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This "Meta" has to end

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Harper.4173


If those who insist on “the zerker meta” are jerks – why do non-zerkers insist on being in our parties so much?

Why do they submit themselves to our “jerk moods” when they could simply play with other people like them and leave us alone?

Because they’re dumb? I don’t know. I run zerk when appropriate, but I avoid groups that advertise ‘zerk only’ like the plague, because they are the plague.

Sometimes, the only group in the thing you want to run has a ‘zerk only’ label. People are often shy of advertising their own groups (which is on them), so they join the group that’s there knowing it usually doesn’t matter.

Or, they’re kittened off and self-righteous over the advert and join anyways because ‘kitten those guys’. That’s also on them though.


In general though, people have this idea that it’s the way it was like before the ferocity fix. Back then there was a large, compelling difference because the output was so much higher.

Now, after the fix, there’s an at best nominal advantage (presuming people aren’t just being dumb about it and doing something like a warrior in nomads), but folks are stuck in their ways and think that it’s still this big deal… or that it’s a way to filter out people who don’t care.

Ultimately, to me, it’s as I said. I’m happy to have people that think Zerker meta matters filter themselves out. It’s a useful tool in avoiding tools.

The real important element is on Arenanet’s part, and they’re doing the right thing in designing the new encounters to encourage a greater variety of builds and styles.

Actually for someone who gives a kitten about efficiency the difference between zerk and other gear combos is still significant.
The ferocity adjustment saw a 11-15% dps drop for your average full zerker party but DPS has been recovered for example through full ascended gear and items ( about 5%).

The difference is still there but isn’t the real issue. Like I’ve stated many times above the real thing that matters is that zerkers want to play with similarly minded people.

They want to play with people who have the same goals and experience. They want to play fast and for rewards.

It is a way to filter people – if they don’t bother to get the right gear for what the party has requested they :

1)Either don’t care in which case why would I bother to run with someone who doesn’t have the decency to care about requirements in a group they’re joining?

2)Either don’t know – in which case why run with someone who you’ll just have to carry through? If he doesn’t know gear types chances are he’s not the one to know the content by heart.

3)Either they know what’s up but join anyway since they want to teach us zerkers what’s what and laugh at us from atop his ivory tower built out of tanky and throw his “play how I want” attitude around.

In any one of these 3 situations I would very much like to steer clear of the person.

Also funny story:

While attempting to do a COF run once I advertised for a full zerker run. A warrior joins – he was level 80 and pinged rare zerker gear.

We found it interesting and funny. His AP was low and he was new. But he had the decency to google the meta for the dungeon he was doing and gear appropriately ( even though he couldn’t afford exotics – which is why he was doing cof – to get his gear).

We didn’t kick, went in with the guy and were pleasantly surprised to see he had at least watched a guide on the dungeon. It was a great experience – to see that people can still care and adapt and research and not be entitled “I play how I want” types.

Like I said – it’s about finding the right people.

Also where are these new encounters you mention?

If here they fall they shall live on when ever you cry “For Ascalon!”

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Taku.6352


Full Cleric/Ventari banner regen lupi solo.

As if we needed proof of how faceroll these builds are, but, well here it is. The goal was to tank and do everything wrong. You don’t need cooldown management, you don’t need endurance management. You make every mistake imaginable and all will be well.

If you don’t wanna sit through this hour long cancer-ebola-AIDS fest, skip to 30:17 for the Life Drink>Life Drain> Frenzied Blast> Life Drain> Life Drink combo… with no dodges. Pretty much sums it up.

Forgive the FPS caused by recording on a potato.

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Harper.4173


The core issue is that the “Berzerker Meta” is all about rejecting other gear combinations and styles, that’s why it generates so much annoyance.

It’s more about rejecting people who aren’t part of “the meta”.

Now – the real issue is – how do you get people to stop rejecting other people? You can’t.

It’s every player’s right to play the way they want and with whom they want. If that means rejecting people based on whatever criteria – be it gear, class, AP or even character race there’s nothing people can do about it except complain.

Which isn’t going to help.

If here they fall they shall live on when ever you cry “For Ascalon!”

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nury.3062


I’ve been a guild leader for more than 1 year….nobody asked me about the items i use…i did my fair share of runs with random ppl …never been asked about my items…

—-Balthazar Order [Gods]—-
“We are now! We are forever!”

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hume.2876


So what i get from this thread is people want healing power and toughness to be viable so they can run their full cleric build and face tank mobs/bosses that could one shot a zerker right?.. why is this good for the game exactly?.. cleric guardian can already facetank fractal 50 mossman like nobodies business, or take 2-3 lupicus swipes to the face and live. This makes me think that all the people that opt for these “diverse” builds are just bad players.

I think this is basically the gist of this thread. They do it under the guise of ‘build diversity’ …which seems to add nothing to the play experience.

The litmus test for game changes should be – does it making playing the character more fun. Does it reward skill – more in actual game play? If the answer is no – then its likely Arenanet got it right.

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Windsagio.1340


The core issue is that the “Berzerker Meta” is all about rejecting other gear combinations and styles, that’s why it generates so much annoyance.

It’s more about rejecting people who aren’t part of “the meta”.

Now – the real issue is – how do you get people to stop rejecting other people? You can’t.

It’s every player’s right to play the way they want and with whom they want. If that means rejecting people based on whatever criteria – be it gear, class, AP or even character race there’s nothing people can do about it except complain.

Which isn’t going to help.

Potato potahto, as you say itself, it’s about rejection.

The rejection is why people complain.

They only have a point insofar as the rejection is kind of pointless.


The weird thing is that you read this as if people are going to force you to run with them. You can always reject people if that’s what gives you jollies, even the most extreme requests in the thread (nerfing zerker and changing gear balance) still won’t force you to play in what you think is a suboptimal way.

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Windsagio.1340


So what i get from this thread is people want healing power and toughness to be viable so they can run their full cleric build and face tank mobs/bosses that could one shot a zerker right?.. why is this good for the game exactly?.. cleric guardian can already facetank fractal 50 mossman like nobodies business, or take 2-3 lupicus swipes to the face and live. This makes me think that all the people that opt for these “diverse” builds are just bad players.

I think this is basically the gist of this thread. They do it under the guise of ‘build diversity’ …which seems to add nothing to the play experience.

The litmus test for game changes should be – does it making playing the character more fun. Does it reward skill – more in actual game play? If the answer is no – then its likely Arenanet got it right.

There’s kind of 2 parallel themes. There’s the folks that are arguing that the zerker meta is totally real!!! and anet needs to nerf, and then there’s the people that are arguing that the ‘zerket meta’ is dumb and pointless and just want it expunged from the conciousness.

It’s natural to focus on the former, but the latter is the real deal :p

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: maddoctor.2738


Well again, it’d be wrong to make zerker worthless, it’s just more in line with everything else.

The ‘zerker meta’ developed because players developed methods to get the advantages of the high damage output (especially when the balance was off) and mitigate the risks. Of course Zerker ‘works’ in Silverwastes, it just (as you said) takes more active skill to mitigate damage, and in some cases there’s a damage balance between being able to stay in on an enemy a little longer or having to clear out to recover.

People in this discussion need to quit misunderstanding the issue. The problem is’t that Berzerker is too good, it simply isn’t. The problem is that when these extremely lazy playstyles work, zerker breaks scale because damage is the only thing that matters at all.

If using all those active skills to stay alive is what you call lazy then what about:

Full Cleric/Ventari banner regen lupi solo.

As if we needed proof of how faceroll these builds are, but, well here it is. The goal was to tank and do everything wrong. You don’t need cooldown management, you don’t need endurance management. You make every mistake imaginable and all will be well.

If you don’t wanna sit through this hour long cancer-ebola-AIDS fest, skip to 30:17 for the Life Drink>Life Drain> Frenzied Blast> Life Drain> Life Drink combo… with no dodges. Pretty much sums it up.

Forgive the FPS caused by recording on a potato.

Watch that video and see what lazy playstyle is. It’s not a Berserker btw, far from it.

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lifestealer.4910


zerker playstyle is lazy?… is this guy trolling or what?…either way i heard so many dumb things in thread, like how soloing dungeon in pvt is harder than zerk etc so i probably shouldn’t be too surprised to hear such nonsense, reading the replies from these “anti zerk” people is gonna give me ebola at some point.

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Windsagio.1340


zerker playstyle is lazy?… is this guy trolling or what?…either way i heard so many dumb things in thread, like how soloing dungeon in pvt is harder than zerk etc so i probably shouldn’t be too surprised to hear such nonsense, reading the replies from these “anti zerk” people is gonna give me ebola at some point.

Dungeon meta zerker stacking is lazy as kitten. In a way that’s fine, one of the ways players optimize is by making it as simple and low-risk as possible, but let’s not fool ourselves here.

The ‘zerker meta’ exists because it became clear that using the various tools it became very easy and low-error rate to stack abilities and burn, especially when the damage rate was much much higher. Regardless of builds, doing a proper stack is still the safest way to do most dungeon content, and it’s done in almost all dungeons — and it’s lazy.

To be clear it’s lazy because it doesn’t have to be very reactive. It replaces gameplay with planning and foreknowledge.

The developers are pretty clearly trying to make that lazy style of play unattractive.

I don’t want to be an ego stabber, but the ‘zerker meta’ is received wisdom of the ‘best way to play’. Being functional in it isn’t a good source of pride.


And honestly both pvp modes are case-in-point. When the AI-exploiting tactics aren’t reliable, berker gear and builds suffer heavily. You can’t be lazy there because players are better at reacting to and exploiting your patterns, and most of them aren’t going to run aroundt he corner into los and stand in your melee and AE’s.

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lifestealer.4910


zerker playstyle is lazy?… is this guy trolling or what?…either way i heard so many dumb things in thread, like how soloing dungeon in pvt is harder than zerk etc so i probably shouldn’t be too surprised to hear such nonsense, reading the replies from these “anti zerk” people is gonna give me ebola at some point.

Dungeon meta zerker stacking is lazy as kitten. In a way that’s fine, one of the ways players optimize is by making it as simple and low-risk as possible, but let’s not fool ourselves here.

The ‘zerker meta’ exists because it became clear that using the various tools it became very easy and low-error rate to stack abilities and burn, especially when the damage rate was much much higher. Regardless of builds, doing a proper stack is still the safest way to do most dungeon content, and it’s done in almost all dungeons — and it’s lazy.

To be clear it’s lazy because it doesn’t have to be very reactive. It replaces gameplay with planning and foreknowledge.

The developers are pretty clearly trying to make that lazy style of play unattractive.

I don’t want to be an ego stabber, but the ‘zerker meta’ is received wisdom of the ‘best way to play’. Being functional in it isn’t a good source of pride.


And honestly both pvp modes are case-in-point. When the AI-exploiting tactics aren’t reliable, berker gear and builds suffer heavily. You can’t be lazy there because players are better at reacting to and exploiting your patterns, and most of them aren’t going to run aroundt he corner into los and stand in your melee and AE’s.

stacking isn’t even an optimal strat 99% of the time, only pugs do it now. Also, stacking and zerk are two different things, you can stack in full nomad gear and achieve the same result, it just takes longer. Not only that, stacking doesn’t automatically make you immune to damage so again you have to time your defences unlike any other build.

PvE is all about planning and foreknowledge, thats the only “skill” to have regardless of builds. Only pvp can reactionary skill be a thing, and even then most popular pvp games, knowledge and planning still plays a huge part in how well things go.

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Windsagio.1340


zerker playstyle is lazy?… is this guy trolling or what?…either way i heard so many dumb things in thread, like how soloing dungeon in pvt is harder than zerk etc so i probably shouldn’t be too surprised to hear such nonsense, reading the replies from these “anti zerk” people is gonna give me ebola at some point.

Dungeon meta zerker stacking is lazy as kitten. In a way that’s fine, one of the ways players optimize is by making it as simple and low-risk as possible, but let’s not fool ourselves here.

The ‘zerker meta’ exists because it became clear that using the various tools it became very easy and low-error rate to stack abilities and burn, especially when the damage rate was much much higher. Regardless of builds, doing a proper stack is still the safest way to do most dungeon content, and it’s done in almost all dungeons — and it’s lazy.

To be clear it’s lazy because it doesn’t have to be very reactive. It replaces gameplay with planning and foreknowledge.

The developers are pretty clearly trying to make that lazy style of play unattractive.

I don’t want to be an ego stabber, but the ‘zerker meta’ is received wisdom of the ‘best way to play’. Being functional in it isn’t a good source of pride.


And honestly both pvp modes are case-in-point. When the AI-exploiting tactics aren’t reliable, berker gear and builds suffer heavily. You can’t be lazy there because players are better at reacting to and exploiting your patterns, and most of them aren’t going to run aroundt he corner into los and stand in your melee and AE’s.

stacking isn’t even an optimal strat 99% of the time, only pugs do it now. Also, stacking and zerk are two different things, you can stack in full nomad gear and achieve the same result, it just takes longer. Not only that, stacking doesn’t automatically make you immune to damage so again you have to time your defences unlike any other build.

PvE is all about planning and foreknowledge, thats the only “skill” to have regardless of builds. Only pvp can reactionary skill be a thing, and even then most popular pvp games, knowledge and planning still plays a huge part in how well things go.

PvE can have reaction elements, it just takes careful design, and it takes really tight behavior patterns… if players find a hole in the pattern they’ll use it (as dungeon runs show).

In all honesty I think people still ask for zerker only (ie the ‘meta’ still exists, even as a terrible misuse of the word) because they’re all telling each other it’s the only way to go and they thing insignificant differences are significant. As I’ve said, I’m fine with that (if a little judgemental). I’ve been playing MMO’s long enough to know that people that sweat that stuff can be pretty kitten unpleasant to play with so it’s a handy filter.

The OP is wrong in that Arenanet doesn’t need to fix the berzerker meta, and probably can’t, because it’s largely a contsruct… and people will just replace this construct with another one if this one becomes actively detrimental.

They can encourage active play, which they’re doing, and they can fix clear balance issues, as they did with +Crit%, but they can’t stop people from focusing on largely meaningless tuning (and they probably don’t want to, it drives the economy in a number of ways).

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jana.6831


They can encourage active play, which they’re doing, and they can fix clear balance issues, as they did with +Crit%,[…]

Did they really fix balancing issues? My condi Engi still gets no credit at world boss events and in WvW condi is now “op”, so how did this nerf fix anything? Genuine question.

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lévis.5489


You want to change it for what?

Conditions are garbage in pve due to the fact that players does not get personal condition stacks, due to server cost.
PVT is almost useless against most lvl 80 bosses,
Healing Power is garbage in pve,

That leave us with killing the fastest way possible.

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Doctor Faustus.6372

Doctor Faustus.6372

“soloing a dungeon in soldiers takes more skill“ – Are you serious ?
Have you ever soloed a dungeon, have you ever compared berserker to soldiers !? I don’t know what you see as skilled but being able to facetank more hits isn’t skill for me.

Honestly, this one is a candidate for the statement of the year!

Do it and tell me if it is even possible to solo a dungeon in soldier’s.

You can solo in pretty much any gear as long as the bosses don’t have too high regeneration or you don’t fail your evades.

Others have already answered you, I have “discussed” this in several posts. Not really sure what there is left to say.

I have never seen a dungeon solo run in tanky gear and would love to see it – I don’t buy that those doing it have no options to make videos of it. If you know any videos give me the link.

Those who manage to solo a dungeon in none zerker’s gear have more skills in my opinion – I have pointed out why, others have pointed out why. So, again, give me a link so I can be proven wrong.

Not a whole dungeon but shows very well how tankier gear trivialises the content.

Alright, but I still mean a whole dungeon, not just one part of it =) Thanks though.

Is like this video, just takes longer.
Do you think that dodging/evading takes less skill than simply dpsing ?
So giving up passive defense to do more dmg is less skilled ?
Also, do you think soloing in rabids (f.e.) takes also more skill than in berserker ?

Allow me a question; did you ever solo a dungeon?

I love how people just think that zerkers just autoattack in their solos. Get deeper in the materia and then we can continue discussing.

Have you ever soloed a dungeon or soloed a dungeon in soldiers?
You do’t seem to read what I write, here again: If you don’t dish out max damage you’ll likely get in troubles with your cooldown or with tiny mistakes or things you can’t avoid. So to me everybody who’s able to solo an entire dungeon in soldier’s is more skilled than someone who does that in zerker’s – just read the stuff I wrote, maybe you’ll get my poiint of view and where I’m coming from.
Btw: If soldier’s were easier there would be more soldier’s videos than zerkers and I always see zerker’s.

Okay. Are you stupid or ignorant or both?
I’ll try to explain:
People who can actually solo dungeons DO NOT USE soldier gear!
Everyone who can solo it with zerkergear can do it with soldier too – you just need longer. So why would you do that? explain.

also when soloing (bosses) you don’t use zerk gear cause of your cooldowns, you use it to be faster. the cooldown thing is only for trashmobs.
players who can dodge will use zerker gear. you don’t wanna face lupicus for 15mins if you can kill him in 5mins instead. if you can’t dodge his attacks you will die with nomads or soldiergear. if you can dodge you will survive with zerker gear.

[vC] Doctor Faustus.6372

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jana.6831


“soloing a dungeon in soldiers takes more skill“ – Are you serious ?
Have you ever soloed a dungeon, have you ever compared berserker to soldiers !? I don’t know what you see as skilled but being able to facetank more hits isn’t skill for me.

Honestly, this one is a candidate for the statement of the year!

Do it and tell me if it is even possible to solo a dungeon in soldier’s.

You can solo in pretty much any gear as long as the bosses don’t have too high regeneration or you don’t fail your evades.

Others have already answered you, I have “discussed” this in several posts. Not really sure what there is left to say.

I have never seen a dungeon solo run in tanky gear and would love to see it – I don’t buy that those doing it have no options to make videos of it. If you know any videos give me the link.

Those who manage to solo a dungeon in none zerker’s gear have more skills in my opinion – I have pointed out why, others have pointed out why. So, again, give me a link so I can be proven wrong.

Not a whole dungeon but shows very well how tankier gear trivialises the content.

Alright, but I still mean a whole dungeon, not just one part of it =) Thanks though.

Is like this video, just takes longer.
Do you think that dodging/evading takes less skill than simply dpsing ?
So giving up passive defense to do more dmg is less skilled ?
Also, do you think soloing in rabids (f.e.) takes also more skill than in berserker ?

Allow me a question; did you ever solo a dungeon?

I love how people just think that zerkers just autoattack in their solos. Get deeper in the materia and then we can continue discussing.

Have you ever soloed a dungeon or soloed a dungeon in soldiers?
You do’t seem to read what I write, here again: If you don’t dish out max damage you’ll likely get in troubles with your cooldown or with tiny mistakes or things you can’t avoid. So to me everybody who’s able to solo an entire dungeon in soldier’s is more skilled than someone who does that in zerker’s – just read the stuff I wrote, maybe you’ll get my poiint of view and where I’m coming from.
Btw: If soldier’s were easier there would be more soldier’s videos than zerkers and I always see zerker’s.

Okay. Are you stupid or ignorant or both?
I’ll try to explain:
People who can actually solo dungeons DO NOT USE soldier gear!
Everyone who can solo it with zerkergear can do it with soldier too – you just need longer. So why would you do that? explain.

also when soloing (bosses) you don’t use zerk gear cause of your cooldowns, you use it to be faster. the cooldown thing is only for trashmobs.
players who can dodge will use zerker gear. you don’t wanna face lupicus for 15mins if you can kill him in 5mins instead. if you can’t dodge his attacks you will die with nomads or soldiergear. if you can dodge you will survive with zerker gear.

What is the problem with you guys? I initially said that someone soloing “anything” in soldier’s has got more skill in my opinion maybe that’s because I main a thief and can’t survive if I don’t put everything into offense – I don’t really play warrior or guardian or even ranger. Nonetheless it’s my opinion and you’re free to “educate” me on that but what makes you tell me that I’m stupid?

Edit, and for everything else you just wrote: there are plenty of posts from me in this thread in which I explain why I have got that opinion. Just read them.

(edited by Jana.6831)

This "Meta" has to end

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Harper.4173


The core issue is that the “Berzerker Meta” is all about rejecting other gear combinations and styles, that’s why it generates so much annoyance.

It’s more about rejecting people who aren’t part of “the meta”.

Now – the real issue is – how do you get people to stop rejecting other people? You can’t.

It’s every player’s right to play the way they want and with whom they want. If that means rejecting people based on whatever criteria – be it gear, class, AP or even character race there’s nothing people can do about it except complain.

Which isn’t going to help.

Potato potahto, as you say itself, it’s about rejection.

The rejection is why people complain.

They only have a point insofar as the rejection is kind of pointless.


The weird thing is that you read this as if people are going to force you to run with them. You can always reject people if that’s what gives you jollies, even the most extreme requests in the thread (nerfing zerker and changing gear balance) still won’t force you to play in what you think is a suboptimal way.

Yes but you are missing the point.
It’s not rejecting certain types of gear but certain types of people. The core issue is rejection.

If zerker was changed the people being rejected right now because they’re not meta would still be rejected for being non-meta and not wanted .

You want to fix “the meta issue” and I’m trying to explain why you can’t. People will reject people they don’t like or don’t want to play with. You are not fixing the problem by changing the zerker meta.
You can’t fix this problem. No changes to the game or the meta will make me want to play with people that are slow, uninformed or not following the new meta.

At the moment zerker is fine – better skill better reward. There’s no reason to change it because honestly it won’t change a kitten thing for those being rejected by meta groups.

Being rejected by meta groups has everything to do with these people not trying to improve and make themselves desirable teammates with similar goals and means to achieve them.

If here they fall they shall live on when ever you cry “For Ascalon!”

(edited by Harper.4173)

This "Meta" has to end

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Harper.4173


zerker playstyle is lazy?… is this guy trolling or what?…either way i heard so many dumb things in thread, like how soloing dungeon in pvt is harder than zerk etc so i probably shouldn’t be too surprised to hear such nonsense, reading the replies from these “anti zerk” people is gonna give me ebola at some point.

Dungeon meta zerker stacking is lazy as kitten. In a way that’s fine, one of the ways players optimize is by making it as simple and low-risk as possible, but let’s not fool ourselves here.

The ‘zerker meta’ exists because it became clear that using the various tools it became very easy and low-error rate to stack abilities and burn, especially when the damage rate was much much higher. Regardless of builds, doing a proper stack is still the safest way to do most dungeon content, and it’s done in almost all dungeons — and it’s lazy.

To be clear it’s lazy because it doesn’t have to be very reactive. It replaces gameplay with planning and foreknowledge.

The developers are pretty clearly trying to make that lazy style of play unattractive.

I don’t want to be an ego stabber, but the ‘zerker meta’ is received wisdom of the ‘best way to play’. Being functional in it isn’t a good source of pride.


And honestly both pvp modes are case-in-point. When the AI-exploiting tactics aren’t reliable, berker gear and builds suffer heavily. You can’t be lazy there because players are better at reacting to and exploiting your patterns, and most of them aren’t going to run aroundt he corner into los and stand in your melee and AE’s.

I bolded the critical part.

This game has been out 2+ years. We’ve had the same dungeon content for 2+ years. Personally I’ve done hundreds if not thousands of dungeon runs of various paths. You can’t take that away. It’s know-how and experience that allow me to breeze through the content because I could probably tell you every detail from let’s say COF P1 30 seconds after waking up at 3 o’clock in the morning.

Dungeons are “lazy” because we’ve had 2 years to do them.

Dungeons at start were a challenge because :

1)People didn’t have level 80.
2)People didn’t have exotic or better gear
3)People didn’t know how to play their class properly
4)People didn’t know what the best trait combos on each class were
5)People didn’t know boss attack patterns and engagement by heart.

All that has changed – so dungeons are easy for veterans but what about the new players?

If you increase dungeon difficulty to a point where it negates those 5 aspects above that are now turned in favor of the players what happens to new players trying a dungeon for the first time?

The content is still a challenge. Just not to those who’ve run it over and over endlessly.

If here they fall they shall live on when ever you cry “For Ascalon!”

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zera Allimatti.2541

Zera Allimatti.2541

What the hell is a meta? Seriously, what is it, and why are people so worked up about it? Why should I, or any of you for that matter, care what it is? reads some stuff

Really…. really? THIS is what people are getting worked up about? Not the bugs or various other issues that actually affect playability and enjoyment? This ‘meta’ issue is so easily circumvented that it’s not even funny.

What’s next, complaining that level 80 is too low a level? That the game needs a dedicated healing class? That the Asura should make a portal to Azeroth and Telara? That we need quick-sniping? Oh, I know! How about a game based on a movie based on a game based on a movie about how much Skritt love shinies (directed by Uwe Boll)?

This post makes no sense, and it still makes more sense than why people get worked up over this ‘meta’ bullkitten.

Give us more GW 1 weapon and armor skins, please. COPY/PASTE ALREADY!!!!

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Enaretos.8079


Hey guys, seems like this thread hasn’t died yet, time to add some more stuff to it yay

Explanations be explanations :

- viable build in GW2 = gear + traits + utilities that can be used to complete some content. As such, 5 condinecros are viable as you can clear the content with them. A character 7 levels under mob level isn’t viable as all hits are misses or glancing. Plus the huge agro range and the fact that you’re one shot by everything.

- the meta = best way of clearing some content. While best can be left at each individual’s appreciation, the consensus while playing a game is that time is of the essence. Best way thus tends to imply fastest way. Berserker gear +damage oriented yet containing support traits + utilities chosen to meet the party’s needs fit said description.

Krep bumping please, I’m bored.

Snow Crows member since January 2014
My Twitch

This "Meta" has to end

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Doctor Faustus.6372

Doctor Faustus.6372

“soloing a dungeon in soldiers takes more skill“ – Are you serious ?
Have you ever soloed a dungeon, have you ever compared berserker to soldiers !? I don’t know what you see as skilled but being able to facetank more hits isn’t skill for me.

Honestly, this one is a candidate for the statement of the year!

Do it and tell me if it is even possible to solo a dungeon in soldier’s.

You can solo in pretty much any gear as long as the bosses don’t have too high regeneration or you don’t fail your evades.

Others have already answered you, I have “discussed” this in several posts. Not really sure what there is left to say.

I have never seen a dungeon solo run in tanky gear and would love to see it – I don’t buy that those doing it have no options to make videos of it. If you know any videos give me the link.

Those who manage to solo a dungeon in none zerker’s gear have more skills in my opinion – I have pointed out why, others have pointed out why. So, again, give me a link so I can be proven wrong.

Not a whole dungeon but shows very well how tankier gear trivialises the content.

Alright, but I still mean a whole dungeon, not just one part of it =) Thanks though.

Is like this video, just takes longer.
Do you think that dodging/evading takes less skill than simply dpsing ?
So giving up passive defense to do more dmg is less skilled ?
Also, do you think soloing in rabids (f.e.) takes also more skill than in berserker ?

Allow me a question; did you ever solo a dungeon?

I love how people just think that zerkers just autoattack in their solos. Get deeper in the materia and then we can continue discussing.

Have you ever soloed a dungeon or soloed a dungeon in soldiers?
You do’t seem to read what I write, here again: If you don’t dish out max damage you’ll likely get in troubles with your cooldown or with tiny mistakes or things you can’t avoid. So to me everybody who’s able to solo an entire dungeon in soldier’s is more skilled than someone who does that in zerker’s – just read the stuff I wrote, maybe you’ll get my poiint of view and where I’m coming from.
Btw: If soldier’s were easier there would be more soldier’s videos than zerkers and I always see zerker’s.

Okay. Are you stupid or ignorant or both?
I’ll try to explain:
People who can actually solo dungeons DO NOT USE soldier gear!
Everyone who can solo it with zerkergear can do it with soldier too – you just need longer. So why would you do that? explain.

also when soloing (bosses) you don’t use zerk gear cause of your cooldowns, you use it to be faster. the cooldown thing is only for trashmobs.
players who can dodge will use zerker gear. you don’t wanna face lupicus for 15mins if you can kill him in 5mins instead. if you can’t dodge his attacks you will die with nomads or soldiergear. if you can dodge you will survive with zerker gear.

What is the problem with you guys? I initially said that someone soloing “anything” in soldier’s has got more skill in my opinion maybe that’s because I main a thief and can’t survive if I don’t put everything into offense – I don’t really play warrior or guardian or even ranger. Nonetheless it’s my opinion and you’re free to “educate” me on that but what makes you tell me that I’m stupid?

Edit, and for everything else you just wrote: there are plenty of posts from me in this thread in which I explain why I have got that opinion. Just read them.

so what?
you say you don’t put everything into offense cause you cannot survive it?
you think you are more skilled when useing soldiers and surviving than a thief who uses zerk, is two times faster than you and can still survive while also being faster?!
that has nothing to do with any opinion. it’s a fact that you need more skill when useing zerk gear.
basically you say you’re a noob cause you need that tanky gear to survive. you still think you are more skilled than a player who uses zerk gear who is two times faster AND able to survive. think about that pls. only 1min

[vC] Doctor Faustus.6372

This "Meta" has to end

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: STRanger.5120


Zerker meta is caused by one and only thing, absence of essential “roles” in PvE, aka trinity or similar system.
So until the game gets total overhaul, there will be zerker meta. Anet is clearly ok with that, so there’s no way to change that.

tl,dr: take it or leave it.

Please see my post a few posts above wherein I show how wrong this is.

Please accept that not everyone have to share your opinion.
The post above is about your opinion (it’s definitely good to have one, nothing against that), but the truth is that everything PvE related is about DPS and nothing else. So that’s what created zerker meta and that’s the reason why it’s still there.
This is my opinion, you’re free to have your own of course.

However, the game is built that way, especially in the dungeon scenario, where most of the dangerous “mechanics” can be skipped/glitched/avoided, therefore are not existant for speedrunners and is possible to run those in full zerker gear because of this.

#ELEtism 4ever

This "Meta" has to end

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jana.6831


“soloing a dungeon in soldiers takes more skill“ – Are you serious ?
Have you ever soloed a dungeon, have you ever compared berserker to soldiers !? I don’t know what you see as skilled but being able to facetank more hits isn’t skill for me.

Honestly, this one is a candidate for the statement of the year!

Do it and tell me if it is even possible to solo a dungeon in soldier’s.

You can solo in pretty much any gear as long as the bosses don’t have too high regeneration or you don’t fail your evades.

Others have already answered you, I have “discussed” this in several posts. Not really sure what there is left to say.

I have never seen a dungeon solo run in tanky gear and would love to see it – I don’t buy that those doing it have no options to make videos of it. If you know any videos give me the link.

Those who manage to solo a dungeon in none zerker’s gear have more skills in my opinion – I have pointed out why, others have pointed out why. So, again, give me a link so I can be proven wrong.

Not a whole dungeon but shows very well how tankier gear trivialises the content.

Alright, but I still mean a whole dungeon, not just one part of it =) Thanks though.

Is like this video, just takes longer.
Do you think that dodging/evading takes less skill than simply dpsing ?
So giving up passive defense to do more dmg is less skilled ?
Also, do you think soloing in rabids (f.e.) takes also more skill than in berserker ?

Allow me a question; did you ever solo a dungeon?

I love how people just think that zerkers just autoattack in their solos. Get deeper in the materia and then we can continue discussing.

Have you ever soloed a dungeon or soloed a dungeon in soldiers?
You do’t seem to read what I write, here again: If you don’t dish out max damage you’ll likely get in troubles with your cooldown or with tiny mistakes or things you can’t avoid. So to me everybody who’s able to solo an entire dungeon in soldier’s is more skilled than someone who does that in zerker’s – just read the stuff I wrote, maybe you’ll get my poiint of view and where I’m coming from.
Btw: If soldier’s were easier there would be more soldier’s videos than zerkers and I always see zerker’s.

Okay. Are you stupid or ignorant or both?
I’ll try to explain:
People who can actually solo dungeons DO NOT USE soldier gear!
Everyone who can solo it with zerkergear can do it with soldier too – you just need longer. So why would you do that? explain.

also when soloing (bosses) you don’t use zerk gear cause of your cooldowns, you use it to be faster. the cooldown thing is only for trashmobs.
players who can dodge will use zerker gear. you don’t wanna face lupicus for 15mins if you can kill him in 5mins instead. if you can’t dodge his attacks you will die with nomads or soldiergear. if you can dodge you will survive with zerker gear.

What is the problem with you guys? I initially said that someone soloing “anything” in soldier’s has got more skill in my opinion maybe that’s because I main a thief and can’t survive if I don’t put everything into offense – I don’t really play warrior or guardian or even ranger. Nonetheless it’s my opinion and you’re free to “educate” me on that but what makes you tell me that I’m stupid?

Edit, and for everything else you just wrote: there are plenty of posts from me in this thread in which I explain why I have got that opinion. Just read them.

so what?
you say you don’t put everything into offense cause you cannot survive it?
you think you are more skilled when useing soldiers and surviving than a thief who uses zerk, is two times faster than you and can still survive while also being faster?!
that has nothing to do with any opinion. it’s a fact that you need more skill when useing zerk gear.
basically you say you’re a noob cause you need that tanky gear to survive. you still think you are more skilled than a player who uses zerk gear who is two times faster AND able to survive. think about that pls. only 1min

Yeah, right – play thief in soldiers and thief in zerkers and see the difference, then you’ll maybe get where I’m coming from.
I have no tanky gear, so how do I say that I’m a noob? Edit:[better edited this part – with that we’re done, I have no intention to talk to you any further, otherwise I will really be banned]
Edit²: grammar

(edited by Jana.6831)

This "Meta" has to end

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hume.2876


Soldiers is tanking – two defensive stats. For a thief Zerker gear is the meta. It’s hard but zerkers tend to be the best players. You have to be.

This "Meta" has to end

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: petyr baelish.9675

petyr baelish.9675

“soloing a dungeon in soldiers takes more skill“ – Are you serious ?
Have you ever soloed a dungeon, have you ever compared berserker to soldiers !? I don’t know what you see as skilled but being able to facetank more hits isn’t skill for me.

Honestly, this one is a candidate for the statement of the year!

Do it and tell me if it is even possible to solo a dungeon in soldier’s.

You can solo in pretty much any gear as long as the bosses don’t have too high regeneration or you don’t fail your evades.

Others have already answered you, I have “discussed” this in several posts. Not really sure what there is left to say.

I have never seen a dungeon solo run in tanky gear and would love to see it – I don’t buy that those doing it have no options to make videos of it. If you know any videos give me the link.

Those who manage to solo a dungeon in none zerker’s gear have more skills in my opinion – I have pointed out why, others have pointed out why. So, again, give me a link so I can be proven wrong.

Not a whole dungeon but shows very well how tankier gear trivialises the content.

Alright, but I still mean a whole dungeon, not just one part of it =) Thanks though.

Is like this video, just takes longer.
Do you think that dodging/evading takes less skill than simply dpsing ?
So giving up passive defense to do more dmg is less skilled ?
Also, do you think soloing in rabids (f.e.) takes also more skill than in berserker ?

Allow me a question; did you ever solo a dungeon?

I love how people just think that zerkers just autoattack in their solos. Get deeper in the materia and then we can continue discussing.

Have you ever soloed a dungeon or soloed a dungeon in soldiers?
You do’t seem to read what I write, here again: If you don’t dish out max damage you’ll likely get in troubles with your cooldown or with tiny mistakes or things you can’t avoid. So to me everybody who’s able to solo an entire dungeon in soldier’s is more skilled than someone who does that in zerker’s – just read the stuff I wrote, maybe you’ll get my poiint of view and where I’m coming from.
Btw: If soldier’s were easier there would be more soldier’s videos than zerkers and I always see zerker’s.

Okay. Are you stupid or ignorant or both?
I’ll try to explain:
People who can actually solo dungeons DO NOT USE soldier gear!
Everyone who can solo it with zerkergear can do it with soldier too – you just need longer. So why would you do that? explain.

also when soloing (bosses) you don’t use zerk gear cause of your cooldowns, you use it to be faster. the cooldown thing is only for trashmobs.
players who can dodge will use zerker gear. you don’t wanna face lupicus for 15mins if you can kill him in 5mins instead. if you can’t dodge his attacks you will die with nomads or soldiergear. if you can dodge you will survive with zerker gear.

What is the problem with you guys? I initially said that someone soloing “anything” in soldier’s has got more skill in my opinion maybe that’s because I main a thief and can’t survive if I don’t put everything into offense – I don’t really play warrior or guardian or even ranger. Nonetheless it’s my opinion and you’re free to “educate” me on that but what makes you tell me that I’m stupid?

Edit, and for everything else you just wrote: there are plenty of posts from me in this thread in which I explain why I have got that opinion. Just read them.

Your opinion is wrong. The lupi solo posted in this thread shows how forgiving passive defense stats are and how faceroll the game gets when you use them.

This goes for every class btw, even for thief.

This "Meta" has to end

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: maddoctor.2738


Your opinion is wrong. The lupi solo posted in this thread shows how forgiving passive defense stats are and how faceroll the game gets when you use them.

This goes for every class btw, even for thief.

I know Guardian/Elementalist/Warrior/Engineer and maybe even Ranger and Necromancer can do a similar job as in that video, but can a Thief/Mesmer really get that high level of sustain even with maximum healing gear? I’m just curious here

This "Meta" has to end

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jana.6831


Soldiers is tanking – two defensive stats. For a thief Zerker gear is the meta. It’s hard but zerkers tend to be the best players. You have to be.

I have been soldiers before april and haven’t been able to do what I was used to do in that gear after the crit nerf: Scouting, roaming and running with the zerg. I haven’t been the best in 1v1 because of that setup (and probably skills) but I wasn’t dead within a second, after the nerf I was. And wasn’t able to run with the zerg anymore. When I went valk/zerkers I could do 1v1 again. And no soldier’s thief has survived me in my current setup. So to me soldier’s thief is harder than valk/zerkers.

This "Meta" has to end

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hume.2876


Jana – Zerker meta is about PvE. There is no Zerker meta in WvW or PvP. <g>

This "Meta" has to end

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Doctor Faustus.6372

Doctor Faustus.6372

Soldiers is tanking – two defensive stats. For a thief Zerker gear is the meta. It’s hard but zerkers tend to be the best players. You have to be.

I have been soldiers before april and haven’t been able to do what I was used to do in that gear after the crit nerf: Scouting, roaming and running with the zerg. I haven’t been the best in 1v1 because of that setup (and probably skills) but I wasn’t dead within a second, after the nerf I was. And wasn’t able to run with the zerg anymore. When I went valk/zerkers I could do 1v1 again. And no soldier’s thief has survived me in my current setup. So to me soldier’s thief is harder than valk/zerkers.

What you are talking about now is WvW / PvP which has nothing to do with PvE.
Zerkgear is not always the best in WvW / PvP. For PvE zerkgear is the best – on every class. you can run conditiondamage-gear on some classes in some situations.

But: you don’t need vitality or toughness. there is nothing to discuss about that. if you can dodge you just don’t need it.

By the way: Thief has access to nearly endless dodges – if you manage to time them correctly you won’t get hit one single time cause PvE bosses can’t attack fast enough that you run out of dodges.

[vC] Doctor Faustus.6372

This "Meta" has to end

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jana.6831


Jana – Zerker meta is about PvE. There is no Zerker meta in WvW or PvP. <g>

Guess what, I also do pve and the rules apply to both of them, only pvp has got different rules.

Edit: and if you followed my posts closely (you didn’t have to) I solo towers in wvw, so fight npcs and again can have problems with my cooldowns.

This "Meta" has to end

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Doctor Faustus.6372

Doctor Faustus.6372

Jana – Zerker meta is about PvE. There is no Zerker meta in WvW or PvP. <g>

Guess what, I also do pve and the rules apply to both of them, only pvp has got different rules.

please introduce us to the new wvw-zerker-meta. i don’t know to many wvw-players that go full zerk with builds like 6 6 0 0 2 or something.

[vC] Doctor Faustus.6372

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: spoj.9672


Maybe thats because you are trying to burst them rather than playing how you are built?

If you are using a strategy which relies on bursting then you are obviously going to fail when not using high damage gear. But that doesnt mean its harder. It just means you should stop being stupid and play with a different strategy and one which works with your gear and build. Duh :P

But considering you are talking about thief. Spam pistol whip and blind powder and you should never have a problem no matter the gear.

(edited by spoj.9672)

This "Meta" has to end

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jana.6831


Good idea, tell me how to play thief without burst and tell me how to kill a npc quickly enough so they won’t reset without bursts.

Edit: Maybe all of you should play some wvw to learn more about damage and survival =)
I mean that btw: Maybe I’m really wrong in this thread because you can’t get where I’m coming from.

(edited by Jana.6831)

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: spoj.9672


Lol ok.

This "Meta" has to end

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: spoj.9672


I think you are misunderstanding something.

Should a strategy for a certain build type work for all build types? No.

Does having less passive defence make it harder to survive? Yes.

Does having less damage make it harder to succeed when using a strategy that relies on damage? Yes.

Does having more passive defence make it easier assuming you use a suitable strategy? Yes.

This "Meta" has to end

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: dlonie.6547


lol how is this thread still a thing? 10 pages of informed, productive discussion right here.

This "Meta" has to end

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TPMN.1483


Zerker meta is caused by one and only thing, absence of essential “roles” in PvE, aka trinity or similar system.
So until the game gets total overhaul, there will be zerker meta. Anet is clearly ok with that, so there’s no way to change that.

tl,dr: take it or leave it.

Please see my post a few posts above wherein I show how wrong this is.

Please accept that not everyone have to share your opinion.
The post above is about your opinion (it’s definitely good to have one, nothing against that), but the truth is that everything PvE related is about DPS and nothing else. So that’s what created zerker meta and that’s the reason why it’s still there.
This is my opinion, you’re free to have your own of course.

However, the game is built that way, especially in the dungeon scenario, where most of the dangerous “mechanics” can be skipped/glitched/avoided, therefore are not existant for speedrunners and is possible to run those in full zerker gear because of this.

No ‘mechanics’ are skipped – we actively ‘defend’ against them. You just dont notice the videos where we use control skills to prevent these from happening.

Yes – we’re in zerker gear and the mechanics are not non-existant.

It is posts like this which show how uninformed individuals really are and unfortunatly seem to generate ‘hate’ towards those who are playing the game as designed.
The game was designed for ‘berserker’ to always be the best gear relying on ‘active’ defenses.

If you want to Role Play or ‘passive’ defense instead thats down to you – but this is not how the game is designed. The game design was quite clearly stated at release.

I am happy to play the game as designed by the developers rather than insist it becomes a different game with a holy trinity (like every other MMO out there – which most people are familiar with). The problems of moving away from a holy trinity MMO is a complete mind-set change on how to play.

Please go play a different game if you want a holy trinity or traditional MMO with elves, death necros, fairys, vampires and such like.

I can even recommend a few for you !

[MYTH] The Mythical Dragons -PvX

This "Meta" has to end

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tao.5096


Good idea, tell me how to play thief without burst and tell me how to kill a npc quickly enough so they won’t reset without bursts.

Edit: Maybe all of you should play some wvw to learn more about damage and survival =)

What does wvw have to do with pve?

I mean that btw: Maybe I’m really wrong in this thread because you can’t get where I’m coming from.


Did I ever tell you, the definition, of Insanity?

This "Meta" has to end

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: STRanger.5120


Zerker meta is caused by one and only thing, absence of essential “roles” in PvE, aka trinity or similar system.
So until the game gets total overhaul, there will be zerker meta. Anet is clearly ok with that, so there’s no way to change that.

tl,dr: take it or leave it.

Please see my post a few posts above wherein I show how wrong this is.

Please accept that not everyone have to share your opinion.
The post above is about your opinion (it’s definitely good to have one, nothing against that), but the truth is that everything PvE related is about DPS and nothing else. So that’s what created zerker meta and that’s the reason why it’s still there.
This is my opinion, you’re free to have your own of course.

However, the game is built that way, especially in the dungeon scenario, where most of the dangerous “mechanics” can be skipped/glitched/avoided, therefore are not existant for speedrunners and is possible to run those in full zerker gear because of this.

No ‘mechanics’ are skipped – we actively ‘defend’ against them. You just dont notice the videos where we use control skills to prevent these from happening.

Please go play a different game if you want a holy trinity or traditional MMO with elves, death necros, fairys, vampires and such like.

I can even recommend a few for you !

Tell this to the trap floor in CM, where a shadowstep/another kind of teleport through the ceiling from the floor under it skips it, will ya? Or the last boss in the same dungeon (don’t know the path now), where it’s often intentionally bugged into a rock, so he can’t reach players outside of his AOE attacks which are easily dodgable….

Also, I neither look for another MMO, nor want a trinity system here, I just would like to see working PvE, not skip/glitch fest like it’s now…

#ELEtism 4ever

This "Meta" has to end

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: spoj.9672


Apparently the use of a few glitches and bugs in pugs means the entire meta is only dps.


(edited by spoj.9672)

This "Meta" has to end

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TPMN.1483


Zerker meta is caused by one and only thing, absence of essential “roles” in PvE, aka trinity or similar system.
So until the game gets total overhaul, there will be zerker meta. Anet is clearly ok with that, so there’s no way to change that.

tl,dr: take it or leave it.

Please see my post a few posts above wherein I show how wrong this is.

Please accept that not everyone have to share your opinion.
The post above is about your opinion (it’s definitely good to have one, nothing against that), but the truth is that everything PvE related is about DPS and nothing else. So that’s what created zerker meta and that’s the reason why it’s still there.
This is my opinion, you’re free to have your own of course.

However, the game is built that way, especially in the dungeon scenario, where most of the dangerous “mechanics” can be skipped/glitched/avoided, therefore are not existant for speedrunners and is possible to run those in full zerker gear because of this.

No ‘mechanics’ are skipped – we actively ‘defend’ against them. You just dont notice the videos where we use control skills to prevent these from happening.

Please go play a different game if you want a holy trinity or traditional MMO with elves, death necros, fairys, vampires and such like.

I can even recommend a few for you !

Tell this to the trap floor in CM, where a shadowstep/another kind of teleport through the ceiling from the floor under it skips it, will ya? Or the last boss in the same dungeon (don’t know the path now), where it’s often intentionally bugged into a rock, so he can’t reach players outside of his AOE attacks which are easily dodgable….

Also, I neither look for another MMO, nor want a trinity system here, I just would like to see working PvE, not skip/glitch fest like it’s now…

Skipping mobs is a valid mechanic and part of meta play.
While I’m at it : " Stelth is a valid mechanic" and is encouraged to “skip” large portions of play.
Glitching is an exploit – let’s not discuss those here.

I understand these are probably your experiences – and this seems off topic to “meta” play tbh. Prehaps start a new thread?

We are talking about the “meta” and responding to the OP on the basis of “this meta has to end”

[MYTH] The Mythical Dragons -PvX

(edited by TPMN.1483)

This "Meta" has to end

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tao.5096


On serious note.
Zerk Meta?

CoE Subject Alpha w/o stacking behind a boxes, walls, corners, etc.

Did I ever tell you, the definition, of Insanity?

This "Meta" has to end

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TPMN.1483


Yup – we run zerk meta.

Taking alpha on his spawn spots. (no box stacking)

Just need more of a clued up team

[MYTH] The Mythical Dragons -PvX

This "Meta" has to end

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Enaretos.8079


On serious note.
Zerk Meta?

CoE Subject Alpha w/o stacking behind a boxes, walls, corners, etc.

Doing it exactly where he spawns everytime.

Try again

Snow Crows member since January 2014
My Twitch

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: fishball.7204


On serious note.
Zerk Meta?

CoE Subject Alpha w/o stacking behind a boxes, walls, corners, etc.

I pretty much never stack on Alpha in P1… that’s what noobs do lOl.

The other paths, depends if I feel like it but really it’s not remotely hard to do unstacked.


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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Artemis Thuras.8795

Artemis Thuras.8795

Stacking =/= hugging a wall.

Stacking = party in melee range.

you can of course be in melee range, against a wall.

Seems like this needed clarification at this point of the thread.

Co-Leader of The Mythical Dragons [MYTH],
Advocate of learning and being a useful party member.

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tao.5096


Point was that a heavy amount of majority does that.
As I understand that Environment given by developer is supposed to be used to your advantage, it still doesn’t change the fact that every boss in every path in every dungeon is done the same way – stack, might, lure, dps, next one → repeat.
And that should have been changed long time ago.

Did I ever tell you, the definition, of Insanity?

This "Meta" has to end

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sparks The Rescue.5043

Sparks The Rescue.5043

The core issue is that the “Berzerker Meta” is all about rejecting other gear combinations and styles, that’s why it generates so much annoyance.

It’s more about rejecting people who aren’t part of “the meta”.

Now – the real issue is – how do you get people to stop rejecting other people? You can’t.

It’s every player’s right to play the way they want and with whom they want. If that means rejecting people based on whatever criteria – be it gear, class, AP or even character race there’s nothing people can do about it except complain.

Which isn’t going to help.

Potato potahto, as you say itself, it’s about rejection.

The rejection is why people complain.

They only have a point insofar as the rejection is kind of pointless.


The weird thing is that you read this as if people are going to force you to run with them. You can always reject people if that’s what gives you jollies, even the most extreme requests in the thread (nerfing zerker and changing gear balance) still won’t force you to play in what you think is a suboptimal way.

Yes but you are missing the point.
It’s not rejecting certain types of gear but certain types of people. The core issue is rejection.

If zerker was changed the people being rejected right now because they’re not meta would still be rejected for being non-meta and not wanted .

You want to fix “the meta issue” and I’m trying to explain why you can’t. People will reject people they don’t like or don’t want to play with. You are not fixing the problem by changing the zerker meta.

I think both of you might be a bit logically confused. Rejection is merely the ;reaction to the problem, not the problem, in itself. By arguing that rejection is somehow the problem, it would logically follow that the natural course players should to take to fix the problem is adopt the mindset that we should all just play together regardless of armor type – which, I think that we can all agree, doesn’t fix the problem. It’s a facade over the problem, it gives us the illusion that we can all play together in a world without vote-kicks, but that doesn’t mean groups that have formed that have players in full berserker gear will not still be more efficient at clearing content than those that do not.

Obviously, the core issue is at how effective berserker is in clearing content over other offensive armor combinations. If conditions could deal relatively close damage per second to a full power, berserker build, then it would be allowed in meta groups – but it can’t. For content that is geared towards speed-clearing, the only thing that can generate the same damage per second close to berserker is assassins, and that’s what’s wrong with the current state of the game.

(edited by Sparks The Rescue.5043)

This "Meta" has to end

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Artemis Thuras.8795

Artemis Thuras.8795

Point was that a heavy amount of majority does that.
As I understand that Environment given by developer is supposed to be used to your advantage, it still doesn’t change the fact that every boss in every path in every dungeon is done the same way – stack, might, lure, dps, next one -> repeat.
And that should have been changed long time ago.

Typical view of someone who has either:

1) never been in a meta group
2) only been carried by others who are doing all the active mitigation for them.

You may see this post for greater detail:

Co-Leader of The Mythical Dragons [MYTH],
Advocate of learning and being a useful party member.

This "Meta" has to end

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Enaretos.8079


Point was that a heavy amount of majority does that.
As I understand that Environment given by developer is supposed to be used to your advantage, it still doesn’t change the fact that every boss in every path in every dungeon is done the same way – stack, might, lure, dps, next one -> repeat.
And that should have been changed long time ago.

Bad players will range in random gear with PHIW builds.
Average player will attempt to use meta builds and will LoS, etc… as it’s easier.
Good players are extremely bored atm and will either :
- devise new tactics
- yolo the encounter
- low-man their dungeon tour

Snow Crows member since January 2014
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