Grind is subjective.
Whether it’s for need or want items, it’s dependent on each players definition of fun. When any action becomes less entertaining, yet the player feels compelled to do said action, is when it becomes a Grind. Doesn’t matter if it’s for “looks” or stats, Grind is Grind.
Grind is not something a dev can simply address either. As it’s a subjective issue, one player may enjoy killing the same mobs over and over for hours on end and never feel like they are grinding at all. Another person my kill for ten minutes and be screaming their heads off at the “insane level of grind”.
I find the current dungeons armor extremely grindy. I find the “need” for 47k karma from events extremely grindy. I didn’t find the killing of same mobs over and over grindy till they slapped my hand with the anti-farm code. #was_bad
I am perplexed at the way dungeons are set up currently. Anet wants players to experience the entire game, to have us spread out. They are constantly putting in (buggy) stop gaps to force players to move around even before fixing some of the bugged content we already have.
A simpler solution (for dungeons) would have been to put in dungeon timers per path combined with a universal dungeon token system. Complete one path, it’s now locked for 24hours. Go try a different one. Players still get their tokens, Anet gets players to migrate.
Overland fix. Increase rewards per event to scale to character level to equal that of Orr and Frostgorge. Players can then go where ever with leveled rewards and Anet gets players to migrate.
Crafting Mats. Do away with location based nodes. Make nodes “universal” and the mats you get depend on type of tool being used. With level scaling, all areas are still “challenging”, why then should players have to be pulled to Orr for the top tier mats when Anet wants the players to migrate?
These changes would allow players where to make their homes and migrate as they so like. Obviously areas with large scale events will be the most popular, so maybe 24 chest timers might have to be looked into as well (still get full xp, karma and coin for the big events, just lock the chest per 24 hours). /shrug