This game needs more stuns and knockbacks.
“Stability is a boon that protects against control effects, including those that would otherwise interrupt, prevent movement and dodging, and disable use of most skills. Unlike a stun breaker, it does not remove effects that are already in place, although many skills granting stability will also remove stuns. Stability stacks in duration up to 3 times.”
I have to agree with Astral. It’s a L2P issue. You can’t have the same skills line up for every different thing you do in game. Sometimes, you have to change them, to suit the situation. If you’re going into the labyrinth, change your traits so that you have stability and condi cleanses. As much as possible of both.
To be fair, Stability is fairly short-lived and doesn’t prevent immobilization, which is what tends to get people more than the pull.
Edit: then again I’m only thinking about the run to join up with the commander from the western spawn point.
I have just now horrible connection, huge lag due to connection, yet I don’t see your issue. Run dodge put up stability and get to a group of players as quickly as possible.
Or just take your time, kill those mobs, which aren’t that powerful and get to the train a minute or two later.
William S. Burroughs
Not to mention, if you’re talking about the labyrinth, those mobs are meant to be hard if you run around alone. That’s why there are farmtrains instead of all people running around alone.
Not my issue, I’m just pointing out that Stability alone isn’t enough. You’ll need stealth, stun breakers, and/or condi cleanses (extra annoying when they slap bleed on top of the immob, so you have to cleanse twice or have a cleanse that removes multiple conditions) depending on what kind of mobs you’re running through.
“Stability is a boon that protects against control effects, including those that would otherwise interrupt, prevent movement and dodging, and disable use of most skills. Unlike a stun breaker, it does not remove effects that are already in place, although many skills granting stability will also remove stuns. Stability stacks in duration up to 3 times.”
WOW!!!! I have never heard of this “stability” thing you mention. I bet it has no cooldown timer?
Not my issue, I’m just pointing out that Stability alone isn’t enough. You’ll need stealth, stun breakers, and/or condi cleanses (extra annoying when they slap bleed on top of the immob, so you have to cleanse twice or have a cleanse that removes multiple conditions) depending on what kind of mobs you’re running through.
.. and that is my point, thank you
It is not that I don’t know how to play the game or not strong enough to fight the mobs, as others suggest; it is the annoyance factor of certain mechanics, and to have a dungeon that is basically all stun/knockback all the time is, well, annoying to say the least
(edited by Zroh.3712)
“Stability is a boon that protects against control effects, including those that would otherwise interrupt, prevent movement and dodging, and disable use of most skills. Unlike a stun breaker, it does not remove effects that are already in place, although many skills granting stability will also remove stuns. Stability stacks in duration up to 3 times.”
WOW!!!! I have never heard of this “stability” thing you mention. I bet it has no cooldown timer?
I’ve run through that area every day to get to the train. It’s mildly annoying if you rush it and aggro several mobs at once. It’s not as bad as your making it out to be.
just use your super tanky and stable earth mage elementalist
>_> you’ll be fine
I think you also mean we need more encounters with 1 hit auto-down states. Yes, can’t get enough of that.
I would also suggest adding more wine. Nothing goes better with cheese.
Guys, the game is too hard. Lets make it easier.
Is it already not enough that any player with half-decent gear and skill can run around in the open world for an entire day with zero threat to themselves?
Let’s just remove all skills, players and mobs just get an autoattack!
I’m usually really sweet… but this an internet forum and you know how it has to be.
/i’m a lesbiab… lesbiam… less bien… GIRLS/
Summary of thread so far:
OP makes a sarcastic post about the number of stuns and knockbacks that mobs do and how annoying it is.
Posters come to the rescue pointing out that it’s a L2P issue and OP needs to get good.
Today I learned: Being annoyed is a skill issue. I have heard of anger management classes. Is there such a thing as annoyance classes? I guess I better go take some, so that I can get more skilled at not being annoyed.
Summary of thread so far:
OP makes a sarcastic post about the number of stuns and knockbacks that mobs do and how annoying it is.
Posters come to the rescue pointing out that it’s a L2P issue and OP needs to get good.
Today I learned: Being annoyed is a skill issue. I have heard of anger management classes. Is there such a thing as annoyance classes? I guess I better go take some, so that I can get more skilled at not being annoyed.
I will say this quite clearly in a way that is easy to understand…
They are trying to kill you.
If you don’t want to be annoyed, don’t play games. Because the goal of enemies in every game is to make sure that you die and cannot continue, at least not without some amount of rage and frustration if you can’t stay level-headed.
OP reminds me of those kids who throw Nintendo controllers at the TV.
I’m usually really sweet… but this an internet forum and you know how it has to be.
/i’m a lesbiab… lesbiam… less bien… GIRLS/
I will say this quite clearly in a way that is easy to understand…
They are trying to kill you.If you don’t want to be annoyed, don’t play games. Because the goal of enemies in every game is to make sure that you die and cannot continue, at least not without some amount of rage and frustration if you can’t stay level-headed.
Oh man! Revelation! I think I’m having a moment here… all this time I thought they were trying to invite me over for tea. It all makes sense now.
Today I learned #2: Games are supposed to annoy you.
Wow, I’m learning so much today.
It’s not even a L2p issue. It’s a L2Z issue- Learn to zerg.
No mobs will cc you if they’re too busy dying and giving you loot.
A labirynth of a mad deity. In theory, supposed to make you go mad. U mad bro. Seems legit.
William S. Burroughs
I think you also mean we need more encounters with 1 hit auto-down states. Yes, can’t get enough of that.
I would also suggest adding more wine. Nothing goes better with cheese.
10/10 agree
See I like this mobs for this reason, the mobs in the Lab are far more interesting to fight than most mobs and are still easy to handle. They’re far better than the boring loot pinatas the rest of the game is filled with.
See I like this mobs for this reason, the mobs in the Lab are far more interesting to fight than most mobs and are still easy to handle. They’re far better than the boring loot pinatas the rest of the game is filled with.
Exactly. In times when 90% of the world has been nerfed to the ground (hello, trait changes) and the CS Megalodon gets stripped of its only defence against zerg, one welcomes anything that is even slightly more difficult.
William S. Burroughs
I admit I didn’t get the sarcasm in the OP.
Anyway, I found the labyrinth really hard last year and completely easy this year. After doing it for a while I went back to cap a camp in wvw and wondered if anet has stealth buffed the npcs – I guess they haven’t.
Anyway, since I can also give some good advise : You mean the “flat on the back” of the candy corn champ? That’s easy to avoid: To be invulnerable against his flying candy corn you have to stand in the glittering candy stuff, from that you get stacks (you can see them) if you have 9 stacks and don’t move immediately out of the ooze, you will have a sugar rush and are immobilzed. So what I do is to wait until about 7 stacks, move out of it, move back or not, and am fine as I’m invulnerable to flying stuff as long as I have the initial stack and also fine as long as I don’t have 9+ stacks of sugar. But even then I’m invulnerable, it’s worse to not have been in the ooze at all.
Sarcasm aside, where some of you see difficult, I just see “obnoxiously designed.” With an ability like stability that can neutralize 90% of CC, it doesn’t exactly require great skill to handle these sort of mobs. It just requires having and using stability…
I guess I don’t understand how “make sure you have and use one type of ability as often as possible” equates to “challenging/difficult gameplay.”
I mean, how starved for challenge do we have to be to just shrug and welcome something so basic? I have to wonder if some of you have been playing GW2 for so long that you’ve forgotten what complex MMO combat looks like.
And I don’t mean that as a slight to the people who do crazy stuff like solo dungeon bosses or whatever it is. It’s just in principle, GW2 combat is incredibly straightforward. The combo system certainly has potential, but it’s not remotely integral to most short battle scenarios and its usefulness is mostly found in one or two combos (I’m looking at you might stacking).
This is an old event and know what? I like it better than most of the stuff which has been introduced afterwards as people don’t yell at others to only play a certain way which has become the usual tone and which is why I usually don’t do these events anymore.
Edit: spelling and grammar
There is ways to design fights to be engaging and interesting and ask more of the player than spamming “1”…. without constant knockbacks.
The Marionette proved that.
This is not about difficulty – stacking on the commander and spamming 1 is easier than fighting the fights as they were actually designed to be fought (example, Candycorn Viscount).
I’m with the OP on this one.
~ Whips ~ City Minigames ~ City Jumping Puzzles ~
I don’t think is a “L2P” issue only, is more a profession balance issue.
I, personally, need more than 15 seconds to grab a drink, so 30 would be perfect for me.