anything in the future and currently, they specifically chose the words upon initial release because even then they were not 100% sure there will never be any mounts in gw2…
The witch’s broom is a mount, it’s possible we could see more mounts in gw2 in the future end of story…
Thanks for helping me clear that up
That’s like asking a someone out on a date and if they’re all like “well maybe….” and you automatically assume that means a world of possibility is opening up before you.
I would bank on there being boats over land travel if I HAD to choose a “mount” that they MIGHT make in the future. Then that would open up ocean areas, and would be more interesting than driving a horse over the same old terrain you walk on.
That witches broom is NOT a mount. Not even close.
RE: ocean travel.
Voyage century online? Anyone try that? That involved building big ships and then shooting other ships with cannon balls.
Take WoW for example (yes I know, but it’s the best comparison). You get a level 40 Frostsaber. Now imagine if you could only ride the Frostsaber if you were not wearing your armor and the Frostsaber only went as fast as your regular running speed and it only lasted for a few minutes and then vanished and as soon as you were hit with anything, it vanished as well. Then it would be like the Broom in GW2.
You are telling me that my favourite mount in wow, is not mount at all, because it only went as fast as my regular running speed, my skills are unusable and as soon as I were hit with anything, it vanishes as well? Why Blizzard call all these cosmetic animations mounts???
Also boats wouldn’t be standing at the bank, blocking the view of everything around you with their obnoxious size.
Take WoW for example (yes I know, but it’s the best comparison). You get a level 40 Frostsaber. Now imagine if you could only ride the Frostsaber if you were not wearing your armor and the Frostsaber only went as fast as your regular running speed and it only lasted for a few minutes and then vanished and as soon as you were hit with anything, it vanished as well. Then it would be like the Broom in GW2.
You are telling me that my favourite mount in wow, is not mount at all, because it only went as fast as my regular running speed, my skills are unusable and as soon as I were hit with anything, it vanishes as well? Why Blizzard call all these cosmetic animations mounts???
Because there’s something not quite right with Blizzard.
Which is why i’m on this and not WoW.
Ok first off. Mounts shouldn’t disappear when you get hit. What is up with that?
(edited by ophidic.1279)
Asura just haven’t learned how to hop on the back of a Charr yet without getting eaten. Once they have the technology battle steeds will be a reality, and everyone will be happy.
Except maybe the Charr players.
Mounts in Skyrim don’t just disappear, they take damage, have hit points, inflict damage, and they go faster than walking speed.
Those should all be things a PROPER mount should come with by default. That turtle, while you are technically mounting and riding it, is just another cosmetic object, like one of those potions that makes you look like a mob.
Asura just haven’t learned how to hop on the back of a Charr yet without getting eaten. Once they have the technology battle steeds will be a reality, and everyone will be happy.
Except maybe the Charr players.
That master blaster reference a while back was pretty good.
NO! No mounts! Can we all just stop talking about this?
Dude one day there will be mounts, its to easy to monatize ((they could make more bank)) and there’s just to much call for it.
If implemented correctly (some GW2 kinda way) it will not brake your game and it will not make it less fun. Deal with it.
Guild wars was not made for mounts. They’ve said this explicitly. Deal with it.
Break. You meant to say break.
No they have not, stop falling back on lying because you’re unable to defend your opinion. They have said they will never have flying mounts because it ruins the games sense of scale, and that regular mounts are not currently planned or being considered.
Or necessary. They are totally unnecessary.
People may say its not Guild Wars if it has mounts but that is like saying its not Guild Wars if it has open world. Really all the vibes I get from players is some sort of stubborn ignorance to the idea of mounts that I do not understand considering the large open dynamic world of GW2 and the apparent problems with near empty zones that could otherwise see some traffic from people riding mounts through them and stopping for events..
GW1 is all instances and teleporting is free and there are no dynamic events popping up all over. There is no real use or need for mounts. In GW2 its mostly open world with events popping up all over the place but players ignoring large areas just to map travel to zones so missing out on events they would pass if they were riding a mount. There are so many missed opportunities for people to get involved in events when passing just because of instant travelling and no mounts.
them due to those less than polite individuals out there and their offensive attitude.
NO! No mounts! Can we all just stop talking about this?
Dude one day there will be mounts, its to easy to monatize ((they could make more bank)) and there’s just to much call for it.
If implemented correctly (some GW2 kinda way) it will not brake your game and it will not make it less fun. Deal with it.
Guild wars was not made for mounts. They’ve said this explicitly. Deal with it.
Break. You meant to say break.
No they have not, stop falling back on lying because you’re unable to defend your opinion. They have said they will never have flying mounts because it ruins the games sense of scale, and that regular mounts are not currently planned or being considered.
Or necessary. They are totally unnecessary.
People may say its not Guild Wars if it has mounts but that is like saying its not Guild Wars if it has open world. Really all the vibes I get from players is some sort of stubborn ignorance to the idea of mounts that I do not understand considering the large open dynamic world of GW2 and the apparent problems with near empty zones that could otherwise see some traffic from people riding mounts through them and stopping for events..
GW1 is all instances and teleporting is free and there are no dynamic events popping up all over. There is no real use or need for mounts. In GW2 its mostly open world with events popping up all over the place but players ignoring large areas just to map travel to zones so missing out on events they would pass if they were riding a mount. There are so many missed opportunities for people to get involved in events when passing just because of instant travelling and no mounts.
So what? They’re not going to take WPs away, so if people want to instant travel, they’ll do it with or without horses or god knows what else. That is such flawed reasoning.
People using waypoints do so because they have a place to be. If I’m doing map completion, i’m fine with walking and taking gates.
So what? They’re not going to take WPs away, so if people want to instant travel, they’ll do it with or without horses or god knows what else. That is such flawed reasoning.
People using waypoints do so because they have a place to be. If I’m doing map completion, i’m fine with walking and taking gates.
No flawed reasoning on my part just lack of vision on yours Ophidic. What you are missing is another method of exploring just to find events to be involved in fast throughout the maps and faster map travel to complete explorers at later levels. There are many ways it could be implemented and remember Anet want to encourage more activity throughout Tyria. They may not take the waypoints away but they can make them more expensive and make the mounts less expensive but give the mounts an upkeep cost.
them due to those less than polite individuals out there and their offensive attitude.
Lack of vision? How so? Because I think mounts aren’t required? Why bother over complicating?
It’s the EXACT SAME method of exploring, just an animal is walking instead of you. I’ve never had a shortage of events, and if I miss one, it just repeats in 5-10 mins anyway. Completing a map doesn’t even take very long.
They don’t need to make the waypoints any more expensive. 4 silver or so to go across the map is just fine, and if there were upkeep for mounts, you’d have to be getting something in return, other than looking cool.
Every time I’ve played a game with mounts, i’ve been excited for them, i’m not gonna lie, but when it gets to the actual mount, it’s always been a cumbersome disappointment.
As this thread is not inviting to constructive and healthy discussion, nor providing any feedback to the current issues & concerns, it is now closed.
Thank you for your understanding.